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That pokemon is a bitch to catch by it's catch rate, but it's not impossible.

I use thunder wave and have a ghost pokemon to catch the beldum so it won't kill itself.

But most of the time, it ends up sof reset and finally catch it.

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You're supposed to do what everyone else has as well: be patient. Things that can help catch it are a Ghost type, something to para it, something with False Swipe and Nest Balls. And patience.

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Isn't there Nest Ball? You can get it in the Pokeball Shop. Also Dusk Balls.

But yeah, it's catch rate is 3, the lowest in the game and WILL take awhile. But don't fret, catching it is the most satisfying thing in Reborn.

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i recommend timer balls. they have the highest catch rate after 10 or so rounds which you can use to lower its hp and put it to sleep for example by paras (learns spore at lv 22 & you can catch it at lv 20~)

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Mind you guys a catch rate of 3 means its as hard to catch as a Mewtwo, so those of you that caught it without trouble...you can feel good about it. Took me a few tries because it started to struggle and kill itself since I took so long...

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  On 5/23/2015 at 4:19 AM, ArmoredGuardian said:

I captured mine with a pokeball and it was my 12th pokeball. Am I cool yet?

Capture it inside a Heavy Ball and we gladly to award you.

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Level balls once were available in an older episode. Bought some of those then. Later I learned you could catch Beldum...it still was a pain to catch a good one, though. I ended up with a Jolly one with 17/26/16/7/23/14 IV's. (My ditto is horrible)

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i just had a gengar with hypnosis and a mon that could false swipe. get it down to 1 hp then continuously put it to sleep and spam ultra/timer balls. i wasted like 20 ultra balls but after those first 20, i used one timer ball and caught it :P

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