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How does one defeat a lvl 80 Arceus That Flinches Me Every Turn


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Dragalge:Shadow Ball, Hydro Pump, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave

Diggersby:Hammer Arm, Facade,Mud shit :Kappa: ,Rock Smash

Greninja:Water Pulse, Night Slash, Extrasensory,Strength

Scrafty: HJK, Brick Break, Crunch, Rock Climb

KlingKlang:Discharge, Gear Grind, Charge Beam, Mirror Shot

pls help

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Somewhere in the Aventurine Forest you can catch a Kricketune that knows perish song. Give it a focus sash (there are 2 focus sashes available I think, one can be found on the rock under the grand staircase, other in wasteland, but you need tauros to get to that area). Dragalge might be able to take a hit (mine was) so you can try to send it in during the last turn of perish song countdown to get some xp if it survives.

Edited by NameNotFound
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Dragalge:Shadow Ball, Hydro Pump, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave

Diggersby:Hammer Arm, Facade,Mud shit :Kappa: ,Rock Smash

Greninja:Water Pulse, Night Slash, Extrasensory,Strength

Scrafty: HJK, Brick Break, Crunch, Rock Climb

KlingKlang:Discharge, Gear Grind, Charge Beam, Mirror Shot

pls help



diggersby with a better ground mon (flygon, camerupt etc)

klingklang with a better ele/steel mon (ampharos, magnezone etc.)

or you can just go and do DB + focus sash cacturne...

hope this helps...

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diggersby with a better ground mon (flygon, camerupt etc)

klingklang with a better ele/steel mon (ampharos, magnezone etc.)

or you can just go and do DB + focus sash cacturne...

hope this helps...

but #DiggersbyTho

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>>>>>>>>a better ground mon

Destiny Bond is broken doe hello?

But yes there are many gimmicks you can use the beat Arceus. You could het a cottonee from i don't know where and Paralyze it with prority Stun-Spore so you pokemon can outspeed it, Scrafty can put in some work. Even Sash it... and Leech see the Arceus. and then bring a low level pokemon with study lmao :3

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Easiest way.

Step 1: Obtain a Magnemite family Pokemon

Step 2: Ensure it has Thunder Wave and Sturdy

Step 3: Evolve it into Magnezone

Step 4: Pray like hell for no flinch and T.Wave the Arceus

Step 5: Destroy the shit out of the slower than Slowbro Arceus.

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Diggersby is not as bad a Pokemon as people think it is. It has HUGE fkin POWER!

Use Prankster to your advantage, maybe put a Leech Seed, TWave, Curse. Then stall.

On the other hand you could try to outwrestle it which is what I did. I Paralyzed it then had Noivern Super Fang twice and work on paraflinching it.

Then Swampert came in and tanked 2 hits and managed to KO Arceus even after Recover.

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I recommend catching a magnemite in Shade's gym with Sturdy, then use a heart scale on it to teach it thunder wave (or if you'd rather save heart scales you can breed another magnemite and level it up until it learns thunder wave), and get the flash TM and teach it flash. A sturdy + thunder wave + flash magnemite will do wonders for beating just about any of the overpowered pokemon you run into, and is even useful for some gyms by crippling a pokemon for another pokemon of yours to setup sweep on.

EDIT: Also, if you're using a status move use it 3 times in a row iirc - any time the Arceus gets a status effect he will use a full heal, but he only has 2 full heals I think (maybe it was 3, it's been a while).

Edited by Kithros
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al right here is a way i got it

1.use a sturdy magnazone or any one of that family and get a thunder wave off.

2.get 2 pokemon with memento can use one but i suggest 2 use it on arceus.

3.get an all out attacker with a fighting move and preferably a sword dance set or a nasty plot set.

4.boost attack for about 2 turns.

5.make sure you're health is still fine if not use a hyper potion or something.

6.spam that fighting move till arceus is dead.

and remember to keep a pokemon with at least useable defences as with memento it cant hit you very hard any more also rememberto have a filler sacrifice to use in exchange to revive the attacker if he dies.

or forget what i just said and say that you dont trust rodamus when youre asked before hand and let arceus beat you the battle will be ended and story can continue

Edit:keep using thunder wave on arceus till magnezone is dead if he cant heal the status anymore means he is fully defenceless against it

Edited by NovaKnight
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I had my Study Magneton with Twave Prankster Meowstic keep on spamming flash till its -6 accuracy, and drop a curse, this sort of hax tends to work with almost every overleveled boss battle...(except a certain Solaris battle which you'll just have to burn it instead of paralyze)

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1.get a magnemite with sturdy
2.lvl up til it learns screech

3.t-wave arceus til he's out of full heal
4.screech (at least once!)
5.kill it with diggersby (or any other physical mon)

same works with metal sound and special mons :0

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I used a pangoro with iron fist while holding a blackbelt. I just hammerarm'd it till it fainted (i belive that arceus is a normal type so its weak to fighting moves).

Or maybe i just got lucky it decided to use dark pulse so there's that.

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I started with my Sturdy Magnezone and T-Waved it making it use up all three (I think?) of its Full Heals. Then I switched into Blaziken after Magnezone was KO'd and Hi Jump Kicked the crippled Arecus until I won

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im just gonna do it the easy way and ask can i catch kricketune in south adventerine forest or North Adventerine forest or both.

Cuz no one got time to walk all the way to shades gym and find a magnemite and train it a bit then still have a chance of losing

Edited by foovy10
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im just gonna do it the easy way and ask can i catch kricketune in south adventerine forest or North Adventerine forest or both.

Cuz no one got time to walk all the way to shades gym and find a magnemite and train it a bit then still have a chance of losing

I don't exactly remember where I caught mine but I had some hard time finding it. I think it can be found in grass patch you run into when you exit out of the western part of Tanzan Mountain.

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I've just tried to find it. It's night time and rainy. Can't find it .-.

i found it but accidentally killed it its defiantly available at night

i thought charge beam was weaker .-. from what i can tell he is extremely rare

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