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Graterras: Clash of Fates Interest Check/Signups I guess?

It's been a little while... since Good old Hukuna Sensei has Hosted an RP. I am not so sure newer folks would even know of Graterras: A World in Peril, but it was my first forum RP I ever created. It was an interesting ride... and I learned a lot about RPing and why I loved doing it and what about it just drove me to strive to be better in writing, and to help others enjoy RPing as much as I do. It is probably the thing that lead to me ending up as the Mod around the RP Forums here...

Anyway enough sappy Sensei reflecting on his past in the forums etc... WE GOT AN RP TO PITCH!!! ((Also... Warning... there is a lot of text below... because Hukuna gotta make complicated bull honky so... you are going to have to deal with a little bit of reading... it should hopefully be easy to grasp and learn though lol.))


They say even heros die with regrets, Deeds they wish they could have done within their lifetime. Deeds and objects of their desire... that evaded them at any possible turn. Even the greatest of heros... The Knights of the Nine Divines themselves!!! They see new life however, being the vassels of the Divines. They have chances to change the outcome of their lifetime. Other heros are not so lucky.

However... they do have one chance. One chance to change everything. The nameless ones... the Unsung. The ones who are not written about in story books, nor have their names ring the halls of the world. They do have one chance. A trail by combat, once more into the fray they must step. For every Thousand Years... the souls of those that regret find new life on the steps of a mighty hold. THE MIGHTY WALLS OF THE SORROW HALLS!!! A place... that brings miracles to those that yet hold regret... or hold desperate wishes to their bosom in death.

Under the tutelage of the Divine Knights themselves... these souls for decades past will fight now last time. One last time to have their greatest regret washed away from the Sands of Time.

Extra Backstory, The Nine Divines, and their Lands. ((Warning: This is buttload of info. Read at your own peril. It may help in character creation though.))

There are nine Landmasses or Island's based on one of the nine gods, or as they are collectively called, The Nine Divines.

Four of the Divines are known as the Elementalists, They are based off of Fire, Water, Wind/Air, and Earth. They also represent the creation of humans, with Earth and Wind being the Vessel Pair. Earth created the body, the vessel that would hold the soul. Air created the mind, the vessel which would hold the Knowledge.

Fire and Water are known as the Fueler Pair, as they created the parts that fuel the body and the mind. Water created Knowledge that which runs the mind. And Fire created the soul, the fuel on which the body runs.

Unto each of these gods was given a Nation. This nation was said to be the place that said god sprung forth from the land at the beginning of time. (this applies to the rest as well.)

The god of Earth and Body, known as Tectanitus (Tech-ta-nite-us), was said to be born from the Shattered Hills, a land of stone and mountains. It is a very inhospitable land, where only the hardy survive. As such is mostly home to Dwarves and Gnomes who eek out what living they can underneath the mountains. A few human towns exist on the North part of the island, mostly fishing and mining villages. No known Elves or Fae folk live in these lands as it is too harsh.

The goddess of Air and Mind, Aelia, was said to be born from the snowy peaks of Aurora, a northern tundra, that is known for it's harsh winters and winds. Sailing to the continent is very difficult as the winds are unrelenting to ships. Their culture is more similar to those of Vikings and is very tribal in nature. They believe in hardy warriors and the way of the blade, and don't look kindly upon magic users or thieves. Or as they call them, cowards of the night. Most make an honest living as fisherman, sailors, or warriors. Tribes are constantly warring over small pieces of land or over the True Word of Aelia. Many sects don't believe the same thing of their Lady of the Wind, and they vehemently fight over it to this day.

The god of Fire and Soul, Pyron, was said to be born from Shifting Sands, a sea of a desert, that Shifts almost as much as human emotion. This land is full of strange Tech, almost Steampunk in feeling, magic is starting to die here, but it still remains as it evolves into something... different. Cities dot the desert in places near water. Here Water is worth as much as gold, some make a living by being what is called a Water Baron. They make money off the use of a water source. Typically towns are built around these water sources and the water Baron becomes the head of the town. Also some places there are traces of old dead civilizations. Giant pyramids jut out of the landscape, along with other ruins and long forgotten tombs.. They are said to hold unimaginable treasures. Along with Deadly traps, and... the restless undead.

The god of Water and Knowledge is said to have been born from the Crystal Archipelgo. A chain of small islands that all claim to be one nation. It is here that Many powerful minds come together. Here they dare to do the research no other would do. They toy with the fabric of the world, and the magical energies that are abundant everywhere. This land has a culture Similar to Japan and other Eastern countries like China. They look up to the scholars, as they are most important people here. Wizard's are the most at home from this area since they are never criticized or harassed in these lands, in fact they rule here. Magic is so highly respected that those that do not weild it are shunned, even discriminated against. Sorcerers are home here as well, though, their magic is seen more as an artform, than the Wizard's scientific approach. No magic is looked down on here and all is seen as equal and powerful. No matter how unsavory the subject matter is.

And yet there remains five more gods.

there is another group of four. The gods that hold sway over the celestial forces of the world, and the cycle of Life and Death, or the Terrestrial fores of the world.

The Terrastrians of course held sway over the forces that were present in the Prime Material Plane.They were Bartimis and Mortimo. Bartimis was the God of Life, and Community. He was the God who created the gifts of life and the sense of each of those lives to seek out others of their kind and bond with them. He created this instinct so that life forms needed to never be alone in the world. Mortimo is the God of Death and Time. He is not well known on the Prime Material world other than for the inevitable end. He is seen as a force that cares not for the world, only to guide the souls to the afterlife. However, he is a dark god unknown to the others. He plays a grim game with the lives of others, trying to rig the Life/Death Cycle to cause as much indirect death as he can.

Then there are the Celestial Ones, the ones that rule over Light and Darkness. Positive energy and negative energy. Lumabella is the goddess of Light and Enlightenment of Self, or individuality. She created the sun to grow the seeds of life on Graterras, and give them Celestial Guidance. She knows all individual who will ever live as if she were them herself. Her soul so enlightened and so pure, that she can impose it upon any other and see the cracks and falters and compare them to her own. Draven on the other hand, the God of Darkness is not so friendly a character. He only corrupts and destroys. His heart was lost long ago to great darkness. Before then he created the Moon, the celestial force that guides the creatures below to hide away for the terrible night has come. He no longer controls the moon however... another entity does.

Each of them holds a land as well.

Bartimis holds Arbouretium, The Sea of Trees. The name coming from the vast forests that cover it's face. It is said the Great Tree of Life, or the World Tree lies within the Forests somewhere. It is still bleieved to be guarded by the Wood Elves and the Fae to protect it from any evils that wish to bring harm to the great tree. They are needed more now than ever. Int he South grows a new faction, that cares not for the sanctity of life. The Kingdom of Ironwall, once one of peace... mobilizes to combat the Green Orc menace, but also to remove the Last remaining Wood Elves from the Forest, claiming it belongs to them, those holy chosen of Bartimis.

Mortimo's Lands, the veritable Land of the Dead is just like it sounds. It is a horrid place, a wasteland. And yet some daring souls still live there. A small nation that formed from the prisoners of other lands all sent there to die. They take to calling the Nation, Secondwatch, and many also refer to the "civil" parts of the Land of the Dead as such too.

Lumabella's lands are called Solaruim after a great Elvish Kingdom that once stood there. The High Elves however were forced out by a crushing defeat by the Green Orc Hordes. They were vastly out-numbered and swiftly forced to abandon their home or die defending it. They choose to flee to the North. Human Forces arrived too late to stop the City from being taken, but they crushed the foe under heel. They took back the Great City of Solaria and even since they have enjoyed a great alliance with the High Elves that rule there. Each Elf Clan that was still standing each get a King as well as the Humans. The Four Kings of Solaria ensured the area's safety for a great deal of time, so much that Solaria become the shining beacon of civilization and the things it could achieve.

Draven's Lands, The Shadowed Isles, were known fro their seedy underbelly. crime was everywhere and it was a mess. Until the forming of Nevermore. Lords Quickly rose to power as the economy boomed. For the most part they kicked out most of the lawlessness and made the place decent enough to live.However, rumors exist that it is the Lord's who now deal in darkness. And that Nevermore, isn't a good city, just a front to a den of villainy.

The Last God goes by the Name Bartallimo. He is the god of Balance. He holds in check the world and the forces that be. He is known as the Benevolent Father, or He who holds the Reins of the World.

His Land is that of Pandora, the box of life. It is said all life came from here and Spread out all over the world of Graterras. It is mostly now home to the Victonari, a strange Dragonoid race created by Bartallimo. Not much is known of these lands other than that the Victonari live here. It is said the Victonari hold great secrets, but they are not known to venture out from Pandora all that often.

The RP; What is it About?:

In this RP, Players will take on the role of a Unsung hero of the past... the souls who were powerful... but not powerful enough to be remembered. Each of them has a regret in their past, or some desperate wish they want to see fulfilled. As such they find themselves at The Sorrow's Halls, seemingly arriving right after their death. ((a.k.a Dying is the last thing they remember.)) They discover the Halls are a place... where the Forgotten fight once more. They each have a Claim in the Battle of Sorrow's Hall, a battle that takes place every Thousand years for one sole purpose. To grant the Winner's... their final hope. Each of the Great Divine Knights ((will serve as the examples of character creation later on.)) Leads their own team a faction of heros that seeks to defeat the others. The Remaining Members of the Last Faction Standing... gain that which they seek, the Power to wash away their regret... to change that which they know.

Character Creation:

Each Player will create their Hero by picking an Archetype and a number of signature moves created by the Player. These shall be explained in more detail below.

Archetypes are chosen guidelines for a character, they somewhat shape the nature of their Play. They give an idea of what the characters abilities are... and how to progress their growth. They are not 100% Strict, as characters may have some abilities etc, that overlap two archetypes, but the Main one they select is their focus, or the one most true of them. They are just heads above others at the skills their archetype possesses.

The Archetypes are as follows:

Warrior: By blade, hammer, axe, or longarm they take to the battlefield. Masters of Fighting and War.

Ranger: Outcasts that roam the Wilds, and the borders of Civilization.

Paladin: Divine Champions of the Gods.

Priest: Those that serve the gods, and wield their power for their dutiful service.

Druid: Master of the Wilds, Shapeshifters that are one with Nature.

Rogue: Tricksters, beguilers, those savvy with the tools of thieves. They forge teir own path through the world.

Wizard: Those that practice the Science of Magic. They weave the force to serve their bidding.

Sorcerer: Those that have natural magic. It courses through their very bloodlines. Whether it be the blood of Dragons, or that of Elemental Spirits

Archetypes in depth, Signature Moves/Spells, and Basic Skills:

Signature Moves and Spells: Signature moves and spells are those that define your hero. They are the things that bring them to life and the techniques that they have honed and perfected over the years of their life. They are their lifeblood and they define how they fight. They are the most powerful techniques at a Hero's disposal, much more above their normal fighting capabilities. A Warrior knowing how to swing a sword is fine and dandy, but it is not his signature. ((well it can be will be explained later shhh...)) but his tendency to charge face first into battle? To the point where the charge becomes not just a charge... but something entirely different. That is the basis of a signature move. Each Archetype has their own types of signature moves, though they can use examples from other ones. They do not gain the basic abilities of the other archetype ((unless using a slot to gain it, explained below.)), but... they can essentially "multi-class" in this way. These abilities are made by the Players to suit their character, HOWEVER, as host... I have final say on what is allowed or not.

For specific examples based on Archetypes, please check individual Archetype's section below in the Archetypes; What they do for your Character section.

There are a few different types of Signature Ability.

  • Activated Skill: A Skill that must be consciously used. Whether a Special Sword Technique, a powerful magic Spell, or something else. These abilities take a burst of energy to use and strain their user if they use it to much. Simple Examples: Casting a Fireball, a spinning sword attack, summoning an object etc.
  • Passive Skill: A skill that is active at all times. While weaker than other types of signature Abilities, they don't need to be concisely focused on. While most typically magic, they can also be auras of emotion or special qualities one has. They can take on the effect of an active ability, but are muuuuuuch weaker. Passives take no energy to maintain, but as a result are the weakest of signature powers. Simple Examples: An aura that inspires others, a passive ward of evil, a Silver Tongue((not literally...well... I guess it could be literal, not sure why you would waste a signature on that though.)).
  • Toggle Skill: The middle ground between Passives and Actives. Can be toggled on and off by a "switch" or when the character wishes to no longer focus on it. Some have drawbacks to the user while on which causes them to want to shut it off every now and then. Toggled abilities drain a Hero's energy over time as long as they are up in addition to any penalties they also inflict. Simple Examples: Beserker Rage, Aura's of Lighting or other elements.
  • Archetype Skill: Will be explained further under each Archetype's Section. Certain Skills that are exclusive to certain Archetypes unless under very special Conditions. They very between the three types listed above. Examples: Druid's Wild Shape, Sorcerer's Ancestor's Breath. etc.
  • Expanded Basic Skill: A slot can be used to add an extra Basic Skill ((explained in the section below.)) to your archetype. Examples: A Wizard knowing how to use Light armour, a Warrior knowing rudimentary Arcane magic.

Basic Skills, Bread and Butter of the Hero:

These are the basic skills your character possess. They include their more mundane training and weaker magical abilities. ((the differences between Rudimentary Magics and Signature Level Magic shall be discussed in the Wizard, Sorcerer, Priest, Paladin, Druid and Pact Mage sections.)) These are skills that your archetype give you and your character always has access to. While they might not be as flashy or powerful as Signature Abilities... they are just as important. They make up the bulk of what a hero will be using in Combat, and dictate how they fight etc. They are much easier to use than Most types of Signature Abilities as they don't take any more energy than doing a similar action in real life. As such, Hero's will end up using their basic skills when they don't have the inhuman amounts of energy they need to use their Signature ones.

A Masterlist of Basic Skills:

  • Armour Training((Perimeter)): What armour the Archetype is trained to use. The rank shown is Highest class armour one may wear. Ranks are Light, Medium and Heavy. Light Armours offer some protection without hampering movement. Medium offers a bit more protection while sacrificing a bit of speed. Heavy Provides the Ultimate Defense, but comes a the cost of being clunky and hard to move in. If an archetype does not have this skill, it cannot equip armour unless a Signature Move slot is used. Moving up one level of armour costs a signature slot. Example: for a Wizard to equip Light Armour, it takes one Signature Moveslot. However, for a Wizard to use Heavy Armour They would need to use 3 Signature Skill slots.
  • Basic Shield Training: The Archetype can wield a shield, but isn't highly effective with it.
  • Holy Weapon Training: A Priest Specific Basic Skill. The understanding to use the Holy Weapon of the Order, or Priesthood one belongs to. Will be further explained in the Priest Section of the Archetypes; What they do for your Character section.
  • Initiate of an Order((Perimeter)): While this skill doesn't really do anything on it's own, it represents the characters bond to their religious order and the pwoers they wield due to it. It affects their magic
  • Martial Combat((Perimeter)): The use of all types of of basic and mundane weaponry. This indicates a Military understanding to use most tools of war effectively. If anything thing is specified under the Perimeter they only have the knowledge to use that weapon etc...
  • Roguish Combat: The understanding of underhanded tactics to battle. Mostly includes the use of small concealable weapons, or those that fire from a range to take enemies by surprise. Things like Shortbows, Longbows, Crossbows, Shortswords ((or equivalent.)), daggers, knives, and other small arms. It also includes the use of traps and tools like caltrops etc... in combat.
  • Rudimentary Arcane Magic: The Ability to cast simple spells of arcane nature.
  • Rudimentary Divine Magic: The basic ability to cast magic gifted to one from the Gods.
  • Rudimentary Wild Magic: Control over the basic Magic that has control over Plants, animals or other forces of Nature.
  • Simple Weaponry: Use of simple weaponry that doesn't take much skill to use. Includes things such as Quarterstaves, clubs, Hatchets, knives, daggers, slings, farm equipment turned weapon ((Sickles, stuff like that.)) etc.
  • Spellcaster Weaponry: The use of even smaller pool of arms employed by Spellcasters. It includes Knives, Staves, and Slings.

Archetypes; What they do for your character:


Basic Skills: Martial Combat, Armour Training ((Heavy.)), Basic Shield Training.

Warriors may start the game with -4- Signature moves if and -only- if one is used to take a Signature Fighting Style ((explained below.)), otherwise they get -3-.

Warrior Archetype Skills: Signature Fighting Style((Passive)). These are the fighting Style that defines a Warrior in battle, While they can wield any weapon competently...this they wield above all others. They are simply more powerful when using this style than any other. It will define basically how they fight, each giving a slight benefit.

Types of Style:

Sword and Board Style((Passive)): The use of a One-handed weapon and a Shield. This balanced Style doesn't favor either Defense or Offense. It has the most defense against Projectile attacks by enemies from the front as the shield deflects most of them, mundane or magical.

Brute Style((Passive)): The use of a Mighty two handed Weapon. This style favors being reckless and pure offense. When fighting an Opponent with Armour, it counts as if it were of 1 level lower.

Juggernaut Style((Passive)): User of Heavy Armour. If the Warrior wears heavy Armour they are not hindered by it like others as it is like a second skin to them. This Style heavily favors defense.

Dragoon Style((Passive)): Favors the Use of polearms and longarms. This style is also balanced but offers better reach then the Sword and Board Style. Some Longarms can even be thrown or set to take charges, actions that can't be used with other weapons very effectively.

Specialist Style: User of some exotic or trick weapon. Examples of this are Scythes ((actual ones not War scythes.)), whips, katanas etc. This Style varies heavily based on what weapon is selected. It should be explained what the weapon is etc...This also includes Dual-Wielding or using Swords that can be 1-handed or Two ((such as the Katana.))


Basic Skills: Martial Combat, Armour Training ((Medium)), Rudimentary Wild Magic.

Rangers may start the game with -4- Signature moves. 1 Must be an Animal Companion. Otherwise they only start with 3.

Ranger Archetype Skills:

Signature Level Wild Magic, Creating a Signature Spell: This Magic is much more powerful then what normally can be achieved with Wild Magic. Each will be given examples so that one can get an idea of how powerful this magic can be. This will be located at the end of of this section. A Ranger can choose to create a Signature Spell that has one power that either replicates something that Basic Magic can do but more powerful... or Something that it can't even dream to achieve.

Animal Companion: Rangers can call upon a wild creature that has become their friend and a powerful Ally. They have a Empathetic Link that allows them to communicate on a rudimentary level with things such as emotions etc. It can be any normally occurring Non-magical animal. ((So could be a Bear, but not a Dragon or other magical creature.)) It is not necessary to take this as a Signature to be a Ranger, it is only highly recommended.

Examples of Basic Wild Magic:

Ensnaring a Foe in Vines or similar plant matter, light ((as in weak.)) healing, Animal Speak for a limited time((can be used to reinforce the Empathetic link to an Animal Companion.)), spells that allow one to take on minor aspects of creatures. ((like gain the claws of a cat, but not turn entirely into a creature.)), other Minor Nature Effects.

Examples of Signature Level Wild Magic:

Full Control of Plant matter, Powerful Healing, Polymorphing into a creature ((the user doesn't truly know how to use the form and can't cast any other magic, including Signature Spells, while in it.))


Basic Skills: Martial Combat, Rudimentary Divine Magic((Defined by Order)), Armour Training((Heavy)), Basic Shield Training. Initiate of Order.

Paladins may start the game with -4- Signature moves. They must take a Holy Order and can choose to take Signature Fighting Style ((but they don't need to take the latter.)).

Paladin Archetype Skills: Signature Fighting Style((Passive)). These are the fighting Style that defines a Paladin in battle, While they can wield any weapon competently...this they wield above all others. They are simply more powerful when using this style than any other. It will define basically how they fight, each giving a slight benefit. ((if you read the Warrior section... these are all the same.))

Types of Style:

Sword and Board Style((Passive)): The use of a One-handed weapon and a Shield. This balanced Style doesn't favor either Defense or Offense. It has the most defense against Projectile attacks by enemies from the front as the shield deflects most of them, mundane or magical.

Brute Style((Passive)): The use of a Mighty two handed Weapon. This style favors being reckless and pure offense. When fighting an Opponent with Armour, it counts as if it were of 1 level lower.

Juggernaut Style((Passive)): User of Heavy Armour. If the Warrior wears heavy Armour they are not hindered by it like others as it is like a second skin to them. This Style heavily favors defense.

Dragoon Style((Passive)): Favors the Use of polearms and longarms. This style is also balanced but offers better reach then the Sword and Board Style. Some Longarms can even be thrown or set to take charges, actions that can't be used with other weapons very effectively.

Specialist Style: User of some exotic or trick weapon. Examples of this are Scythes ((actual ones not War scythes.)), whips, katanas etc. This Style varies heavily based on what weapon is selected. It should be explained what the weapon is etc...This also includes Dual-Wielding or using Swords that can be 1-handed or Two ((such as the Katana.))

Holy Order: The order of Warriors a Paladin belongs to. Paladins are exemplars of the deity they champion. They strive to embody their Deities teachings, and yet to also follow their sworn oaths. It is these oaths that guide their footsteps through the world and more importantly how they are to act within this world. They are to bring good name to their Deity no matter what, even against their own will, or even if it may be to the detriment of themselves. There are many Orders of Paladins, each following a different Deity. Ones Available to players shall be listed below.

Paladin Orders:

Paladins are exemplars of the deity they champion. They strive to embody their Deities teachings, and yet to also follow their sworn oaths. It is these oaths that guide their footsteps through the world and more importantly how they are to act within this world. They are to bring good name to their Deity no matter what, even against their own will, or even if it may be to the detriment of themselves. There are many Orders of Paladins, each following a different Deity. Ones Available to players shall be listed below.
Avenging Angel ((Order of Bartimis)): One who has taken the Black Oath, or the Rite of Vengeance in Bartimis's Order of Paladins. It used to be a secret Oath, one that was taboo among the Order. It was born from the plight of a singular Paladin, the Knight in Black. He swore once to destroy the any foe that lay in his way and those that had scorned the Order of Bartimis. In recent times, this Oath has become the most common one, with nearly ever new paladin taking it. And with this induction... the Order of Bartimis fell from Grace. They became a Militant Order, seeking Vengeance and destruction to those that heeded not the word of Bartimis.
The Tenets of the Black Oath:
Fight the Greatest Evil, those you have sworn to destroy are your only foe upon the field of battle.
No Mercy, Those that you have sworn to destroy receive no Mercy.
By any Means. Nothing may get in the way of destroying your sworn foe.
Restitution. You must aid those that have been harmed by your sworn foes. For that harm is a result of your failure to stop them.
Magic: Dealing in the realms of combat ((non-elemental damage spells...)), slef buffs, and things to help elimnate single targets.
Devote Defender ((Order of Bartimis)): One who has taken the Oath of Devotion, or the Oath of White in Bartimis's Paladin Order. This oath is taken by those in the order that wish to protect the world form the unending darkness, and itself. It is not taken lightly and has always been considered The Dead Man's Oath. It was near suicide to take on the monumental task, and only those willing to devote their entire lives and every essence of their being took it. It used to be the one taken by those that would otherwise be killed, criminals, treasoners, etc... They would be forced into devotion to the Realm and Protection of the Realm. Those that chose this Oath are exceedingly rare these days, as not many are willing to put aside everything else to take it.
The tenets of the White Oath:
Honesty. Let your tongue speak not falsehoods. Your words are to be pure.
Courage. Never fear the Darkness enough to not act.
Compassion. Aid the downtrodden, and protect the weak. Punish those that would prey upon them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom.
Honor. Treat others fairly and Justly. Let your deeds be their guiding star. Do all the good you can, while minimizing the damage caused.
Duty. Be responsible for your actions, and their resulting consequences. Obey those that have authority over you.
Magic: Healing, and Protection.
Guardian of the Green ((Order of Bartimis)): One who has taken the Oath of Old, or the Green Oath in Bartimis's Order. This Oath is considered by many a sage to be the true Oath of Bartimis's Order before they fell into disarray. It is the oldest that exists and is considered to have been written by Bartimis himself. This Oath was the defacto Oath of the Followers once, and most Paladins of the Order Followed it. It Spoke to preserve all Life if possible and to leave the lights of those lives the gifts of Bartimis to this World lit. Many are not sure when this was changed, but many believe it to be when the Order was changed into a Military Special Elite, rather than an Order that mainly served to protect the Temples of Bartimis.
The Tenets of the Green Oath:
Kindle the Light. Do anything in your power to dispel despair from the World.
Shelter the Light. Stand against the forces that would see the gifts of life destroyed.
Preserve your Light. Enjoy the beauty in all things in this world. For if you cannot enjoy them, and see them for your own, then you cannot protect them.
Be the light. Be a beacon that casts out the darkness. Let your joy, and love for the beauty of the world shine forth into the world around you through your deeds.
Magic: Healing and Nature.
Huskarl of Winter ((Templar of Aelia)): The warriors that follow Aelia, the Goddess of Wind and Mind. They are wild unbridled Warriors tending to wield dual swords rather than the typical Sword and Board style fighting of other Orders of Paladins. They mostly hail from the Great North Land og Aurora. They are fast, quick and aggressive, but like the Wind, they can also slow their assault. Their Oaths ask this of them as well. They are known to be Jovial and easy to get along with, as they flow like the wind. They are gentle and caring when they need to be, and Fierce and vicious when it calls for it.
Tenets of the Huskarls:
One must be like the soft Breeze, and keep an open Mind.
One must be like the mighty Tempest, taking the fight to the Foe no matter the danger.
One must be like the gentle Zephyr, aiding those in need and nurturing the people of the world.
One must be like the wild Gale, inspiring those around them to greatness.
Magic: Wind and Thunder((Signature Only for Thunder)) Elemental Magic.
Cinder Knight ((Templar of Pyron)): The Knights that call Pyron their lord. As befitting those that embody the God of Soul, Cinder Knights are ruled by their ever changing emotions. They are highly expressive and explosive, sometimes seeming unreal to normal denizens of the world. They seem to be almost melodramatic in their feelings as they feel them to their greatest depths. They are traditional Knights hailing mostly from the Lands of Shifting Sands. They are old time knights in a land that is much more advanced and so they seem to stick out like sore thumbs even more. They are fond of the old ways A Sword in one hand, a Shield in the other.
Tenets of the Cinder Knights:
Kindle the Flames of Passion; Show the emotion you feel and encourage it in others.
Kindle the Flames of Truth; Be thine True self, no matter what others feel, and Seek it wherever thine path leads.
Kindle the Flames of Righteousness; Do what is right in thine heart, and no others.
Kindle the Flames of Idealism; Do everything in your power to fight for the ideals you believe in. And fight for them until the bloody end.
Kindle the Flame of Devotion; Keep thine self true to Lord Pyron, and no other.
Magic: Fire and Lightning((signature level only for Lightning. Elemental Magic.
Scholar Knight ((Templar of Seeker)): Scholar Knights are those that follow the Mysterious Seeker. Like their God... they are endlessly thirsty for knowledge and seek it out everywhere in the world. They are naturally inquisitive always seeming to ask questions about everything. However, as they like to horde the fruits of their labour, it is hard to get much out of them in turn. They are quiet and cold, holding logic and reasoning high above any other trait.
Tenets of the Scholar Knights:
Be as the coursing river. Allow knowledge to flow through you, be it's vessel.
Be as the frozen waters. Guard knowledge above all else, knowledge is more important than you or other life. ((they believe sources of knowledge such as books etc, are the collected records of lives, therefore they value them over saving a person. Unless that person has valuable knowledge.))
Be as the still lake. Focus your mind above all else. It is your greatest weapon.
Be as the dark depths. Knowledge is not a plaything. It is dangerous. Keep that which not be known below the surface, hidden from sight. Only reveal it to those deemed worthy.
Magic: Water and Ice Elemental Magic.
Eternal Watcher ((Templar of Tectaniteus)): Eternal Watchers are the Order that follows the god of Earth and Body Tectaniteus. Like him, they are quiet, deliberate people that make actions only when required. They are known to take in the world around them first, before deciding what to do. They are typically revered as highly wise individuals that do not rush and take their time. However, this leads them to be rather slow at taking action, or prevents them from changing how they think quickly. Like the earth they are slow, taking a long time to change their pace.
Tenets of the Eternal Watchers:
Powerful Garnet, give me the strength to bare the load of the world.((Strength of Body and of Spirit.))
Great Lodestone, give me the power to polarize my allies, and rally them to my side no matter what. ((Teamwork.))
Insightful Ruby, give me the power to believe in myself, and make the right actions. ((self-confidence, decision making))
Wise Topaz, give me the power to understand the world around me and my purpose within. ((Mental Clarity.))
Wonderful Bloodstone, give me the power to overcome the challenges lain before me and the mind... to complete them. ((Courage, and creativity.))
Magic: Earth and Gemstone((Signature Spells only for Gemstone.)) Elemental Magic


Basic Skills: Holy Weapon Training ((defined by Order.)), Rudimentary Divine Magic((defined by Order)), Armour Training ((defined by Order.)), Initiate of Order.

Priests may start the game with -4- Signature moves. 1 Must be a Holy Order.

Priest Archetype Skills:

Signature Level Divine Magic, Creating a Signature Spell: This Magic is much more powerful then what normally can be achieved with Divine Magic. These powers are effected by the Holy order of the Priest.

Holy Order: The holy order is that which the Priest belongs to. It dictates how they fight by selecting their Holy Weapon and the types of magic they can wield. They can only wield their Holy Weapon into battle, and they can only use spells form the domains in which their god holds power. Some examples are listed below.

Existing Gods of Graterras, or The Nine Divines.

Bartallimo, God of Balance. ((cannot be chosen by a player, Bartallimo handpicks his followers that receive his powers. Otherwise he is not a God that is followed by the masses.)) but is part of the 9 so need to note him here.
Aelia, Goddess of Wind and Mind. Her spells deal with realms of Wind, storms, the cold, and facets of the mind. Her Holy Weapon is the Sword.
Pyron, God of Fire and Soul. His spells deal with the realms of Sun((or light.)), Fire, Passion, and Emotion. His holy weapon is the Curved Sword, or Scimitar.
Seeker, God of Water and Knowledge. His Spells deal with the realms of Water, Ice, and the gathering of knowledge. His holy weapon is the Quarterstaff.
Techtaniteus, God of Earth and Body. His Spells deal with the realms of Earth, protection, and keeping wholeness of body. His holy Weapon is Hammers.
Mortimo, Lord of Death and Time. His spells deal with the dark realms of Death, and Time, but also, with realm of healing. Is an Evil Deity, and tends to bend those that aren't to that under his worship. But, one can be good and serve Mortimo. His Holy Weapon is a War Scythe.
Lumabella, Lady of Light and Individualism. Her spells deal with the realms of Sun((light)), healing, enlightenment, and understanding. Her holy weapon is the Bow and Arrow.
Bartimis, Lord of Life. His spells deal mostly with the realm of healing and the preserving of life, but also with nature and weather. His Holy Weapon is the Quarterstaff.
Draven, Lord of Darkness. Also known as the Heartless One. His spells deal with darkness, disease and many other things that are aligned with Evil. He is rarely worshiped by any who are not evil. His holy weapon is the Axe.
((There are other gods that a Cleric may follow within the World of Graterras, these are just the most common. If you would like an alternate god from these, or would like to create one of your own, I am open to the thought. Please shoot me a pm so we can talk on it.))


Basic Skills: Simple Weaponry, Armour Training ((Medium)), Rudimentary Wild Magic.

Druids may start the game with -4- Signature moves, one of them MUST be Wild Shape.

Druid Archetype Skills:

Signature Level Wild Magic, Creating a Signature Spell: This Magic is much more powerful then what normally can be achieved with Wild Magic. Each will be given examples so that one can get an idea of how powerful this magic can be. This will be located at the end of of this section. A Druid can choose to create a Signature Spell that has one power that either replicates something that Basic Magic can do but more powerful... or Something that it can't even dream to achieve. ((these can be created by any Class, but it is best to explain them here.))

Wild Shape: The druid can take on the form of any Wild Animal. However, unlike Polymorphing Druids instinctively understand the forms they take with Wild Shape. They also can still use all kinds of their magic while in these forms unlike others. They can transform at will into the shape of any natural creature. ((So... don't get any bright ideas and try and turn into a Dragon cause you can't.))

Examples of Basic Wild Magic:

Ensnaring a Foe in Vines or similar plant matter, light ((as in weak.)) healing, Animal Speak for a limited time((can be used to reinforce the Empathetic link to an Animal Companion.)), spells that allow one to take on minor aspects of creatures. ((like gain the claws of a cat, but not turn entirely into a creature.)), other Minor Nature Effects.

Examples of Signature Level Wild Magic:

Full Control of Plant matter, Powerful Healing, Poly-morphing into a creature ((the user doesn't truly know how to use the form and can't cast any other magic, including Signature Spells, while in it.))


Basic Skills: Roguish Combat ((Duh...XD)), Armour Training ((Light)).

Rogues may start the game with -4- Signature moves. 1 must be a Rogue's Path.

Rogue Archetype Skills: You may choose one of the following Rogue's Paths.

Magical Performer: These Rogues ((or Bards.)) can use the power of Song, Dance, or other performance arts to cast spells. As such they gain the ability to inspire allies to greatness with their music ((how you do so is up to your RPing.)) and gain the Rudimentary Arcane Magic Basic Skill for free.

Scoundrel: These Rogues are those that deal in Traps and Poisons. They don't like to get in the thick of things and use underhanded tactics in battle. If an enemy is distracted by an ally or another foe, they may try to backstab that target. Backstabs are special attacks that take advantage of a foe. One could knock off an important piece of armour, disarm a foe, knock a foe to the ground etc... or just attack him.

Swashbuckler: A man of action and DARING!!! They are loud boisterous fools who like to dare and do crazy stunts. Swashbuckler's, may use Biting Words((indicated in the post since you don't have to do this anytime you throw an insult... though the foe could just go after you anyway lol.)) if they throw an insult at a foe ((It must be a good actually well RP'd insult... which is subject to the host and that player's character to a lesser degree. lol.)) that foe -MUST- attack the Swashbuckler out of anger or harm to his pride. This will only be in effect two posts for the victim and it can only be used once per fight.


Basic Skills: Spellcaster's Weaponry, Rudimentary Arcane Magic.

Wizard's may start the game with -4- Signature moves. One must be an Arcane Focus.

Wizard Archetype Skills:

Signature Level Arcane Magic, Creating a Signature Spell: This Magic is much more powerful then what normally can be achieved with Arcane Magic. Each will be given examples so that one can get an idea of how powerful this magic can be. This will be located at the end of of this section. A Ranger can choose to create a Signature Spell that has one power that either replicates something that Basic Magic can do but more powerful... or Something that it can't even dream to achieve. ((these can be created by any Class, but it is best to explain them here.))

Arcane Focus: Needs a bit of extra explainin'.

An Arcane focus is the type of Arcane Magic a Wizard chooses to focus on. Like a Warrior's Signature Style, it is the type of Magic they excel at most. Each have different advantages etc for having it. They can use every type of magic, but get some benefit when using what they specialize in.

Abjuration: Magic that focuses on protection, banishment, or warding. Wizards that specialize in this school. If taking this focus anytime a wizard casts a spell of this type ((Signature level power Only)) it charges a ward of protective magic. This ward can hold 1 charge and will take any hit and nullify it once. Then it will disappear until gaining a new charge.

Conjuration: Magic that focuses on the summoning of objects and creatures. Wizards that specialize in this type of magic can cause a Benign Transposition. This allows them to teleport a short distance, or swap places with another person. The other person must be willing for the swap to happen.

Evocation: Magic that focuses arcane or elemental forces for offensive purposes. Wizards that specialize in type of magic can overclock their basic spells of this type. If they use more of their energy they can make their basic Evocation spells more powerful ((not as powerful as a Signature Level Evocation spell though.)). It takes a least a minute to charge.

Illusion: Magic that creates false images, sounds and other false sensory objects. Wizards that specialize in this type of magic can choose to create Demi-Shadow Illusions. These Illusions can effect the real world as they are partially real.

Necromancy: Magic that blows false life into the dead and deals with death in general. Wizards that specialize in this type of magic can create and control 2 summoned creatures so long as they are Undead.

Examples of Basic Arcane Magic:

Abjuration: Force barriers, Wards of Evil etc, banishment of basic creatures, ((cannot banish Signature spell summoned creatures. It also takes a short period of time to do anyway.))

Conjuration: Summoning of simple creatures or objects. Can summon things and attack with them as well. ((such as summoning a weapon etc.))

Evocation: Gouts of Flame or frost, Magic Missiles ((tiny force projectiles.)), levitation of small objects, other small projectiles.

Illusion: Audio noises, images of creatures etc. ((no other sensory objects than seeing the illusion.)), light refracting((makes it difficult to see the caster, but not impossible.)), sound muffling etc...

Necromancy: The summoning of a lesser Undead such as a skeleton. Minor damaging touch spells.((physically touching an opponent and dealing damage somehow.)), other minor effects that relate to death and the energies that surround it.

Examples of Signature Level Arcane Magic:

Abjuration: Exploding Trap runes, Banishment of Demons and extra-planar Creatures, more potent protection spells and wards.

Conjuration: Summoning of Demons or powerful Elementals. ((These beings tend to have a mind of their own, and while they are powerful don't always listen to the player as they have free will, but have been forced somewhere they don't wish to be.)) Can summon even more powerful things, some even being able to summon copies of powerful artifacts for use.

Evocation: Fireballs, Cones of Fire and Frost, Giant amounts of force etc. If it is a big powerful attacking wizard spell... it probably goes here.

Illusions: Improved Illusions, Invisibility, entirely silent footsteps etc.

Necromancy: Even more powerful Undead such as wights or other spirits, powerful dark magic spells, spells that weaken foes when hit ((like paralyze a certain limb, or cause them to be sick etc... mess with their ability to fight back.))


Basic Skills: Spellcaster's Weaponry, Rudimentary Arcane Magic.

Sorcerer may start the game with -4- Signature moves. One must be a Bloodline Trait.

Sorcerer Archetype Skills:

Signature Level Arcane Magic, Creating a Signature Spell: This Magic is much more powerful then what normally can be achieved with Arcane Magic. Each will be given examples so that one can get an idea of how powerful this magic can be. This will be located at the end of of this section. A Ranger can choose to create a Signature Spell that has one power that either replicates something that Basic Magic can do but more powerful... or Something that it can't even dream to achieve. ((Arcane Magic is explained in the Wizard section. Sorcerer's cannot use an Arcane Focus, but they explain what the types of magic are and what they do so it might still be important.))

Bloodline Trait: These are special traits acquired by Sorcerer's from their magical pedigree. They are special abilities that come from their blood etc. Sorcerer's May have multiple from 1 Bloodline, but they cannot have powers from two different types of Blood Lines. ((They could take two from the Dragonblood, but not one from Dragonblood and one from Elementalblood.))

Dragonblood: The Dragonblood Bloodline is magical power distilled from the innate magic of Dragon and Dragonkin. Sorcerer's who have dragon's blood take on some of the aspects of their ancestry including their powerful breath weapon. They become immune to attacks of the same element as their breathe weapon. Some can sprout wings and fly as well, but this would take an extra Signature move slot then just acquiring the Breathe Weapon and damage immunity.

Types of Dragonblood Ancestries:

Red Dragon: Flame Breath and Fire Immunity. Individuals tend let Greed dictate their behavior.

Black Dragon: Acid Breath and Acid Immunity. Individuals tend let wrathfulness dictate their behavior.

Blue Dragon: Lighting Breath and Electricity Immunity. Individuals tend let Lust dictate their behavior.

White Dragon: Frost Breath and Cold Immunity. Individuals tend let Pride dictate their behavior.

Green Dragon: Poison Breath and Poison Immunity. Individuals tend let Envy dictate their behavior.

Gold Dragon: Fire Breath and Fire Immunity. Highly value doing what they perceive to be right.

Silver Dragon: Frost Breath and Cold Immunity. Highly value being just and noble.

Brass Dragon: Fire Breath and Fire Immunity. Highly value friendship.

Bronze Dragon: Acid Breath and Acid Immunity. Highly value knowledge.

Dragonflight: The ability to sprout wings and fly for short periods of time. This can be taken only if one has a Dragonblood trait already.

Elementalblood: Is innate magical power distilled from that of Elemental Spirits. Those with Elementalblood have the power to fully control Elementals made of their respective element and things closely associated with that element. Tey are also immune to that element, but take more damage from it's opposite. Elements are Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. Fire and Water Oppose, while Earth and Wind Oppose.


Races have no effect on gameplay, but do from a roleplaying perspective. It is how your characters sees the world etc... and how the world reacts to them.


Humans are one of the more common races on Graterras. This is due to their natural intuitiveness and ability to adapt and learn quickly. Humans can be found all over Graterras, from the Frozen wastes, to the Desert of Steam, and even to the Deathsong Marsh.


Dwarves, also known as the Children of the Stone, typically reside in the Shattered Hills Island in the south. This landmass is a hard and cruel land, being mostly barren and solid rock, making it next to impossible to grow normal crops. This is reflected in the Dwarves very nature as they are hardy and harsh people. Dwarves tend to live under the Mountains, and live alongside the Gnomes in a mutual agreement. Other than this however, Dwarves don't trust other races, especially Elves. This makes them come off as stand-offish or down right rude at times. Many Dwarves have very dour and cold attitudes, until it comes to money. They have quite the soft spot for gold and gems (other than gems from the sea like Pearls), though would rarely steal to get it. They reveal in the arts of war and are skilled Fighters. Dwarves also adhere to a strict Caste system


Gnomes, also sometimes called The Gem Vagabonds, lost their homes a long time ago. During the Great Goblin Wars, they lost most of their civilization. Ever since they have lived with the Dwarves.(no matter how annoying the Dwarves think the Gnomes are). Gnomes are ingenious people, with a sharp wit, and a passion for tinkering. Though they lack the Wisdom and common sense other races have. They are generally a happy and carefree people. They don't let the rough things in life bother them and carry on.


There are four types of Elf. All of them are rather rare in the lands of Graterras.
Grey Elves
These Elves see themselves as the true Elf being better than others. They are quite stand-offish and snotty towards other elves, believing they are better in every way. They are the most intelligent type of Elf. They tend to have more sprite-like frames than the others, and typically have white or silver hair. Most reside in Solarium.
Wood Elves
Wood elves typically hail from the Lands of Arbouretium. They tend to be more savage and wild then other Elves. They believe other Elves are much too Frivolous in nature. (much like Dwarves do, but Wood Elves don't mean it in ill-will.) Wood Elves are more stocky than their elven counterparts ((though still not as stocky as humans.)). They tend to have dark hair and tan or dark skin.
High Elves
High Elves are the most common of all Elves, and also hail primarily from the Land of Solarium. They have been displaced quite a bit after the fall of their kingdom in the Great Wars long ago. Some of the refugees just wandered off to different lands and stayed there.
Drow/Dark Elves
Dark Elves are one of the most hated of established races. The thoroughly evil ones still inhabit parts of the Shattered Hills, known only as the Underdark. Many have been sold into Slavery (some of the Men actually fled their home, since their Kin treated them as slaves anyway.) Normal Drow society is run entirely by the Women. Men were only slaves, forced into it early in their lives. They have slate grey to tar black coloured skin, with hair as white as snow. Their eyes are typically a piercing red or other bright colours.


Halfings are the Homebody type. They like to sit around and relax at the hearth. They don't mind wasting the day away at home or doing simple work and chores. It is very hard to stir one to adventuring, but it happens every now and again. Once they get out of the house, halfings tend to be just as adventurous as others as it keeps their mind off home. They live all over Graterras, though they are aren't quite as hardy as humans so they tend to steer away from the great extremes.


Half breed of humans and elves. Most cannot be told from an elf unless they have some very teeling human features ((like a beard.)). While they are not met with extreme hostility, many elves will not assoicate with them or treat them pretty poorly. Humans tend to treat them as they would elves. As such Half-elf are rather misunderstood and don't fit into many societies. They tend to be loners and wanderers as a result. They can be found all over Graterras, but are even more rare than Elves.


Half Breed of Humans and Orcs. They are typically the product of terrible deeds and acts, or are at least... believed to be. They tend to have monstrous features from their Orcish side, such as snouts, fangs and other rather unbecoming traits. As such, they are treated with a bit of disdain. They are not outright refused in cities, but they will be treated rather coldly or catch the judging gaze of many a passerby. They can be found in most of the Northern Isles, the place where Orcs are most common. ((Arbourtetium, Aurora, and Solarium.)), but they can be found everywhere.


Sometimes know as Dragonmen or Bartallimo's Chosen, the Victonari are strange bunch. They are humanoid creatures that appear dragon-like in nature. They tend to have a wide range of personalities, but they are well known to be rather secretive. Not much is understood about the Victonari or how they came to be in the world, ((other than that they were created by the god Bartallimo)) as they are rarely willing to share that information. They mostly live on the Isle of Pandora, the Great Island that lies in the middle of all the others. Some Victonari travel out due to pure curiosity of the larger world, but most would rather keep to themselves. Those that do, or those that are born to other lands are known as Pilgrims, or Lost Ones. They are souls far from their homes. Victonari do not look down upon them, but to one day reclaim them and bring them home.

Sign-Ups Template:
Name: Put the Character's name
Archetype: character's archetype should go here.
Race: < goes here...
Age: Should be around 25 or older. These characters were minor heros in their times, so their age should at least some what reflect that.
Appearance: A Short blurb on what your character looks like.
Personality: A Short blurb about your character's Personality. Should be at least a Paragraph.
Signature Moves/Spells/Skills: Put them in a nice list format... bulleted or numbered would be preferred. moves created by the player's should be named, and have a description.
Archetype Signature moves are put in this format below.
Name of Archetype Sig-Archetype it comes from.
Examples: Signature Fighting Style: Dragoon Style- Paladin, Signature Fighting Style: Brute Style- Warrior. Bloodline Trait: Black Dragon - Sorcerer, Wild Shape- Druid ((with a small blurb about what your WIld Form looks like etc.))
Background: Explain the past of your character. This section should of decent length as it needs to explain not only your character's background, but their reason to be fighting in the Clash of Fates... and at lest some mention as to why they have the Skills and powers they do.
Thank you all for reading... that nightmare wall of text and I hope folks are interested. This for now will remain an interest check but if I get enough people wanting t participate I will will jsut convert this to the Sign-Ups/OOC Thread. Anyway... if you have any questions on character creation etc... please either comment below or pm me directly so that I can work with you and help you out. Also, if anything is ahrd to read or understand the way it is worded etc... PLEASE tell me XD. I want to make sure everything is Crystal clear for folks and don't want them to have to muddle around. It would be greatly appreciated. Cause I am an idiot every now and again I need the extra help sometimes lol. Anyway, for now Hukuna Sensei out~ So until next time, *points at the camera* PLAY MORE ROLES!!!
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Reserved for Character Apps and Example Bios. Needed due to the first posts super length so I need the extra room lol.

Should hopefully get up the Knights Bios soon.

Crimson Company:

  1. The Crimson Knight
  2. Varick Harudim
  3. Neville Frostburn
  4. Lord Gradun

Ivory Ward:

  1. Snow Ashford
  2. Debronee
  3. Matthew Corwil
  4. Zagi Adius

Cerulean Collective:

  1. Headmaster Ignacio
  2. Nadia Darke
  3. Helen Lemecier
  4. Ayla Ryssel

Sienna Sentinels:

  1. Dust
  2. Silef Asterlux
  3. Ress'nok Redtail
  4. Vayne
Team Leaders/The Divine Knights:

Name: The Crimson Knight
Archetype: Paladin
Race: Avatar ((as are all the Team Leaders, they are the Divine Champions of the Gods after all, they are something entirely different than any race that exists.))
Age: Unknown, but projected to be over a 3000 years old across all bodies.
Appearance: Always wears a full suit of Crimson Red full platemail. Carries a Large Crimson Bullwhip lined with small metal spines. Also carries a Longsword and shield. He is never seen without his armour... which seems to be a common theme among the Divine Knights... as if their armour is actually a part of them.
Personality: Stern, level headed and yet strangely child-like and loses his focus. Especially when anything to do with chess is mentioned for some reason. He is usually very calm and collected approach to everything, seeming to view it from every angle seemingly within seconds and then moving forward with a plan. He likes to Observe before rushing in to anything, however, many misinterpret this because he observes so quickly that most have no idea he has done so.
Signature Moves/Spells/Skills:
  1. Signature Fighting Style: Specialist Style((Whip))- Paladin
  2. Holy Order ((Cinder Knights))- Paladin
  3. Snapdragon Lash((Activated.))- A Special Whip technique unlike many others. It uses the speed of the whip to sling Powerful swathes of flame about the battlefield. CK can fling these as a mighty blade or to bathe the area in fire.
  4. Master Tactician ((Passive))- In his mortal life, the Crimson Knight was a master strategist. He instinctively knows the lay of the battlefield and knows that which will give him and his troops the best advantage in combat. ((if this was a player's ability, they could in their post in OOC ask 3 questions about the lay of the land and what is the most strategically sound place to be. In turn, I try to answer as truthfully as possible.))
  5. Inflamtio Cortadem ((Toggle))- The Crimson Knight activates a powerful aura of intent and absolute resolve. It causes his body to erupt in Bright crimson flames that burn foes that get near him. As long as it is active however... The Crimson Knight can only focus on the task at hand and doing anything no matter the cost to complete the task he sets forth. It take an excruciating amount of willpower to break free.
  6. ????
  7. ????
  8. ????
  9. ????
Yes, they have 4 more you folks don't get to know right away. They are only the strongest heros to ever live after all XD. ((besides, they will be the win con for each team to defeat another team. It wouldn't be as interesting if the players knew every one of their abilities right out of the gate. However... as they use their hidden abilities they will be added to the OC.))
Background: Pyron's Divine Knight. Not much is known about the Man's mortal life other than that he was the greatest strategist to ever live. Strategy was his greatest passion and he always strove to find the perfect way to defeat all the foes that came before him. It is said he was the one who lead a small force against the Great Faceless Dragon, the Unnamed One... The Great Face of the Void. It was an unholy beast the God of Destruction and Insanity itself... a Dragon that wished to shallow the world. He and his brave Cinder Knights fought tirelessly to combat the beast and finally lock it away within the great Mouth of the Abyss... or so the story goes. How much of it is true is unknown.
Name: Snow Ashford
Archetype: Paladin
Race: Avatar
Age: Unknown, rumored to be within 600 to 700 years.
Appearance: I shall use an excerpt from Dream on Another Shore to describe Snow. Some things might be a tad out of context but eh... I can't describe her any better than this.

I then I reached it. A new figure stood before me. A knight? Clad in Silver armour that shined brighter than a star. By the armour's shape, a woman. She cut a strong silhouette. One of confidence and yet one of grace. She was powerful I could tell. She oozed that as well. It was written all over that confident stance. She was a lot like Azalea... But, she was the opposite. Azalea was a seemed to be a delicate beauty, but she hide her strength. Her power lied under the surface, and it was hard to see if you didn't look for it. This knight was the opposite. Her power was exuded from everywhere. She hid her beauty deep down. Perhaps she thought it was weak to be beautiful. The armour she wore though, it was proof she at least knew it. It wasn't your typical bog standard platemail. The silver colouring was the first tip off. Normal iron never made a colour so brilliant, or that would catch the light like this. It was made to be this way, to shine with a holy light. It was an extension of her aura, her very essence. a bathing light one that you could feel her power. It made her seem much bigger than she was, which in turn made her seem more powerful. Grace from Power, rather than Azalea, who's power came from her grace.

Personality: Confident, Brash and Blunt. She is not afraid to speak her mind. One does not simply get in the way of Snow Ashford... in fact none that have opposed her have lived to tell the tale of the Winter's Frenzy... the First Huskarl of Winter. Everything about her exudes her power, defiance and brazenness. Though she is far from Reckless. Her brilliance at leading troops can be seen, though she is firmly a believer in teaching through hard knocks rather than gentle guiding. She sooner chew you out and rap you over the head for messing up then telling you what you did wrong.
Signature Moves/Spells/Skills:
  1. Signature Fighting Style: Specialist Style ((Dual Longswords))- Paladin
  2. Holy Order((Huskarl of Winter))- Paladin
  3. Winter's Frenzy((Activated))- Snow lashes out with a violent spinning attack that whips up a blizzard.
  4. The First Huskarl ((Passive))- Snow was the first Huskarl of Winter, and the founder of the order. AS such she embodies Winter itself, being not only Immune to Ice based attacks, but being able to absorb them and being able to use any absorbed technique herself. ((only once though unless hit by it again.))
  5. Warhorn of the Ages((Toggled))- Snow blows her mighty warhorn summoning forth the souls of the warriors that once fought beside her in life. 2 Warrior souls come to her side and fight alongside her once more. However, it is greatly taxing to keep their spirits in this world. She can dismiss them at anytime. This ability can always be activated by blowing the horn once more.
  6. ????
  7. ????
  8. ????
  9. ????
Background: Snow Ashford, the Lady of Winter lived during a time of turmoil in Aurora. The land was that of many scattered Warrior tribes and clans that all warred from supremacy. Alliances were quickly drawn but the battles were bloody and confusing. It was all around chaos of neighbors slaying neighbors. What was worse... the Orcs mobilized in the north. Foul Monsters that threatened the end of the civilization on Aurora. However, the clans were still worked up in their petty squabbles. It was then, a Woman would rise to the occasion.
In the name of Lady Aelia herself, Snow fought with many of the clans leaders leaders. Conquering each clan quickly with an a duel for honor. She claimed to be the embodiment of Aelia herself, the very Goddess of the Wind and Mind widely worshiped in the lands of Aurora. Her claim, back up by the powerful Wind magic she had at her disposal, and the even more powerful claim of thunder magic. ((also known in Graterras as Hard Wind.)). Swiftly she united the Clans, to stand against the impending doom she knew was coming. The Battle of Ashblood field ((named after wards due to the amount of ash and blood that littered the fields afterwards.)) was the peak of this attempt. The Final Clans refused to join forsaking the results of the Lady Ashford. They mobilized their troops bringing them to bear on the Capital City, Whitecap. Anticipating this move, Lady Ashford took them by surprise, as the greatest moment of the Succession Wars began. From the top of nearby mountain range blew the horns of war as the Rebel clans were charged from all sides completely cut off from escape. It was a bloody battle that lasted for days due to the sheer number of troops. But eventually Lady Ashford arose victorious.
However, this still left the orcs to the North. In preparation the now Queen Ashford began to train Knights in the styles she fought with herself. They became the Huskarls of Winter, the Knights that Aelia herself blessed. And with these soldiers, Queen Ashford rode once more.
It was fate that caused them to collide once more on Ashblood Field. It once more would see another gruesome battle. In the dead of Winter night the two sides clashed Human Steel versus the crooked metal of the orcs. It clanged and sparked in the night. The din of fighting was loud and went long into the morning. While the orcs weren't trained... there were so many more of them easily out numbering the Huskarls 50 to 1. They seemed to be everywhere coming from all sides and angles. As soon as you cut down one orc 5 sprung into his space. It looked grim until a Mighty Blizzard blew. The Winter itself... rose up and attacked the Orcs, the Winds flicking heavy Ice and snow at the Orcs killing them handily. It was Queen AShford's doing. Snow had always had a connection to the Winter, thought she never knew it's extent. But now, she could control the Winter for she was it's embodiment.

Name: Master Ignacio
Archetype: Paladin
Race: Avatar
Age: Unknown, rumored to be anywhere from 3000 to 2000 years of age
Appearance: Wears a grand plate of a soft cerulean blue. It's Helmet comes to the crest of a wave. Over top he wears a mighty cloak of Royal Blue, deep like the sea. It is lined with Fur flecked with Lapis Lazuli, a small gemstone of the same blue. He wields a wicked harpoon, and a giant rusted anchor. Both look weathered and battered as if they spent forever under the seas.
Personality: Highly forgetful, and entirely unpredictable. With all his intelligence comes a concocted chaos that nearly overshadows it. If Ignacio can be relied on for anything, it is that he cannot be relied on at all. He constantly does things in ways not many could easily understand. Many think he has just plain lost his mind, as one can never really predict what on earth he will do. It makes it worse with his mastery of Illusions and other spells that misdirect and confuse. Not to mention his love for spells that affect one's psyche. What he lacks in physical power... he makes up for in spades with his mad genius and ability to create many combat capable forms of himself.
Signature Moves/Spells/Skills:
  1. Signature Fighting Style: Dragoon Style ((Harpoon))- Paladin
  2. Holy Order ((Scholar Knight))- Paladin
  3. Mad Seaman's Dance ((Activated.))- Ignacio whips up a torrent of water casting his reflection all over the romm or in a large area. He dances within stabbing wildly and randomly around him as all the other Reflections do as well. These Reflections attacks... are real.
  4. Madman's Insight ((Passive))- One who has seen the face of an Elder God... Multiple in fact with his own eyes, Ignacio holds the key to a unique power. He can tell the greatest fear of anyone he lays eyes on. He can also learn of any powerful emotions that colour their past.
  5. Reflection of Madness ((Toggle)): Uses one of the Forbidden Pages of the book of Maddening Waves he stole long ago. It has the Power to summon the Reflection of Madness, or the perfect Simulacrum. It is a reflection of Ignacio's Own self a piece of his inner madness. It has the Full combat abilites of Ignacio, though is much less powerful. For each time he splits this image it grows weaker and weaker but there are more of them. The Maximum Number being 100 about the average strength of a chicken. ((Numbers quickly diminish Power and are more for a distraction or to mislead etc...))
  6. ????
  7. ????
  8. ????
  9. ????
Was once known as the Dread Captain Ignacio, the greatest Pirate lord to sail the Graterran Seas. However, after finding a dread artifact.... the Book of Maddening Waves, something changed. As many know in Graterras, the Book of Maddening Waves was born from the flesh of Seeker, a book that contained secrets to maddening magics that the world was never meant to know. Ignacio knew the book was bad news, but having touched it it drove him mad. He stole a single page and it was enough to seal his fate.
Angered at this blasphemy Seeker forced him into servitude. Through his magic he forced the once dreaded king of pirates to be his tool to collect knowledge in the prime material plane. However, he did so by forcing him to foster a order of holy knights, he the first of their kind. As such, Ignacio became the Headmaster of Knowledge for the Scholar Knights. He grew madder and madder as the years went by before his eventual death.

Name: Dust
Archetype: Paladin
Race: Avatar
Age: 80,000 years old, as such is sometimes known as the Lord of Heros
Appearance: Wears a suit of armour made from actual rock. It is a rich brown and has meticulously been brought to a bright flawless shine. In the right light it shines almost like metal armour to due the high level of polish. Dust wields a Gigantic Maul, adorned with the face of a Terranix ((Think Phoenix... but of an Earthen element. Basically... Phoenixes are Spirits of Fire much like elementals... so similar creatures exist in different elements.)), it is nearly the size of his body... a hulking 8 and a half feet tall.
Personality: Very quiet, Dust is a man of few words. He does not waste breath that need not be wasted for there is no point. As he is very old... he knows the virtue of patience. [probably cause he has infinite time... so he can afford to wait.]. Dust is not one to rush ahead with no plan. His sense of honor is much higher than others as he refuses to use any under-handed tactics, though he sees their use in combat and does not condemn those that use them.
Signature Moves/Spells/Skills:
  1. Holy Order ((Eternal Watcher))- Paladin
  2. Signature Fighting Style: Brute Style ((War Maul))- Paladin
  3. Mighty Terranix Cleaves The Mountain ((Activated))- Dust musters his strength for a mighty blow that cannot be blocked by any mortal man or woman, no shield or armour could withstand the force. One must stand clear of this powerful attack or suffer great harm.
  4. Lord of Heros ((Passive))- As the progenitor of all heros... Dust has the ability to judge heros like no other can. Though it is not instantaneous, he can understand the importance and complexities of any attack if he has seen it once before. ((it doesn't make him immune mind you... just means he knows your shenanigans. I should also note... he will never tell any of this information to anyone... part of his code being that others must discern it for themselves. So even if he understands how your moves work he won't tell his team how they do... and probably won't even let them know unless one of them is in grave danger.))
  5. Gemlord's Armour ((Toggle))- Dust activates the latent strength of his armour causing it to sprout gemstones all over. His defense increases 3-fold making him harder to damage or harm... however it also makes him even slower... making it nearly impossible for him to dodge attacks.
  6. Shaper of the Earth (([special]))- Dust can Shape rock and other natural minerals into nearly any shape he desires so long as he is touching the ground. Unlike a toggled or activated ability Dust always has this power available to him, but as a result it takes a differing amount of time for how complex the change is and how much it changes the proprieties of the material he is working with.
  7. ????
  8. ????
  9. ????
Background: The Lord of Heros, a title which he refuses to call himself... It was obtained due to his being the first hero known to Graterras. His legend spanned a long drawn out epic telling the tales of many of the Eternal Watchers, but mostly focused on an unnamed warrior. It was the others who had named him Dust, the One who forgets the past, but knows the path forward. These Legends show that the Eternal Watchers were certainly the first of the Templar Orders, pre-dating even Bartimis's Holy Paladin Order itself. Many say the others modeled themselves after this Order of seemingly Undying men and women alike.
Many of the tales tell of Dust's bravery and triumphs, but the most important is that of Battner's Gorge. It was a bloody battle between the locals of the Shattered Hills and the monsters that lived there. At least 7 different armies collided each trying to conquer the lands and take them for their own. However... Dust challenged all of them to try and kill him. He stood in the Middle of the field clad in a suit of gemstones. He dared each army to try and defeat him... and if they could they would be allowed to resume their battle... if they couldn't they all ahd to cease this pointless war. And so each army tried, they all surged forth and tried to lay down this one man. But, not a single one could. Then All seven teamed up and everyone attacked him at once... and he stood there defiant as ever... not even a single scratch on his armour. And thus... the battle ended, each of the armies realizing that even with their might combined... they were no match. And not only that... they were forced to work together.

Accepted PCs:
Silef Asterlux: > Click for Profile <

Varick Harudim: > Click for Profile <

Matthew Corwil: > Click for Profile <
Ayla Ryssyl: > Click for Profile <
Helen Lemercier: > Click for Profile <
Neville Frostburn: > Click for Profile <
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Zephy.exe has crashed

okay I just had to I was waiting for this for like forever akasjglkjsglksjk and now that this happens I can't decide on at least four archetypes ajkghlkjsghjlksdhg

anyway rambling and fangirling aside this is still a WIP and a post that signifies that I give all of my yes to this RP even with the long walls of text and detail, which, in themselves, aren't bad things either and kind of help explain how the Graterras world works more.



okay sorry I'll stop now

Name: Ayla Ryssyl

Archetype: Druid

Race: Half-Elf (Drow)

Age: 25

Appearance: Has a height of 5'3" feet. Her coal-colored body is lithe, and she keeps her white hair short, cutting it periodically so it doesn't get in the way, resulting in a messy bob-like fluff that partially falls over her eyes. Instead of blood red, her eyes are an electric blue that almost seem to glow. A dark purple cloak lined with black raven feathers at the neck and hood cover light midnight blue armor for her chest, midsection, and shins. Fingerless gauntlets made of leather and to look like silver dragon scales stretch from her palms to her elbows. Grey-silver boots protect her feet. Most of the time, she relies on herself as a weapon, but she keeps a knife on her person for things her Wild Form isn't suited for with regards to cutting and slicing.

Personality: Much like the leopard, Ayla prefers being solitary, with none but shadow and moonlight as company. Part of it is because she just really likes her personal space, disliking physical contact; the rest is fueled by cautiousness. As a result she has a tendency to be laconic, favoring subtler means of communicating such as the use of facial expressions and body language. She may even resemble an animal more than a human in mannerisms. But when completely convinced to stand for a cause, such as her faith in the god Draven, her loyalty becomes neigh unmeasurable.

Signature Moves/Spells/Skills:

Wild Shape - Druid

Takes the form of a melanistic leopard/black panther, looking like a normal black leopard in every way, save for the eyes which remain electric blue, and that the rosettes and spots glisten silver when illuminated by moonlight... or... any kind of light, actually.

Polymorphing (Active) - Because she's not as in tune with the animal she chooses to change into as with the leopard, though, her chosen form would only be as strong as an ordinary animal.

Nyx's Mirror (Toggle) - By shedding her emotions, Ayla can create reflections of herself which become manifestations of the shed emotion. Fighting each of the clones would be just like fighting the original, except that their actions would be dictated by whatever emotion they represent. At most, six clones can be created, personifying Anger, Sorrow, Joy, Fear, Disgust, and Surprise as bases. Whichever emotion Ayla sheds, she cannot feel until the respective clone is defeated or deactivated. She also does not have direct control over her clones, except for being able to disable them.

Leopardess (Passive) - Even in human form, Ayla retains the keen senses of her Wild Form.


"Women survive; Strong women dominate." Such was the motto of the Drow Elf. Growing up, Ayla learned little to nothing about her father, only that he was rumored to be the house's pet of sorts before his death, and trifles such as warmth and compassion. Things like friendships and bonds formed were ephemeral-- you got in, took what you needed, and left. That was what they were for and all that was to be expected of others. There was no dishonor in that, for that was how life was. Chaotic. Uncertain. Much like how the god Draven represented all that was deemed dark and evil, true. But there was nothing wrong with it or things like illness and war; they set the balance of life straight and weeded out the weak.

These principles guided the solitary Drow who lived in the forests of the Shattered Hills, away from the surface settlements and from the subterranean races. Nature provided everything one needed to survive, even in dangerous forests. One just had to be strong enough and have their wits about to survive in the harsh environments. Everyday was spent like that, proving her strength to the Heartless One, stealing from human, dwarf, or Drow Elf when necessary. In a way, she felt that even the areas near her camp in the woods were her territory-- her hunting grounds, so to speak. Occasionally, the need for something nature could not readily produce-- a book, for example-- required her to travel into either surface or underground settlements. It wasn't difficult work. People could be ridiculously and conveniently unobservant. Nobody knew that the raven carrying a piece of jewelry, the black stray dragging small objects into the forests, the leopard that prowled in the same forests were all of the same being. And so the years rolled by that way, Ayla never being bothered to ever get involved with anybody or anything but the spirits of the forest or her god. If Draven willed it, she would carry it out. The moonlight always shone on her and the night's breeze and shadows were her constant and only ally.

The night she fell, it seemed like the mad moon cursed rather than blessed her.

Clouds drifted across the twilit sky. In the west, the sun was sinking; and where darkness was beginning to bloom, a brilliant pale yellow moon hung, full and round. A murder of ravens scattered, spooked by the screaming of a maiden. Only one of the birds hung back and roosted, a little tired of carrying her spoil-- the carcass of a young rabbit. The sight of a woman being dragged away by a group of men wasn't new to Ayla. Although she often cared nothing for the affairs of surface dwellers, her ventures into the villages led to overhearing and even beholding different kinds of information. Tearing into her dinner with her beak, she realized that the men weren't typical drunken men but an organized group of sorts-- they certainly weren't teetering or tripping over anybody. They carried the woman away with purpose. Out there her screams would lend her no help; the path was well hidden from the nearest villages and led to a nigh impenetrable stronghold that belonged to a notorious conglomerate. Out there it should've been impossible for that woman with the bloodied shawl to have found the damsel and for the same woman to fend against a pack of larger and stronger men. But the rumors proved themselves to be true that night. She must have been so tenacious to be able to locate the bandits, but for sure she was as lethal as the stories entailed. The lady whirled like a demented dervish, meting death and felling victim after victim without a lapse in tempo, getting back up no matter how many times-- when they actually managed to land a blow-- she was struck.

On the other hand, Ayla proved to herself that she might not have been as bright as she thought. Somehow she had gotten involved. Whatever it was-- Draven's will or a foolish impulse-- caused her to act. Evidently this damsel meant something to the woman, since nobody sane would dare to face this particular group of people, not even with a reason. But it was strange, maybe even aggravating, to watch her kick her companion square in the chest when she attempted to hold the madwoman back. It didn't stop there. The bloodied shawl stretched and twisted, like a snake coiling in anticipation, in the wielder's red hands as she approached her new target-- the woman she had been rescuing. Without thinking, Ayla flew from the safety of her perch and, before the crimson cloth could fly, shifted from raven, to human, to leopard in mid-air so as to tackle the woman to the ground and stop her. Consequently she'd earned the woman's attention tainted with bloodlust. There they struggled, Ayla dodging nimble handiwork-- literally-- and her opponent trying to snap the black panther's neck. Holding the cloth straight left her body open, however, and upon instinct-- ignoring the frantic, raw screams of the other girl in the background-- tore into her prey's stomach. But it was far from a good meal. The scarf found its way around her thick neck, followed by a quick blade that slit her throat.

The Drow Elf lost her grip and slid off, gurgling. As she choked on her blood, she could barely feel her body releasing its hold on her Wild Form, the strength and innate ferocity of the leopard ebbing away. By now the full moon was up high, dominating the night sky, its soft light shining down on everything... the blood and corpses of the fallen... her own body as life drained out of it... the strands of a lady's hair, her head bent as she knelt close to and over the torn form of the no longer mad woman. It sounded like... Weeping? Whimpering? Incoherent noises came from the grieving girl as she held the woman close like... like... a lover. Her lover. When she gave up the ghost, the cries grew louder and louder till the Elf could bear it no longer. It was madness. Lunacy under a full moon. Why did that woman have somebody who mourned her and held her tenderly, even if it was her, Ayla, who'd meddled in the dealings of others and faithfully served the god Draven all throughout her life? Lunacy. Lunacy. It didn't make sense. Chaotic. It was all wrong. Gradually her being was enveloped in the darkness.

And she lay there alone.

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Hm. Not sure if I'll be able to make time for this between Idols RP and Life, but I'm certainly interested.

Btw, when you say ((perimeter)) in the skill descriptions, do you actually mean "parameter"?

Also how strict is weapon choice? Can we use weapons not listed in the OP? Specifically, scarves? :P

I'll just put up my template first, assuming I can use scarves as weapons.

Name: Helen Lemercier
Archetype: Rogue
Race: Human
Age: 22
Appearance: Tends to dress in brighter colors, has a distinct preference for white. Long, waist-length golden hair coupled with electric blue eyes. Slightly shorter than an average female human, with a lean, athletic build and long, slender arms. Has a particular preference for ornate dresses. When fighting, opts for a dress with a billowing but light skirt and a form-fitting top, occasionally accompanied by a stylish jacket. Always wears a bloodstained white shawl somewhere on her person.
Personality: Has 4 slightly different personalities depending on the context. For normal, day-to-day interaction, Helen is cheerful, talkative and snarky, with a tendency to frolic about and squeal over cute things or go crazy over pretty clothes. When in battle, she becomes much more serious and emotionally detached. She is completely focused on her objective, and will rarely, if ever, engage in conversation that does not directly affect the accomplishment of her objective. When her Kill Switch is flipped, she becomes almost mechanical in nature. She will not speak to anyone, and will barely acknowledge your existence only if you contribute to the process of killing her mark in some way. She is 100% focused on the kill, and will think of nothing else until her mission is accomplished. If she gets locked into Kill Switch, she turns into a machine of murder, having no emotions and indiscriminately killing everybody in her field of vision. Her movements become instinctive and precise, and will not recognise the existence of anyone aside from her target, excepting a situation where a 3rd party directly interferes with her kill.
Signature Moves/Spells/Skills:
-> Archetype(Rogue's Path): Scoundrel (Primarily damage/maiming backstabs)
-> Toggle: [Kill Switch]. Helen enters a trance-like state where she is incapable of any form of thought or emotion other than the desire to kill her target. Heightens her physical abilities and reaction times, as well as increases her weapon proficiencies and dulls her pain sense. Increases bloodlust. Prolonged usage may cause her to be unable to revert, resulting in her indiscriminately marking people in her vicinity as targets. While in this mode, Helen will focus exclusively on her mark, ignoring the existence of all else around her, unless it interferes with her kill in some way. Helen has a psychological barrier against using this state of mind to its greatest potential, due to a fear of being locked into Kill Switch. If she gets locked into this mode, she can only be brought back by damaging her to the point of death.
-> Activated Skill: [silkworm's Scourging]. Helen circles her opponent rapidly, using the shawl for multiple purposes: sometimes to mislead the opponent by disguising her movement, sometimes as a restraining tool, sometimes as a makeshift whip to infuriate and confuse her mark. All the while, she rains down attacks on the opponent with her other weapons; daggers, whips, bare hands, resulting in a deadly storm of silk and steel, nigh-impossible to escape from. Only usable if Helen's Kill Switch has been flipped. (not sure how this move would translate RPG-effect/status/damage-wise)
-> Passive Skill: [Fashion Forward]. Helen, through her life experiences, is a master at using various aspects of her clothing for varying purposes, particularly in combat. For instance, Her expertise in wielding scarves and shawls as weapons of murder is a subset of this skillset, though her proficiency in that medium far surpasses her proficiency with regard to other pieces of clothing. She is able to use nearly any piece of clothing or accessory as a weapon or tool in some form, and is also able to use scents and perfumes to confuse and misdirect enemies. Naturally, this ability also grants her the ability to construct strong disguises, but said disguises will not hold up under close scrutiny.


This tale begins in fire.

Red. Red, red, red. All Helen Lemercier can see is red. The light, peach-coloured blanket is resplendent in its vestibule of flames, the cold fire licking away the petals on the intricate floral designs. The mirror on the left wall cracks, cracks, cracks, cracks, until all it reflects is the shattered beauty of the room. Crackle. Crackle. All sounds vanish, replaced by the sinister cackling of the flames. Crackle. The world has two sounds: The crackling of the fire, and the barely audible shink of steel lacerating flesh, just outside the open door. Shink. A dull thud resounds through the room, a body crumples to the ground.

The world has three sounds: Crackle. Shink. And if you strain your ears, you can faintly hear a sob.

Helen Lemercier, sobbing, glances up. Her mother's lifeless, glassy eyes stare back. She feels anew the weight of her mother's corpse above her body, muffles a scream. Shuts tight her eyes. She reaches out blindly, grabs her mother's arms - cold, so cold, yet the fire so searingly hot - and pulls them forward, better covering her own body with her dead parent's. Footsteps, at the door. Helen keeps perfectly still, breathing slightly and quietly. The smell of death and blood assail her nostrils, searing them with a sharp, burning odor. The footsteps begin anew, fading quietly into the distance. Helen breathes a sigh of relief, then clutches tight the shawl in her left hand.

The once-pristine white shawl which Helen had recieved as a gift from her mother was now bloodstained, spattered with the blood of her family in a manner which could only be called artistic: Completely random, yet also not quite. As the footsteps continue to grow softer and more distant, Helen grips her teeth and hugs to herself all that she has left of her family. She will survive. She may have lost her family wealth and title, but no matter what, she will survive.

When the flames die down, when the enemy has left, a single girl stands firm amidst the blackened remains of what was once a large mansion. In her left hand is the red-and-white shawl, in her right is a piece of parchment, with words written on it in fresh blood. The enemy shall burn. The girl releases the declaration and allows it to flutter to the ground, coming to rest upon a charred and blackened footstool. The girl wipes the blood from her hair, wraps the shawl around her face, and walks away.

The Lemerciers - being wealthy landowners who made their fortune through trading with the common people - had built their mansion on the outskirts of a small city, for the purpose of facilitating trade and communication. Where exactly this city was has been lost to the Sands, but it was here that Helen Lemercier fled to after her home was razed. In the streets, she covered her face with her shawl to hide her identity. However, upon seeing her, many people understandably gave her a wide berth. After all, a bloodied girl with ash-blackened hair and half-burnt clothes hardly presented an approachable front. Helen lowered her gaze and tried to ignore the looks directed at her. Each stare seemed to be from one of her dead family, accusing her of clinging to life when they had died. Every so often, she stopped and entered an alleyway, removing her shawl and crying into her hands. Each time, she questioned the reason for her survival. Each time, she implored the Gods to grant her death.

What changed her happened during one of these temporary halts. In a particularly secluded alleyway, as Helen sat crying, She heard footsteps and a loud belch. She looked up, and found herself to be locking eyes with a well-dressed man behaving in an entirely inappropriate way. He staggered as he walked, and his face was almost blood red. The stench of alcohol assailed Helen's nostrils. A drunk, and a wealthy one, it appeared. Helen deigned to ignore him, then got up, folded the shawl neatly in her hand, and started to leave. However, she was stopped in place by a rough hand on her shoulder.

"And where are you going, pretty one?"

Helen was struck by a slight fear, but she answered, as evenly as possible,

"Away from you."

The drunk laughed, then forcefully spun her around and shoved her against the wall, pinning her arms above her head.

"Come on, let's have some fun, first."

He grabbed the front of Helen's shirt in one large hand and ripped it away, fully exposing her midsection. He released his hold on her arms and moved to grab her now-exposed breasts.

When and how do great warriors and heroes manifest? Some warriors attain their skill through vigorous, continuous training. Some are simply born talented, and hone their talents, either purposefully or unintentionally. And yet some are simply born with a gift for murder, suppressed until sad circumstance forces Fate's hand.

As the drunk roughly handled Helen's breasts, Helen moved her freed hands, placing them on the drunk's shoulders, gently caressing the back of his head. In her left hand was the bloodstained shawl. She playfully looped it around his neck, tugging on it to bring the drunk's mouth closer to hers. The man ceased his undeterred molestation and closed his eyes, puckering his lips. At that moment, Helen jumped while pressing down on the drunk's shoulders with her forearms, catapulting her over the head of the man, the shawl still wrapped around his neck, her hands still holding its ends. As her soaring arc through the air was about to end, she used the momentum from the jump to kick backwards at the man's shoulders. With the shawl holding the man's neck in place, the blow caused the man's upper torso, beneath his neck, to lurch forward, while his head could not move. There was a loud snapping sound, then the man crumpled to the ground. Helen released the shawl and rolled forward to a stop, then stood up to survey her work. The man's neck was bent at an awkward angle, his eyes rolled back. Dead. Helen began stripping the man of his belongings, putting on his clothes to replace the torn blouse. She took his purse and counted the coins. Less than she thought. The drunk must have been simply minor gentry, or perhaps he drank away all of his fortune. She pocketed the purse and unwrapped the shawl, wrapping it around her waist. With it having absorbed the smell of alcohol, it would be unpleasant to cover her face with. She left the body behind and walked out of the alleyway, continuing her search for a path to vengeance.

This murder marked the first of many in the illustrious, blood-spattered tale of Helen, Scorched Maiden, Bearer of the Bloodied Shawl.

Helen was born with a golden spoon in her mouth. Literally. Her rich family felt that breastfeeding was undignified. Just like that, from the moment of her birth to her very fateful 15th birthday, she lived in the lap of luxury. Her one love in life were clothes. Clothes were her constant companion at a young age. Clothes never asked her what her parents were going to invest in next. Clothes never left her to go play with other kids. Clothes were honest. Clothes were kind. Clothes held Helen close when no one else did. As a contrast to that, she resented her parents, much in the same way any ordinary spoiled child would resent their parents. She felt that she never got the attention she deserved, she never felt like her parents were willing to make time for her. Her whole life, not once had she uttered the phrase "I love you" to her parents. Once, on her 15th birthday, she had recieved a simple white shawl from her mother as a present. It was exquisite, made of fine enchanted silk, smooth to the touch and soft to hold, but strong and flexible. It was a fine gift, but Helen offered nary a word of thanks. She scoffed at her mother's attempts to buy her affection with a single gift.
On that same day, her family was killed. Helen's mother died protecting her, using her torso to hide Helen's. She had placed her hand over Helen's mouth to prevent her from making any noise. Even to the end, Helen's mother had never once recieved an assurance of love from her only daughter. On that day, Helen's world burned. On that day, Helen Lemercier died. What rose from that fire was a creature of vengeance.
After her first kill, Helen spent the following years wandering the land, living nomadically, picking up valuable survival skills while honing her in-born natural murderous capacities. Always, she wore her bloodstained shawl. Eventually, she came to be known in local gossip circles as "the girl of the Bloodied Shawl", a name which she neither embraced nor resented. She moved from place to place, taking up the odd mercenary job to pay for new clothes(always ending up with a lack of finances for rent), and always, always searched for the members of the organisation which had murdered her family - the Hayritt Alliance - down to the lowest grunt. She made no friends. Well, actually, she made one. A young woman named Erva, of Helen's selfsame age. She had found the girl, kidnapped and about to be raped, in a brothel run by a branch of the Alliance. After brutally killing every individual in the brothel, Helen had turned to face Erva, who looked at her with unafraid eyes.
Afterward, Erva had followed Helen everywhere. Even when Helen slept in the woods, among ruins, in the harshest of conditions, Erva was beside her. Eventually Helen started to see Erva as a friend and a confidant, even giving her fashion advice, a book of secrets which Helen would never divulge to anyone else.
By the time Helen and Erva were 22, most of the Alliance had been eliminated by Helen. Only a small pocket of the top brass remained, and they cowered in fear of Helen's vengeance. They had written her a formal letter of apology, stating their great regret at brutally murdering her family and torching her home. She had responded by taking the note and suffocating the messenger with it while laughing. Helen was joyous. It looked like life was looking up for her. She and Erva had begun making plans for after she had destroyed the rest of the Alliance, plans such as getting informally married and opening a quiet little bar in a quaint corner of the world. At last, her trail of blood was coming to an end. Soon, Helen would be able to discard the bloody shawl.
That was what Helen believed, up to the point where Erva went missing.
They were in the Shattered Hills at the time. Helen had gone foraging, asking Erva to head into town to help Helen look for mercenary work. Erva never came back. A day later, when Erva was still gone, Helen rushed into town, determined to find her beloved. A few threats and quick interrogations, along with four murders later, a terrified member of the Alliance's inner circle told her that the Alliance had seized Erva. Helen thanked the interviewee with a slow, bloody, extremely painful death by ruptured lung, then focused. She had learned the location where Erva was being taken. She was feeling angrier than she had felt in a long time. She promised to grant those responsible a long, brutal death. The enemy had a day's head start, but she should be able to catch up if she was at peak condition. And to enter peak condition, she needed to flip her kill switch.
She focused, forgetting everything except her desire to kill the Enemy. Then she ran. She ran, and she ran and she ran.
It's a common saying that "if you stare too long into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you." Helen became lost in the abyss of her murderous desire. She had flipped the switch too hard; it was stuck. The next few hours were a complete blur. She remembered moving, striking, killing, killing, killing... nothing else.
When she came to her senses, she was lying on her side. All around her were dead bodies, some of the Alliance, some she did not recognise. She felt a dull, aching pain from... somewhere... she couldn't tell where. Her body was numb. Her body was cold. In her bloodstained hand was one of her daggers, in her other hand her beloved shawl, wrapped around the torso of some unfamiliar Drow who was bleeding out from a deep cut in her throat. Above her was Erva's face, contorted with grief, covered in blood, sobbing. ...Why was Erva covered in blood? Who had done this to her? On her beige dress, Helen saw a shoeprint which, upon examination, was identical to that on the sole of her shoe.
Helen wished she could be overcome with grief and sorrow, but she could not. She had not the strength. She reached up to the crying Erva with her left hand in her last moments.
"I'm sorry."
The hand dropped. The world blurred. The sobbing intensified. The last thoughts that ran through Helen's mind before the void claimed her:
[again I didn't get to say it.]
[those three words.]
<< "I love you" >>

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I'll probably join in too! Do we have to post our characters yet or can they be thought up off later?

This is only an interest check and from the looks of the factions there'll be plenty of room for people to join. I'd assume that means you can take your time with characters.

I'm in with this, the promised Serious character I wanted in the Idol RP shall be here instead.

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You can sign up, it says both Interest check and sign-ups in the little mini-title>.> I'm just taking that at face value, hoping our Mod knows how to accurately classify his stuffs

Also I did read the tags...

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You can sign up, it says both Interest check and sign-ups in the little mini-title>.> I'm just taking that at face value, hoping our Mod knows how to accurately classify his stuffs

Also I did read the tags...

Well Huk here came up with the classification system, so if he doesn't know how to classify it, I doubt anyone will XD.

also Huk pls my tags are way more interesting

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1 -> You people forget who is the tag master

2 -> I wrote this in half an hour and didn't proof read it. It might suck.

3 -> I leave no guarantees that I will play, but maybe this can be used as an NPC or a profile example if I don't.

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Name: Silef Asterlux

Archetype: Sorcerer
Race: Human
Age: 28
Appearance: Tall for a woman, with an athletic physique. Shoulder-length blonde hair and green eyes, with an fairly angular facial structure and high cheekbones. She bears a few scars from battles old and new, including one that cuts just under her right eye. She wears an elegantly worked longsword with an ornate scabbard at her side. Armor of a similar artistic quality covers her chest, wrists, feet, and shins. (it offers little actual protection, being ceremonial in nature.) She wears green clothing underneath, as silver and green are the colors of her house.
Personality: Silef acts with all the pride and haughtiness that one might expect from the daughter of a noble house, if not more so. She tends to be dismissive of anyone she considers below her station, thinking they are not worth her time. She is also quite impulsive and almost brash, with little patience for those who are not similarly quick with their decision making. However, she also has a firm sense of morality and acts as closely to her ideals as is possible, often at cost to herself. Silef feels personally responsible for everyone who might be placed under her command, despite her mistreatment of the individual. Much of her rude behavior stems from the stress resulting from this feeling of accountability leaking into other aspects of her life.
Signature Moves/Spells/Skills:
-Bloodline Trait: Golden Dragonblood - Sorcerer
Silef's ancestry allows her to wield powerful flame magic in battle, and even breathe it to scorch her foes, though the only fire she can directly control is her own.
-Expanded Basic Skill: Martial Combat (Long Blades)
Silef's upbringing and military background allow her to wield most blades with much greater proficiency than most sorcerers, with the exception of particularly exotic weapons or small blades such as knives (which are used with a completely different style than a longsword or bastard sword.)
-Signature Spell: Scourging Radiance ((Activated))- Sorcerer
The true power latent in Silef's blood. Silef is capable of wielding pure light in combat to burn away at foes when pressed; this ability takes tremendous amounts of energy, but in return is capable of causing tremendous amounts of harm. Can take a number of forms, but Silef usually fires focused beams that do large amounts of damage to individuals or clustered groups, rather than using
-Signature Spell: Hardened Light ((Toggle)) - Sorcerer
Along with the ability to attack with light, Silef can also form it into what is essentially physical objects or barriers. (It's actually an energy field, so anything with anti-magical properties will either only be slowed or pass through it entirely, depending on how powerful the anti-magic in particular is.) Silef can form plates of nigh-impenetrable armor, create large shielding barriers, or wield a blade of pure light; this doesn't take the same toll as using it as a weapon directly, but it does exhaust her much more quickly than simple sorcery and armed combat.
Background: At first there were many. Silef was born into the noble house of Asterlux. Though small and not extraordinarily wealthy, Asterlux retained its status by way of its rich tradition of magic and the powerful sorcerers the family often produced. Silef was one of these, and was trained to control her powers alongside more conventional martial arts from the moment it was discovered she had the gift. Outside of her combat training, she was given lessons in all of the requirements of a noble military family; everything from courtesy to tactics.
When war broke out, Silef demanded to be sent along with the troops her house contributed to the fight. While in other circumstances the lord of the family may have refused - Silef was rather young at the time, and had no real combat experience - House Asterlux had a massive stake in the conflict. Their lands bordered a much, much larger rival, and as such every single person capable of swinging a weapon was needed to defend their home. The young noblewoman was given a small command of her own.
Their numbers began to dwindle. While Silef was no tactical genius, and her charisma was lacking to say the least, she was an effective leader in one way; she ran the battle from the vanguard, being one of the first ones into every fight and almost dragging her subordinates into victory with raw courage and bravado. By dint of martial skill, arcane power, and more than a fair bit of luck, she not only survived these fights but lead her battalion to several victories. However, the retreats came as often as the successes, and the overall campaign was not going well for them. Silef and her house were pressed backwards, and she rose in rank simply due to those ahead of her in the line of succession being killed in battle or assassinated in the night.
After a time there were only a few. The war lasted several bloody years, and Silef eventually became Lady Asterlux, head of her house and one of an increasingly small number who actually carried the ancient power of the Asterlux bloodline. As those surrounding her fell one by one, Silef fought on, collecting victories and scars alike. Assassins picked off her remaining relations as the opposing armies pressed her forces further and further back.
And then there was one. Standing atop a hill overlooking what remained of the manor she was born and raised in as the last of her forces fell around her, she faced the opposing army. Alone, she charged into the enemy ranks, blasting away at the massed troops in a desperate and futile attempt to halt their advance. An arrow eventually took her in the heart, tearing through the gilded plate as if it didn't exist, and Silef fell practically on the doorstep of her own home, cursing her enemies with her last breath as her vision faded.
At last there were none. The sacrifice of Silef and the house of Asterlux had failed to halt the advance, and the flames that had once made their name a proud and noble one consumed what remained of their estates as the enemy marched over them.
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finally !hukuna has come back to the rp forums! *in rock's voice*

i'm interested, i'm planning to play a juggernaut or a two handed style paladin.. perhaps the black oath one, in honor of a certain bird berserker.

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Well, I'm certainly interested. I'm thinking I'll probably play a human ranger? If not, then likely a sorcerer of some sort. The whole signature move system is pretty cool though.

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Think I'm pretty interested. Might play a cocky human ranger, perhaps a guy whose a bit of a joker. Maybe one of the conjurer archetypes

That and I just want to see dobby play another serious character, lols XD The last one I saw was Darius, afterall...

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Think I'm pretty interested. Might play a cocky human ranger, perhaps a guy whose a bit of a joker. Maybe one of the conjurer archetypes

That and I just want to see dobby play another serious character, lols XD The last one I saw was Darius, afterall...

The idea I have this time draws some inspiration from my time with Darius but is by no means the same kind of character. The main issue I see with him is that his backstory kinda plays with a cliche used quite often. I just need Huk to get online and see my PM...

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Totes gonna join this~ <3

Though question: It says in order to wear armor that's not specific to your archetype it takes 1 point per level of armor going up. But lets say your archetype starts out with heavy armor, how would it work if you wanted to go from Heavy armor to light?

Character Sheet:

Name: Zagi Adius

Archetype: Warrior

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Appearance: 5,9 Light blue eyes with red medium length hair that covers some of his eyebrows but doesn't infringe on vision. Also has a blue head band with the hair in front covering most of it while being able to see it from the back and has lightly colored skin. He wears a cobalt blue short-sleeved shirt that has two white stripes going down the middle and is out lined with yellow on the edges of the shirt and stripes. On his hands he has white arm bracers and red gloves that have the tips of the fingers cut off. The shirt is kept firm by a white belt and he wears just regular blue pants. Those clothes provide little protection, his main source of protection are various steel pads on his body. There is one pad on each shoulder, one big one on the top of his chest, and a knee pad on each knee which also adds a black cloth around his lower leg and is tucked under his shoe, above that is a white cloth that hangs over the shoe but doesn't affect his running. These are mainly for design and provide the same protection as his clothes. His shoes are just plain white and beige. In terms of armor rating he has medium-light leaning more towards light. He also has a purple cape with the end of it showing signs of wear as well as have small burned holes as well. Hidden under his left hand glove there a sealed fire rune, inactive until the seal is lifted.

Personality: Zagi like to learn about the world around him. If not training or relaxing you'll probably find him reading a book. He's a little wary of people after the incident with his brother and will be a little untrusting if the two have just met. He is kind towards people and will always go help a comrade in need, even if it may not be the smartest thing to do, he values loyalty in comrades above all else. The rune on his hand frightens him, the fear of losing control of it again is always looming in the back of his mind even if all the power is sealed.

Signature Moves/Spells/Skills:
1. Archetype Signature moves - Signature Fighting Style: Specialist Style
(Weapon: Bastard Sword)
His style deals with switching between using his as a one-handed and two-handed. As one-handed he uses light swift attacks on his opponents. As Two-Handed he strikes become more powerful, though a bit slower.

2. Toggle\Activated Skill: Blazing Fury
This skill allows him to ignite his swords Blade in red hot Flames using his magic ability, increasing his swords strength and powers up his attacks. As well as adding fire to his attacks.

3. Activated Skill: Dancing Blade
When using dancing blade, he sends a flurry of one-handed attacks at his opponent. Each strike by itself isnt that powerful but it can rack up damage quickly and is used to lower\break their guard

4. Expand Basic Skill: Rudimentary Arcane Magic (Mainly Fire)


Zagi is one of the two twins of the ruler of a small Village called Elibe. Soon after their birth a wandering wizard called forth by the village chief to be hired to make their sons more powerful. He agreed and went to the two new borns and placed runic curse on each boys left hand. Zagi with a rune of Fire, and his brother Deke was given a rune of Ice\Water. The rune was just a means to make learning magic easier for the children, but one day as Zagi was reading up on fire magic his rune activated without warning and caused his room to be set a blazed and his eyes to glow a bright red and the power of the rune rushed throughout his body causing major damage to himself. Fearful of the runes effect on Zagi, they called back the same wizard to seal the magical icon as to protect their son from experiencing such turmoil again. He did so, making the seal inactive and unusable unless someone were to unseal it. Deke watched from as his brother only brought destruction with him and he had to clean up after his mess.

During a wars between rival villages the two brothers fight alongside each other in battle. Zagi, the Piecing Flame, and Deke the Ice Wall. Deke was a juggernaut style warrior and used his rune to create ice defenses for his troop to hide be hide while Zagi always rushed into the enemy lines, sword a blazed to protect his village. The troops preferred Deke over Zagi since after the fire rune incident left people wary about him. Thus Deke usually took most of the credit winning battles fought in battles. Zagi didn't mind, just as long as he knew his people were safe. Until one day Zagi and Deke were alone on the battle field planning on a surprise attack on the enemy when Deke out of nowhere decided to stab his brother in the back and kill him. Being away from their soldiers Deke was able to pin the death on their enemy and was able to get away with killing his brother. As Zagi sat there, slowly dying after being betrayed by his own brother he thought to himself, why would his brother do this? But before he could get his answer the abyss took him away to the afterlife. Though now waking up in Sorrow Halls he can finally get the answer to his question. Though, it better have been a damn good one.

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Yes! Here we go..

Name: Rafael Koronis

Archetype: Paladin

Race: Human

Age: 30

Appearance: Rafael is large for a human in terms of height and weight. He is around six and a half feet tall, very muscular and bulky. Too add to this, his gait and posture make him seem even larger. He has a pale wheatish complexion and long, messy black hair. He keeps a trimmed full beard. Rafael has a kindness about his face, that gives an insight into his nature. However he bears marks from his previous battles, with a few small scars and burns on his cheeks. He wears heavy, full body, steel armour. His armour has 3 shoulder spikes, useful to ram into his enemies and kill them. He wears a half helm and steel gauntlets with spikes on the knucles. Apart from his body, he uses two war hammers to attack. Each has a 4 foot long handle with a pointed end, and is easily wielded by the large man. The hammer head itself has a spiked end, to deliver blows to pierce into the body of his opponents. He can even use one to knock the other into the depths of even large bodies like a nail.

Personality: Rafael is a man that was destined to be a Cinder Knight. He lives with his heart on his sleeves and is ruled by his emotions. While his emotions may not fluctuate, they go to extremes very quickly. He is self assured, confident and strongly believes in a no nonsense attitude. Apart from this, he is extremely loyal and devoted to his Order. He believes his place in the world is to ensure that nobody harms another soul. He will always help and protect those who are weaker than him. He is particularly protective of women and children, almost to the point of a fault. However he can sense when something is amiss and in such situations tends to be careful. While he may not have a reason for it, he often can instinctively know that danger is present, and this makes him cautious with those around him. As such he will not listen to reason and generally follow his gut feelings.

Holy Order: Cinder Knight

Signature Moves/Spells/Skills:

Signature Fighting Style (Passive): Juggernaught (War Hammers)

Sea of Emotions (Active): Rafael delves into his emotions, letting out all of his inner feelings in an instant. The strongest of these alters his abilities.

Fear: Fear makes Rafael become faster, though he tends to be less confrontational in this state. While he will still battle, he tends to try and leave the fight as soon as he is safe. If he feels he cannot win, he will try and escape rather than attempt to fight.

Rage: Rage gives Rafael great strength, enough to smash through the bodies of his enemies with his hammers. He rushes into a large group and swings his hammers in large sweeps in front of him. Anybody unlucky enough to come in his path is crushed and pushed aside like a bug.

Grief: Grief makes Rafael dull and slow. The dullness in his body increases his tolerance of pain. He can take a far greater damage in this state, as he rarely feels it. This is highly augmented due to his heavy armour taking most of the damage. Apart from this, it also has a side effect of making him slower to react to situations. This is similar to when he is slightly high after the first few drinks of the night.

Ecstasy: While he is ecstatic, Rafael has the ability to heal his body of most ailments and wounds. The joy he feels, replenishes his body and soul, giving him the ability to get back to the battle with a freshness and strength that was available at the start of the fight. The happiness also makes him regain his energy faster than normal.

Loathing: When his hatred takes over, Rafael becomes blood thirsty to the point of being crazed. He will mercilessly kill anything in his path. His hatred brings out the magic granted to him by Lord Pyron. His hammer heads ooze out a type of liquid fire. Almost oil like, these flames can fall on friend or foe, causing fatal burns and great damage.

Faith: Rafael gives in to Lord Pyron completely, allowing him to gain access to the divine one's abilities. This gives him great control over fire and lightening. He can manipulate them as well as any mage in the lands. This is also where he follows exactly what his heart says. He is unable to be deceptive or hide his intentions in this state.

Vigilance: If Rafael is vigilant, he has the ability to anticipate the actions of those around him, by getting a sense of their emotions and instincts. This allows him to counter attack very fast, by predicting the actions of his enemies and setting himself up for the attack. It can also help him dodge attacks, something his otherwise bulky body makes difficult.

Surprise: Surprise is a tricky ordeal for the Cinder Knight. Surprise makes Rafael's heart pump much faster, making him faster and stronger than normal. While this may be great for a short time, the strain on his body makes it difficult for him to maintain it. Apart from this, he is easily agitated in this stage, and tends to make avoidable mistakes.

Joie de Vivre (Toggle-able): Rafael concentrates on his past life, and brings forward the greatest and happiest memories of his life. Rafael then has the ability to take control of his emotions and neutralize any powers that would manifest from his emotions (Sea of Emotions). It also heals his body completely, giving him the opportunity to defeat opponents that have grown tired. However during this state, he finds it difficult to fight properly as all his concentration is on the healing. He can also use this to heal other people, albeit for a few minor maladies and injuries.

Bulldoze (Toggle-able): Rafael has the ability to use his bulk and charge into the enemy ranks creating a break in their defenses. He covers his body armour and hammers with electricity and charges into his enemies. The impact and subsequent jolt has the potential(pun intended) to shock them, clearing a path for him. When executing this attack, Rafael uses his hammers as battering rams. He holds them under each of his arms and charges straight at his enemy, then ramming into his opponent, hammers first, followed by his body.


Rafael was born to Christoff, a Paladin and Cinder Knight, and Angelica, a woman devoted to Lord Pyron. Christoff had lived a dangerous life, but after the birth of Rafael, his priorities changed. He knew he did not want the dangerous life of a Cinder Knight for his son, and wanted to leave the Order with Angelica and Rafael. What Christoff did not realise was that such a move was blasphemy for Angelica, and as such made her leave Christoff. She took Rafael and went to the elders among the Cinder Knights, who provided a new house for her.

Christoff went to Angelica for weeks in a bid to get her to change her mind, but it eventually become clear to him that Angelica had become fanatical and could not be reasoned with. He knew that there would be no way to get both his wife and son to come, so he decided to kidnap Rafael and leave Angelica and the Order. After a month from the time Angelica left him, Christoff had decided to sneak in and take Rafael away from the Order. He had planned it perfectly too, except for one moment of weakness, which would result in the greatest tragedy of his life and set Rafael down a difficult path, taking revenge for the death of his mother. Christoff had managed to sneak into Angelica's house and take Rafael, but in a moment of weakness went to see Angelica sleep. Before Christoff could leave, the baby Rafael woke up and cried out. This was enough to wake Angelica, who in turn began screaming for help. Christoff had to run away, but he could not. There were Cinder Knights near by and they ended up attacking Christoff. In retaliation, Christoff attacked them with his powers, but in his rage accidentally killed his wife. He realised what he had done, and his horror at the murder made him realise a harsh truth. He could never keep Rafael safe if he was to live as a murderer, so he left the baby and ran away. The Order took in the child and raised him.

Rafael grew to be a large and strong child and when he was old enough, he was told the truth about his mother's death. While he had known little about his father, he now had a hatred towards the man. The child eventually grew to be a man, and become a Cinder Knight. In his heart however, he knew he had to find his father, so eventually he set out to find Christoff. During his travels, Rafael helps out many people, and makes a name for himself. He also manages to become a Paladin, being selected by Lord Pyron. After a few years of searching, he get's lucky in a village of elves. They speak of a man matching the description of Christoff's that the Order had given Rafael who had passed through the area almost three decades ago and again very recently. Rafael knew better than to press his luck in the village and left quickly, without waiting for the full story, only taking the direction Christoff was going in.

Chasing the trail for a few weeks, he finally caught up to the old man. He could see that Christoff was large, like him and the similarities didn't end there. Their features, armour, gait and stature all seemed to be exactly the same. It seemed like Christoff was nothing but the future self of Rafael. He was sure that his father was finally in front of him. Rafael could see that Christoff was in conversation with another man, slightly younger than Rafael himself, and oddly familiar. He did not care about the stranger, and charged straight for Christoff, using his Bulldoze ability. Christoff heard the charging man and turned to see what looked like a ghost. His son, Christoff was sure of that, was rushing towards him. He recognised the move, as one of his own, and realised that it wasn't just his son, but a Paladin of Lord Pyron attacking him. The realisation would not save him, and Rafael charged straight into Christoff, crushing his chest and dropping the man in his place. He then turned to the other man, and suddenly seeing him close, realised the similarity between him, Rafael and Christoff. "So, your his son, too? May as well die." He began charging up another attack, but before he could do anything else, Rafael felt a sharp pain through his back and body. He saw that Christoff had used his sword and strength to stab Rafael in the back, after which Rafael faded out quickly. I- I failed. I didn't kill him. Neither Christoff, nor my half-brother. I failed you, Mother. I couldn't kill the traitor. I'm so-...

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Totes gonna join this~ <3

Though question: It says in order to wear armor that's not specific to your archetype it takes 1 point per level of armor going up. But lets say your archetype starts out with heavy armor, how would it work if you wanted to go from Heavy armor to light?

if this is as DnD based as i believe it is then it takes zero points. Having the ability to wear heavy armor means you are also capable of moving in lighter armors.

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if this is as DnD based as i believe it is then it takes zero points. Having the ability to wear heavy armor means you are also capable of moving in lighter armors.

Yep, it says under the explanation of the Armour skill that the thing denoted is the Heaviest you can wear. If you can wear Heavy Armour, you can wear all types of armour. ((as different types of armour have different advantages. Light armour is the easiest to move in and still offer protection, Medium is the middle ground, with Heavy offering the most defense but severely hampering movement.))

Also, Characters can be signed up now I don't mind ((it is why I included the template since the character creation on here is looooong so I wanted folks to have time to get it done etc.... ahead of time while I was accessing whether or not to just change this into the OOC etc... which I can say I will most likely be doing.))

Also, @Kuro... Backgrounds etc in this are supposed to be pretty long. Like I am probably not accepting things that are not at least 2 paragraphs in length cause I need a good idea of who and what the character is. ((because it will effect where they get placed later on to some degree lol.))

EDIT: and jsut so it is less confusing for people, You can wield any weapon your class allows to some degree. ((If you a Warrior you can wield literally anything well enough to use it effectively in combat.)). THe Styles just make you miles better at wielding it, like the weapon is an extesion of yourself rather than just some random old weapon. You are that good at fighting with it it becomes a part of you almost.

I am going to amend the format a bit for SIgnature Styles as such in that Dragoon Style, Specialist Style, Sword and Board Style and Brute Style should havee a small note abotu what type of weapon you have that level of mastery with. ((it isn't needed with Juggernaut, because Juggernaut you have become one with your Heavy Armour making it not hinder you like others that use it.))

Example: Specialist Style ((Whip))- Paladin.

That way it is easier to keep track of to some degree lol. And any other class can pretty much use any weapon they are allowed to use. ((Like a Ranger can use Annnnnnything. Anything at all. But Combat isn't the main focus of their class hence why they don't get Signature Styles as an archetype bonus.))

Question: where would using focused light fall in the magic system?

And usually it falls under the Lumabella's Holy Magic. She is the Goddess of Light and the only real Light magic comes from her.((so her Priesthood's magic mostly)). It could fall under Evocation.... but the issue there is that Basic Arcane Magic wouldn't be able to replicate it... so it would have to be Signature level magic in that case.
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I see. Hmm. I basically wanted to resurrect Silef from Gaelach Basm with a bit of a different story. That is sorcery though, since it was hereditary, so not sure what to do with that.

It is an unfortunate thing in how Graterras's Magic works. Terrestrial Elements being Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water are those that can be hereditary in nature. As Humans and all living life are created from those elements every person has an innate potential to wield them, but most never have the power to spark a request. ((Casting Magic, is used by invoking spirits or their analogs. Therefore, one most request of say...a Lightning Spirit to cast that Lightning Bolt FOR them.)).

As Light is a Celestial Element, or one created by the Goddess Lumabella, it doesn't naturally exist in the world ((just like Darkness is created by Draven, Positive [or Life] energy is created by Bartimis, and Negative [or Undeath] energy is created by Mortimo.)) Normal Arcane magic cannot invoke it as these elements don't have Spirits and only have the Gods that created them to act as an intermediary to cast the spell((hence why Priests can use it jsut fine as basic magic, because their magic comes DIRECTLY from their god or goddess)). Therefore Sorcerers can only use those elements through Signature Magic because it takes a mighty feat to be able to invoke those elements as opposed to the Natrual Elements that have spirits.

I will note that Fire is seen as Light's terrestrial equivalent Element. ((because the sun is a ginat ball of fire and both Pyron and Lumabella created the Sun.)), so perhaps that could be used fro basic magic with Focused light left for stronger, more powerful Signature level magic?

As a note for the others, they are Wind and Positive, Water and Darkness, and Earth and Negative.

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