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Just another plain introduction thread. <3


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Alright, I guess I'll try to be active rather than being passive. As if I were a muted person that can't speak.

So, hello there, Reborn Community. Lamona's here to introduce myself with a lame introduction, which doesn't sounds right and doesn't matter too.

I'm from the Omega Community. If you ever known about a such community before, then yes, it's already dead.

Knowing no right path to follow after the countdown event until Tses introduced me about Reborn, I feel the urge to join in to make new friends (No, not Friendzoning.) and have fun with the community. Eh-heh, I think I'm a bit late to post this thread anyhow of your interest of clicking on those.

I got some interests on competitive battling, but when it comes to making teams, I can't seem to think about a good one and ended up to make a unbalanced team. With that, I prefer Random over the tiers available.

I like music, as long they are good to be heard. If they're not, then I would just avoid hearing it at all.

One of my hobby is writing random stuff and sprite making (And of course it's random too.), though that doesn't mean it would belong with the unnecessary off topic spam posts and well, most of my sprite making is incomplete due to the procrastinating mood of mine that I've been trying to get rid off but no luck of doing so. But it's worth a try if I were in the mood to do so.

Aside from what I mentioned above, I hope I can adapt with the surroundings and also contributing what's good for Reborn. That's all from me.

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Saw u on the server.

Well met Lamona.

Welcome to Reborn!

I'm in a hurry, so... Rules to the left, over the messenger thing. Check this if you're confused, and I don't need to tell you about the server. See you around the place place \o/

I like music, as long they are good to be heard.


Edited by Vinny
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Welcome to Reborn Lamona, you'll fit in just fine with everyone around here. I'd check the Onyx Trainer School forum if you want to share a team or want help to create a team considering you have an interest with online battling. Good luck! :)

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Welcome! With 3 fangame projects going on besides Reborn and a very prolific Creative Writing section, you are sure to find a lot of things that might catch your interest, and make many friends.

Also you seem to be alarmingly sane, this could be bad for my reputation of only sane person of Reborn... But getting involved in any conversation in which both Dobby and Az are present should do the trick. Well, enjoy your stay in our wonderful asylum community!

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Welcome! With 3 fangame projects going on besides Reborn and a very prolific Creative Writing section, you are sure to find a lot of things that might catch your interest, and make many friends.

Also you seem to be alarmingly sane, this could be bad for my reputation of only sane person of Reborn... But getting involved in any conversation in which both Dobby and Az are present should do the trick. Well, enjoy your stay in our wonderful asylum community!

I don't know whether to feel insulted or happy.....

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Welcome, we have a bin on the right where you can easily deposit whatever sanity you might have.

....hmm maybe I should introduce myself one of these days? naaahh

anywayz, I hope you enjoy your stay here and you will partake in our shared suffering/joy whenever a new episode turns up.

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I like music, as long they are good to be heard. If they're not, then I would just avoid hearing it at all.

holy crap, that's vague enough that anything could fill that niche. I'll give it a shot.

Anyway, welcome! Make sure to bring Tses back. He has cool avatars. Enjoy your time here!

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Aw, thank you for the warm welcome and anything you said guys. <3 (As long I'm sane enough.)

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