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Version 6 Status Thread


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  On 6/22/2015 at 6:10 PM, Hypa said:


1.Is it overused? yes

2.Is it too powerful? for first 4 gyms yes

3.Is there a better spot for it? idk

4.What can I replace it with that would be viable? idk

1. Wait Honchkrow is not that good lol, I think it's perfect where it is. Its too slow to do much of anything vs Narcissa (Maybe kills 1-2 pokes)

2. It doesn't get Sucker Punch unless you level Murkrow to Lv 55 or use the move tutor, which is only available after gym 7 (Smart move by Jan honestly move tutor was broken early game)

3. Its moveset isnt very good imo, without BB and Sucker punch It kinda sucks tbh and not to mention its pretty frail

Honchkrow is pretty strong and has moxie, but I feel like it doesnt become OP until later levels where pokemon are supposed to be getting better/stronger. I feel like its only overused because its a cool pokemon tbh lol

Edited by SexyMilotic
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I don't consider Honchkrow and Murkrow OP tbh. Sure Murkrow is fast and hits hard, but its paper-thin defenses will get it nowhere unless it has the type advantage and/or a good clean 2HKO. Honchkrow on the other hands makes up for Murkrows lack of bulk while losing the speed that was soooooo desperately needed to make Murkrow a threat in the first place. Not to mention its level up movepool is garbage until later levels and even with the added bulk, it still doesn't take hits too well. Not to mention you have to use a precious dusk stone on it, something you should clearly be saving for Chandelure and not a shitty bird.

I'd rate it as so.

Is it overused? Yes.

Is it too powerful? Hell no.

Is their a better spot for it? If moved, it needs to be either after Narcissa or Crawli... and if this happened no one would use it :D

What can I replace it with that would be viable? idk really. I'd suggest Vullaby as it doesn't evolve until 54 making it not so viable against Crawli and the like, but meh. Different strokes for different folks.


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i like where houndoom is placed because omg cute <3 and it doesnt get its good moves till after lv 50 ... or if you keep it as a houndoom it learns the OP moves (flamethrower,Nasty plot) untill lv 52, its those kinds of pokemon i would like to see more of in early game. Staryu might be interesting early game as there is no easy way to get water stones early on. Its not really that strong evolved anyways but it would make a semi interesting replacement for marill since marill never really got replaced.

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Even if Murkrow is axed, I think I would still mourn Jumpluff being moved more than anything else. Who knew the little dandelion would pack such a punch. Although it's probably because Hoppip line was just so amazing compared to all the other early game grass types.

(That said I need to come here more often.)

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I don't think murkrow should be axed. It isn't that strong and reason many uses it is that murkrow/honchcrow have the m'lady hat and is da best.

#Axe pick up pokemon.

No cheap money, no potions, no items that pokemon can evolve.

Axe dem all.

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Reverse: The start screen cycles between VS sprites, so you can still see unfamiliar sprites and familiar ones of everyone in the game (as of the episode) without having to go to the sprites folder and spoiling yourself. I love flipping off some of them. XD

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  On 6/24/2015 at 11:01 PM, Master Menos said:

Reverse: The start screen cycles between VS sprites, so you can still see unfamiliar sprites and familiar ones of everyone in the game (as of the episode) without having to go to the sprites folder and spoiling yourself. I love flipping off some of them. XD

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I'm wondering what the guy at 1:55 will do in the story...But it's too late...I have this sprite stuck in my head and it won't go out...

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People will always find other ways to beat the gyms easily. Sooner or later it gets easy but what I would like is for the game to no make me require to change pokemon every gym leader so that's why I'm always making these OP teams on my sig so I get beaten by nobody. If you ain't cheating... you ain't trying - Shofu

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  On 6/25/2015 at 1:02 AM, Master Menos said:

Reverse: I see. He strikes me as an Electric-type user or on that Team Xen BS, but I could be wrong on both.

The first time,i though that he was maybe an old sprite of Geara but now i doubt it...

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  On 6/27/2015 at 12:36 AM, Pata733 said:

So when do u think version 6 will be finish and will it have mega evolution

1) Most likely somewhere in July. 2) Nope, but Jan did say you can start your quest to find the mega stones in V6.

Edited by Zumi
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soon and not in v6 if you looked in the posted listed up above your post you see that they said no in v6 but you can start your quest to look for the stones not you will get mega evolution

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let's just say that your patience will definitely be rewarded :> i'm sure you guys will like what it has in store. just a little longer...

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im kinda scared if its a game changer does that mean some gym leaders will be getting a nice change ? or something if houndoom gets removed i will riot... i would actually like to see bugsie get a bit of a strength boost ive steamrolled him in every playthrough maybe its down to the nature of bug types and their weakness to fire but in any case it would be interesting. New earlier pokemon will be something fun to mess around with and could prove to be a potential nice difficulty increase

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