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I am 100% certain I am not touching other OCs etc. I don't feel comfortable doing that. Any NPCs submitted should be kinda throw away, or throw away enough that me changing them etc doesn't matter to the person that provides them lol. I already got a few NPCs in mind out of some of my old OCs. ((some being DnD cahracters of mine even lol.))

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Alrighty, I will be accepting the last finished character so far, which would be Aodh from Nero.

Now this announcement is important. The RP's IC will be going up on Saturday the 20th. ALL CHARACTERS MUST BE FINISHED BY THIS TIME. As soon as the IC goes live Sign-Ups are permanently closed unless I say otherwise. ((which I don't really plan on.)) You must have your characters finished by this time otherwise I will just completely disregard them. So, if you want to join but haven't yet, get your butt in gear. Once this train embarks... it isn't stopping, so get on or be left behind at the station.

Any NPCs that will fill slots shall be receiving their backgrounds etc slowly over time. I would rather start the RP than wait on getting all the things for NPCs set up. So... don't worry about them being absent for a little while or incomplete.

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Something in the OOC I should probably address sooner rather than later.

I've been working under the impression characters come from several different points in time; Is this correct?

The way I've envisioned it, Matthew is someone from a timeline much closer to modern times - being a man that lived during the equivalent of our real world 1500s.

And I realize that's probably a lot further down the timeline than most of the current Graterras roleplays.

So, should I replace my bullets for arrows? Is my assumption incorrect? Or can I continue as originally intended?

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Actually, Graterras as a whole is already set in a time period similar to that, so bullets and guns etc... already exist. Though most are magical, there is some black powder weaponry. It most likely be gnomish black market wares, etc... which a pirate could pretty easily get a hold of. ((They are pretty damn unreliable though. One might have a bow as back up, up to you.))

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Everything has been pretty fantastic so far, glad this is getting off to a pretty nice start lol. Really enjoying reading the opening for these characters etc... also I will apologize if any of the parts as the Lord in Violet since they all seem similar etc... it is jsut hard to make every single encounter with him 100% different XD. So, I apologize if anything looks a bit cookie cutter etc in any of them because... I am writing them to deal with every character so... some might have abit of overlap etc...

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so basically the way I'm handwaving this is that Silef is probably from a time period where the mentioned legends were widespread, but since she spent most of her life in lessons of some variety or locked in intense combat she's not overly familiar with them.

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Sorry if my second post in the IC was...rude, Hukuna. Hope it's not out of character either, since it could've come across as arrogant.

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Hmmm? not sure what you mean.

Well, you know. The presumptions about the Lord in Violet interested in Debronee's heritage thing. It might come across as rude/slightly Mary-Sue. That or I'm just too subconscious.

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Na, that is totally fine imo, you were presumably brought there by him so I can imagine one might think he had sort of interest etc... I can understand the line of thought there and don't think it is overly-Sueish. Like... He hadn't really told you too much about the Plane you had brought yourself too. What are you to believe he wanted?

THe reason Violet answered the way he did... he finds Warrior tales or tales of war extremely boring. He has seen them too many times to care. He finds other things much more interesting about people.The only reason he responded as such was Debronee was the only one to follow that path of logic, that Maybe he was there because the Lord in Violet brought him there because he had in interest in him or his family line etc... He found out the hard way that well... Violet could care less XD>.

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Debronee had yet to comprehend the meaning behind his existence there. The only thing he knew now was to obey and follow the cloaked Lord. That was the only thing he could do.

"Guide me." He whispered. It was a genuine plea. "I will follow, without objection."

There was another array of endless silence.

"If I must fight, I but require a weapon." Debronee said. "A blade."

The Lord in Violet simply pointed behind him. It wasn't until then he realized something was strapped on his back. A sheathe. Debronee removed the sword concealed within it. It was one of ancient heritage, with a recognizable silver mark and dark sapphire at the pommel. He grasped the view of the sword with mild astonishment.

"My father's sword. The Ka'Gul Blade." Debronee examined the edge of the blade's keen tip. None of it's battle scars had been tarnished and scarred, the very remains of history. For once, Debronee's blade was also empty of the thick, metallic stench of sanguine that would linger even if after he cleaned the scarlet off the sharp edges. "I'd implanted this beside my master's grave as I struggled to die -- the same blade I killed my own grandfather with. Yet why would that be with me now?"

Problem text is bolded in red, it is but a small line, but it is an important thing to bring up.

Don't expressively take an action with an NPC ((or another's character.)) unless they expressly took this action, or you are given permission to do so. The Lord In Violet/Whatever bloody colour he is wearing at the time is under my control and could be considered... one of my characters. Unless I give you the go ahead to do so, don't ever have him make an express action that I didn't state happening myself as the owner of the character. This is what is called bunnying, or the controlling of another's character. It is typically frowned upon to do so... though this is a very mild example. because one shouldn't be taking the control away from the owner of said character. What is the point if another player can just manipulate another's character on a whim? THis is a mild example as I ahve stated before, but a lot of times it leads to god-modding by the ways of forcing attacks of your character's to land on an oppenent without allowing them to react themselves...etc...

It is best to know curb this as it is the opening rather than far down the line in this RP. Remember, do not control NPCs unless expressly told you can by me in any fashion in your own posts. This applies to the other PCs as well.

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