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Miss Kitty

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Nothing pokemon related lol

I'm a digital art person if some of you couldn't tell I just wanted to post the art I'm most proud of. Well two of them.


So this was during my P3P fandom and if any of you have played Persona 3 or Persona 3 Portable you'll probably know who this is. This is the character Shinjiro, you can look him up on your own time and see what he's all about, but I just loved doing this piece. I usually like being able to see people's faces and stuff but here the shadow seemed much better. First of all this character dies in the game, which is kinda why I have the glass shattering, and second of all as he's dying he's like don't cry "this is the way it should be." So there explains the quote.

Second piece:


Okay you might all be like what's so special about this wallpaper I can do that no problem... I did this in paint! This whole 1280x1149 wall paper with paint. Paint means the only way to undo is ctrl+z otherwise it's there forever! So I am very... very proud of how this turned out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Remember to check my post (the second post in the thread) for new pictures here and there everyone. Typically ones /r/'d in the server will be posted there.



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  • 4 weeks later...
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More old things

Firstly, Concept art of Fern

Only a few people saw this, so.

And these others I -thought- I had posted, but I can't see that I did...

This Design was based off of a friend of Saya/Taro/Mine in high school.

This is a picture of kitty and myself, in response to one she drew me once upon a time. She stole my raspberries. I had to tention her otherwise she wouldn't give them back. :(

And similar to the aboves, a Character Design based off of Kitty. And she already knows I'm borrowing on this for something else too~

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well guys, this is a little something i drawn for Kingo... A few seconds ago, and took me seven minutes, if not less~

So- Uh, yeah, here it is xD

Don't show him, please D:

He'll see it in person soon ;3


Also, my dead dA account is only for Digital Colouring and such... Maybe some day i'll learn properly~

[http://kurai-muin.deviantart.com/ ]

Thank you for stopping by and watching ^^


Also guys, this is kind of a "Sorry for the Hiatus and thanks for being such an awesome community" drawing~

And will try to upload some other thingies later~

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any requests for me to draw? Considering I can't get my act together with +Infinitas right now...

My Stuffz

OC hanging over sharpedo tank



OC giving May a piggyback ride

Weavile holding a dagger

Ninetales using Confuse Ray

Open the door, get on the floor, everyone walk the PokéSaur! (Rampardos looking at a guy on the floor through an open door)

Hark and a Flareon

Ikaru and Mismagius

Ashley on a Lapras

Sleepy May

Sleepy May 2.0

My face when Bullet joins a server tournament

May in starting trainer, intermediate trainer, and champion outfits

OC looking at May with a disdainful look

Silva (OC's Sceptile) being fancy

Flamma (OC's Charizard) avoiding a Stone Edge

Macto (OC's Infernape) being a pimp

OC lifting up May's skirt while singing a jaunty tune

May glomping Steven

May imagining OC kneeling before her and admiting defeat.

OC hugging May from behind

OC and May telling scary stories around a campfire

OC messing with May's hair

OC and May at a hot spring with a bunch of monkey-style Pokémon

May holding a Minncino

My imagination of when I make a new +Infinitas page compared to reality

Neku and Myles (Tink) a-troll'n

Mewtwo and Lucario

GG, Luna, Saya and Ikaru all having a tea party

Silva (OC's Sceptile) after Unburden takes effect

Amethyst and Radomus playing a game of chess

Karen, Sidney and Grimsley

A talking banana named Steve

Mew, Celebi, Jirachi and Manaphy

Dragonair and Dragonite

May appearing worried about something inb4pregnancytest

Mudkip after a long day


Ashley hugging a Ninetales

OC and May's Pokémon having a tea party

Tyler (Ashley's brother) and his Spiritomb

Aeirow and his Umbreon

OC and May in Team Magma and Aqua outfits

May drawn in a different style than usual

Mashew and Ashley cuddlehugging with a Nidoking sleeping behind them

Allan's true form

May atop of Nazo (May's Flygon)

Amor and Gladius


Autumn&&N... >>

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Im shitfaced when it comes to drawin da Pokemon,

So hurr are my drawings!~

Autumn&Tubblez----> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/99aa9654.jpg

Summer---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/cbccc0a7.jpg

Spring---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/5573c8ea.jpg

AutumnGettingSecondBadgeInKanto---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/b90eae1b.jpg

Autumn&&Winter---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/d1cbfed4.jpg

Autumn,Winter,&Dragonz---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/739fa8ed.jpg

Autumn,Winter,&N---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/c98ba567.jpg

Autumn&&Mashew---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/4469a35c.jpg

;;;Autumn&&N Drawings&&Edits

AutumnCryingToN---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/ef1fa47a.jpg

NWhisperingToAutumn---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/DONTLEAVEME.jpg

Autumn&NArgument---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/BADROMANCE.jpg

AutumnHuggingN---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/AutumnNHug.jpg

NBeingNaughty.. >>--->http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/AutumnAndN.jpg

NHuggingAutumn---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/NandAutumnCOPY.jpg

Autumn&NHugging---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/230320_209483302405462_100000313811270_644942_5350707_n.jpg

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  • Administrators

Your work is really quite cute. Keep it up. I also like how you have such a distinct characterized version of yourself... Perhaps that only strikes me because I've never settled on any such appearance.

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again... i gotta agree with ame, you have a particular art style you stick to, and thats cool... mayhaps i shall post up pictures of how i dipict members of reborn ha ha

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys! Me again with some more Kingo and I drawings c:

Haters gonna hate, totally @w@

Also, remember: Don't show him, he's going to have the original soon c:

If I violate any rule, please please let me know, and it was not my intention at all x:

Aand tell me what you think, please, critiques are really important for me ^^


Bai c:

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Guest Ashley

I like it, but you need to be... moar naked, muin. Otherwise, it's pretty damn good. Eye with the bit of hair in front could use some work too I guess.

Why in the fuck would you even say that?

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Guest Ashley

It's not art till there's a naked woman somewhere. Plus, i have to poke at kingo every now and then.

I'm not even going to say anything about that. Because that's just downright... ugh.

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That's..woah..How could you even say that?

Far beyond rude, disgusting, and Rule7.

Be ashamed, Mael. You should be for saying crap like that.

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1. I agree with the hair thing

2. damn people... its a joke... i hope your joking about your sensitivity :/

3. you guys should read up on some art history before you shit on mael's opinions

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