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Teambuilding Process for Ep15 with Field Effects


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Hey guys!

So what I was planning to do for Episode 15 is to have a completely new run of Reborn, but with an extra twist: The team's going to be built around a Field Effect (or more).

At the moment, I'm thinking of going with a Misty/Rainbow Field combo, and I'm looking for general advice.

Team so far is:

Delphox - Mystical Fire, Psyshock, Grass Knot, Sunny Day [Thanks for the suggestion CMason!]

Sylveon - Misty Terrain, Round/Hyper Voice/Moonblast/Fairy move filler, Wish, Rain Dance (Filler)

[swirlix > Pikachu/Skitty > Eevee, keeping this here for future uses]

Toxicroak - Meditate, Poison Jab, Brick Break, Sucker Punch

Am considering using Mist Aurorus, Ludicolo, etc.

Any suggestions what else that can be added to the team?

[it's fine to suggest newly released EP15 mons, but depending on location, if they're after Radomus, there's a significant chance I will not use them]

Edited by ArthurZH
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Wish on Sylveon requires you to breed it from a swirlix > Pikachu or Skitty > Eevee

For the rainbow field:

Porygon-Z is useful because of his STAB, Adaptability (if you have this ability on him), rainbow boosted Tri Attack + random type damage

A Cloud nine Pokemon like Golduck or Altaria is useful because of the random stat boost at the end of each turn

Meditate (Medicham) users or any cosmic power (Clefable) Pokemon gets a much better buff in the Rainbow field than any other

You can also snatch up a Noivern just for that Dragon Pulse boost

Wish Users like sylveon get stronger wishes here

I would remove shadow ball on delphox since it's weakend in misty terrarain and rainbow fields and opt for a different move like grass knot for water and rock coverage

For Misty Terrain

Cosmic power users also get a good buff here.

Pokemon with dry skin or those who can setup aqua ring here get good passive recovery if that sounds good to you.

A sweet scent Pokemon lowers both defenses so you might want that.

Any Pokemon with Marvel scale (Milotic) will get their defense boost immediately

Wish Users like sylveon get stronger wishes here

Edited by Cmason
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Ame pls don't be evil ;-;

Wish on Sylveon requires you to breed it from a swirlix > Pikachu or Skitty > Eevee

For the rainbow field:

Porygon-Z is useful because of his STAB, Adaptability (if you have this ability on him), rainbow boosted Tri Attack + random type damage

A Cloud nine Pokemon like Golduck or Altaria is useful because of the random stat boost at the end of each turn

Meditate (Medicham) users or any cosmic power (Clefable) Pokemon gets a much better buff in the Rainbow field than any other

You can also snatch up a Noivern just for that Dragon Pulse boost

Wish Users like sylveon get stronger wishes here

I would remove shadow ball on delphox since it's weakend in misty terrarain and rainbow fields and opt for a different move like grass knot for water and rock coverage

For Misty Terrain

Cosmic power users also get a good buff here.

Pokemon with dry skin or those who can setup aqua ring here get good passive recovery if that sounds good to you.

A sweet scent Pokemon lowers both defenses so you might want that.

Any Pokemon with Marvel scale (Milotic) will get their defense boost immediately

Wish Users like sylveon get stronger wishes here

Thanks for the advice, I'll be taking Grass Knot over Shadow Ball.

Nah, the baton pass is a lil long. I might take Cosmic Power though, any good suggestions? Since I don't really want both Clefable/Sylveon on the team together coz typing and reasons...

Yea, Meditate's a really really good idea come to think of it, I'll probably take Croagunk with Meditate though, since im trying to cover as much types as possible.

Cloud Nine Golduck has a bad special move pool though, I mean, surf, icy wind.....that's about it, which is really sad.

Noivern's something I've considered, but training it.....oh god....

Ah yes Porygon-Z, that sounds wonderful. I'll definitely think about it. However I'm slightly more inclined to Magnezone coz typing (again) and Sonic Boom, and the fact that I've gotta wait forever to get the Dubious Disc.

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I think she Axe-d Eevee and placed it later.


EDIT: (To avoid double posting) Come to think of it, I'll start it now since EP15 will take quite some time anyway....

Edited by ArthurZH
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So I actually have a bunch of mons you can use in a rainbow team, since I already made one.. Just keep rotating stuff as needed.. Here you go.. Unfortunately the field is mainly set for special attackers.. So there are few physical pokemon in the team.. Still they are all fun to use and would do great on rotation with others..

Roserade (Technician) [Weatherball/HP Dark/Sludge Bomb/Magical Leaf]
I don't think I need to explain this.. Almost all of it's moves are boosted due to Technician, along with the field boost, it becomes monstrous..
Altaria (Cloud Nine) [HP Steel/Dragon Pulse/Moonblast/Roost]
CN gives you stat boosts and Roost helps you survive for longer.. DP and MB are both boosted.. HP Steel for those pesky Fae..
Politoed (Drizzle) [scald/Ice Beam/HP Ground/Hyper Voice]
Mainly to help with the set up of the field, along with some varied coverage.. HP can be any type depending on what your team needs..
Ninetails (Drought) [Flamethrower/Energy Ball/Extrasensory/HP Rock]
Again to help set up the field.. Energy Ball needs to be bred onto Vulpix through Sawsbuck.. I would not suggest Solar Beam, since Politoed is slower than Ninetails and in double battles this will set up rain along with the Rainbow field..
Toxicroak (Poison Point) [Poison Jab/Meditate/Brick Break/Knock Off or Sucker Punch]
Poison Jab has 60% poison chance, Meditate for them boosts.. Knock Off or Sucker Punch for psychic types.. Brick Break for STAB..
Swoobat (Simple) [Calm Mind/Air Slash/Charge Beam/Psychic or Stored Power]
Air Slash gives a 60% chance to flinch, Charge Beam for coverage + 140% chance to raise Sp.Att by 2, and Psychic or Stored Power for, well, killing stuff.. I would personally go for stored power, considering that even Charge Beam will raise it's power.. This guy is OP..
Clefable (Unaware) [Cosmic Power/Stored Power/Moonblast/Wish]
Unaware to abuse the field like nobody else.. CP and SP for obviou reasons.. Moonblast for the boosted STAB and Wish for recovery, ensuring that Clefable will reign supreme over all...
Medicham (Pure Power) [Zen Headbutt/Meditate/Secret Power/Thunder Punch]
ZB is boosted and so is Secret Power and Medititate.. TP is mainly for some type coverage.. Can be changed for something else that you may want..
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So I actually have a bunch of mons you can use in a rainbow team, since I already made one.. Just keep rotating stuff as needed.. Here you go.. Unfortunately the field is mainly set for special attackers.. So there are few physical pokemon in the team.. Still they are all fun to use and would do great on rotation with others..

Roserade (Technician) [Weatherball/HP Dark/Sludge Bomb/Magical Leaf]
I don't think I need to explain this.. Almost all of it's moves are boosted due to Technician, along with the field boost, it becomes monstrous..
Altaria (Cloud Nine) [HP Steel/Dragon Pulse/Moonblast/Roost]
CN gives you stat boosts and Roost helps you survive for longer.. DP and MB are both boosted.. HP Steel for those pesky Fae..
Politoed (Drizzle) [scald/Ice Beam/HP Ground/Hyper Voice]
Mainly to help with the set up of the field, along with some varied coverage.. HP can be any type depending on what your team needs..
Ninetails (Drought) [Flamethrower/Energy Ball/Extrasensory/HP Rock]
Again to help set up the field.. Energy Ball needs to be bred onto Vulpix through Sawsbuck.. I would not suggest Solar Beam, since Politoed is slower than Ninetails and in double battles this will set up rain along with the Rainbow field..
Toxicroak (Poison Point) [Poison Jab/Meditate/Brick Break/Knock Off or Sucker Punch]
Poison Jab has 60% poison chance, Meditate for them boosts.. Knock Off or Sucker Punch for psychic types.. Brick Break for STAB..
Swoobat (Simple) [Calm Mind/Air Slash/Charge Beam/Psychic or Stored Power]
Air Slash gives a 60% chance to flinch, Charge Beam for coverage + 140% chance to raise Sp.Att by 2, and Psychic or Stored Power for, well, killing stuff.. I would personally go for stored power, considering that even Charge Beam will raise it's power.. This guy is OP..
Clefable (Unaware) [Cosmic Power/Stored Power/Moonblast/Wish]
Unaware to abuse the field like nobody else.. CP and SP for obviou reasons.. Moonblast for the boosted STAB and Wish for recovery, ensuring that Clefable will reign supreme over all...
Medicham (Pure Power) [Zen Headbutt/Meditate/Secret Power/Thunder Punch]
ZB is boosted and so is Secret Power and Medititate.. TP is mainly for some type coverage.. Can be changed for something else that you may want..

Thanks for your idea! Due to typing and reasons like willingness to breed, I've decided to go on with Toxicroak and not Medicham.

Sadly, Drizzletoed doesn't exist in game yet. I'll consider taking a Ninetales on Rotation if I'm unhappy with me using Sunny Day on another mon.

Thing about Clefable and Sylveon on the same team is that I have a small issue with how to stop poison/steel/fire types, as Sylveon atm is just a Hyper-Voicer trying to take advantage of the Misty Field Effect. Moreover, both have similar roles. At the moment, as Vinny has hinted, I'm more inclined towards Clefable (the set that you just suggested). How do you get those moves on Clefable btw?

Swoobat...has Simple, and not Serene Grace....and yea, will consider, but if I plan to use Delphox, I might not use this, thanks for suggestion though.

Ah yes, Altaria, it's that good? If it is, then I will take it, perhaps with another mon as standby for it, or put it in Rotation, depending on the IVs, nature, what not etc.

Roserade's something I'll definitely consider, thanks!

Pretty sure Ame was talking about Wish on Eevee...

W-What happened to Eevee or Swirlix or Pikachu/Skitty or the breeders???? ;-;

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Thanks for your idea! Due to typing and reasons like willingness to breed, I've decided to go on with Toxicroak and not Medicham.

Sadly, Drizzletoed doesn't exist in game yet. I'll consider taking a Ninetales on Rotation if I'm unhappy with me using Sunny Day on another mon.

Thing about Clefable and Sylveon on the same team is that I have a small issue with how to stop poison/steel/fire types, as Sylveon atm is just a Hyper-Voicer trying to take advantage of the Misty Field Effect. Moreover, both have similar roles. At the moment, as Vinny has hinted, I'm more inclined towards Clefable (the set that you just suggested). How do you get those moves on Clefable btw?

Swoobat...has Simple, and not Serene Grace....and yea, will consider, but if I plan to use Delphox, I might not use this, thanks for suggestion though.

Ah yes, Altaria, it's that good? If it is, then I will take it, perhaps with another mon as standby for it, or put it in Rotation, depending on the IVs, nature, what not etc.

Roserade's something I'll definitely consider, thanks!

W-What happened to Eevee or Swirlix or Pikachu/Skitty or the breeders???? ;-;

Well, Drizzletoad can be got from previous episodes I guess.. At least that is how I ended up getting it..

Clefairy gets all those moves and wish can be bred onto it from Swirlix.. Alternatively, it can learn moonlight at level 43, though I would probably go with Wish..

Sylveon at least as per your set isn't that great.. Pretty much all the moves are Fairy cause of Pixilate.. While Hyper Voice would be boosted by 30%, moonblast gets a 50% boost in the field..

As for Swoobat.. The team I posted is for the Rainbow Field, which doubles the probability of secondary effects.. Basically Serene Grace for all..

I would swap Delphox for Ninetails, so that even if the opponent is able to OHKO, the field can still be set up.. While Mystical Fire is awesome, to get the boosts the field has to be set up..

The field is also where Altaria get's the advantage for Cloud Nine, Moonblast and Dragon Pulse.. So it becomes really good..

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