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E15's new obtainable mons


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inb4 still no Darkrai ;n; Wasn't Fennekin and Squirtle already available though? I mean... they're starters so they're immediately available at the start

also Larvesta oohhhhhh mama

Don't let Vinny see Sneasel too late

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Starters don't count as available beforehand because... Well they're always available at the beginning at least. When I say new I mean new events. You couldn't get them outside of the grand hall before.

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If Mudkip, Ghastly, and Azuril are being axed I wonder what mon will be taking their places. Earlier Ame replaced the Bulbasaur event with Chikorita so I imagine Totodile or Squirtle will be replacing Mudkip since a dual-type like Turtwig or Fennekin would be too good for that early. For the other she could either just axe the trade and event but I doubt that. I'm just not sure what they'd be replaced with.

Either way my team is pretty much already set so I doubt I'll actively use any of these new ones this run.

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I read somewhere that the azurill event may now be the Staryu event. Mudkip is definitely squirtle now, totodile has already been confirmed to appear in Ametrine Mountain... Fennekin and Turtwig are questionable in where they will be, but I'm fairly confident the Gastly event may be Misdreavus now and Misdreavus old event is scrapped... It may not be tho, who knows what could happen... Only one way to find out.

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I'm just happy we finally got a nice and powerful Starmie and Breloom, Now I wait for Gengar, Gyarados, and Venusaur to come back

Weavile, Togepi, Hippowdon, Milotic, Volcarona and Feraligatr are just worthwhile extras imo

Everything else is just whatever. Haxorus Sucks

Luckiliy with togepi back that means i can breed double-edge onto a staraptor <3

I gotta admit, without Mudkip, the game feels less pokemon :[.

Edited by Cmason
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In before, at Episode 14. The Pokedex stated that Feebas is actually available in Celestinine Mountain. But the before obtainable list said that it can't be obtained yet.

Therefore, I think it's possible that we might need to use Rock Climb to navigate through the upper part at the area where you can find the Ice Rock at the center of the ice puzzle for evolving Glaceon purposes, so maybe there's another entrance leading into where Feebas resides? The DPPt way?

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