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is a steel mono-type possible?


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Everything except a dragon monorun is possible atm o.o

Every single monotype can be done if you have people willing to help you get some of the pokés.

Of course, depending on the monotype, you'd might need more than 1 starter. But, it can still be done.

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Every single monotype can be done if you have people willing to help you get some of the pokés.

Of course, depending on the monotype, you'd might need more than 1 starter. But, it can still be done.

But the dragon types are 95% unavailable in the game so I'm not sure anyone is allowed to help you get them ?_?

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But the dragon types are 95% unavailable in the game so I'm not sure anyone is allowed to help you get them ?_?


It all depends on the rules you set for yourself, tbh.

Back on topic: Yes, a steel monotype can be done. You could pro it up and try to go only with Piplup as a starter and that's it B)

EDIT: DERP read the comment below. Thank you \o/

Edited by Vinny
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But the dragon types are 95% unavailable in the game

For the starter you can choose between Charmender and Treecko then you get Noibat (which sucks but still), Trapinch (from the Arcade) Tyrunt (from the fossil), Swablu (on Route 1) and (from ep 15) Axew. That's six Pokemon so it is possible but very difficult...Ghost is almost impossible (as you're stuck with your starter till Corey).

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For the starter you can choose between Charmender and Treecko then you get Noibat (which sucks but still), Trapinch (from the Arcade) Tyrunt (from the fossil), Swablu (on Route 1) and (from ep 15) Axew. That's six Pokemon so it is possible but very difficult...Ghost is almost impossible (as you're stuck with your starter till Corey).

Don't forget Horsea and Druddigon

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For the starter you can choose between Charmender and Treecko then you get Noibat (which sucks but still), Trapinch (from the Arcade) Tyrunt (from the fossil), Swablu (on Route 1) and (from ep 15) Axew. That's six Pokemon so it is possible but very difficult...Ghost is almost impossible (as you're stuck with your starter till Corey).

but charmander and treecko aren't dragons o.o (until this game gets mega evo)

anyway there's trapinch and dragalge too, I guess it is indeed possible

For a ghost run I believe most people request their starter to be exchanged for a ghost pokemon?

For monoruns where your pokemon can't learn the HMs, I think you're allowed a hm slave?

For steel - you'll have pineco, mawile, piplup, burmy, magnemite, klink., aron , shieldon , pawniard - yea there's enough to build a team that are available ..not so late

Edited by Masquerain
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For a ghost run I believe most people request their starter to be exchanged for a ghost pokemon?

If she's willing to do that, do you think Ame might be willing to, when the time comes, "teach" a bug that looks like it plausibly could learn Surf, Surf?

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If she's willing to do that, do you think Ame might be willing to, when the time comes, "teach" a bug that looks like it plausibly could learn Surf, Surf?

Ame doesn't switch up the pokemon for monoruns, other peeps with RPGMaker-skills do so if someone makes such a request.

And I don't think Ame would like to break movepools just for the sake of convenience, except for Typhlosion (dat Energy Ball)...

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Which is a very understandable stance to hold, especially for the integrity of the game.

Also a bit of research made it clear no bugs that even -look- like they should own Surf exists: The only one that does is already so strong our resident bug gym leader uses it: and it would clearly get way too much type coverage if it had Surf.

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Which is a very understandable stance to hold, especially for the integrity of the game.

Also a bit of research made it clear no bugs that even -look- like they should own Surf exists: The only one that does is already so strong our resident bug gym leader uses it: and it would clearly get way too much type coverage if it had Surf.

You mean Masquerain? I always thought Armaldo could learn Surf for some reason, but yeah that's probably me being silly.

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Yeah Armaldo ca't learn it: it's just blue.

Armaldo is also a rock, so it's the last bug I'd expect to learn it.

The only reason I thought it would learn it is because IIRC in the manga, an Aqua Admin surfs on an Armaldo - not because of its color.

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Are you sure every monotype is possible? I don't think ANY bugs can learn surf. I always have to put a non-bug pokemon in my party for swimming.

Once again, it all depends on the rules you impose yourself.

If using a pokémon just for HMs is a problem, then you should consider another monotype. Just my thoughts on it.

But yeah, all depends on the rules you want to follow.

You're not going to let the "HM thing" stop you from sweeping the E4 and the Champion with your favorite bugs, right? ;D

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The only reason I thought it would learn it is because IIRC in the manga, an Aqua Admin surfs on an Armaldo - not because of its color.

well, it cant' learn surf but it can learn brine...

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Yeah Armaldo ca't learn it: it's just blue.

Armaldo is also a rock, so it's the last bug I'd expect to learn it.

The only reason I thought it would learn it is because IIRC in the manga, an Aqua Admin surfs on an Armaldo - not because of its color.

Armaldo has swift swim and can learn aqua jet. Thinking it could learn it is very believable.

Also compared to Pokemon like Gogoat, Aggron, Rhydon, Diggersby and Hariyama being able to surf but no bugs can makes it pretty fucked up.

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