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essay time great :(


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So I have this seven page essay to do in order to be allowed to take one of my finals on a problem in the American political system any good ideas on how I should go about doing this and what websites I should use

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I suggest the electoral college. You can spend pages defining what it is, when and WHY it was instituted, to include the socio-economic climate of the day and contrast it to the conditions of today. Many people think that the electoral college is an antiquated notion that actually keeps the US from being a true democracy. I'm sure there are loads of books and sources you can draw upon for this subject.

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7-9 pages for an opinion essay seems rather...long. I'm not sure what they're trying to accomplish with making it that length. This just results in poorly written essays, in my humble opinion. Lots and lots of run-on sentences and unnecessary lengthening just to meet the criteria.

I digress. Being Canadian and not a student of your current college/high school, I'm unsure of the resources you have your disposal. Your own school library, however, is often a wealth of knowledge depending on it's upkeep. There should be online resources through your school that let you search for peer-reviewed journals, articles, and books written on specific topics. In your case, it'd be more directed at political science. For example, my college uses www.proquest.com, and with it comes with a specific log-in your establishment has for its students. I'm unsure of what your establishment has, but I highly recommend you ask a teacher/professor regarding what online resources you're privy to.

I couldn't even imagine the kind of thesis statement you're going to have to write for 7-9 pages. I mean, what format is this? APA or MLA? Is it at all possible to see the syllabus for your essay? Or is what you linked all you've been given?

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I've rarely written to the minimum length requirements. I turn 'em in when I write as much as I need to write, like a boss. But they use the length requirements as a guideline to push you to do more research and write more than a few opinions. With what is required of you, you could easily write several pages.

Define what part of the system you are specifically addressing, especially how it functions and what it is intended to do. give examples where it has done its job well.

Then define the problematic parts of it and cite examples where it has been bypassed or exploited.

List and define alternative solutions one by one, showing how it would overcome the shortcomings of the construct currently in use. Then explain the weaknesses/ new issues that invariable come with it.

Then list the solutions in order of preference, saying why the benefits of X surpass the benefits of Y and Z (quantified into solid numbers, if possible), and how the pitfalls of X is the least of 3 evils.


The teacher wants a well thought out, comprehensive view into a problem and critical analysis of proposed solutions. Be as objective as possible, with qualitative judgements reserved only for when you can't quantify things for direct comparison.


I'm really liking the directives for this essay. Yo, can you get your teacher to email me copies of the essays? I'm really interested to see what your peers come up with.

gods, I should get myself into politics or something. Poli-Sci major, here I come.

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it was due today at 3 I procrastinated first time I did so in college not proud of it

That's really unfortunate. Hopefully next time you'll give yourself additional time to complete your essay, which from the sound of it, was worth at least 15% of your grade. Procrastination is the bane of success in school.

Not to sound like an ass, but seriously, college isn't high school. You can't hand in half-assed work and expect it to be graded fairly. You'll get what you gave. You're better than B-/C+ work, right? You have what it takes to succeed in school? Then start by giving procrastination the finger and giving a shit. Your future self will thank you for your tenacity.

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This is all you really need. Just enter your topic, smash your keyboard and voila! Instant essay.

Yeah, no. I've just finished seven different articles using this, from the French Revolution to Nicolas Cage. Each of them not only used Wikipedia, the program plagarized the entry verbatim.

This is an awful program.

Edited by Antilegend
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