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Azery tackling Rejuvenation!


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After Keta left,we searched for him...but we couldnt find him,I was near the waterfall when his ghost appeared once more leading me behind it which lead to a cavern inside Carotos Mountain. It was full of lava,I wonder how keta got past this all....those red tentacles from the ship started appearing again and I had to fight a Robot working for Team XEN named Sec,it had a Shadow Tangela which I snagged. After which I made my way through Carotos mountain,gaining a few shadow pokemon along the way untill I reached a Lab. That Lady from Jenner's Lab was there and she sent her scientists to fight us,prying for time.

I eventually made it to her,where she broke my snagging capabilities in the pokeballs along with sending a Shadow MEWTWO after me...needless to say,I got destroyed no brutalized by the beast. Keta came to save us at the cost of his own life though.....We shut down the Power Supply by taking down another Dimensional Rift,this time a Demonic Volcanion aswell as seeing Crescent again who saved us.

The Eldest showed us how to purify Shadow pokemon and when I tried to leave,Keta's Ghost told me to come to Amethyst Grotto where he challenged me to a battle;don't ask me how he holds pokemon on him now....It was a tough one to say the least,He had counters for Aria this time,with his Primeape,Pangoro and Hitmontop all knowing super effective moves against him but Air Slash managed to flinch the Pangoro before it could move taking it out of the equation Pyrrhon cleaned up the rest of the battle with Toxic,Stockpile and Acid Spray allowing it to to take down both the Hawlucha and Scrafty before falling to the Sawk who got knocked out by Bob's take down. Keta left the badge and the tm for Bulk Up before dissapearing,a statue of him however popped up on one of the pedestals along with the number 1/5...what could this mean?

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So I left to Route 3,I met up with Amaria and battled her again,she was a little tougher this time but nothing I couldnt handle. After beating her,Bob finally evolved into a Stoutland! I fought this Rorim.B guy who loved music and Bug types and he had a Shadow Pokemon for some reason.....sadly I couldnt snag it.

When I tried to enter Goldenleaf Town,Ren stopped me for some reason,he challeneged me to a battle aswell and boooy was he tough this time. His Sableye managed to confuse and paralyze half my team while his Frogadier hit really hard with it's protean,I couldnt pin it down to one type. Eventually we beat him though. He locked the gate with some fence he got from somewhere before leaving. Ren did say that Venam's acid could get through though.....

I went back to Gearen City,and back into the sewers as Venam was said to be there now,there was a new area of the sewers and in it a HUGE Mansion...it was called Kristolica Pallace. When Venam went inside though,she got captured and taken to the back,the owner of the mansion-Indriad- said that I'd have to beat his daughter to get her back...There were a few puzzles along the way but I finally found his daughter and got to the battlefield. Turns out,the girl was a gym leader...she also looked kinda similar to M-melia but she was dead....

She used the normal type and did she use it well,her Wigglytuff hit Pyrrhon extremely hard but Acid Spray came through and took it down. I sent in Prasiolite the Vanilite after both Bob and Avia got taken down by Slaking and used Will-o-Wisp to burn her Slaking before switching to my main for this battle;Flaria the Emboar. He used a few bulk ups and flame charges before slaming through her team with Arm Thrust. It was a close battle alright....

Me and Venam waited at the entrance to the Palace but Mariannete came out and told us to leave,saying it was for our own safety. We left but when we tried to go back in,all we saw was a storage room....weird...there was a tm for facade there though. Venam said she'd go ahead and open the gate to Goldenleaf though so that was good.

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When I arrived at the Gate,Venam had already opened it but she asked why I needed to go in. I told her that I needed to find Saki but she got really angry and left....When I entered Goldenleaf,I found myself saving a girl being attacked by the residents aswell as saving the Pokemon Center. When I went to Wispy Tower,Narcissa told me about what had happened to it. When we went outside though,Narcissa got attacked by this Black Haired dude who called himself Geara. He battled me but I won rather easily..One of the residents came there after Geara dissapeared,blaming me for attacking Narcissa before throwing me in Jail!

I got out and went into Wispy Tower once more...and I found something weird,a Lab right there! I faced a few Xen grunts and that weird Duo from Goldenwood Forest,They were pretty tough but I prevailed with Bob! Afterwards,Geara showed us something I thought I'd never seee.a Giratina...he faced me but it was a pretty easy battle,seems like staying inactive for so long weakened the deity. Geara got taken to some other dimension,like the one Nim sent me to by Narcissa's Dusclops..

I went to Narcissa's gym afterwards,The puzzle was interesting to say the least but I got past it....Narcissa wasnt as hard as Mariannete for me,Flaria destroyed her entire team on his own. No chance......it was glorious! Her Gengar went down to a few Flame Charges,She sent out her Doublade next for some reason,Flaria set up 6 bulk ups and I healed him before He started ripping the rest of her team apart with Flame Charges and Rollouts!

Team Recap:(I'm battling Nim now)

593.gifSquidward the Jellicent:Level 40:Brine,Ominous Wind,Rain Dance,Recover

583.gifPraisiolite the Vanilish:Level 39:Ice Beam,Will-o-Wisp-Mirror Shot,Acid Armour

500.gifFlaria the Emboar Level 41:Flame Charge,Arm Thrust,Bulk Up,Rollout

508.gifBob the Stoutland Level 40:Facade,Work Up,Crunch,Rock Smash

317.gifPyrrhon the Swalot Level 40:Acid Spray,Body Slam,Toxic,Stockpile

178.gifAria the Xatu Level 40;Air Slash,Psychic,Wish,Ominous Wind

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