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Oh I just reposted it cause you said your mom couldn't get a good shot of it << >>

And yeah I see room for both of those pretty clearly; should I bother him to look at this? I can bother him to look at it. I'm good at bothering people. Yes.

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Second piece of my AP Art: Drawing portfolio.


This piece is about a nightmare in a scene from Tinkeryit and my story, "Worlds Collide." The picture shows a gloomily-lit bridge between a capitol castle city and a forest wilderness above an enormous and dark gorge.

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Jaywalking is generally more frowned upon than other things here in Perry :c

Anyways, I drew a man. And named him Spencer because derp feet.


Then suddenly I need a new camera or a better light in the basement.

Edited by Silver~
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Anything above the neck in this picture is drawn bad.

...and the hands. Those are probably some of the worst hands I've ever drawn.

Basically an attempt at drawing someone sitting calmly while texting. The results are... meh. Lackluster.

Oh, and I'll be using Bristol Board from now on. Those things are durable as fuck, so I won't have many paper ripping errors.

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Once upon a time, a passerby fell asleep while walking.

We shall never know the rest of the story.

Basically, I was tired of drawing all the new complicated poses. I decided to do a basic one again just to improve my nubling anatomy senses.

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Woah! Hadn't check THIS in a while! You people are incredibly talented o:

Kudos to all!

I'm gonna share my lastest stuff around, if you don't mind c:

-Adventure time with Muin, Francis (My cat) and DSu ._. :Okay:


-Persona 3 Fanart on a folder c:


-A little something of a poster for a YGO battle. Sorry for smallness c:


Edited by Muin
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Roo returns for his weekendly trip!


(I've been copying my DA descriptions sue me)

In terms of anatomy and clothing, this is probably one of my most decent drawings (APART FROM THAT ONE HAND)... although the shoes are.... ecghhhhh.

I tried to make someone who looked a little more... smarter, I guess. It seemed to work ok.

I must say though, I must've rushed the shading, because the drawing looks a bit rough for my taste :C

Oh and the coin adds a gambling taste. I was originally gonna make him flick it... but that turned out horribly, so I resorted to this.

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I may not use a pencil and paper to make my art, but it's still pretty (at least to me).




Feel free to use 'em, just credit me in a really small font in your sig.

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Yeah, it's Annie & Tibbers.

I'mma double post. Try and stop me.


I had heaps of fun making this one. Tons of color mixing, trial & error, and lot's of oil paint filter. I think I successfully captured Lulu's whimsy.

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Stars & Shit are a pain in the ass, but they're so worth it. At the rate that I'm making stuff, I'll end up making a new thread to house all of my creations.

EDIT: I don't want to flood the thread anymore, so here's my post for today - 4/12/13




I had a nebula file leftover from making the Teemo banner up there, so I had to put it to good use. Lightning is a little cliche on Volibear, but the8layersoflightning it made the picture; at least for me.

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So as I seem to be practicing poses with every drawing I do, I figured I might as well practice other aspects of the drawing aswell. So I started on expressing emotions.

I'm proud of the face, and meh-ish about everything else. I didn't really implement much of any sort of fashion sense here because that wasn't the goal with this drawing.


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EDIT: I don't want to flood the thread anymore, so here's my post for today - 4/12/13




I had a nebula file leftover from making the Teemo banner up there, so I had to put it to good use. Lightning is a little cliche on Volibear, but the8layersoflightning it made the picture; at least for me.

Lightning (or thunder at least) is basically part of his character, how is it cliche?

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Self portrait for AP.


My biggest fear, as far as I'm aware of is ghosts. For this AP segment, I'm gonna draw portraits of all the other AP students in my class with their biggest fears.

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Alright, I would like to display my most recent OC.
I've put quite a bit of time in to her, and I'm very proud. She is from a Fallout Fan Fiction and a character I currently Roleplay as.


:Character Summary:

Basic Information

Name: Sumiko Iverson

Nickname(s): Sumi, FEV Reject, Monster, Subject 214, Angel

Physical Age: 22 Years

Actual Age: Mid-Nineties.

Gender: Female

Species: Mutated Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Vices: Wrath, Despair, Envy, Desire

Virtues: Loyalty, Courage, Altruism, Justice

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Faction: Independent

Character Archetype(s): Anti-Hero, Kuudere

Religious Ground: Atheist

Miscellaneous Talents: Sumiko is a Musician of Some Talent and
Can Play Virtually Any Kind of Stringed Instrument, Also to Compliment
Her Inhuman Grace She Has Years of Ballet and Formal Dance Under Her
Belt. Though, She is Not Fond of Others Knowing About These Talents.

Misc.: Sumiko has a pair of dogtags that she always wears
around her neck. As a matter of fact, she is prone to breakdowns and
explosive rage whenever they become lost or otherwise. She has gone as
far as tracking down a band of raiders and slaughtering them like dogs
to recover them. They once belonged to someone close to her...

Physical Description

Eyes: Soft, However Experienced, Glimmering Amethyst

Hair Color/Style: Strawberry Blonde, Swept Back, Shoulder Length or Shorter.

Skin Tone: Fair Caucasian


Build: Slender, Well Toned Form, Light Muscularity Visible.

Bust Size: 34C

Measurements: 34C-24-35

Height: 5' 7"

Markings/Etc.: Sumiko's Entire Body is Subject to Minor Scarring, However Her Most Noticable Scar is the Jagged Scar Following Along Her Spine.

Karma: Neutral, True Mortal

S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: Strength 9, Perception 10, Endurance 8, Charisma 1, Intelligence 8, Agility 9, Luck 5

TAG!: Sneak, Lockpick, Guns (Small Guns For Other Fallout Games.), Unarmed

Traits: Good Natured, Skilled

Weapons on Hand: Boxing Tape, Hope (Sumiko's Customized .45 Auto Pistol)

Misc. Notes: Sumiko is immune to all Chems, including Stimpacks as a result of her mutation.

In Depth:

Psychological/Motivational Summary

Sumiko, at heart has a gentle yet resolute nature. However, she often
conceals her true nature behind a wall of stoicism. She has a "Heart of
Gold" and is disgusted at the sight of others being abused by their "betters."
Witnessing such will often set her off on a war path to bring an end to it.
Whether or not this is purely to protect the weak, or out of hatred for those
who abuse them is unclear.

Her greatest soft spot is for children, being willing to place her
life on the line to protect a them. Her motivation is simply to give
them a chance at a life she never had. Well, the best life possible
in a nuclear wasteland.

Her lonesome past as a test subject is a major part of her tendency
to shut others out, she is often reluctant to grow attached to others
and thus is subject to not remaining in the same place for an extended
period of time. She wanders the wasteland, having no intention of
finding her 'place' or making her mark. She is a ghost, guided
purely by what she feels as right.

Getting close to Sumiko is a challenge due to her reclusive nature,
seeking a relationship of any sort with her is a very challenging path
to tread that requires a level of persistence. She has an innate fear
of others getting too close to her, believing that they will only get
hurt or reject her once they know of what she is

Finally, her knowledge of social graces is... Limited, so she at times
will even show a lack of understanding in situations that an average
human would see as normal. Her time cut off from humanity outside of
those who see her as nothing more than an experiment has vastly affected
the way she interacts with others.

Other Notable Information

What is Sumiko?: Sumiko is a former test subject of the FEV
project. You know, the Forced Evolution Virus, the thing that created
those hulking green and yellow monsters that exist throughout the
wasteland? Only, Sumiko was subject to a very unique strain. Her
physical changes were not that drastic, as a matter of fact she looks
like any other human of the wasteland.

What changed within her, was more at an inner level. Her mutation
allowed for various changes within her body, affecting everything from
her muscle and bone structure to even her brain. Though, not typically
as powerful as an actual Super Mutant Sumiko is capable of exhibiting
strength far beyond that of a human being. Having maintained her size
and shape she is also capable of inhuman levels of speed, dexterity,
flexibility and agility that Super Mutants are incapable of exhibiting due
to their cumbersome nature.

Not only this, but she possesses a regenerative ability and a great
level of endurance. However, all of this comes at a price of sorts. Due to the
many changes to her DNA, her blood and overall body composition differ
from normal human beings. The greatest change being that she is
incapable of naturally producing Hemoglobin, and must consume blood on a
regular basis or risk dying. In addition to this,
whenever she consumes human blood her regenerative ability improves to
the level of her wounds healing almost instantaneously. It turns out,
she also does not age. Her cells, even her brain cells consistently
regenerate and repair themselves. Thankfully, not at the same level of
the muties. Her cells regenerate and repair, at precisely the perfect
equilibrium, meaning Sumiko is technically immortal.

She is, by all means the most successful result of the FEV project,
exhibiting little to no physical mutation. Which, is why it was such a
loss for the Enclave when she escaped from their clutches. At the cost
of a life, however... The only person Sumiko truly held dear to her, an
Enclave Scientist by the name of Alice... She was Sumiko's only solace
during her time in that facility... Decades of her life, wasted
away... But, now she is free.

In addition to all of these extra goodies, she did not inherit the
Super Mutant resistance to radiation. And, thus must remain as cautious
as the every day waster. She must also eat food and consume water like a
typical human being, as a matter of fact her metabolism is
significantly higher than that of a normal human being. Meaning, she
must consume even more food to stay alive. Aside from that, unlike the
other Super Mutants she has a clearly defined gender. However, she has
also been rendered sterile by the experiments.

Sadly, as a result of her mutation Sumiko has no memory of her time
before she was brought in to the Enclave Facility. She only knows her name
due to having read her medical reports from her time in the facility. So, all
she really goes on is with what she feels to be right. The things...
Alice had taught her.

Skills: Sumiko's greatest strength, lies with her hand-to-hand
combat. She is adept in various forms of Martial Arts from her training at the Enclave Facility.
Her ability to kill with her hands is far greater than her ability to kill
with any weapon. Sumiko tends to avoid conflict unless she sees it being
completely necessary, she will often flee from an assault if blood shed
is avoidable. She dislikes drawing attention to her presence unless a
statement is to be made.

Aside from her unarmed capabilities, she is also a rather skilled
marksman. Though, she prefers to handle smaller weapons and rifles. She
is known to carry a handgun with her at times.

Sumiko is a master of the art of stealth, and is a master of
lockpicking. However, she lacks a great deal of knowledge in the
technological area and will sooner cave in the door to a safe than bother
hacking the electronic lock.

Sumiko's scientific knowledge is greater than that of the average
person as well, however this lies solely in the fields of Chemistry and Biology.
She is capable of constructing various weapons and chemical concoctions
at a moment's notice. Sumiko is also medically inclined and capable of performing
non-complex operations. She is also a master of repair, though this stems from her natural
curiosity and perception of how things work. Jury Rigging, is honestly
something natural to her.

Her Perception in general is her most powerful trait, being able
to predict the movements of others and being constantly aware of her
surroundings. She is perceptive enough to notice even the subtle shimmer
of a Stealth Boy in use.

Images: (Shopped by Myself, Somewhat Half Assed I'll Admit.)




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