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A wild Shynx appeared!


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...one of Reborn's laws are on a thing called 'double-posting'. Like it's name suggests, it's where a member makes two consecutive posts. It's generally looked down on here...


I knew I was bound to make a mistake eventually, looks like I didn't read the rules well enough :blink:

Sorry about that, mods; I'll remember next time!

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Can't believe I'm this late to the party.

...you're that Eterna's cousin, huh? Totally never heard of him. I bet he's a weirdo. /shot

Looks like you've already been taught everything about sanity - or rather, lack of it. So there's that.

But that's not really my main job anyway.

I'm just here to let you know that Team Meteor are still recruiting, and that everything you've heard about us being filthy criminals is a huge misconception.

We just want to make the world a better place. Don't you?

Strangely, nobody except for my humble self is spreading the message. I don't even know why :c

Aaanyway, welcome to the madhouse, now enjoy your stay~

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I bet he's a weirdo. /shot

inb4 warning points with a single post jk

Also, Abandoned Ship Remix<3 Looks like somebody's certainly been playing the betaa~

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It can be really time-consuming, I'm halfway through crocheting the Dratini Evolutionary series in a plushy-style and Dragonair is slowly driving me to distraction

But when you sit back at the end and look at a finished project, or watch a friend unwrap a personalised gift, it's all worth it! ^_^

Crocheting kinda drove me to frustration back in TLE classes in high school :s but, it's a skill and hobby I can respect.

I want a knitted dragon too :c

Anyway, welcome to wololooooo \o/

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Eterna's pretty lame. I hope you're cooler than he is.


...you're that Eterna's cousin, huh? Totally never heard of him. I bet he's a weirdo. /shot

hi and welcome asses' cousin

Ohhhh, you're Eterna's cousin? Pfft. He's kinda a loser



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