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Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon


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So it'll have all the Pokemon in it? Like the original and Explorers games did? That's all we needed to know to decide on buying it.

Well, except for, y'know, the people who wanted them to go back to 2d graphics. Well I'm sorry, but you're dumb for thinking that would ever happen.

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So it'll have all the Pokemon in it? Like the original and Explorers games did? That's all we needed to know to decide on buying it.

Well, except for, y'know, the people who wanted them to go back to 2d graphics. Well I'm sorry, but you're dumb for thinking that would ever happen.

it was a hope more than anything else. The same way sonic fans once hoped for a retro sonic game and kinda got it in Generations. Just a call back to the games we loved.

So, it looks like we get a much broader range of partners or mons to choose, we saw no evidence of a quiz returning. The only non-starters we saw available were Riolu and Pikachu, rip Vulpix, Phanphy, Shinx, Eevee, Machop, Cubone and Meowth. We also saw dialogue boxes for a LOT of legends so as said above they're probably taking a more active role in this. Honestly, if they just told us to go on a hunt for the legends as the plot, I'd be down for that, I really would.

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:( No more quizzes? That was one of Gates to Infinity's flaws...

I do like how there are so many starters to choose from, but there are literally only 2 non-starters, like Dobby said. I'm surprised Eevee's not back as a starter, but at least we'll (probably) be able to recruit one.

For Legendaries, I'm kinda hoping for, like, a war, and you have to recruit the Legendaries to stop the villains or something (but you'll have to wait til the post-game for them to join your team). Some Legendaries would be on the bad side, obviously, to make a bit more drama. For instance, you could go to this place to try recruiting Legendary X, only to find that they've joined villains, and then it's A MONSTER HOUSE! I loved those...

Anyways, hopefully there's some more cool things. I did like the glimpses of the 3D Treasure Town of the game.

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i did watch some of a playthrough for gti, and i have to say they put legendaries too much into the plot. in explorers, you had to find the legendaries for yourself which made it fun. but having virizion drop into your hands like that didnt really appeal to me.

also the characterization of victini was...embarrassing to me.

i just hope they dont team you up with legendaries at all. save for post game, ya know? and the dungeons in gti seemed so bland to me too...i just hope it isnt another gti.

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I mean, seeing as 3D pokemodels are no longer as foreign a concept like it was when GTI came out, they are of course gonna go all out on the mons. Probably set up the Legends with some extra pomp, in the trailer Reshiram stood out a lot looking pissed with flames behind it. If they become a genuine force to deal with then having the primary legends involved is ok with me.

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My reactions to this trailer thingie:


1. There's a large array of starters available again

2. We can catch ALL the Pokemon again!

3. The town area looks massive

4. Cofagrigus is back, hopefully GLORIOUS GOLD

5. Lots of legendaries have text, meaning that there will likely be a plot better than GtI

6. Are the dungeons back to REKTANGULAR ROOMS...?!?!!!!!111!?


1. Doesn't look like the starters are picked via test

2. The god-awful art style within the dungeons is gonna be used again

3. It "maintains the legendary pokemon from the previous title? Does that mean only Virizion and Kyurem doing anything?

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If they managed to incorporate the Legendaries to an awesome plot, they got themselves an eager fan (a.k.a me!)

I wish this game would have fixed issues that I personally found bothering in the past two games:

1. For Rescue Team, I found the main plot a bit short. Once the star is destroyed, your partner is basically treated like a regular Pokemon - and your partner doesn't feel 'special' anymore. Fortunately, they fixed this in Explorers.

2. In Explorers, I absolutely HATED the fact that you can find Legendaries in dungeons when you have the Enigma Part (or whatever that item is called). I feel Legendaries (in Explorers at least anyway) should be treated pretty specially (they did a pretty good job in Rescue Team) - so I'm glad that Legendaries will be having an important role in SMD.

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I don't know what you guy think but can anyone tell me why you want personel quiz?I saw so many post said "no quiz" for me it was nothing,I mean you want the Pokemon that you want not the one that quiz pick for you*flash back when I got Psyduck... :o "in the personal quiz all I do is try to get the 1 that I really want by reset the game multiple time till I get it or google it out,it's fun when give your friend to do it and watch they got lame Pokemon and it have some funny question like the alien one,the one that have to do something with your friend like party,summer,the one with hand in the toilet,the one with pitfall trap and more.

I think Chunsolf(if it still their name)know this so they remove it.

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Being quite the PMD nerd, I'm definitely hyped for this. Regarding the whole GTI VS. TDS debate, I'd have to give the gold to TDS (Sorry, my gold obsessed coffin buddy!)

Though, one thing I really did like about GTI, was the experience system. In TDS, the Pokemon you recruited would inevitably fall behind once one of the dungeons only allowing you and your partner came up. GTI's sharing of experience to all recruited Pokemon fixed a problem that always really irked me.

If SPMD keeps this mechanic, (Why wouldn't they?) and gives us a story and postgame on-par with Sky, then I will be a very happy customer. We already know for a fact that they're not shoving only the new Pokemon down our throats, so no more of that 'gen 5 + Pikachu' crap.

Oh, and I haz mah Riolu.

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I'd rather have them release pokemon stadium 3 actually q.q.. but there's something bothering me: this game'll be released close to where I'd have expected the new main series game would be released. I just hope MD won't be a "replacement" for the main series game and seeing how they actually have a trend of releasing MD games AFTER the 3rd main series game .... this would reaaaaaally annoy me. I'm really hyped for the new battle frontier and seeing how it was actually "announced" in ORAS they might just as well make it similar to the original one *~*.. getting off topic here .. but still:
will there be a main series game this year or is MD all we're going to get? :x

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i did watch some of a playthrough for gti, and i have to say they put legendaries too much into the plot. in explorers, you had to find the legendaries for yourself which made it fun. but having virizion drop into your hands like that didnt really appeal to me. also the characterization of victini was...embarrassing to me. i just hope they dont team you up with legendaries at all. save for post game, ya know? and the dungeons in gti seemed so bland to me too...i just hope it isnt another gti.

It also doesn't appeal to me to have legendary pokemon so easily available to you and so near you as if they're the most known thing ever :| Totally agreed with all you said

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Ah the trailer looked great, really reminded me of TDS, I haven't seen a Monster house in soo long lol and oml the starter selection. This should be way better than GTI, i feel like they are gonna make up for that with this game. Also it's interesting how they only kept Riolu as the only non starter poke that can be chosen (Pikachu is kinda mandatory), hmm well the others probably got the boot becuase we have 2 new sets of region starters

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the english trailer is now in game Xplain channel,

PMDRR/BR:Rescue team

PMDEoT/D/S:The guild

PMDGtI:Helping adventurous Pokemon prosper institute AKA.HAPPI(this is something really creative)

PMDSMD:Expedition Society

sound like every PMD game

Edit:change those number to this in case you confuse what is it

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Oh so a guild or something? I do hope the characters are enjoyable, and are decently fleshed out like in Sky. Honestly just everyones personalities made me really enjoy being in that guild.

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Personally, I want Nintendo to ditch the entire idea of 3D models because they'll make the cartridge a tad cramped for space with 721 Pokemon PLUS alternate forms, all of which need animations for their moves, motions, and standing sprites. Not to mention the spiretes for Sleep, Paralysis, Flinching, ect.

An 3DS cartage can hold up to 8 gigs, maybe even more for N3DS.

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I used to love the Mystery Dungeon games.

I remember getting Red Rescue team for my birthday when I was a little kid and I've been a huge fan ever since but Gates to Infinity ruined the series for me.

They removed way too much and I don't even care about the 3D models.

Like seriously, no gummis... no gender... barely any Pokemon... weak unmemorable villains... Kangaskhan got replaced by a magical box, the list goes on.

Based on the title I doubt this will be any better, hopefully I'll be proved wrong though.

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I used to love the Mystery Dungeon games.

I remember getting Red Rescue team for my birthday when I was a little kid and I've been a huge fan ever since but Gates to Infinity ruined the series for me.

They removed way too much and I don't even care about the 3D models.

Like seriously, no gummis... no gender... barely any Pokemon... weak unmemorable villains... Kangaskhan got replaced by a magical box, the list goes on.

Based on the title I doubt this will be any better, hopefully I'll be proved wrong though.

Uh, the first thing to be oficially confirmed about this game was, and I quote, "all 720 Pokemon"

Your comment would fit in better on the first page of this thread, not after the post with the trailer.

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Hm. Only translation of a screenshot I could find. Thanks anyways, Serebii.


Is this just a part of the story, or is it the whole plot? I hope it's just a part, cuz this would be a HUGE spoiler.

Anyways, what could possibly turn a Pokemon into stone? Another Pokemon? A Fake Pokemon (*cough cough* Bittercold *cough cough*)? Or is it going to be like in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers, where time stops?

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The whole stone thing is likely something you find out within the first hour of the game. As for the game, I honestly don't know what to think. I knew it was going to be like the 3D models, but if they keep GTI's gameplay design, I'll have to pass. I mean it was like they were trying to make an overly tedious system even more tedious to the point I never want to touch it again. The story is worth watching imo, but it's not worth the horrible design.

Now let's look at the new one. We already know all the Pokemon will be included, but the cinematics really make me worried. In all the previous titles, only a handful of 5 legendaries took a big part of the story while the others were simply bonus bosses. With this big emphasis on Legendaries, I think it's going to kill the plot. There is such a thing as too many characters and a combination of townsfolk combined with what seems to be at least 15 legendaries involved (and likely 5 that won't be revealed) characters are going to become even more shallow (or a plot that is twice as long as EoS). I'm just basing this on previous games in the series and I don't see this working...well.

I'm a big mystery dungeon fan and played all of them (and yes, I like GTI even though it's disappointing). I just have mixed feeling about this game. EoS really help correct some faults in the Explorers series so I hope this game does the same for GTI. I can pretty much guarantee you and the partner bonding will be well done, but I cannot say for the rest of the story. It'll likely be worth buying though...I just hope they don't screw up with this whole legendary concept.

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Turn into stone?why does it sound so familar?...oh right!Yveltal used Oblivion wing in the movie last year!so Yveltal gonna be the antagonist of this game then

Cant confirm this though but now I expect something more from this game now,the big plot twist part!spoiler for those who haven't play EoT/D/S yet so here the spoiler button(typing on the phone- -)

remember in EoS when we thought Grovyle was the main bad guy but then plot twist the real bad guy was Dialg...oh sorry Primal Dialga who lost his mind but after you complete the main game and playing the post game another plot twist occur,it appear that the main bad guy was Darkri all along!,so many plot twist in this game,that is one of the reason why this game story is so great

So I expect that this game have plot twist as much as that game,maybe some legendary got control by a bad guy or something,as you know all Pokemon isn't bad entirely,it's like a war when people dont agree to each other opinion...I think I've gone too far...whatever,that all I wanna say.

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I imagine the Legends will be involved in a way similar to how we have story arcs really. There's one adventure related to them, we deal with their issue despite being a freaking starter at level 10. Then we move one, rinse and repeat as we gain hints as to the over arcing story then a the end WE WIELD THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP and all the legends appear to give us the strength to go on.

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I imagine the Legends will be involved in a way similar to how we have story arcs really. There's one adventure related to them, we deal with their issue despite being a freaking starter at level 10. Then we move one, rinse and repeat as we gain hints as to the over arcing story then a the end WE WIELD THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP and all the legends appear to give us the strength to go on.

Lol i swear thats the best part about these games, a couple of pre evolution pokemon defeating some powerful ass legendaries.

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