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Time for another introduction thread!

Dark Stalker

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Hello everyone! My name is Dark, I was lurking for almost two months in this forum and now I decide to finally introduce myself to everyone.

I heard about Pokemon Reborn when I was watching a playthrough of a certain person on Youtube (very obvious who I was watching), I already beat episode 14 a couple of weeks.

My favorite pokemon types are ghost and steel, being my favorite pokemon: mismagius, chandelure and magnezone (I just can't decide which one is my favorite).

Besides that, I'm sixteen years old, normally very shy and calm but wiling to help wherever I can.

Well, I don't have much else to talk besides that I'm hoping to adapt well here with everyone.

PS: I'm sorry if I write everything wrong, my english is still bad.

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Yooooooo, highfive for Steel types!
Welcome to the madhouse, enjoy your stay~

Magnezone is badass, and your English looks fine to me! No worries about that c:

Now, if you'd like to leave your sanity at the doorway, you'll fit right in.

just don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you that we at Team Meteor are the bad guys. Lies, lies and slander!

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Well met Dark.

Welcome to Reborn!

Hmm? What's this? Another fellow from Brazil? #whoop

You've been around for a few, so I guess there is not much to say to you. Just check this thing in any case, and if you haven't joined the server yet... Bro. BRO. Do it.

Eu espero que você aproveite a estadia permanente em Reborn ;D

See you around \o/

And for those that didn't got what I said up there, well:

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Hey welcome! Also instead of leaving it at the door, go to the shed and keep it inside.. Also once there tell me what you see.. WHAT IS INSIDE THAT SHED THAT YOU DON"T WANT US TO SEE SQUIRTLE WHO IS SOPHISTICATED??


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