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E15's new obtainable mons


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Just a question, does Ame intend to let us catch all the mons? I mean, like for instance, now it's like we can only take Heracross or Pinsir, and the other's gone forever. Does Ame intend to let us get the other in some time in the distant future?

if i had to guess, either the second will become available in an event (like going back to the Aventurine Woods in E17 or something) or they'll just get moved to the wild for the future.

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Lapras (for real this time)


Togepi (HYPE)

Kingdra (Don't need to grind horsea for dragon scale now)

Sneasel (HYPE)

Shroomish (HYPE)

Turtwig (event :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]])


Frillish (HYPE)

Drilbur (HYPE)




Fennekin (HYPE)

Nice. Axew and Larvesta will be nice additions to my one-per-type pokémon roster.

And, four starters? OMG!

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I've never used a Larvesta before. Looking forward to being able to train up a Larvesta, Breloom, and a Togekiss.

EDIT: Oh, Lapras too.

The best part about training a Larvesta in reborn compared to the actual games is that it will actually evolve before you beat the E4 (and that goes for Zweilous too I guess)

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I just had a thought. I wouldn't be surprised if the event to get Togepi involved hatching like 30 other eggs beforehand, with the daycare couple commending you for your efforts in repopulating Reborn's Pokemon. After all Togepi is basically an egg fairy.

EDIT: Oh wait, it says limited event. Hmm... Maybe Azurill gets moved to a later point in the game and becomes a limited event with Togepi, and replacing the Growlithe -> Azurill trade is Staryu since that's also a stone evolution.

Edited by Alilatias
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Totodile, Shroomish, Frillish, and Larvesta are pretty cool mons if this is true.

Sneasel feels like a mon that will be used too much in my opinion, and I....never do Weavile any justice..so...uh.....I'll just move right along there.

LAPRAS is a fun mon, but I wonder if it's worth it in Reborn.

and getting Fennekin and Turtwig is going to be fun too.

Okay, Honey. I get it. Play Reborn. Play ya..Play ya game...I got it....<3

Also, Arthur, It should be possible to "catch 'em all" when the game is finished. And I intend to do so before doing anything crazy with the project.

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I don't mind the that most of the new available pokes are "choice limited events" since we have a way to get both of them... I mean, the Trading Thread V2, [: here in the forums (which has been dead for some time tbh).

The only thing I'm scared about is the fact that we might not be able to get back to the city yet... that means: no breeding :(

Edited by Vlado Vladimir
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I don't mind the that most of the new available pokes are "choice limited events" since we have a way to get both of them... I mean, the Trading Thread V2, [: here in the forums (which has been dead for some time tbh).

The only thing I'm scared about is the fact that we might not be able to get back to the city yet... that means: no breeding :(

You can do that when the episode finishes.I'd be dead without this feature

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