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A wild Shynx appeared!


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Hello~! I'm Shynx!

So, um, introductions have never really been my forté, I'm normally more of a shy person (so sorry if I come across a little weird, being 'confident' is not my thing)...but I'll give it a go! :D

I'm a maths student from England as well as an avid gamer, reader, writer, cosplayer and knitter/crocheter (which sounds weird, I know, but it's more fun than you'd think! ^_^ ).

I can't remember a point in my life where I haven't been obsessed with Pokémon, and Reborn has been a favourite for a year or two now! I was encouraged to join the forum by a cousin, who has endured me uselessly bashing my skull (metaphorically of course) against every obstacle in the game for months.

I'm one of those gamers that doesn't really do competitive battling much, I just sort of plod along through the games filling up my 'dex and learning dungeons like the back of my hand with the occasional gym battle to enable more sightseeing xD

My favourite pokemon is Sableye.

Eterna is my long-suffering cousin and has been subject to possibly every game-related rant under the sun.

But anyways, that's all about me for now, thanks for reading and apologies for the rambling!

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Howdy cuz'

Allow me to do the honours of posting these links inb4 Link

anyone that's mean to ma cuz will get an ass whoopin' jk

Pretty much everything you need to know about the forums you can find here, but if there's any questions or queries you have about Ame's game Pokemon Reborn inb4 how to beat Noel feel free to ask me, any other members, or post a thread in the Reborn subforum, we don't bite c: well, Yash's snorlax does, he has an appetite for sanity

Enjoy your stay cuz C: Oh, and don't forget to leave your sanity behind as you dive into the chaos that is Reborn, you'll soon find that there's no place for such a thing as sanity here :3

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welcome to reborn, pal!

the rules are to your left, and above that is the reborn shhodown servers, where you ca battle n' stuff!

also, annoy the hell out of Eterna for me, kay?

enjoy your stay at the reborn hotels! Where insanity is present :P

Edited by Sinikuro013
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Everything Eterna knows about being lame...he probably learned from me, I am a highly strange and boring creature :blink:

Shinx is a very cool pokemon, and it's evolved form is my username on lots of social media platforms, but Sableye was the reason I originally played my first Pokémon game, I just fell in love with it...

I will most definitely check out the RP forum! (No saying I'll have the confidence to post but I'll try)

I suppose this place is like Wonderland right? :D I'm so glad I'm not gonna have to dig out my sanity (I don't think I could find it if I tried)! ^_^

Edited by Shynx
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Eyyyyy, maths. Someone so like maths, alrighty.

Welcome to forum.

Rules on left, any questions about using on this forum?

And you're Eterna's cousin. Well, before he had eterna as his username, had another name called for ashes.

I made a lot of jokes like asses, ash(es) ketchum and such.

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I don't know who is this Eterna person you mentioned.

Well met Shynx that's not a shinx it's a luxray i am upset jk

Welcome to Reborn!

Go join the server cuz madness is ensured. For now, we'll wait for the music and your imminent conversion.

Don't forget that this is a permanent stay by the way. I guess you missed the ball of chain in your leg right? Oops.

I'll see you aroudn the place place (~˘▾˘)~

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Math isn't everyone's cup of tea, but that and my physics classes definitely give me a head start in learning to leave my sanity at the door :P

Blame Eterna for my icon, he picked it jk

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Math isn't everyone's cup of tea, but that and my physics classes definitely give me a head start in learning to leave my sanity at the door :P

Blame Eterna for my icon, he picked it jk

Ah, yes, the mysteries of the universe.

I gave up on evolution the moment I found out what's at the center of every galaxy.

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As long as we can both agree that biology is a shit science then we'll get along just fine.

Ohhh, my three best friends are biologists!

Given that I've been getting dissection selfies from them for the last two years, yes, I totally agree :lol:

Hi~ hope to get to know ya. I've tried knitting before but didn't have the patience for it.

It can be really time-consuming, I'm halfway through crocheting the Dratini Evolutionary series in a plushy-style and Dragonair is slowly driving me to distraction

But when you sit back at the end and look at a finished project, or watch a friend unwrap a personalised gift, it's all worth it! ^_^

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It can be really time-consuming, I'm halfway through crocheting the Dratini Evolutionary series in a plushy-style and Dragonair is slowly driving me to distraction

But when you sit back at the end and look at a finished project, or watch a friend unwrap a personalised gift, it's all worth it! ^_^

That's hella cute. Too bad I'll never be this thoughtful :')

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That's hella cute. Too bad I'll never be this thoughtful :')

Aww, to be honest, gifting things is more my way of making room for more projects, if I kept everything I made then I'd never have room to start more projects :P

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Ohhh, my three best friends are biologists!

Given that I've been getting dissection selfies from them for the last two years, yes, I totally agree :lol:

It can be really time-consuming, I'm halfway through crocheting the Dratini Evolutionary series in a plushy-style and Dragonair is slowly driving me to distraction

But when you sit back at the end and look at a finished project, or watch a friend unwrap a personalised gift, it's all worth it! ^_^

Oh btw, quick note I probably should have mentioned earlier: Although Reborn is a swirling vortex of chaos and insanity we do have some law and order here, and one of Reborn's laws are on a thing called 'double-posting'. Like it's name suggests, it's where a member makes two consecutive posts. It's generally looked down on here unless both of your posts contain significant information (better description would probably be this), but it's especially looked down on by the mods, or moderators. Don't upset the mods, dat be bad. Members who break community rules are given warning points by the mods. Here's a list of the community rules and here's the significance of warning points to you as a member

The option to edit posts is there for when members want to include a post with additional information.

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