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Ahem, Rotation help.


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Hence topic. My main team.

Torterra Lv.37

Hariyama Lv.37

Gyarados Lv.37 (I don't want to hear "but you have a gyarados" I want be more efficient with my other members)

Venomoth Lv. 34

Diggersby(Tho) Lv.34

Manectric Lv.34

Now to Pokemon that I want you to help me decide a decent rotation.

Magnemite, Scraggy, Vulpix, Duskull, Pancham, Houndour, Camerupt, Yamask, Swinub, Carvanha.

I will be training of them to at least Lv 34-36.

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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Yo picking pokes for the rotation isn't hard, what I usually do is just choose types that I dont have on my main team. So in your case Duskull/Yamask, Houndour/Vulpix/Camerupt, though Drought Ninetales will prove useful in the future and Swinub. Pancham/Scraggy could be a decent replacement for Hariyama since it also gives you a dark type which you dont have. Same with Magnemite, it can give you a steel type. It's all up to your preference though.

Edited by SexyMilotic
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