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can romance really happen to the MC?

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So, as pretty much a Fan fiction Writer(albeit not writing for a long time), I have been thinking of this topic.

Will Ame put a "Romantic" route for the MC?

I don't know, maybe its because some of the newest Pokemon game shows a bit of "Romance" event(BW's Ferris Wheel, Pokemon AROS' interaction with rival, etc)

If MC is able to have a Romantic relationship with a character, who will you choose people?

For me, I don't know why but I wanna see Veto and Shelly(yes, I know its illegal, forgive my Lolicon here :v), either that or Vero and Luna. Their interaction is really good, especially the MC(male) with Shelly(since they tag team twice already)

Also, for the gag, I really wanna see if you can go on a date with Terra :3

While we only interact with her a bit, she is really awesome! One of my favorite 8007y in dah game anyway

(PS: and I'd like Male MC able to date Cain, like Persona 2 being able to date his guy friend ;3

Will be really cool if that happen)

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I think that'd be a ton of work since then you'd have to create unique events for multiple people for each gender/sexuality or lack there of. But I do wish it was a thing. VeroxShelly is something I'm OK with though, since I'm also a minor so it's not weird or anything and everyone tends to see their characters at about their own age as their avatars. Romance would be a neat feature, I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to see a cutscene of a wacky date with Radomus or Julia?

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In-game, highly unlikely, considering it's almost an unwritten rule in Pokemon games for the player character to have the personality of a cardboard cut-out.

For a fan fiction, depends on what the author wants to do I guess.

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Well, at most I want maybe a Ferris Wheel event like in BW, just one battle then a short date :3

May double as rebattle old gym/rival

Also, I do have mind for Veto/Shelly fic in mind, but TBH, my grammar sucks, a lot even(since I didn't study them, game's your best English teach), so I kinda need a BETA, anyone up for it? :v

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Hmmm, it would be cool, if the MC had an actual personality. But much like Half Life, the entire universe revolves around you, but eh Swiggity Swooty it would be cool to get some botty.

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While not exactly dating or marrying a gym leader (from my understanding), Ame has mentioned an idea for the post-game which would allow you to get to know the characters of reborn on a more personal level.

However personal that is.

Also, I do have mind for Veto/Shelly fic in mind, but TBH, my grammar sucks, a lot even(since I didn't study them, game's your best English teach), so I kinda need a BETA, anyone up for it? :v

I could help out with this! I love writing/editing stuff.
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I'd totally ship Lucia and Cain or Cal (sry Victoria, you don't deserve him :I ) , and I'd be glad if we get even only a post-game thing to somewhat develop bonds with the characters

But anyone would be furious with someone after allowing someone close to them to die. In-game Victoria might have had irrational thoughts due to the deep pain of losing a mentor. Plus I'm looking forward to future development to see more of the story.

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I'd totally ship Lucia and Cain or Cal (sry Victoria, you don't deserve him :I ) , and I'd be glad if we get even only a post-game thing to somewhat develop bonds with the characters

I'd be catty enough to date Cal just to spite Victoria. But really, I would rather just kill Victoria. Then I can still date Ame.

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It's not happening this is Reborn, not one of those Visual Novel things so many people around here are into. >>

Also Twin Judge of Gemini, only Ace Members are allowed to participate in the Beta test.

Gemini means a Beta reader for a Vero/Shelly fanfiction he's writing. But I agree with your first point though. Unless you weren't serious about the second point?

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Shows how well I'm versed in the world of fanfiction don't it?

I guess... You learn something new about things everyday. But at least you gave them the requirements to become a beta tester in Reborn :)

Edited by amazingmagicsam
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I think that'd be a ton of work since then you'd have to create unique events for multiple people for each gender/sexuality or lack there of. But I do wish it was a thing. VeroxShelly is something I'm OK with though, since I'm also a minor so it's not weird or anything and everyone tends to see their characters at about their own age as their avatars. Romance would be a neat feature, I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to see a cutscene of a wacky date with Radomus or Julia?

Shipping Radomus and Julia...think of all the magic and explosions...

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Shipping Radomus and Julia...think of all the magic and explosions...

I think they'd work out okay except I picture Radomus as being considerably older than Julia so that could be a potential road block there.

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im not really one for romance especially in a videogame (also i HATE shipping) but the idea of relationships with many different aged characters makes me wonder if we could get an age option in the beginning of the game

we already have gender and race so why not age

you could have the normal 10 year old child and a 21 year old adult to give some diversity

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