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(giggles madly) Here comes Cara!


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Hey there! I'm Cara Moon, and I'm gonna be a great trainer!

​deep breaths, calm down, don't embarrass yourself Cara!

Well... uhm... I am a trainer who is just learning the ropes about Pokemon! My gramma is like, the most amazingest trainer I know and has been raising me my whole life. Momma and Poppa were... well they went to a far-away region when I was born and neveh r came back... Gramma doesn't like to talk about it much, she just tells me they are out saving the world.. My parents sure are great!

Gramma has been teaching me about Pokemon my whole life, and finally, on my 13th birthday, she finally got me a Pokemon!

meet my partner, Pixie! OMG isnt she the most adorable Sylveon in the whole widest world?!?

As you can see, I LOVE fairy type! Not only are they the most adorable pokemon in the world, but they are very powerful. Gramma always tells me that the loveliest flowers often have the sharpest thorns.

Well... today, Gramma told me its time to start on my adventure! She tells me the Reborn region is a dark, scary place, but if I'm lucky I might find Momma and Poppa! But thats not the important part, I just want to be an awesome trainer! I gotta leave Gramma and Pixie behind while I explore this scary place, cuz Gramma says its the best way to start an adventure!

dont cry Cara, we gotta be brave if we are gonna explore this new place! its our time to shine.. deep breaths now...

Well... I hope to make lots of friends on this journey! Feel free to message me! Hee-hee!


Hee-hee~ Hey all, Cara here... so I recently got 2 warning points for double posting in my own thread.... so I need to clarify the point of this thread...

This was is and will always be a thread purposed as my own public thought journal about the game, my progress, so on. I found no rules against such a thread, and no better place than Grand Hall to post it. I joined this forum as a way to meet other fans of this awesome game. Amethyst has created what has quickly become my favorite game and this thread was meant to be the easiest way for me to meet fellow fans, share my thoughts of the game, and just to jot my progress. I find it silly to edit my former posts, because sometimes double posting makes WAY more sense in a time-frame point of view.. why edit an older post when the new post is of a new topic from the old post? Anways, my latest warning point was for double posting when there was a post from me, a post from another, and then a post from me. TECHNICALLY not double posting..

Now I love this game and site with all my heart and want to remain here, but the mods are making me afraid to post ANYTHING in any thread... I'm considering messaging Ame about this problem, but I hate to be a bother when she is working so hard to get our next episode ready...

I will continue using this thread as I intended, because I have made so many friends here and love to share my thoughts and progress....

I hope this problem is fixed and I won't have to shake in fear before posting, because the better part of my day is reading my thread and responding to my dear friends...

Thank you for your time and reading this..

Edited by Cara_Moon
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Well this is a unique introduction mah fairy type. Reborn contains full of poisonius pokemon, so perpare yourselves.

Hey and welcome to the community. We hope you will enjoy here and have fun.

INB4 Sanity post and Yash's sanity eater snolax

Rules on left, any questions?

I would of course be friend with you Cara, just don't attack my dragons :(

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Welcome to Reborn! I think you'll find your Fairys are quite the contrast to the somewhat bleak wasteland that most of reborn is...

Not the actually community, mind you, but just the region in game. On the note of the community, you can leave your sanity outside since you won't be needing it here. Based on your little intro, I'd recommend you check out the Role-Play and Creative Writing forums. Feel free to hang you with us on the server! There tends to be a decent number of people on at most times and if it ever seems like no one's around, just type a message or two in the chat to get the conversation going.

I hope you enjoy your stay here in Reborn! Remember to always rise again from the ashes!

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Hey, welcome Cara.. Since you are just starting out if you need any help, you can feel free to ask me.. I only charge your sanity to feed to my snorlax.. 'Tis not much..

Cya around Fae Lover..

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I'm so excited to have you here! :D

It's so nice to meeeeeet you~ I'm Rez, the Fighting/Ghost pokemon trainer! :D

Let's be the BEST of friends! :D

Forever and ever and ever...


Oh! And don't forget to do the pokemon type quiz on this site ^^

Edited by Rezilia
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Thanks so much for all the friendly greetings~

And thanks Rez, I will be sure to do that!

Also Shing, I can't make promises about not going after your dragons Hee-hee!

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Well met faceCara.

Welcome to Reborn!

Watch out for exploding trains!

Anyway, Shing already told you the important stuff (gdi Shing), and Author told you about the server (gdi Author), so... not much else to say here other than music and conversion thing~

Well, I hope you enjoy your ETERNAL stay in Reborn. Don't you worry, we'll take good care of you~

I see you around (~˘▾˘)~

its our time to shine.. deep breaths now...

I don't know if that's going to work cuz there's so many shinies in reborn holyimeanwhatimjustlostnow

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I dunno, Yash, can we be sure this one has any sanity left to give?

Looks like she's already good to go~

Welcome to the madhouse, I see you like cute, pink Eeveelutions.

Those fairies might want to take a step back from my Steel friends, but it's a nice type :3

You know a good way to start up your journey through the Reborn region? Joining Team Meteor.

We're guaranteed to bring you excitement and wonderful opportunities to deal with* all kinds of people.

As it just so happens, we're still recruiting, too.

Anyway, have fun around here c:

(*definition may differ from interpretation)

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A Fairy user? Oh...oh dear, you might not fare too well with all the poison Reborn has. Anyway, nice to meet ya, Cara! :D *Hides my lovable Poison types*

Edited by Aurorain
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Welcome to reborn, Cara!

The rules are to your left, and above that, is the reborn showdown servers! A safe and relaxing and totally not a weird place to chat where you can chat,n' battle n' stuff!!!

Hope to see you around~

*Matt used teleport*

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