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EV train since the beginning?

Arkenciel Zeno

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Hey everyone! I was just wondering if i should start EV training right off the bat. I honestly dont know if i should or not because its tedious without any help, but i heard this was extremely difficult and that later on allota people have EV trained mons. What do?

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Even in the late game EV training is not supposed to be necessary, so you clearly don't need it in the early game. But if you do it at the beginning at least you'll not need friendship berries to reset EV. The problem is that before the first badge you'll grind other the level 20 and you can't buy common candies at this point

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Well, yeah, what the guy above me said :P
However, if you are VERY VERY patient, you can perfectly train a pokemon in attack and speed pretty early on (goldeen for attack, woobat for speed), so if you fight only Cain and Victoria with your starter, catch the first guy pokemon you find and train it to absorb other EV's from trainers to get to the spots, you can train yourself a Uber Blaziken-EV-set (on your torchick if you picked it), for example.
It isn't necessary, though. EV's give you an edge, but that edge can be gained (sometimes easier) with strategy.

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Just do it when you start to feel that the game is kicking your ass too much.

I swear, i didn't bother to train the evs of my pokes until I reached Route 1.

So, it's really your call.

hue ev train

Edited by Vinny
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I never EV trained my main team and i'm progressing just fine but if you like breedig for "perfect" Pokemon i would suggest to wait till you get further into the game (to have more options)

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I start my ev train once i get the power item and friendship berry, the friendship berry can get endlessly by planting them and reset your computer time. I do my ev training after I complete episode 11 and while waiting new episode release so i will have more pokemon to choose for gym battle. Also, I myself train my pokemon ev in railnet by fighting non-stop against low level woobat (the shadow spot), hope it help :)

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I never did it and I'm at the end of the content line. It's not necessary, you just need strategy. Using your brain is a bit more satisfying than just brute forcing a win since you lack the ability to do it any other way.

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Using your brain is a bit more satisfying than just brute forcing a win since you lack the ability to do it any other way.

Lin disagrees

Seriously though, EV training will make everything easier for you but yeah, it isn't necessary at all and way too boring until you get the access to the power items.

Edited by NameNotFound
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Honestly EV training is a very silly bit of micro. if I knew how I'd simply hack my EV's to be what they "need to be"

It's possible.

I'd recommend EV training only if you're willing to construct another team once you've reached what the story can offer. If you're asking to EV train your "main" team, with HM moves peppered into the moveset, I'd say save your time and just play the game.

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The thing with EV's is I've never found reason to put in the time investment, even for official games. Let alone a hack-rom. It's a feature of pokemon I've never gotten into. I'm glad it's not an edge that ame is expecting us to use in order to advance.

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I like to EV-train my guys, because I want them to be the best that they can be. Not doing so feels like wasted potential. If you have the option between something good and something strictly better, why not choose the latter? That's how I see it.


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I never EV trained until I clear everything up until the current episode, then jump into breeding and EV training. Lets just say as hard as the game is, it is totally possible to clear without perfectly EV trained pokes, just have to play smart (or rely on hax if you're lazy like me). Lacking the 6IV Ditto, to me any IVs above 20 in the right stat is acceptable...

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but it's not like simply "picking" something worse. It's not wasting 20 hours of my life for a small stat-bonus. I have better uses for that time.

So you never actually EV trained eh? It's a big stat bonus not a small one and it only takes (roughly) 1 hour not 20 but yes i understand that it can be boring/time consuming for someone.

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