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Washman returns!


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OU Simple and Dangerous.


Hey, it's been a while since I made RMT so here I am.

This is an OU team and I would appreciate to see what people think of this team. :D

I don't think I could do it better, but I felt it lacked Toxic but with so much hazards and paralyze and burn potentials, there were no space for Toxic.

598.gif@ Rocky Helmet

Ability: Iron Barbs

EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def

Impish Nature

- Leech Seed

- Power Whip

- Thunder Wave

- Spikes

Ferrothorn is really bulky so I use it as physical defensive bastard.

Leech Seed as it lacks Leftovers, so it can recover its or team's HP.

Power Whip if it should be taunted and it's STAB so why not?

Thunder Wave and Spikes speak for themselves. Entry hazards 4 lyfe.

Rocky Helmet actually helps prevent Rapid Spinners if their HP is low enough.

121.gif@ Leftovers

Ability: Natural Cure

EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Timid Nature

- Scald

- Psyshock

- Rapid Spin

- Recover

I use Starmie for taking away enemy hazards instead of Defog, this way my hazards stay on the enemy's side.

Scald and Psyshock for STAB and chance for Burn.

I split the EVs for HP and Speed so it has decent bulk and enough speed to spin away hazards before going down.

Recover, Leftovers and Natural Cure to stay healthy.

485.gif@ Leftovers

Ability: Flash Fire

EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD

Calm Nature

- Stealth Rock

- Lava Plume

- Roar

- Flash Cannon

Heatran has good stats and has really good SDef, so I chose it to set up Rocks and burn things.

Lava Plume to burns and Flash Cannon against Fairy types or Rock types. Better to damage with so many hazards.

Roar will help me damage enemy with my hazards. It works well when enemy mispredicts or try to switch in threatening Pokémon. :D

642.gif@ Expert Belt

Ability: Defiant

EVs: 44 Atk / 212 SpA / 252 Spe

Hasty Nature

- Thunderbolt

- Knock Off

- Taunt

- Hidden Power [ice]

I chose Thundurus because it's fast, strong and has good typing for this team.

Thunderbolt and HP Ice with Expert Belt makes this threatening to many Pokémon.

Knock Off is a good move, so I chose to use it. Stronger when Defiant is activated, since Defog users are either weak to TBolt or Dark type moves.

Taunt stops recovery Pokémon or Hazard users.

149.gif@ Choice Band

Ability: Multiscale

EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD

Adamant Nature

- Outrage

- Fire Punch

- Earthquake

- Extreme Speed

I've always loved Bandnite's strength and bulk so I put it in.

It's common Dragonite comes in to battle, so I use Outrage to do as much damage as possible.

Fire Punch and Earthquake for coverage.

Extreme Speed is very effective for late game sweeping or revenge killing.

The EVs are for the bulk since it rarely outspeeds threatening Pokémon, and it can survive well anyway.

428.gif@ Lopunnite

Ability: Limber

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Fake Out

- High Jump Kick

- Ice Punch

- Frustration

Lopunny is really strong and fast when Mega evolved so she's here being fabulous.

Limber prevents it to be paralyzed until it evolves and it's worked before so I appreciate it.

Fake Out makes it Mega evolve safely and is useful most of the time.

High Jump Kick and Frustration are the main moves that deal alot of damage. Too strong.

Ice Punch against common bulky enemies like Landorus or Garchomp.

I hope you like the team and tell me what you think. If you wanna battle, tell me in the server. :D

Edit: Here's one replay just to show off a close battle and action this team can make.

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Washman doing a non-trick room team? This is blasphemy!

But on a serious note, the only thing that gets me is the choice of Frustration over Return. Since they both have the same base power, I'd be worried about the odd Ditto or some other way to exploit the move choice since most Pokemon have their happiness set to zero anyway.

Unless Dittos have set their Happiness level to 255 to try to counter the Return users, then this would throw them off completely. :P

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