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E15's new obtainable mons


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Lapras (for real this time)


Togepi (HYPE)

Kingdra (Don't need to grind horsea for dragon scale now)

Sneasel (HYPE)

Shroomish (HYPE)

Turtwig (event :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]])


Frillish (HYPE)

Drilbur (HYPE)




Fennekin (HYPE)

Sableye and Raichu are apparently available in the wild now... wut?

That should be all. Correct me if I'm wrong


So far I only see that Mudkip may no longer have an event :[

And Gastly too... That was to be expected tho


Also apparently Feebas and Milotic...............WTF?

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Kinda curious why Drillbur was changed to a Limited Event.. but damn this whole list looks way too good to be true. I'm expecting the most tedious event for Larvesta and Axew, my lord. Or a trade where you have to trade in an axed mon for it.

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Hippo hyyyype, time to finally make a Sandstorm team!!! Sucks about Drilbur though :/

And it took 15 episode, but I can finally get what I've wanted to since I first saw the poisoned lake: SD Tentacruel!

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Why did you do that list if someone already did that before you?

Considering that he said in the other topic that he didn't see this one when he made it, I guess he didn't see this one when he made it.

Seriously, it's the 3rd post in that other topic you mentioned.

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ALRIGHT LET'S GET THIS STRAIGHT NOW! No more useless posting about "Hey someone did this before you." The topics were literally being made at the same time and you can't see someone else posting a new topic while posting a new topic. OML

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Wow...that list is insanely terrifying potential! I mean... Tentacruel, Starmie, Lapras, Togekiss, Kingdra, Weavile, Breloom, Hippowdon, Jellicent, Excadrill, Mandibuzz, Haxorus, AND Larvesta(starters as well, but well, they're starters)!

Dunno if I'll be changing my team, though an Excadrill, Breloom, or Mandibuzz would be awesome for a rotation spot. :D

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I posted this in the other thread:

Wasn't Azurill already a limited event? You had to trade a Growlithe for it, unless that doesn't count as a limited event. If limited event means strictly choosing between 2 possible Pokemon, I suspect that the player has to choose between Togepi and Azurill.

Edited by dondon151
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y was gastly kicked?

Maybe because you could use E13 to breed TM moves onto it, dunno. I've never even considered using Gengar after I saw its lvl up movepool. Don't like the idea of going to the older episdoe just to get it good moves.

I want Deino f_f

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Just a question, does Ame intend to let us catch all the mons? I mean, like for instance, now it's like we can only take Heracross or Pinsir, and the other's gone forever. Does Ame intend to let us get the other in some time in the distant future?

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