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is a steel mono-type possible?


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Weavile can learn surf.

Tauros can learn surf.

Mothafkn rhyperior can learn surf.

They should really fix this shit. There's some big ass bugs that should be able to learn surf, and fly for that matter.

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its not a bug, they can surf in the real game too.

I meant in a sense that 16 out of 18 types have at least 1 member that can surf. So rock, ground, grass, Electric types. They can surf. But bugs like armaldo, a bug/rock type based off of a prehistoric ocean dweller that even has Swift Swim as a possible ability can't?

Same as none of the Bug/flying types can fly but Volcarona and genesect can. Pretty messed up logic.

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At least fly kinda makes sense for some of them considering a butterfly might not be able to support weight and fly?

Although that's true, Yanmega's(1.90m) Pokedex entry clearly states it can transport a human through flight. Bigger winged bugs such as Scyther(1.50m), Scizor(1.80m, Mega 2m), Venomoth(1.50m), Ledian(1.40m), Vespiquen(1.20m)(what. I always imagined it like at least 2m) and Vilvillon(1.20m) should be able to carry someone. Especially considering tiny Pokemon like Pidgey(30cm) and Spearow(30cm) can learn Fly, and a tiny fish like Barboach(40cm) can Surf. Armaldo, a 1.5m tall bug based off of ocean dwellers can't.

Not to mention Zubat, Doduo, Dodrio(flightless birds), Murkrow, Hoothoot, Delibird, Tailow, Wingull, Swablu, Starly, Pidove, Ducklett, Rufflett, Vullaby(it's Pokedex entry clearly states it's wings are too weak to fly yet), Fletchling and Noibat all can, while they weak af.

We're getting off topic here. With Steel types you can have all HM's, since we'll probably get Fly around the time Skarmory is released as well.

Edited by Helia
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