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Favorite Feature

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1. difficulty and field effects

2. story and characters

3. More shinies

4. Custom shinies

5. The fact that some old gym leaders will be made stronger again. pls un-nerf some

Is that a fact or just your hopes? D: I do hope some get un-nerfed as they seem to be rather easy

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Can't believe the PULSE slipped my mind! Mega evolving before it was cool. And brings me to another thing that I love! The Pokemon. They take such an active role in the games. I mean, the main games do simple stuff like "ooh that Pokemon is carrying a box". But in this game the world actually feels teeming with life. So many Pokemon just roam around, are part of events, and used in clever ways in puzzles.

And the PULSEs are the epitome of this. Actually using a Pokemon (other than a legend) to cause some mayhem and show off their true power. A side we hardly see in the main games. Most things they do in the main game is block roads lol.

But yeah, this really is one of the key things I love about this game.

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I really enjoy oh connected the whole Region feels. I also enjoy how much of the region you can access. Seeing the Desert from Beryl Bridge since towards the beginning and we STILL haven;t gone there. Things liek that get me excited to see new areas.

It was also very cool to be able to walk on the Bysboxian Wall. You also got to see Chrysolia Forest below you!

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1: The difficulty. Gyms have full squad of six along with their field effects makes you use strategy to defeat them.

2: The evil team is actually evil. Not "Let's try to expand the land/sea for the good of the people" or "let's start up our base in one of the most obvious places in the region" No, team meteor is a group of motherf'n savages.

3: Story. As in most PKMN hacks, the story is far better than the original games, but Reborn blows everyone out of the water (literally, the water is f'n corrosive, you can't even get in it). Dark and mature themes across the entire game and it's probably hat most people would like to see in a PKMN game anyway.

4: Logic. Toxic air + Fire = KAAABOOOM. If I'm underwater, I shouldn't still be wrecking with a blaziken. (Still waiting on the EQ + Cave = IMMINENT DEATH to be slightly altered)

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