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New player second gym...


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So as title says I'm new at pokemon reborn, and im playing completely blind. I'm currently at the second gym leader florina and im pretty much stuck. My team is noibat level 25 (he got over leveled fighting fern and out of cash cuz fern beat me 4 times) pachirsu level 24 and Frogadeir level 24. I cannot even come close to hurting that cradilly. I would go and grind up a makuhita or something to beat it but that would take years as the wild pokemon go up to level 13 in the areas where i am...

I'm in dire need of some tips or something, considering just redoing it all together and forming a better team :[ Still a very fun game though just a bit harsh on the diffuculty spike.

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You can grind up a makuhita yes. You say all the pokemon are level 13? I'd advise you to go up to the rooftop garden, which can be found in onyx ward right by the arcade. The pokemon give decent exp. You could also wait until it's a sunny day so that you can buy ice cream in front of the opal ward and give it to a kid in the candy shop so you can buy a vanillite. If you need money, I'd recommend catching a meowth right outside of the grand hall and getting it to learn pay day. It's slow, but effective if the trainers won't fight you. Also you can fight some trainers inside of the grand hall as well.

Hope this helps.

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get a bidoof and trade it for pyroar (unless ame took it out in which case im sorry)

It's still in (E14) and I definitely recommend Pyroar, it can sweep Florinia with an X Speed and work up.

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You really should train more than 3 Pokémon through the game. It's not like the main games where you can have a balanced team and do just fine, here you may end up training more than 7 if some of them don't work on certain battles.

However, these are only suggestions. You can still try to beat the game using only one team if so you want it. That's where the fun is at: using your imagination instead of sweeping everything with a Gyarados.

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Where is this? I'm really interested in getting myself a pyroar

Uhh you can catch a Bidoof in Opal Ward, level it to 15, then go with your bibarel to North Peridot Ward. There's a house on the RIGHT side of the train tracks where a boy will trade you Litleo for Bibarel.

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You really should train more than 3 Pokémon through the game. It's not like the main games where you can have a balanced team and do just fine, here you may end up training more than 7 if some of them don't work on certain battles.

However, these are only suggestions. You can still try to beat the game using only one team if so you want it. That's where the fun is at: using your imagination instead of sweeping everything with a Gyarados.

Nah im not that way at all, just havent found anything else i wanted to add to my team as of yet. I really wanted that boss scrafty but it was uncatchable!

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Nah im not that way at all, just havent found anything else i wanted to add to my team as of yet. I really wanted that boss scrafty but it was uncatchable!

Don't worry! You can get one of the Scraggys later . . . though it will be a while . . . :unsure:

Really though. Set up a temporary team of 6 for now even if they aren't what you ultimately want to play with.

Makuhita is good, but Kricketune or Vespiquen could also be helpful for taking out the Cradily, which I think is the biggest threat for most players.

Edited by ReddestDream
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Get a Kricketune and a Trubbish from peridot ward. Make kricketune learn fury cutter and trubbish learn toxic spikes,

then just train them on the alleyways on peridot, and BAM! You can easily defeat florinia (at least that's what I did on my 2nd playthrough :P)

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I'd suggest getting yourself that event Espurr \still use mine and it's been my biggest weapon thus far in almost every battle. The event budew is also extremely helpful and is, again, another one of my bigger secret weapons. Your noibat, as I've found with my own, is going to pretty much get killed by every attack and not do much damage... I would suggest replacing it out for something else, at least temporarily until you get up to the 50 lv limit. And as the other forum members suggested, you will want to capture some other pokemon to at least act as damage shields and to act as switches for your main team.

Finally if you're having problems with training due to speed, then I would suggest looking into a program called "Cheat Engine" which allows you to speed up your game and, thus, all battles. There's a post somewhere around here that gives a link as well as explains how to use it, it's really neat to get around training and what not.

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You really should train more than 3 Pokémon through the game. It's not like the main games where you can have a balanced team and do just fine, here you may end up training more than 7 if some of them don't work on certain battles.

However, these are only suggestions. You can still try to beat the game using only one team if so you want it. That's where the fun is at: using your imagination instead of sweeping everything with a Gyarados.

florina can be done with a team if 3 I've done it many times but yes i wouldn't recommend it ward, when i did this i didn't find anything that peaked my interest so i went with 3 then i found more when i reached shade, as for gyarados its overpowered and i never bothered with the magikarp side quest to begin with

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I'm gonna say it. Makuhita you can get from the Slums and Kricketot you can get from Peridot, both rather early. Hariyama and Kricketune.

Florinia has #notachance.

EDIT: You think that Florinia's bad? Just WAIT till you reach a certain Fire Gym leader sometime down the road. A great number of Rebornians have nightmares about that Leader just saying their name.

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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What they said, tho I don't train Makuhita, Kriketune have saved me long enough with STAB Fury Cutter(its funny how I remember Fury Cutter as useless move in original game)

Also, I recommend Ariados, you can get Spinarak really early in the game, and he got a quick access on Sucker Punch, which can help more than the bad thing it will do

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You can find a numel next to Peridot Station on rainy days (yes, before Florinia). It learns quickly (lvl 22) Lava Plume, a really strong fire move. Well played, and maybe with a few super potions since it's really slow, you can beat all her team easily. Only Cradily could resist, but if you still have all your team it should not be so hard.

I always found Charlotte was easy, 2 times on 3 I beat her on the first try :P I woud say that no leader is really hard or easy, it just depends on your team. So don't worry for the next leaders ;)

And since 14.6 Typhlosion has solar beam instead of energy ball. It could be really great with her drought Ninetales, but she send Typhlosion before Ninetales :(

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So just an update for everyone i started again and swept through the first part of the game with kriketune. Fury cutter is op lmao, i had makuhita and trubbish but they werent even used becasue fury cutter swept the gym clean. Picked up the trade litleo and the event espur so my team is looking good so far thanks for all the help!

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I'll say this -- I defeated her Cradily with a level 20 Trubbish. I'm not lying. Cradily tends to try and either set up or heal a lot, so if you manage to put up early Toxic Spikes her longevity cuts down easily, and since she lost her Foongus, she has no defense against the Spikes. I didn't even need TSpikes for her Cradily, I just got a lucky Poison on my first Sludge as she set up Sandstorm (noting that my Trubbish outspeeds that Cradily with 0 investment in Speed and with a Bold Nature, 22 IV), proceeded to Acid Spray her to -6 while she became greedy in setting up Stockpiles before Recovering. Poison took it's toll and Sludge damage eventually took her out after she kept Recovering. She only managed to hit me with one Smack Down, which I very easily survived with around 55% of my health left.. I had a lucky Black Sludge, so I suppose it's not all that easy since the Sandstorm damage can be annoying. You can still do enough, noting that my Trubbish has a pretty low Special Attack IV as well.

Apart from that, picking up Hariyama/Litleo/Numel helps in the long run -- Kricketune's good for this gym, but as you head to the new ward you're supposed to go, you'll find a better Pokemon to use in the from of Sewaddle, which evolves into Leavanny. It has higher Attack and Speed and Grass type moves too. If you want to evolve it through happiness go to the salons/massages in the Peridot Ward where you see the girl with the Vulpix.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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