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2015 Next Weavile President Election


2015 Next Weavile President Election  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want to be your 2015 Weavile President?

    • Arkenciel Zeno
    • Vinny
    • Neutral
    • Ike (for EXLink)

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Welcome to 2015's Weavile President Election! I'm your host, Chubb! Now, the competitors are Vinny, whose demands have been met, and Arkenciel Zero (and Ike...)! Running for Vice President/First Lady is KosherKukulkan (meaning she automatically gets the position)! Let's get voting, everybody!

The Speeches:

As new weavile president, i promise to raise taxes, feed the sick, hunger the poor, and outspeed Vinnys weavile and low kick it to death.

Vote for me and i shall provide you with top tier sneasels and weaviles, and CHEESE!

(WARNING: Cheese may or may not be delivered, no promises have been made, sneasel/weavile probably also not delivered. Vote now!)


(I have no idea why im doing this, just roll with it)

I'll have to quote a few people to get through this:

First, Arkhidon:


Then, Jericho:


And Bearicho:


Yep, and by the way. NO! I'm not allowing you or anyone do that!


Go back home, there's nothing to see here.

(And also the post below)

I'll narrate this as the votes come in!


Vinny is winning by a landslide. The current standings are this:

Neutral - Chubb the Pig, Vinny, Shing (3)

Arkenciel - Arkenciel Zeno (1)

Vinny - AuthorReborn, blasterman4, TacosAndFlowers, NameNotFound, Odybld, iOS Gino,dark_stalker, KosherKukulkan, Absolute_Zero, EXLink32, Flynn, Sparky, Dat Assery, Sinikuro013 (14)

Vinny is very humble, one of his positive qualities, since he voted for neutrality rather than himself. Good work! Also, even though I voted for neutrality, go Vinny!


Vinny is still winning, but a surprise candidate just came out of the blue - Ike! The standings:

Neutral - Chubb the Pig, Vinny, Sir_Bagel (3)

Arkenciel - Arkenciel Zeno (1)

Vinny - AuthorReborn, blasterman4, TacosAndFlowers, NameNotFound, Odybld, iOS Gino,dark_stalker, KosherKukulkan, Absolute_Zero, Flynn, Sparky, Dat Assery,Sinikuro013, iowayshay, OmegaRa1der, ~Derpy Simon (16)

Ike - Shing, EXLink32 (2)

Also, apparently there were two scandals! Arkenciel attempted bribing people with cookies and then blackmailing future Vice President and First Lady, Kosher! Oh my!

Next and final recap will be sometime tonight now, and then this poll shall be locked and our president shall be decided. Vote now! And see you then.

XOXO Gossip Grumpig (Totally not stealing G.Gardevoir's identity)

RECAP #3: And the results are in!

Obviously, Vice President and First Lady go to Kosher, since nobody ran against her.

And our next Weavile President is... *dramatic drum roll* VINNY! With 18 votes (Dobby and MMM voted just now; DobbyTheELFUUUUN, MMM)!

Arkenciel has chosen to be our proposed "That Sneasel Guy" or "Sneasel Lord" instead, and withdrew from the competition. No, wait, he's a Sableye now.

And randomly selected Ike gets nothing, only put in due to demands. He only had 2 votes...

Well, that wraps up this Election! Good luck to our Weavile President Vinny, Vice President and First Lady Kosher, and new That Sneasel Sableye Guy Arkenciel! Hope you all had a good time!

*screen fades*

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I'm not really sure why Vinny needs a replacement. How about you just be the Sneasel guy or something? :3

So vinny the father, and Zeno the son.

Or Vinny the sensei, and Zeno the student.

I don't even know what i'm talking about.

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Uh oh, looks like there's a scandal now. Arkenciel has been seen to be bribing people with cookies!

Proof: Guys if you vote for me as Weavile president ill give you a cookie

Let's see how this election turns out even though Vinny's obviously going to win; I mean I even stated it in this small font!

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