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Thinking of starting a ghost Monorun (with sneasel included when ep 15 comes out)

Arkenciel Zeno

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So im thinking of starting a ghost monorun sometime. I know its hard cause you dont get a ghost until like after corey but whatever.
Any recommendations? Im willing to use at least 2 pokemon that arent ghosts considering how scarce they are.

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You could potentially have somebody hack a starter in for you, if you'd like. I can't actually do it myself, however.

Anyways, the two earliest Ghost types are Shuppet, before Corey, and Pumpkaboo, after Corey.

Im perfectly ok with that honestly. But... who would hack me that in tho. I'd need like 2 if i'd need to wait 2 gyms.

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Um, alright? Unless somebody else can do it. Post your save file, please!

This is my new save file for the mono run

Since i need 2 starter mons cause shuppet is a long way, i'd love a timid gastly and an adamant golett, just so i can actually damage normal types too...

Oh yeah gastly has levitate and golett has no guard


Edited by Arkenciel Zeno
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Hm, do I know you perchance?

If you're thinking of Arkenciel from showdown, no, that is not me, i thought about this name randomly whilst choosing from a variety of other random names to couple with Zeno, and arkenciel randomly came to my mind.

Unless you're actually thinking of my the ghost monotyper Zeno_magatama, in case yes thats me.

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umm I want to throw this in here cuz i've experienced this before with gastly.
It's completely useless until lv 25+ cuz it won't learn any special attack and you'd have to stick with lick until lv 19 just to go with night shade so...
I'd recommend choosing another starter? :l

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You could potentially have somebody hack a starter in for you, if you'd like. I can't actually do it myself, however.

Anyways, the two earliest Ghost types are Shuppet, before Corey, and Pumpkaboo, after Corey.

there's also 1 in shades gym the mane escapes me tho

i remember now, its yamask

Edited by sandy
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Isn't duskull and yamask available in Shade's gym?

when i made a new playthrough in the current episode i never seen duskull in there tho it may be a rare spawn, there's also a rotom in that gym but that comes much later

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umm I want to throw this in here cuz i've experienced this before with gastly.

It's completely useless until lv 25+ cuz it won't learn any special attack and you'd have to stick with lick until lv 19 just to go with night shade so...

I'd recommend choosing another starter? :l

Oh i know i know, but see i need at least 2 pokemon to actually do something on the early gyms and even if he doesnt have sp atks until than i can handle it, those are some of the only pokemon that are worth hacking in as starters since they arent available anywhere else.

Actually i might put a frillish in there aswell, honestly having 3 pokemon from the start can seem OP but by the time i were to reach the first ghost i'd already have a full team so really idc

Edited by Arkenciel Zeno
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when i made a new playthrough in the current episode i never seen duskull in there tho it may be a rare spawn, there's also a rotom in that gym but that comes much later

Isn't duskull and yamask available in Shade's gym? Also good luck on your run Zeno!

Yes they are definitely there, my recent topic proves that.


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Oh i know i know, but see i need at least 2 pokemon to actually do something on the early gyms and even if he doesnt have sp atks until than i can handle it, those are some of the only pokemon that are worth hacking in as starters since they arent available anywhere else.

Actually i might put a frillish in there aswell, honestly having 3 pokemon from the start can seem OP but by the time i were to reach the first ghost i'd already have a full team so really idc

hmm i guess since gastly won't be available anymore in ep15 .. ye I would've told u to get frillish instead but well :3

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hmm i guess since gastly won't be available anymore in ep15 .. ye I would've told u to get frillish instead but well :3

Meh honestly im using a frillish mainly, i think ill have gastly as a back up or something, i still need to find a way to get through flobot like that tho.

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Meh honestly im using a frillish mainly, i think ill have gastly as a back up or something, i still need to find a way to get through flobot like that tho.

Here, I added a frillish to the save file that Marrick168 created, I also added an egg if you have problems facing flobot


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