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shedinja plan


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It only works once against a direct attack, and even then won't save it from things such as passive damage from hazards, burns, toxic, weather and the like.

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Shedinja is that kind of situational poke where you'd want to bring in onto opponents you know that don't have any ways of hurting you, this is less practical in reborn or basically most games since not everyone runs conventional Smogon sets on their pokes (even more so with field effects which some will instantly kill you).

Though it does have some uses like having false swipe on a ghost type...helps against a certain Beldum I guess...?

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Actually, I'm using a Shedinja on a cirrent run of mine and it works pretty well. A lot of stuff has no way to hit you, so you can just sit and set up to +6 with Hone Claws (pre-E13), which is super-easy simcr the AI almost never switches out. Then, Shadow Sneak whatever cones in that's faster and you'll kill more often than. It's been pretty fun to use so far.

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I guess to use Shedinja, you kinda have to know what to expect already. Otherwise, it just dies to the most commons things.

But hey, Etesian is the poké master, so if he says it works, i'm gonna go ahead and agree with him \o/

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