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Don't worry... I will aggressively hint at your inevitable demise.

((as an aside... if you are a Paladin... you are not 100% certain to end up with the Divine Knight that represents your Order. You can still end up with any of them. ANY of the teams.))

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Woah. I thought he´d go with the Crimson Knight for sure. Welp, fighting against him would be cool too. =)

Just don´t think it would be a good idea to end up in Seeker´s team. I think Marcus wouldn´t get along too well with a Scholar Knight.(/Blue ofc)

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I have a question about the resurrection. Does he simply come back to life, or is he restored to life?

Let me elaborate:

If he simply comes back to life, the power is fine even without a timer - If you cut his arm off, he comes back with his arm cut off. If you chop his head off, tough luck, he'd resurrect just to die immediately thereafter.

If he is restored to life, his body is effectively re-created. In this scenario, the issue arrives with the fact that logically the character is now "rested", with skills available, which would give it a gigantic advantage - Basically, a character being able to come back to life means he can effectively choose to ignore his survival instincts, which would allow him a level of unpredictability which, in the hands of a proper player would make it an incredibly overpowered character that plays off of people's assumptions of how he should act (although admittedly an interesting one).

Personally, I prefer the coming-back-to-life thing as it is intrinsically balanced. The character will return with whatever damage he had taken, which was lethal to begin with, so although he would be better off, he won't be too better off - Passives are supposed to be somewhat weak, remember?

If not, however, I propose one of two.

First, it's not an actual resurrection, but simply a very powerful healing spell. At the brink of death, he can choose to not die and be fully restored. Why is this balanced? Sneak attacks, basically.

Second, the character is capable of fully restoring himself (including use of all abilities) but the resurrection can be stopped or it's a channeled process that takes a turn or two to finish as his body reforms, allowing others to intervene and damage him as he recovers.

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Hmmm... This power would be most likely... the form of the spell. Probably residual magic leftover from when Lumabella herself plucked his soul into her realm and give it a new body to inhabit. So, it would most likely be a sort of... spell activating that he doesn't have control over it just kinda happens. It would be a Restoration, or an Incomplete Version of what Lumabella did once for him. ((also, most resurrections involve the Soul, Mind and Knowledge being put back into another Body. Therefore one could not die and come back, It would also be the re-affixing of a Soul to a body. Just due to how death happens in Graterras. THose three elements are quickly released from the dying form and roam until they are picked up normally by one of the Five Reapers and judged and recieve their sentence or placement in the Afterlife. Until then some outside force can re-affix the soul and its attached Mind and knowledge to a new body.))

That is the way I see it.

And I totally forgot he met the Crimson Knight for a bit there Notus XD.

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I edited the post with some elaborations as you were posting.

EDIT: And a question. If we don't reach the full number of people you'll roll NPCs, right? How do you feel about letting others fill the gaps? I've two or three other character concepts I'd like to try out, and if I'm posting for one, I may as well post for thirty.

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I'm kinda hoping that if/when Varick does die, it's fighting Dust. The guy literally has a move named as an ability to Cleave the mountain and Varicks first signature is him embodying a mountain, things that were entirely independent design. I can just imagine it, an unstoppable force versus an immovable object, locked in a silent, stubborn struggle of pure grit and determination to defeat the other, only for one to fail. As one always will.

EDIT: Dunno if you can tell, but I'm excited to jump into this character. He's one that I think will get to see a satisfying end.

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It would honestly have the same net effect. Due to how fast a Improperly affixed soul collapses a body. It would quickly deteriorate as any damage then sustained... would never heal. ((At all... ever. A wound would never correctly close as the Body and the soul are not one.)) SO... while it seems kinda op, any damage at all after the Res... will be much more harmful then normal. Like even a small scratch would be very very bad and potentially lethal. It more be a "Let's Try to take somebody with me before I go out" type dealio then a true second life. Like... trust me. I heavily planned what Improperly affixed souls did to bodies... it is not pretty... not at all. ((It is actually... the process with which Dark Elements are created like Grave Earth etc... which is why it would literally tear his own form apart suuuuuuuper quickly.))

@Dobbs, would be interesting lol. Terranix Cleaves the Mountain is literally called that because Once Dust did destroy a Mountain with only his mighty Maul. He is... probably the most physically strong of the Divine Knights, however he is slow as hell as a result. ((doesn't help his armour is made of solid rock.))

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I suppose. I prefer players stick to one character, especially in a PvP scenario. ((just because... yea I don't want any shenanigans.)),

I wouldn't mind them as extra source material for NPCs, though cause Imma need quite a few lol. ((though I do have at least...4 planned already XD.))

((and Notus... it is still mad powerful lol. But, as in typical Graterras Fashion... stray magic tends to be preeeeetty dangerous and unpredictable lol.))

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And the question 'bout them profiles? C'mon boss, you know you're gonna like 'em.

Your character is one of 3 to be listed as accepted :P

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Aye Helen is good Acquie... I jsut forgot to update her to the OP... mostly cause I am trying to figure if I can afford to have the original story in there and her backstory... cause it really adds up in the amount of space i have for that post... cause I will be posted a metric ton of stuff there and I don't want it to over flow ya know lol?

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Aye Helen is good Acquie... I jsut forgot to update her to the OP... mostly cause I am trying to figure if I can afford to have the original story in there and her backstory... cause it really adds up in the amount of space i have for that post... cause I will be posted a metric ton of stuff there and I don't want it to over flow ya know lol?

Why not just list her as accepted and then link it to my post ID? Wouldn't that be easier?

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Okay... being the derp lord I am... who's Profile Haven't I gone over yet? Being a bit of a derplord. ((like typical.)) so I don't remember off the top of my head which I haven't done yet or said anything about.

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Yep, sorry must have missed it. From a quick glance, I can suggest one change right away. Change Sword and Board to Specialist for your Signature Fighting Style.

Reason being, Sword and Board is exclusively One Handed Weapons + A Shield. Specialist Style covers anything that doesn't fit under other categories and is the most flexible Sig style. ((Case in point, using a Single One Handed Sword doesn't have the same benefits as using one with a Shield, it is a much faster style that throws defense out the window Where as Sword and Board focuses more on Keeping yourself safe from projectiles while closing in. It then provides another weapon and something to deflect blows with. [cause remember folks... SHields hurt when you hit people with them.]))

You may want to actually change to a Rogue, as it is about fighting with just a sword or single handed weaponry without the use of a shield etc... but that is up to you. I will look over the rest in due time.

Also on a sidenote, the Divine Knights are mostly finished. Just need to figure out some minor details for their backstories etc...

Is there anybody else who's character I might have missed?

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This seems quite interesting, mind if I put up a sheet?

I'm not familiar with how combat goes down on this site, but I can assume its like the general T(insert number here) systems yes? Since I see no mention of dice mechanics( Which I am not fond of).

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