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please tell me that does not say tit in the corner

Thank you sure you have officially broke my laughing box




'I thought it was obvious...'





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Because on my free time, I draw this.


I fucked up on Kaito's eyes so much...so..much...everything else seems ok, I guess. Len's the one I'm more proud of...he's so adoreable and shotaish and asdfghjkl

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So I practiced doing comic stuff today.

I was reading a great book called Making Comics (by Scott McCloud. I highly recommend it if you want to make comics), and I decided wynaut pick out one activity from there and do it!

This activity was based on the sort of different kinds of transitions you can use between panels in comics, and how you create the moments to make it flow properly. So I picked one of the mini plots listed (the weirdest one, obviously) and, as instructed, made a 1 page comic only using one kind of transition. I then had to make another one page comic about the same plot using only a different kind of transition. The first one is action-to-action, and the second one is scene-to-scene.

Some notes:
1. This comic made me feel like I was making people watch over the situation, while the other one made it feel more like it was actually happening.
2. Not a lot of this one actually had panels dedicated to the plot.
3. The other one was a little less interesting.

Is it bad that the second one only took 2 hours and 10 minutes, which is 20 minutes less than what the first one took? Because the second one seems more... detailed.

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Dana that's freakin' adorable qq

So I attempted something new

And I failed





Random fans: So cute! Just like thay Ollie!

Oliver: .... ((Save me...T_///))

I like the first one bettterrrrrrrr

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how can you draw on a calculator and i cant manage to calculate with a calculator

There's a draw function on the calculator but I like to change my window setting to make it easier to draw on. If i still had one I'd walk you through it but I cannot remember off the top of my head

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Another Sekai (Left-handed lolpuns) drawing I mad a while back


- Sekai~

I am having so much trouble drawing hands...

This so pretty

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I am having so much trouble drawing hands...

This so pretty

Thanks! This was Drawn with my left hand, which took more effort than it sounds since I'm naturally right handed, but I've had some practice with other simpler drawings which I am ashamed to show because they're so bad XD

Edited by Cpt.DanaKS
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Hooray it's my weekly draw thing again


For the record, this is what happens when I get a pile of random colouring markers for my birthday and randomly use them on my weekend sketch. Needless to say, shading doesn't exist here and I suck.

This was probably a one-time-only thing. I suppose I'm mildly pleased... if only because there's colours and not just dull grey stuff.

Also I'm bad at designing clothes. The sword in this case was inspired a little by Disgaea's Yoshitsuna.

And when I split that name into three syllables, I get "Yo-Shit-Suna".

Also my scanner is horrible at picking up colour so this really is probably a one-time-only thing
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  • 2 weeks later...

Late post because of dem server collapses:


I don't think I've done that whole "draw big things on days that aren't weekends" thing very well. But since the holidays start soon, I actually might!

Anyway, this drawing is a prime example of why you should look at a picture for reference before drawing a background; I did this really badly. Not only that, but I didn't have a lot of time that weekend, so I could only draw a final shoddy outline.

This was more for perspective practice, but I found a lot of problems such as merging planes and the actual point of view being really hard, even in one-point perspective. I'm gonna learn some stuff before trying this again.

Apart from that, I guess this is the first time I've done a major project on this topic, so that's a thing.

Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to look for a guide on drawing trees and the sun.

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Fucking around on my new tablet, these are the only pictures I made that I didn't ruin halfway in with obscenities or penises drawn all over it.



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Fucking around on my new tablet, these are the only pictures I made that I didn't ruin halfway in with obscenities or penises drawn all over it.



First of all: I'm going to blackmail you into helping me draw with a tablet.

Second of all: Will for Grame Groops

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So I'm probably gonna do a bunch of small drawings over the week just so I can not do huge massive ones concentrated on one weekend; this means I can practice over a larger spread of time.

Only problem is, I'm stuck on what to draw as of late. So today I decided to do the Male Samurai class from a game called Disgaea 2. It's... well, the second one.

He also looks kiddy. And stubby. And everything else that I messed up drawing afojaiueneaiung

(also I forgot to give him a sword)
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This was my retry on perspective after looking at a view guides, and I feel I did... the "perspective" part better.

Everything else was meh. I didn't have time to do wall details, and the door and stair carpet look a little lame; I probably didn't have enough time for details because of all the setup lines I had to draw to make this look legit.

And, with that, I will be dragged to Italy without internet for two weeks! See you then!

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