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Need Ghost Types for monotype run.


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Can someone help me to change my starters into at least 2 Ghost types,(Litwick and Phantump) to start my new Ghost monotype?

Edited by Tomy
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Wouldn't you rather go for two Pokemon that aren't available before you're halfway through? Such as Frillish or Golett?

Thats exactly what i did, frillish and golett, altough i also added a gastly because believe me not having 3 pokemon in flobot is god near impossible, especially with golett and frillish, 2 things weak to grass.

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I wanted a monorun and as i am informed, there are no ghost starter. Also, since you wont be able to get ghost till after corey, finishing 3 gyms with only 3 mons is not actually that easy... neverless, if there is nobody who can finish this, i might just start a grass monorun...

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Some prefer to play with what is given to us and not hack in an op starter :)

Gastly is weak until level 29 barely being useful, frillish doesnt have access to will o so it will die allot and litwick is just a standard slow fire type taht dies to anything.

You're playing a ghost monorun. Its different from most monoruns since you wont have a ghost until after flobot, even than its one of the weakest ghosts and its only one too. By the time you would've reached flobot by most other monorun standards you'd have 3 pokemon, so yes, its fair in all aspects. They arent even OP and getting through flobot with 3 pokemon is god near insane.

Edited by Arkenciel Zeno
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I decided to give this a shot (the file with phantump and litwick) and it has been surprisingly easy going thus far... until I reached Flo. Flo, I believe, is impossible to beat with this tandem. I have taken several shots at this and it hasn't gone well for me at all. Does anyone have any tips? Suggestions? Encouraging statements?.... Hugs?

Edit: Check that - I have managed to get past her using an unreasonable amount confusion rays and minimizes before mashing the flame burst. Litwick carried the team, defeating all six of Flo's pokemon despite his crippling arrogance that came with an increase in levels beyond 25 (bratty sunuva...)

Edited by nehthan
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not waiting for e15 in a ghost monorun does make sense since gastly won't be available anymore

Well, look at it this way. More people will use Misdreavus now! It's pretty good, especially with Nasty Plot is you want to breed. There's also Spiritomb, which could be decent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This ghost run is now running smoother than my main game went. I actually managed to defeat Garchomp on my first try which is something I attempted to do somewhere around 30 times with my previous files but never managed (not having curse and five pokemon with confusion ray is probably to blame for that). Thank you, Tomy, for this idea.

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This ghost run is now running smoother than my main game went. I actually managed to defeat Garchomp on my first try which is something I attempted to do somewhere around 30 times with my previous files but never managed (not having curse and five pokemon with confusion ray is probably to blame for that). Thank you, Tomy, for this idea.

Glad to help.
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Quick Claw/Focus Sash, destiny bond.... At least one of the ghosts can destiny bond, right?

Curse works too

I thought of that but I don't have either item and have no means of getting them to my knowledge. I had a focus sash but it was used in defeating garchomp. I don't know how to get a quick claw in the episodes that I actually have. Halp? :unsure:

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I got a Ghastly, leveled it up until it was capable of learning destiny bond THEN searched for a sandshrew with quick claw and eventually found it. Then I successfully used Destiny Bond on the abra.... and nothing happened whatsoever. It asked me which pokemon I wanted to send out and the battle just continued on as if nothing happened. I thought maybe it was just on the turn that Abra shifts into Pulse Abra so I switched my party and used it on the second turn. Same result. Is Pulse Abra resistant to destiny bond or is this a bug I should report? (This was using episode 14)

Edit: Just went ahead and did it on episode 15

Edited by nehthan
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