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If Pokemon Were Real

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On Saturday a group of my friends got into a long discussion of what life would be like if Pokemon were in the real world. By that, we thought of a scenario were it would be one day *poof* Pokemon would appear. What do you guys think would be different in this world if that suddenly happened. And if you could have one of them as a pet, who would it be?

A scenario we thought would be that cars would have a repel coating to ward away Zubats when you drove into a tunnel.

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I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be long before we had Sir aaron timeline style wars between countries as powerplays would start all over again, as for a pet? I would say nidoking because its my favourite but poison point does not sound like a pleasant add-on

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Imagine if Weezing were real; If you were in a sealed room with it, it'd be like being in a gas chamber. As much as I like it, I can't deny that it's a pretty scary idea...if it were in our world. :v

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I'll be perfectly honest here:

IF Pokemon would come to exist just so suddenly as *POOF*

The world would be pretty ... well not good...

Fire-breathing dragons, Lightning calling birds, Giant Turtles with Cannons, suddenly in an alien environment... yeah... they'd go on confused rampage!

And then our military would deem them too dangerous and go on a full out Pokemon-hunting-war!

Remember: WE DON'T HAVE POKEBALLS, NOR THE TECHNOLOGY! (Hell does enyone exactly how they really work?? - I know there are many theroies... but that's it - THEORIES!)

(but I'd try to grab myself an Eevee and a few other cute and cuddly ones! CUDDLE ALL THE 'MONS!)

Edited by Cepheus
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Love the idea of pokemon being real... If we got all of the death-defying lark that comes with the anime (seriously, how is Ash not dead?!) Otherwise, far too many destruction possibilities outweighing the 'holy crap there's a pokemon in my kitchen' shock and delight!

My pet would be a Nidoking, or maybe a Ponyta, because who wouldn't want a flaming horse torching all of your property right?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would Pokemon Battle be even considered okay? As much as I would love to be champion, sending out my Arcanine to use its fiery fangs to attack the giant electric mouse just seems sad, I dunno. I would love to have real world battle but when you look into it, it really kind of scares you

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