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Help with Rain Dance team


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Well, I've tried to create a ingame team with this concept as a base. Some team members are not available in the game (yet), but they can take advantage of rain in some way; also, the team is full of dual types (im not a mono fan XD) and pretty defensive.

Juggernaut (Swampert-mega)

adamant 252atk, 128spe, 128df, 6hp

ability: swift swim

item: swampertite

Moves: Waterfall, earthquake, icepunch, rain dance

Nosferatu (Noivern)

timid 252spa, 252spe, 6hp

ability: frisk

item: choice specs

Moves: Hurricane, draco meteor, boomburst, switcheroo

Meletē (Meloetta)

modest 252spa, 128hp, 134spdf (with a 60% chance of paralisis in thunder no need speed)

ability: serene grace

item: leftovers

Moves: psyshock, shadow ball, thunder, rain dance

Rafflesia (Volcarona) :D

calm 252spa 252hp 6spdf

ability: swarm (¿or flame body?)

item: Assault vest

Moves: Fiery dance, bug buzz, hurricane, giga drain

Kabuki (Toxicroac)

jolly 252atk, (need help here)

ability: dry skin

item: black sludge

Moves: Gunk shot, drain punch, sustitute, taunt

Queen (Bisharp)

adamant 252ark, 192hp, 66df (yeah a little weird but i was looking for something bulky in the defense)

ability: defiant

item: damp rock

Moves: Iron head, sucker punch, sword dance, rain dance (she is kinda a dancer xD)

Sooo, this is NOT an pvp team, is a ingame team: i can use items, meloetta no need learn healbell... but i really appreciate your points of views, especially in the moveset, evs and natures... aand I would not change the team members (only if is very necesary).

Thanks for reading and sorry the bad english :D:D

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Okay so I gotta admit straight up, this team is a little strange. I know you said to not change the mons, but frankly there are far superior rain abusers.

You don't need to list your EVs in multiples of 2s by the way since you only get a stat point on multiples of 4s.

The first two are fine. M-Swampert is always excellent on rain teams. It hits like a truck and it can take a hit. Noivern is wicked fast and has a matching Special Attack stat with pretty good coverage. Hurricane allows it to murder most everything in combination with Draco and Boomburst. One slight change to Noivern would be Modest over Timid as it can always use a nice attack boost since it'll outspeed most everything bar priority anyway.

On Meloetta, I assume you took a page from one of our most recent RU Pokemon Showcases since a Thunder set was just talked about there. If I were you, I'd say ditch the Rain Dance and throw on Hyper Voice instead. Give Meloetta an Assault Vest if you want. It'd be able to para its foes, eat up special hits all day, and then deal back solid damage of its own. Also change Psyshock to Psychic. You don't really need to worry about things that are specially defensive due to having M-Swampert destroy them.

I can see the idea behind this Volcarona but I frankly don't think it'll really benefit from the the rain that much. 100% accuracy Hurricane is always excellent but you already have Noivern for that. I'd suggest switching out Volcarona with a Politoed. Politoed is essential to any rain team due to having the ability Drizzle, granting instant rain on the switch. I'd suggest something of the following set:

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From there, Toxicroak. Hmmm. Toxicroak. He's not the best physical rain sweeper imo, but oh well, I already suggested an alternative mon when I was specifically told not to so I'll let it be. I'm thinking a more offensive Toxicroak would fork a bit better. I'd suggest

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For the last slot, while Bisharp may appreciate the weakening of Fire types, Bisharp doesn't care enough to make me want to give it this slot. In this slot, I'd recommend one of the best offensive mons who will appreciate the rain: Scizor. Scizor, having only one weakness and that weakness being Fire benefits more from rain than almost any non-Water type. The set I'd recommend is the following:

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I hope you appreciate at least some of that because dang that took longer to write than I'd expected. Enjoy.

Edited by AuthorReborn
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Yeah, i know the team is kinda weird, but like i said, is a ingame team so i go more for my favorites mons and besides the power... thats why more of them are UU or bellow (bisharp was my only OU).

Thnx for the tips! That toxicroak look pretty fine! I never used a scizor, but i think is a cool mon and, certanly he benefits more from rain. The idea for volcarona was use it in the las turns of rain (and when the water menaces are off). I am not a politoad fan, totally use it in showdown, but in the game i go for my favs

Soo, im gonna switch bisharp for scizor and maybe volcarona for a froslass, can learn thunder resist beter fire tipes in rain and destiny bond.

Ty again AuthorReborn! was a great help, and, of course i totally apreciatte :)

Edited by Giuvia
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