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Monotype Team


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So as the title says i wanna try out a monotype team for once so was wondering which one i should.

out of all the types available so i just got tired when i couldn't think which one so im here.

i have thought of a few types and it would be appreciated if i can have at least a team of 6 before the 7th gym well i want to try from either Fire ,Dragon ,Steel , Ground ,Flying.would love if i someone name the pokemon of the typing and that area, last thing i would a team that could kill that arceus and garchomp.

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A Dark monotype kinda sucks at first, but it can be deadly at later levels if you play right.

A flying monotype can prove interesting too. There's a lot of options, and I haven't seen one yet around these parts. Not a complete one, I guess.

And if not, then... idk, why not Fairy? \o/

Edited by Vinny
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flying does sound interesting means i can start with charmander dragon rage spam to so many of them. and why not fairy ha ha not really in the mood yet for a fairy i could but there mostly bulky special attackers not really my style. so what would be a good team for flying team im thinking if flying




good in speed sp attk and attk




high speed and attk ivs



Any ability i suppose

same as star



high speed and sp attk

and the rest im not sure maybe bird jesus

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yanmega, emolga, butterfree, driftlon, archeops, tropius, Swanna, Altaria, Crobat, Mantine, Honchcrow

Emolga, noibat and butterfree are early available and are really useful. Lateron switch'em out with Yanmega, Archeops, Crobat & Honchcrow.

Staraptor & aerodactyl are available only really late in the game :I

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Archeops can be good if you managed to make him into sweeper, but the need to keep him constantly at high HP makes him bad beside for quick battle

Hawlucha is also a thing in late game, both Flying and Fighting, it can easily Flying Press/High Jump Kick Ice and Rock type into death

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archeops look like a no for me and hawluncha libre huh i think ill get him he could be handy so this team early on charizard noivern crobat yanmega hounchcrow fearow looks decent and replace late game with charizard noiver crobat aerodactyl staraptor hawlluncha

EDIT:well not sure about emolga a static one could help with garchomp as it could paralyze him and increase my chances to win

Edited by NovaKnight
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oooh don't you guys underestimate archeops ò.ó
For a Flying Mono run it is close to being essential since it hits harder than any other flying type without needing to set up.
It has a great movepool with Dragon Claw, U-Turn, Crunch and especially Acrobatics and Rock Slide.
It outspeeds a lot of opponents and can deal a lot of dmg with u-turn alone even if it is to get away from a threat.
And there is no other flying type that will get you this easily through charlottes team.
It is a clearly better than aerodactyle (without mega-evolution).

.. just sayin, find out for urself :3

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well episode 15 once out will introduce more pokemon but not definitely on earlier maps i can do the mono runs and by the time i get to the next place in story bam get the new pokes for party

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Technically Gyarados is a flying type thus usable in a mini flying. I don't get why I never see it mentioned or in monotype battles in showdown

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Technically Gyarados is a flying type thus usable in a mini flying. I don't get why I never see it mentioned or in monotype battles in showdown

got one in my showdown mono flying team :0

But in Ep 14 its not available so I didn't bother..

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After a day of resets for that perfect charmander and a useble noibat




Well if episode 15 comes out gyarados is a must to have if he is avalible

Edited by NovaKnight
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