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Interest Check: Once Upon a Time

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If I'm right, that's the fairly new show focusing on a lotta fairy tale stuff right? It's on my netflix list iirc, waiting patiently for me, like sooooo many other series.

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A friend of mine got me to watch quite a bit but I never bothered to keep up. I stopped somewhere around the Jack and The Beanstalk episode.

Seeing the chick that plays Emma was kinda weird because she has a pretty big role in How I met Your Mother towards the final seasons and she plays polar opposite characters.

I also just noticed that your avy is Emma.

Main tv shows I am into ATM is Archer, Dare Devil, and Arrow. I just can't keep up on some because they aren't fully up to date on Netflix ><

Just waiting for Netflix to get update them.

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Bumping this topic to gather some more interest.

I always found Season 2 of OUAT to be somewhat boring, but it's just me being too impatient, and it's filled with filler, imo.

@Maelstrom I don't think there's any episode that you could jump to, for you to like the series. It's fine if you don't enjoy it, but I'd probably watch Season 3, although that's a huge jump.


Fairy tale stuff is always nice, cool to see different interpretations of the old stories or even find new ones. I'll have t kick it up the list...

Basically what OUAT is.

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I watched Season 1 online back when it was first being broadcast in the US but my interest just kinda dissipated when Season 2 started and school started becoming a bigger priority... :/

Planning on starting to watch it again during the summer though (among other shows), but I've got a lot of catching up to do :x

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