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Pokemon Team Changes


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So im at the dark* gym atm and I noticed when I ask for help on gym leaders sometimes a lot of people tell me to do replacements for better pokemon of that type, change some moves with heart scales etc. So I decided that I wanna make this post for suggestions and later in the game when I'm not to lazy or if i finish a episode before the next one comes out (which i will be REALLY surprised if I do) I wanna be able to come to this forum to see some little improvements I can do for the Squad. So what I would like is if you guys can pick out some small changes I can do in moves or if there is a pokemon i skipped that would be really good add that as well.

Im gonna post my main pokemon and show a picture of a pc box with some pokemon im interested in and you guys can tell me if its worth training any of those pokemon to add to a rotation or to replace another pokemon.


Greninja: extrasensory, hydro Pump water pulse, shadow sneak(gonna get night slash later)

Scrafty: Brick break, HJK, Crunch, Rock climb

Dusclops: Shadow sneak, hex, will o wisp, shadow punch

Noivern: Air slash, Shadow ball, Hurricane*, Dragon Pulse

Dragalge: Shadow Ball, Sludge wave, Dragon Pulse, Hydro Pump

Ampharos:(CURRENTLY BEING LVLED UP) Move set would be nice

Tyrantrum:(CURRENTLY BEING LVLED UP move set I'm planning on is Earthquake, Rock slide, Dragon claw, head smash/stealth rocks

The PC Full Of What I Believe Are Viable Pokemon(Updated):

Edited by foovy10
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Replace Diggersby for Mareep because Ampharos has a very useful learnset and it will learn Signal Beam which means is gonna be a wrecking ball,and replace Dragalge (for this gym) for Skorupi because he also has a very good learnset (Crunch,Cross Poison,Toxic Spikes) and these guys will help you out.Good luck!

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Magneton, Mareep, and Budew are all excellent choices in Reborn. Each has a different function so I can't give specifics as Roserade is frail, but it can one shot just about anything with Petal Dance. Magneton is a great special tank who easily outclasses the gears and Ampharos is a bit of a mix with better attack options than Magnezone.

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Replace Diggersby for Mareep because Ampharos has a very useful learnset and it will learn Signal Beam which means is gonna be a wrecking ball,and replace Dragalge (for this gym) for Skorupi because he also has a very good learnset (Crunch,Cross Poison,Toxic Spikes) and these guys will help you out.Good luck!

well i just beat radomus a sec ago so im gonna keep my dragalge on me, also i like the variety of moves that my dragalge has and it has pretty good stats which is why i wanna keep it. Also with Diggersby i would rather change klingklang for ampheros cuz i want something to be able to deal with electric types so I wanna stick with that as well.

Edited by foovy10
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Get Dark Pulse, Grass Knot and Hydro Pump/Surf on your Greninja over Water Shuriken, Strength and Shadow Sneak.

I don't know if hoy could get Drain Punch and Bulk Up Or DD on Scrafty, but it would work Imo.

That Noivern... PLEASE give it Flamethrower and Hurricane over Cut and Shadow Ball.

Don't get rid of Digger, with an Adamant Nature, Huge Power and Agility... it is powerful even without the coverage of Knock Off or the Elemental Punches. I think Agility/Facade(Or Strenght)/Eq and Flail (Or Sd) could make it.

Definetly Magnezone (Or even Ampharos) over Kingklank.

I would quit Dragalge and get a Gengar, but Dragalge is Fine too, and you already got a Dusclops [:

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I stated somewhere in there that i was gonna get a hm slave and when i did i would get better moves instead of the hm moves on the pokemon and i got me a bibarel so I can change the moves besides taking off cut on noivern for hurricane what other moves should i change from hms?

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If you're post- Radomus I'll assume your Pokemon are in their mid-late 50s, or 60.

For Greninja, you can only get Dark Pulse after you face a later gym after Radomus. Could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure. For the moment your Dark type options bail down to Night Slash (through Heart Scale tutor) or Feint Attack, although the former is obviously better. Shadow Sneak isn't that good on Greninja given how fast it is, little damage even with Protean, and the bad coverage it provides over other options. Greninja gets Hydro Pump at level 60, so be sure to pick that up, since you only get Surf in a pretty late stage of the game.

If you're inclined to rebreed your Scrafty, you have a lot of options such as the elemental punches, Dragon Dance, and Bulk Up (could be wrong, but also you need episode 12) as options. I don't particularly object with it's current moveset.

Noivern gets Boomburst which is a 140 BP move as an option through Heart Scale tutor as well as Hurricane -- you should pick them both up until you reach Flamethrower which is again a late-game thing. Roost is also a nice option to heal if you'd like, although Noivern appreciates the coverage more.

I'm not sure if you're able to reach Route 2 yet, but it you can, you can pick up a Reaper Cloth there and use a Link Stone to get Dusknoir, in which you get the Elemental Punches as options. As you head into late game, Brick Break's also an option for the Ghost.

I'd recommend you using your Budew since a Grass type fits your team pretty well. You have a lot of defensive synergy covered for it and at the same time Roserade's offensive presence (and if you breed things like Spikes/Sleep Powder on it, utility) is a nice addition to have on your team, in replacement of your Diggersby, since having a Fighting type and a Ground type on your team is personally fairly redundant.

If you desire a strong Electric type, you actually have Heliolisk as an option, and it's actually obtainable early-mid game through an event. Debatably, some prefer Ampharos over Heliolisk, but I'd note it gets Thunderbolt naturally, learns Grass Knot through tutor, and is able to learn Surf late game, so I'd recommend this. Ampharos will help you still if you'd prefer the Bulk over Speed, noting that Heliolisk is better since your team is looking to benefit a lot from Rain with Greninja and Noivern. Dry Skin means you are immune to Water attacks unlike Ampharos and you heal from them and rain as well.

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Ok now the question: where does a man get a horsea to breed with scrafty to get DD and also a breeding question( i really aint good at breeding so idk this) does horsea need to know DD or does it just have to be able to learn it in the future.

TEAM CHANGE Diggersby is out and Tyrantrum is in.

Also what is a good move set for ampharos?

Edited by foovy10
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I edited the post so u guys can see more stuff in my box and tell if any of the new pokemon r useful. Also I updated the Moves for the pokemon and took out digger and kling klang outa main squad and put tyrantrum and ampharos. I know what to do with Tyrantrums moveset but im unsure bout ampharos cuz it has quit a few different options for move sets so u guys tell me what i should do. Another thing, i am at the Luna gym battle right now so if there are any useful pokemon around here or somewhere ill be going to next that i should be on the look out for let me know pls. Thanks For The Suggestions Guys!

Edited by foovy10
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