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The train exploded.


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I moved here because my parents insisted I should take on another league. But you know? The world has changed a lot since the time I took on the Hoenn league. It's not like pokemon have gotten smarter, or something... but there is a lot more of them, and honestly? I kind of got lucky in the first place.

I was always right where I needed to be. I'm not really a pokemon champion, it was luck when I took down.magma. Honestly, if it wasn't me, it would have been someone else. That doesn't really matter to Father though; when he says it's time to get moving, it's time to get moving. He's probably just hoping I'll start a new life over here, far away from him and Mother. We've not gotten along all too well lately after all.

It's only later that I remembered that, as a pokemon league champion, my pokemon were bound to the region. I'm not really just allowed to take them with me, when I start over in a new league. One has to prove they are prepared to take on a league only with the pokemon they can find natively. I'm sad to see my team go, but they'll do fine without me, and I can always see them over video conference. Plus, it means Father will have to deal with me coming for a visit once in a while, if just to see Alivia. It was just about when I was thinking about these things that it happened: Ame walked into my car, and started telling me about the reborn league, next thing I knew, an explosion was going off.

It's all a blur really, one moment I'm in the train, the next I've been ejected from my seat, and straight out the window. I thought for certain I was going to die, yet when it was all over, I was lying perfectly intact next to a pile of rubble. Before I'd even fully figured out I was alive, Ame ran up to me, and checked if I was ok. Then just said "yeah the train blew up"... like it wasn't even something to be worried about? Same for this Julia girl that joined the scene soon after. Once I could walk, they sent me over to the pokemon center, and we went through all that basic stuff. I even made two new friends, though the one named Cain looked pretty funny. Father wouldn't approve.

Reborn looks like shit. No offense to the natives, if they find and READ my journal, you know, without permission, but yeah. This place really is terrible looking. I thought it was just because of the train crash, but it seems Ame wasn't lying when she said polution has basically destroyed the region. It's not what I'd call home, but few trainers can claim they've taken on two seperate pokemon leagues. With the train out of comission, I have to stay for a while, so I might as well try to make the best of it.

I got a piplup: her name is Satisfaction, and she is lovely.

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Well, since you get that this shouldn't be posted here, I don't know what should I say :v

Also, isn't there a place for story stuff in this forum?

No, this is the place it got moved to. She originally put it in the Trainers' Journal, which is for general life stuff. Creative Writing is a forum, but if it was moved here, it's fine here, so...

Well anyway, it seems neat so far. I look forward to reading, wherever it may get moved!

Edited by Pixl
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Yeah: I didn't notice the division inbetween trainers journal and the main forums and so I mis-posted it there. Creative Writing probably would have been a nice fit for it, but here is cool too.

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I'm not sure sending me here was the most loving thing Father could have done. I find it doubtful he knew nothing of the state of the region, or of the town itself. There are more prostitutes than I can possibly count, a very visible and troubling homelessness and gang activity problem, and on my way out of the pokemart, this man stole 500 of my dollars from me. I chased him all over town, and in the end, only wound up another 500 dollars deeper in debt. Frankly, I'm not sure what I'd been expecting, what with how the rest of the town is. I was finding it difficult to locate any pokemon, but right when I'd given up hope, I found this girl whom had a kricketot she desired to give away. I gladly accepted her offer. I also met a kindred spirit in this world; a gym leader by the name of Shelly. She's young, but she appreciated bug pokemon, enough to know what the Krickitot needed to feel nice and loved. More importantly, for me at least, she told me where I could locate some bug pokemon, naturally, being a bug catcher myself, I had to go immediately. Satisfaction seemed a bit sad, but I sent them to a close friend from the Hoenn region: He'll take good care of her.

It wasn't long before it started raining, and then it started storming. Once I found the garden, and convinced the old man, Crest I think his name was, to let me into it, I went about seeking out a good bug pokemon. Unfortunately, pickings were slim. There were Caterpie's, Wurmples, a few Ledyba, and I found some Spinerak. I have a pretty good eye for potential though; and none of them really seemed up to my standards. After a long time searching, I nabbed this Spinerak that I named Villarica. Luvuli, my krickitot, whom I now consider my starter pokemon of the region, evolved shortly after we found Villarica. The three of us seem to be getting along great, and fortunately, they seemed to love the rain.

Eventually while I was exploring the town, I stumbled across this curious fellow by the name of Fern. He's the classic jerk. Full of himself, and thinks he's better than everyone else. Then, of course, he challenged me to a battle, which I thoroughly trounced him in. He acted like he doesn't care, but I've a feeling he now considers me a rival, which is just unpleasant to even think about for me. I wish it had been the last I'd seen of him today; but that would be wishing to much, wouldn't it? This region also has a team of villians, and somehow, I got roped into fighting them by Julia. Can you believe that? It's just like Team Magma, all over again;I just want to nab som gym badges and become a league champion, and then this set of "villians" shows up and I have to fight them first? Well, that's what I was thinking at least. These guys, this is different. I'm not certain if the gym challenge is even important to me while these guys are around. They bombed my train, they've threatened to blow up a power plant, and worst of all: They scared away all the bugs. Team Magma was a thorn in my side, but this "Team Meteor" lot? They are a blight on the entire region. They pose a real threat the to lives of everyone in the Reborn region; including myself, and must be dealt with before I continue pursuing the gym challenge.

https://youtu.be/1uQU0SF1pgQ (Here is a link to me fighting Fern and the Meteor Base)

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Truly, Meteor is a step above Magma. By the time we stormed through their stronghold, the fools had deleted everything we could possibly use to track them. They pushed us into a pointless fight, and once we won, they escaped in the chaos of everything. Julia, our beloved phychopath of an Electric Gym leader, opted to blow the place up after. This resulted in a very unpleasant jog, and now I am out of breath. What's more, Julia apparently expects me to visit her gym soon. I'm going to need stronger pokemon to fight Meteor, so I guess I have no choice but to take the League challenge, simply so that I can even stand a chance against these Meteor goons.

Julia seems a little bit unstable. She's always talking about blowing stuff up, but she's at least nice. I don't think we can find much common ground through, she jumps around, and talks about explosions and parties, cupcakes and warheads... you know, Girly stuff? Honestly I'd love to introduce her to my Mother, it would be a rather interesting event to say the least. I stand firmly on my opinion that blowing up that factory was entirely unnecesary, but I just know Julia would never have had it any other way.

Rini was very robotic. Fern jokingly called them "Flobot". Julia insists that Rini is a better name though, and I personally agree. Thusforth her name shall be Rini from now on. I believe that she is the leader of a Grass Gym that some day I shall have to take on. Her pokemon seemed fierce, and she commanded them with firm and calculating bravado. She also hacked into a computer mainframe for us, and generally just seemed alright. Very business oriented, and I look forward to working with her once again, even if Father would approve of their company.

Then we have Fern. Fern continuously talked about how amazing he is, and how lame I was, the entire time, even while my pokemon did most of the work in our double battles. In the end, he contributed little aside from annoying jabs, and hurting the pride and concentration of the Meteor Grunts we faced in battle. Fern, despite his claims of being prestigious, is not a Gym Leader, and I hope this means I will never have to deal with him again. His type was always unpleasant to converse with before, and I doubt that is going to change anytime soon.

All of them seem to be related, which makes them the second most dysfunctional family I have had the displeasure of knowing. When these are the types of individuals we look up to as Gym Leaders: some of the most powerful masters of a particular kind of pokemon, I find myself with little question of why this region is in such disrepair.

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Julia is a child. There is no kinder way to put it I feel. Her gym is the Reborn Power Plant. Such an extremely important place for the city is the absolute last place one should be lobbing explosives in. This is of course where the fanatic sets up a gym, and proceeds to throw streamers all around the place, causing various fire hazards, and then setting off explosives next to the sensitive equipment. When I expressed concerns, she nonchalantly said "it'll be fine" and asked me if I wanted to challenge her for a badge. Well. I did. I just hoped not to do it there, of all places. Her team was very imbalanced. She had 3 different Voltorbs in it. Luvuli nearly fainted from all the chaos. The fight was long and arduous, but in the end we did win.

After she presented me her badge, we went back to the pokemon center. Luvuli deserved a good rest after all of that. We opted to wait out the storm so that she and Villarica could enjoy some sun on their exosceletons. We watched the news, "On The Hunt", and talked to other trainers. Most of note was Victoria, whom passed by as the storm was ending. She reported that in the Obsidia Ward, some very terrible stuff was going down, and she was on her way to help. She suggested I should come too. I agreed, and went over there immediately. Aside from a few fools that wanted a taste of Vallerica's poison stings, we had no problems reaching the ward. Getting in however was a different situation altogether.

The guards refused to let me in. Despite my assurance I wished to help with the problems they were facing. When I was about to give up, Rini spotted me, and deciding I could likely help her, asked the guards to let me in, before giving me a full briefing on the events going on. Basically, for some reason tons of plants started growing in the middle of the park, and before long they took over the entire city. We needed to get to the park, scout around and figure out what the problem was, and then fix it, somehow. Rini admitted she had no idea what this would involve, but seemed to think that me, being a bug trainer, and her a grass trainer, meant this was likely in both our realms of specialty. We then fanned out, looking for a way to reach the park.

Of course before I started that search in ernest, I looked around the obsidia ward. I'd never been here before after all! I went into the Critical Catch: a pokeball store that sells specialty balls. I was very glad to see they sold netballs, which are rather important to me as a bug trainer: and I bought 20 of the fuckers immediately. Father always said one should use the best balls for the job. It's one of the few places the two of us could agree on things. Of course my Mother insisted that only pokeballs should ever be used to capture. My father and her used to argue on this type of thing for hours at a time. It usually was decided by whom hit the hardest. I probably didn't need 20 balls. But I've gotten used to bulk buying, because normally my mother hit harder. Reborn also had this rather lame "Devon Corp" building to remind me of my mother. The guys said some pretty shady crap, and their selection of stock was pretty crap... just like home. I'm looking forward to never going back.

I visited the salon on accident. Normally I'd not bother to mention such an event, but I felt a need to complain in my journal of the behavior of one particular lady. One of the ladies in there made the claim that my pokemon hate me! I've never been so insulted in my entire life! I build a relationship with my pokemon built on neutral trust for each other: I rely on them to do their job, and they rely on me to feed and train them. It's very clean and cut relationship with very little to debate about. Love is a meaningless concept, CARE is what a pokemon needs. This I provide for Luvuli and for Vallerica.

Once I'd calmed down about the salon, I started searching for a way to reach the park. After a bit of asking around, a small kid told me I could go through the slums, south of Obsidia. It seems like a bad idea: The building I was suggested to go through might not even connect to the rest of Obsidia at all! Regardless, it was my best bet. I promised Rini to help, so I was obligated to try. Victoria did not really like that answer though. Victoria was guarding the route to the slums. She informed me that the slums were a very dangerous place to go, and she felt it was only right to stop anyone from going further unless they were strong enough to beat her. It was a bit amusing, I eventually got her to admit she was really just trying to train her pokemon so that she was strong enough to get through herself. But she insists it was also to protect others, including me. You know, I actually believe her? She seems the type. It's always nice to have people around that genuinely wish to protect you. I know I'm going to get along great with Victoria in the future. Oh, and of course, I beat her.

Going through the slums was an experience. Aside from the homeless, it was falling apart. I had to jump over chasm's that had formed in the building on several occasions, and at one point, i was mobbed by a hoard of pokemon. The good news is I tracked down one of the fools that robbed me of my yen earlier. He told me where I could find a man he sold it to, after he'd stolen it from the previous gits. I hate fetch quests. It's probably not even a bug. It's a waste of my time. The worst thing about the journey through the slums is I'm not even in the Obsidia Ward anymore. Now I'm in some Coral Ward, and the police won't let me back in. Just my luck.

I guess I'll head into the Coral Ward for a while...


Hey, small comment based on this thread I found: He has his pokemon visibly in the world: I didn't know we could do that! How did he do it? I might do it with my own story telling.

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I have never seen a more pollution scarred place in my life than the Coral Ward. It was the same sludge one could see from the Peridot ward, of course... but when you're so close to it all, you can truly smell the sickness infecting everything it touches. There is very few things that could live in such an environment, and fortunately for us, Cain loves the types of things that do. An Oshawott, or whatever, was stuck out at sea. How it got there? I really don't know. It was clearly going to die if we didn't do something for it though. I was trying to figure out how to save it, along with Ameria, a Gym leader. I forget for which gym. Cain swooped in and saved the day, by having his Grimer pull the thing to safety.

Well of course after sharing a few kind words, the two of us had a battle. Cain is an interesting rival to have. He's a flirty beast, and makes it no secret that he plays both fields. He also tends to keep to poison types, which generally means our battles are somewhat even matched, since bugs and poisons tend to have difficulty getting an upperhand on each other. He didn't have the type coverage needed to beat Vallerrica, so in this moment, I was the victor. He took it pretty well, even taking the opportunity to lay down some innuendo.

Ameria and I then trekked up to the park: Ameria being able to tell the guards to let me through, where we met up with Rini to deal with the situation. Curiously enough; Team Meteor was behind the commotion. They had this weird machine hooked up to a tangrowth, and before we knew what was happening, it had attacked and incapacitated Rini and Ameria. That's when Meteor let me down: They spouted exposition at me. They told me that the Tangrowth was 'powerful' and 'needed more time' or some bullcrap. Then introduced themselves to me. Guys name was Zel, for any of you curious assholes lame enough to steal this journal. The guy thought I couldn't break his toy, so I called out Vallerrica and had her do exactly that. Problem solved. They ran off once I did that. Rini went back to her Gym, and Ameria to hers. Once the situation was taken care of, life resumed like normal pretty quickly. I found a few bug catchers hanging around the park, and asked them where I can find some cool bugs in this dump. Not surprisingly, I'd missed several good ones. Thus began my second great bughunt.

I found a Surskit in the fountain at Peridot ward. He was a very lively one, and so I threw a netball at him and took him on as my own. I named him Pauhunri. He was rather happy to join the team, and immediately set to work on his training when I prompted him to. I had to wait for it to start raining again, but fortunately the previous storm was only in a small lull, and it began again soon after I started my hunt. During Pauhunri's training, we also found Talut, a female (I sexed it) combee, and Kangto, a Pineco. Once evolution kicks in, all three of these will be amazing additions to the team. For now, I am going to relax, then meet Rini at her gym to collect another badge.


Edited by Courtesy
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