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This is quite litteraly one of my first encounter on that back alley garden

Arkenciel Zeno

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I dont even care if this things not good, if i can work around it with Sucker Punch and availability of sticky web later on im sold. Plus whoever came up with a red and black coloration for the shiny, i salute you sir this is absolutely astonishingly beautifull

If you want feel free to post your shinys here if you want

Edited by Arkenciel Zeno
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  On 5/19/2015 at 10:05 PM, Chubb the Pig said:

Wow! One on your first try!

Reborn does have an increased shiny rate (about 1/100), but you got one as your first encounter, which is still pretty rare!

Same thing happened to me on pokemon rejuvenation, i went to the place with the pink trees and bam first encoutner was a shiny drowzee with a sweet coloration.
  On 5/19/2015 at 10:09 PM, Ama said:

That was the first shiny I encountered in reborn, too, and a crit hit killed it ;_;

Congrats on catching the lil bugger! It's such a cute shiny <3

I love Spinarak and Ariados and this coloration makes them that much more adorable o3o only spiders that dont catch my arachnophobia are these little buggers.

EDIT: It also has sniper which is a GODSENT for the luck i got

Edited by Lil' Danny
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I once caught a female male nidoran, so I'm good :P

Edit: don't double post, use the edit-button to add extra info. The former is not really appreciated on the forums, except under special circumstances. Check the Community rules (under your profile pic), and if you didn't already, feel free to introduce yourself at the grand Hall ;)

Edited by laggless01
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Ahh yes te shinies in reborn are quite nice, I bred myself a shiny beldum with the proper nature just because I loved the gold/silver theme it had but then the update came out and now I'm stuck with the reborn mettagross. anyway shinies are alot more common in reborn and its even posible for you to get an entire team of shinies if you're dedicated enough *cough* me *cough*

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