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A Suggestion to All Of You:NOIVERN



So I had me a noibat since the beginning of the game where u can catch it in the rail net. This ting was the weakest pokemon i ever had doing barely any dmg even to pokemon its attacks are super effective against! But... today i evolved the noibat and everything changed. As i type this pokemon is destroying every pokemon in its sights as we speak with the moves:Air Slash,Air Cutter, Shadow Ball, and Cut. This thing is a monster and i suggest getting it at Tanzan mountain or some place before that if u wanna make sure it has air cutter. Im glad i went through so much annoyance training this monster.

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I didn't, I dropped it at level 40 at pyrous in my second run, it was just wasting space and exp at that moment. Got myself a flygon instead, iirc. (I trained it from level 5, it only got worse the longer I had it)

Edited by laggless01
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I didn't, I dropped it at level 40 at pyrous in my second run, it was just wasting space and exp at that moment. Got myself a flygon instead, iirc. (I trained it from level 5, it only got worse the longer I had it)

I know how u feel but i had trust that this thing would become really strong just looking at stats and the moves it learns

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Noibat really isn't worth catching early game. I've learned that lesson the hard way.

If you really want a Noivern, you'd be better off catching a higher-level Noibat later on in-game and train/leech it with an Exp. Share when you can OHKO things that are level 45+

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well noivern can be decent with its speed and move pool and has somewhat useable abilities but by the point you get so so many replacements e.g aerodactyl tyrantrum alakazam metagross he can be used very well but the point to many replacements i say he should be raised but only as a filler to exploit weaknesses on given occasions

Edited by NovaKnight
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I was one of those that got a Lv4 noibat and stuck with it for like 40 levels, have to say I'm quite impressed about what it can pull out, it's a great support/utility member of my team with tailwind and super fang, hits relatively hard with that air slash. But yes, those 40 levels were agony as almost everything that hit relatively strong will knock it out...sigh...

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I pick a lvl15 Noibat, which I train a bit for countering Shelly, but since it's pretty much low in stat, I throw it into the Day Care

1 more day and it become lvl46, which I just fed my not-used rare candy for it to evolve

Now its pretty much a mainstay in my team

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you know the most annoying part about noibat

when you finally reach the lvl 50 cap your next gym is ice

granted now that the serra gets a mirror field boomburst could be a great move to use

but i do agree noivern is amazing and is part of my second team (waiting on ep 15 so i can fight with the new mirror field to test boomburst)

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I can whole heartedly agree. Noivern is one of my (If not my favorite) Dragon-Types, and for good reason. I love it's speed, and the ability to use Boomburst is really useful during trips when someone decides to use Substitute. I love him. I'm sure he'll be just as useful in this game as well.


Just use Golem to Earthquake them :v

But yes, Boomburst Noivern will be nice in Serra's new field.....

If it move first anyway :v

It should move first, it has the highest base speed of all dragon types.

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If Noibat was put later in-game, it probably would've been a better addition overall. Otherwise the early game means it's difficult to train effectively and does end up as "dead weight" during the mid game but ends up as a very worthy addition lategame.

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I can agree a Noivern is good to have. I picked one up myself for my 1st playthrough.

I can also agree that the thing is a nightmare to train up to 48, so people are advised to pick one up when they have the proper tools to grind it up fast instead of struggling with it through the story...even so, I don't regret the trillion1shot occasionshardships I faced trying to level up a Noibat.

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I have mixed feelings about Noivern. On my very first playthrough, he had a spot on my team since level ~7 and I stuck with him because he was a shiny and I was determined to make the best out of him. Holy arceus, leveling that thing was a chore and a pain, and as someone said earlier, by time I finally evolved it I was at the front door to the

ice gym

. IIRC while I was at the level 45 limit, I used three of my rare candies just to evolve it, but then I used three common candies to bring it down. I had it with my all the way up to


gym before I did a factory reset on my computer and forgot to backup my save on a flash drive. Honestly, it has very few uses, mainly with super fang able to lower pokemon down (pachirusu did this infinitely better though with nuzzle in it's tow as well) and fighting the

bug trainer before the ice gym

. Other then that, it got destroyed by a lot of things, and the few pokemon it excelled at fighting, Ninetails w/ drought was able to fight them better. Also when it came time for the

fighting gym

, the thing was almost completely useless

Overall, I would rate Noivern a 5/10
-Whatever you do, don't catch one early on, it's a trap! If you do want one, catch him later, you find them all over the place, and some higher than level 40 IIRC
-Boomburst comes too late for it to be useful at that state of the game
-Outclassed by several pokemon, as I said earlier, I felt like my Ninetails did everything it did but better
-So, so squishy, like jello level squishy

Edited by Randoms2
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I caught a Noibat early on and tossed in in the daycare to level it up while I was playing through the story. On my way to go pick it up to evolve it and start using it I ran into a shiny Noibat. Caught the shiny and trained it up instead of using the older Noibat, now I have this http://oi61.tinypic.com/25s1xue.jpg

Edited by Shimerin
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I agree, also kept on with the little weak thing. Then it evolved and made part of my team. Not very useful early game imo, might want to go for a Flygon.

why not just go for both? they are both awesome. i completely agree jaco, unfortunately garchomp isn't available yet.

Edited by sandy
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it was a pain in the ass to level it up when it was still a low level noibat and it stats were shitty. BUT, soon as it evolved it became a beast of a pokemon and it's a pokemon that I have thus far not switched out for rotation. helped me snap Terra's garchomp like a wooden chopstick.

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I have another piece of logistics. Noivern is not the best Pokémon for sweeping, as most of the moves it can learn actually suck for attacking. What Noivern DOES have however is MUCH better suiting it as a support Pokémon. It's unholy in the Speed department, but it also has access to 2 amazing moves that can help your team out a LOT.

-First it can learn Super Fang which makes fighting walls and tanks a little bit easier.

-The biggest reason I run Noivern on my main file is because it is the fastest Tailwind user in the game. Your opponent Scarfing you? Tailwind can top that. Got a base 70/80 Speed sweeper? Tailwind's got ya covered. Granted it's for five turns, but people are willing to risk 5 turn Drought on Charizard Y among other things.

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