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Possible E4...ers


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What's stopping them from kicking everyone else out... However this topic makes me think... How can Anna be a part of the elite 4 when she can't even go to the league? She's always been locked in the orphanage so it's not possible... Right?

I mean, realistically that might make sense - but Laura used to be in the orphanage while she was in the elite 4, Charlotte and noel were in the orphanage and they were still gym leaders etc. - this doesn't really work as a reason for saying Anna can't be the champion because there are numerous other characters that you could apply the same logic to but they obviously still hold their positions.

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Guys the champ isn't doing anything for obvious reasons. The champion is a part of team meteor. Think about it, the champion is never just confined to their little castle, they are allowed to go on walk about I.e. Cynthia Alder etc.

The champion would have to know there is something going on, and the fact that no one we've talked to has even spoke of a champion yet leads me to believe they don't even know. Lin is a good candidate seeing as she is brutal and has power far beyond us. This would also explain how and why she recruits gym leaders, she has connections at the top. Not to mention it would explain how she got Laura kicked out. She's always enjoyed hurting Laura as well... Because [Redacted] Not to mention as far we know we already have team meteor in the elite 4 in the form of Elias and supposedly Bennett. Whats stopping team meteor from ruling the league? My prediction is it will be





Champ: Lin

What's stopping them from kicking everyone else out... However this topic makes me think... How can Anna be a part of the elite 4 when she can't even go to the league? She's always been locked in the orphanage so it's not possible... Right?

I serious doubt that lineup because this game tends to have more females than males...

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I like seeing the predictions. I don't wanna call to many meteors into the E4. Not that it wouldn't be terrifying to be surrounded by meteors as you fight the champ who is also a meteor but because battlewise it would be a series of not very anticipated rematches. Does anyone really feel like they need a rematch with Sirius or Sigmund?

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My guess on the E4 line up (in no particular order, bar the champ,):





Champ: Lin, a rival, or a character yet to be encountered

Heather and El are practically given to be E4. Bennett was known to be working with El to move his way up in the world and then mysteriously Laura gets fired. Coincidence? Probably not. Anna is obviously a strong trainer. but she's more of a manipulator than an actual fighter at this point. She could mop the floor with quite a few of the meteors, but she's allowing the PC to defeat them to make like a Tyrell and grow strong. Also, Anna is a Psychic specialist, and as such, she is associated with the common psychic trainer's characteristics of possessing enhanced mental abilities. She, like Radomus, is playing a game of chess with pieces other than the inanimate stones. She is playing the game with people, specifically she moves the PC towards getting to the other side of the board so he/she/xe may become a Queen and defeat the Meteors and Sigmund, her foes, while she is somewhat restricted. She is the king in this respect. She is capable of destroying anything which gets too close, but there is a limit to her powers. If she is caught unaware or stuck from where she could not defend, she would fall. And so she uses Noel, the PC, the Sister Trio, Shelly, Cal, Victoria, Cain, Aya, Heather, and Hardy as her chess pieces to instrument her victory over the Meteors.

Well if she's so strong, why can't she just rush on out into the fray and destroy all who oppose her?

Well, because she's not the strongest. That's the champion, assumedly Lin, who is the king of the opposite side. She must allow her allies to become stronger so together they may defeat their foes. Eventually, the PC will become strong enough to challenge the E4, and, eventually, the PC will instrument a Checkmate.

Bam. That's a metaphor for ya.

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My guess on the E4 line up (in no particular order, bar the champ,):





Champ: Lin, a rival, or a character yet to be encountered

Heather and El are practically given to be E4. Bennett was known to be working with El to move his way up in the world and then mysteriously Laura gets fired. Coincidence? Probably not. Anna is obviously a strong trainer. but she's more of a manipulator than an actual fighter at this point. She could mop the floor with quite a few of the meteors, but she's allowing the PC to defeat them to make like a Tyrell and grow strong. Also, Anna is a Psychic specialist, and as such, she is associated with the common psychic trainer's characteristics of possessing enhanced mental abilities. She, like Radomus, is playing a game of chess with pieces other than the inanimate stones. She is playing the game with people, specifically she moves the PC towards getting to the other side of the board so he/she/xe may become a Queen and defeat the Meteors and Sigmund, her foes, while she is somewhat restricted. She is the king in this respect. She is capable of destroying anything which gets too close, but there is a limit to her powers. If she is caught unaware or stuck from where she could not defend, she would fall. And so she uses Noel, the PC, the Sister Trio, Shelly, Cal, Victoria, Cain, Aya, Heather, and Hardy as her chess pieces to instrument her victory over the Meteors.

Well if she's so strong, why can't she just rush on out into the fray and destroy all who oppose her?

Well, because she's not the strongest. That's the champion, assumedly Lin, who is the king of the opposite side. She must allow her allies to become stronger so together they may defeat their foes. Eventually, the PC will become strong enough to challenge the E4, and, eventually, the PC will instrument a Checkmate.

Bam. That's a metaphor for ya.

In Tanzan Cove, Charlotte hid with the others while she was much stronger that the PC. Noel was as strong as the PC but hid as well. Shelly was probably as strong as the PC too by seeing the evolution of her level between the gym battle and Ametrine events. Are they chess players too ? I don't believe she's manipulating us

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Actually no, Author brings up a good point, Anna is manipulating us quite a lot when you think about it. In fact Anna is actually making us stronger! Tell me, if it wasn't for Anna would we have fought Shade when we did? Answer: No. Anna can communicate with Shade through her doll. She could've just asked him to open the doors, but by making us do it she is making us stronger to fight for her. Remember how she was sick so suddenly after losing the pendant, but was fine after she poured the medicine all over her doll? I don't think she was sick in the first place. If she hadn't told us to get the medicine, we wouldn't have met Serra and Bennett and El when we did. Anna is also the person who told us to get dive and go under the block of ice. She is manipulating us, but why? Maybe she is the champion or an Elite four member. I'm leaning towards her being a part of the elite 4. I have multiple theories with multiple different outcomes, but Anna seems really likely amongst other characters... However why doesn't she fight? Simple. She is stronger mentally, not physically. She's just a child after all. She can't fight for herself when the villains could just capture her easily. She needs someone to protect her and who would that be? The player character. Everyone Anna knew up until she met you could not protect her because they were too young, outnumbered and had no pokemon. Suddenly when you come in you're strong. It is our role as the main character to be strong, get stronger and protect the people we meet. That's just how it's set out to be. Anna can see this. Why is it that she could only see your "glowiness" and not Cain's or Shelly's. She sees potential in the main character. Anyway, theory aside another E4 roster I had was





Champ: Lin or Solaris.

Lin or Solaris is a whole different theory that I could talk about later, but for now I'll leave it as this. This is the roster I think is most likely to happen. The one I posted earlier is the one I'd like most, but this is more likely.

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Solaris is too weak to be the champion. His ace, Garchomp, is only lvl 75 in when we fight it. Really strong at that time, but in Ep 14 we can already beat him. While Elias, member of the E4, is according to himself much stronger than his "little experiment with the ditto". Meaning El is stronger than Solaris, so Solaris can't be the champion. Lin is more likely.

About Anna, what was Connal's diagnosis for her ? It's not in the characters page anymore. But it was not something about manipulation. And we can't deny that Connal knows the subject, his diagnosis for Charlotte or Sapphira for instance seem rather accurate.

If Anna can speak to Shade, it's also true in the other way. Maybe Shade told her he wanted the PC to come to show him the visions of the future. And for Spinel town, even if we assume that she wanted us to fight Serra, even if she knew El was coming to Spinel (through her powers or Shade). With Anna supposedly ill, you would not have taken the time to fight Serra and so meeting El. The idea was : go to the market and come back quickly. If entered Serra's house, it's only because the market was teleported to her roof. And if we start to think that she knew this random event, then we should think that she must also know every single thing that will happen, and so that everything is known, written, etc. Which would make all the story losing its interest.

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something wrong with all this anna is a e4 member...

noel introduces Anna as "is the" now if she was a E4 she would have be introduced like this "and this is Anna a" before being interrupted,

so i have a feeling theres more too Anna yes but is she a member of the elite 4 i doubt it

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I don't think Ame's going to have any part in it. She's already said she regrets putting her own character into the game, and I can't see her wanting such an important role in the game at the same time as E4, or even champion.

I wasn't aware of that. Does Ame do anything outside of the opening, or will that opening bit be all I ever see of that character?

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I'm not sure Lauras expulsion from the E4 is permanent, we have to fight her at some point...

Anyways, Bennet was pretty set on being there and he has El as a connection so those two are down.

So, one more place to fill and then a champ...

For anyone who speculated Arclight, he was one of the very last leaders to be recruited and he is simply the Nightclubs DJ. Seeing as the story was written out a long time ago, assuming it was before he joined, an important plot point like the E4 wouldn't be switched around just to include him when he has a place in the game already.

Finally, I think in 14 Heather confirmed she was in E4 too? I dunno, been a while since I played a profile that far.

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Solaris is too weak to be the champion. His ace, Garchomp, is only lvl 75 in when we fight it. Really strong at that time, but in Ep 14 we can already beat him. While Elias, member of the E4, is according to himself much stronger than his "little experiment with the ditto". Meaning El is stronger than Solaris, so Solaris can't be the champion. Lin is more likely.

This is wrong actually. Someone earlier mentioned Shelly's pokemon grew some levels. What's stopping Solaris? Nothing. Nothing is stopping him. People here need to start realizing the enemy isn't just going to sit back not training, that logic is stupid and it's not what a normal person would do tbh.

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something wrong with all this anna is a e4 member...

noel introduces Anna as "is the" now if she was a E4 she would have be introduced like this "and this is Anna a" before being interrupted,

so i have a feeling theres more too Anna yes but is she a member of the elite 4 i doubt it

Or Noel could've tried to say something like "Anna is the first Elite 4 member." or "Anna is the Psychic type Elite 4 Member."

I can confirm 1 member of the E4, but I don't know how to put it in the spoilers thing.


text and then [/ spoiler]

(Don't put the space in between the / and the spoiler.)

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inb4 the protag is the champion but suffered amnesia after the train bombing

Personally I'm actually pretty confident that Lin is the champion. iirc Lin was the champion in season 1 of the Reborn League

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Or Noel could've tried to say something like "Anna is the first Elite 4 member." or "Anna is the Psychic type Elite 4 Member."

i don't think so, that wouldn't have been important enough to cut noel off for since he mentioned Laura's position as elite 4

Edited by sandy
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I think that currently the league has no champion and when you beat the E4, you become the Champion...

...but then comes Fern as your first challenger, and you have to beat him to finish the game.

Edited by nemesish
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I think that currently the league has no champion and when you beat the E4, you become the Champion...

...but then comes Fern as your first challenger, and you have to beat him to finish the game.

That's a nice little creative twist

Edited by Howin
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You know there are a lot of ways some could misconstrue this information. When Elias says that he is one of the elite, he might not mean actual E4 membership. He could imply that he is one of the strongest trainers in all of Reborn, considering he runs a cult hell bent on bringing back Arceus. Also he has dabbled in modding a Ditto that can transform into a friggin God clone.

Also, I don't see any hints or somewhat solidly suggestive evidence that Heather is a member of the Elite Four.

Also, when did Laura get booted out? I remember Amethyst getting the boot after Charlotte's battle, but after that? Puhlease.

Someone did bring a good point to the fact the Champ walks around and does shit behind the scenes. It's been that way since Gen 2 with Lance checking the lake out. Maybe the Champ is hiding away from the BS because that would make them a target for Meteor if they got drawn out by something. Maybe the attacks are part of a grander scheme. I feel like the Agate and Labradorra attacks are excellent distractors.

EDIT: There is also the fact we may haven't met them yet, like we met 3 different Gym Leaders on 2 different occasions at the orphanage (Noel, Charlotte, Saphira) and at the Circus (Samson, Terra, Ciel)

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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Well I think that Anna has to be part of the Elite 4 or be the champion because I'm fairly certain they're the only ones who are supposed to have any legendaries on their team. Given that her brother Noel carries around a Clefable doll and has Clefable as his ace, I'm assuming the situation is the same with Anna and her Jirachi, meaning that for her to use her Jirachi in battle against us, she'd have to be Elite 4 or Champion. Also, everyone else in that group is a gym leader or (ex)Elite 4 so having Anna just off to the side doing nothing would be strange.

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Actually the dialogues inside the game tell you pretty much about all the E4 members:

When you first meet them in the orphanage you're told about how Laura is a member of the E4 at that point noel gives a hint for anna being also part of the E4.
We also know El and Heather are E4 members (El told Cain and since we know he has connections with the E4 i don't think he's talking about any other kind of Elite. And Heather inherited the title from her mother since she was strong enough to live up to that title.) and that Laura was switched out with a new member (when you enter charlottes gym for the first time, she's crying and tells you about this.). Since El promised Bennet to make him an E4 member and after beating him in Luna's caves he tells you he's striving to get stronger which indicates he might be the new E4 member.

conclusion: The current E4 members are/might be:

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Not to throw a monkey wrench into some people's theories but if Noel was going to say "If you're going to mention that you minus well talk about how Anna too is aiming for the league and has all her badges" or something to that effect. Also I've pretty much put my chips on the table for Solaris being champ since even in his own crazy way he's been working the hardest to rebuild reborn.

Note for those who missed- Laura got a letter from Ame kicking her out. Reason unspecified. Someone says (maybe I'm paraphrasing) "How did that little girl get into the E4" to which someone replies Heather's mom was the E4 member before her "death".

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Actually the dialogues inside the game tell you pretty much about all the E4 members:

When you first meet them in the orphanage you're told about how Laura is a member of the E4 at that point noel gives a hint for anna being also part of the E4.

We also know El and Heather are E4 members (El told Cain and since we know he has connections with the E4 i don't think he's talking about any other kind of Elite. And Heather inherited the title from her mother since she was strong enough to live up to that title.) and that Laura was switched out with a new member (when you enter charlottes gym for the first time, she's crying and tells you about this.). Since El promised Bennet to make him an E4 member and after beating him in Luna's caves he tells you he's striving to get stronger which indicates he might be the new E4 member.

conclusion: The current E4 members are/might be:





Anna could also be the champion though - there's still 1 member that isn't accounted for whether it's one of the elite 4 or the champion even if all of those 4 are part of the league.

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