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Cotton Candy Too strong?


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For a serious answer, I think it's fine. Unlike Reborn, the "difficulty" of the main games is a freaking joke, so getting something helpful like that is pretty handy. I mean, we even have events like the Garchomp or the Arceus, any number of revives is worthless if you don't have a plan.

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umm then wouldn't you have to reduce the cost of cotton candies to like 1500 poke or does it affect happiness positively in which case ide probably pay 2000 poke ea but not the current 6000 poke :3 anyways there is my 2 cents

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I've never used them in game and never did anything to give me the edge to get through to the end of EP14, so they definitely aren't necessary at the least imo. Some people use them as a crutch though.

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Ehhh, they're already expensive and I like them as full revives. When your pokes are all but dead, with one survivor (which...happens a lot to me, lol), they are super handy.

If what Masquerain say is true, I'll be sad. :/ They're easily accessible too, when I get more than enough money for spare for it.


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  On 5/28/2015 at 11:19 PM, UnderwaterPhantom said:

Ehhh, they're already expensive and I like them as full revives. When your pokes are all but dead, with one survivor (which...happens a lot to me, lol), they are super handy.

I feel this, cotton candies have saved my ass from them gym battles so many times they're a godsend (or in this case arceussend...because poke gods)

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WARNING: Mild (...but on topic) rant ahead:

Why do people always bash on the stuff that is too convienent or powerful or "takes away from the fun of the game." If you don't like it, then nobody is making you use it. Are you truly attempting to ruin it for people who only wated a relatively difficult playthrough? Do you just want to lessen the amount of people playing this game or something? It's just like The "Etrian Oddysey: Untold" situation. That game has always been known for it's difficulty and having no story - just pure dungeon crawler. But, you know... It's not like they took classic mode off or anything like that. And The same expert-type difficulty is available, too. Isn't it just petty shunning of people who aren't "tough" enough to handle it? I love the challenge of this game, and this isn't necessarily representative of my thoughts, but consider the other players feelings, too. If you would rather have revives than cotton candies, then buy revives... or are you afraid that you will have too much money left if you do that? Ame can just raise the price to 3000 or so on revives (...and not even necessarily that). I'm just saying you have the options of items that fit your playstyle. Just because the OP options are there doesn't mean you have to use them. Don't change the cotton candies to half HP revives. Just change the price if neccesary to lessen the amount available. Because, let's face it. The people who really want (or need) them will do the extra work to get them, albeit a bit disdainfully. One of the greatest things abouts RPGs is the diversity in options for gameplay. To take certain "conveinent" options away would be to go against that ever so important RPG element, which is not okay. I just think that Amethyst or whoever came up with the idea is getting ready to make a huge mistake. Considering certain events in the game being fought before even having access to revival herbs, I simply don't appreciate it. It is completely asinine to do this. I don't even use any kinds of revives in gym battles, elite 4, or champion battles. If I can't win without reviving, then I don't deserve to. I ca just use a revive for times that I am between E4 battles/ meteor admin battles, etc. But against arceus with new field that grants 2.5x attack power to judgement? I would like to have revives that are the equivalent to max revives in regards to hp healing Please, and thank you. Anyways, I'm done ranting. That is all.

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  On 5/28/2015 at 11:32 PM, Tempest Blaze™ said:

WARNING: Mild (...but on topic) rant ahead:

Why do people always bash on the stuff that is too convienent or powerful or "takes away from the fun of the game." If you don't like it, then nobody is making you use it. Are you truly attempting to ruin it for people who only wated a relatively difficult playthrough? Do you just want to lessen the amount of people playing this game or something? It's just like The "Etrian Oddysey: Untold" situation. That game has always been known for it's difficulty and having no story - just pure dungeon crawler. But, you know... It's not like they took classic mode off or anything like that. And The same expert-type difficulty is available, too. Isn't it just petty shunning of people who aren't "tough" enough to handle it? I love the challenge of this game, and this isn't necessarily representative of my thoughts, but consider the other players feelings, too. If you would rather have revives than cotton candies, then buy revives... or are you afraid that you will have too much money left if you do that? Ame can just raise the price to 3000 or so on revives (...and not even necessarily that). I'm just saying you have the options of items that fit your playstyle. Just because the OP options are there doesn't mean you have to use them. Don't change the cotton candies to half HP revives. Just change the price if neccesary to lessen the amount available. Because, let's face it. The people who really want (or need) them will do the extra work to get them, albeit a bit disdainfully. One of the greatest things abouts RPGs is the diversity in options for gameplay. To take certain "conveinent" options away would be to go against that ever so important RPG element, which is not okay. I just think that Amethyst or whoever came up with the idea is getting ready to make a huge mistake. Considering certain events in the game being fought before even having access to revival herbs, I simply don't appreciate it. It is completely asinine to do this. Anyways, I'm done ranting. That is all.

Simple. When someone designs a game and a certain challenge within it, circumventing the challenge kind of takes out the whole point of it in the first place. In this case just going lolrevive until you win kind of defeats... half the point of a challenge such as a gym leader in the first place, don't you think? There's nothing wrong with not being as good as others in a game or playing it for other reasons aside from the challenge though of course.

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  On 5/28/2015 at 11:36 PM, Howin said:

Simple. When someone designs a game and a certain challenge within it, circumventing the challenge kind of takes out the whole point of it in the first place. In this case just going lolrevive until you win kind of defeats... half the point of a challenge such as a gym leader in the first place, don't you think? There's nothing wrong with not being as good as others in a game or playing it for other reasons aside from the challenge though of course.

Well, nobody said that they had to "lolrevive" to win. I honestly feel like you commented without even reading my whole post. It is not circumventing any challenge. I swear I already accounted for that. It is the players responsiblity to choose for themselves how they want to win. I feel like I'm being bullied into playing the game I love in a certain way. It's like your saying, "Play my way or you are doing it wrong." There is no right or wrong way to play an RPG game. Everyone has the right to choose for themselves. If you don't wanna revive to win., nobody is making you. It's not my problem if people can't restrain themselves from buying and using them just because they are there. Why should the more casual players have to pay for that?

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  On 5/28/2015 at 11:32 PM, Tempest Blaze™ said:

WARNING: Mild (...but on topic) rant ahead:

Why do people always bash on the stuff that is too convienent or powerful or "takes away from the fun of the game." If you don't like it, then nobody is making you use it. Are you truly attempting to ruin it for people who only wated a relatively difficult playthrough? Do you just want to lessen the amount of people playing this game or something? It's just like The "Etrian Oddysey: Untold" situation. That game has always been known for it's difficulty and having no story - just pure dungeon crawler. But, you know... It's not like they took classic mode off or anything like that. And The same expert-type difficulty is available, too. Isn't it just petty shunning of people who aren't "tough" enough to handle it? I love the challenge of this game, and this isn't necessarily representative of my thoughts, but consider the other players feelings, too. If you would rather have revives than cotton candies, then buy revives... or are you afraid that you will have too much money left if you do that? Ame can just raise the price to 3000 or so on revives (...and not even necessarily that). I'm just saying you have the options of items that fit your playstyle. Just because the OP options are there doesn't mean you have to use them. Don't change the cotton candies to half HP revives. Just change the price if neccesary to lessen the amount available. Because, let's face it. The people who really want (or need) them will do the extra work to get them, albeit a bit disdainfully. One of the greatest things abouts RPGs is the diversity in options for gameplay. To take certain "conveinent" options away would be to go against that ever so important RPG element, which is not okay. I just think that Amethyst or whoever came up with the idea is getting ready to make a huge mistake. Considering certain events in the game being fought before even having access to revival herbs, I simply don't appreciate it. It is completely asinine to do this. Anyways, I'm done ranting. That is all.

Because people don't want to play games with a ton of artificial constraints - people want to play to the best of their ability, and when something is overpowered it forces them to either make a choice to just choose to intentionally make stupid ingame choices or to play the game in a cheesy way.. People want to play the game to the best of their ability, but they want the game to still be fun while they're playing the game at the best of their ability - and things that are overpowered in games almost always make those 2 goals conflict. For a lot of people (myself included) when you have to intentionally make stupid choices in game to keep it interesting the game just becomes dull - there's no sense of challenge anymore once you have to start handicapping yourself. The same question could be asked of so many things - why can't we start the game with legendaries? Why do the badge level requirements exist? You could just as easily argue that people could artifficiailly impose these rules on themselves (just don't pick the legendary and don't level past X level!), but there's no way to ever draw the line to say what is/isn't fair once you have to start using these kinds of artificial constraints, and it's half of the point of game developers to decide what should/shouldn't be in the game.

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Then why would a cotton candy being 3x more expensive than a plain ol' revive in the first place?

I know about the game's difficulty, I won't deny that, but if the original intention were to make the cotton candy works just like a revive (instead of max revive), then why hadn't it been fixed several episodes ago? I had been playing the game since ep9/ep10, and I remembered cotton candy working the same way then. I'm a bit doubtful that it was overlooked for so long.

Not only that, why was it so unholy expensive? Especially when there's so little money to be made in the game? I'd get it if it's like 3000P, which is the twice the cost of a revive in the original games. But it's 6000P in Pokemon Reborn. Which...would've made more sense if it worked just like Max Revive.

Difficulty is one thing, but...ehhh...

This whole situation is a bit mind boggling. :/

EDIT: Didn't see two previous posts.

...Wouldn't...a player be able to choose however they want to play? I, as a player, should be able to choose to use cotton candies however I like to use them. The recent decision to change cotton candy to half-revive, feel like a farther penalty for players, especially more causal players, when the game is already so difficult. That's all I can say about it.

Edited by UnderwaterPhantom
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  On 5/28/2015 at 11:46 PM, Tempest Blaze™ said:

Well, nobody said that they had to "lolrevive" to win. I honestly feel like you commented without even reading my whole post. It is not circumventing any challenge. I swear I already accounted for that. It is the players responsiblity to choose for themselves how they want to win. I feel like I'm being bullied into playing the game I love in a certain way. It's like your saying, "Play my way or you are doing it wrong." There is no right or wrong way to play an RPG game. Everyone has the right to choose for themselves. If you don't wanna revive to win., nobody is making you. It's not my problem if people can't restrain themselves from buying and using them just because they are there. Why should the more casual players have to pay for that?

I'm not saying there's any right or wrong to play and that you should do it that way. But that's why it can be looked down by others. It's not beating the game, it's getting through it and there's a difference is all. Just a difference, not right or wrong.

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  On 5/28/2015 at 11:48 PM, Kithros said:

Because people don't want to play games with a ton of artificial constraints - people want to play to the best of their ability, and when something is overpowered it forces them to either make a choice to just choose to intentionally make stupid ingame choices or to play the game in a cheesy way.. People want to play the game to the best of their ability, but they want the game to still be fun while they're playing the game at the best of their ability - and things that are overpowered in games almost always make those 2 goals conflict. For a lot of people (myself included) when you have to intentionally make stupid choices in game to keep it interesting the game just becomes dull - there's no sense of challenge anymore once you have to start handicapping yourself. The same question could be asked of so many things - why can't we start the game with legendaries? Why do the badge level requirements exist? You could just as easily argue that people could artifficiailly impose these rules on themselves (just don't pick the legendary and don't level past X level!), but there's no way to ever draw the line to say what is/isn't fair once you have to start using these kinds of artificial constraints, and it's half of the point of game developers to decide what should/shouldn't be in the game.

Finally, a reasonable argument. But, I also think that not everyone cares about playing competitively. Some people play this for the story alone you know. I love competitive battling, but I love the story and the collecting more. My favorite game so far solely on story is reborn. second place would be Black/ White, even though overall (considering stuff other then story as well) would be Hoenn. To take away at least semi-decent options options would go against the very essence of RPGs in general. But, you know what. Let's be fair. Since, you don't like artificial constraints, and I don't like my options being taken away in the face of adversity (Need I re-mention the improved Arceus battle Arceus Forbid that bullpoopy), we should put this to a vote. If there is a vote on this subject matter at the moment or if it has already been voted on, then may I ask that someone kindly link me to the page in which it is happening/has already happened? Thank you for your uderstanding, and also for your opinion. I try to look at all points of view. As I said, it is not necessarily my own opinion I am stating, but might be in certain situations. Examples includes the event battles. But, though short-lived, though are very defining moments in a game. If your were face to face with a level 100 arceus and level 55-60 pokemon, in real life, would you still be thinking the same way. I know it's not real life, but some people imagine things as they are playing and add elements from there own imaginations (like, extra dialogue with characters, etc.), just to imagine it in a way that is would make it seem more realistic to them. I am one of those people. So, it's worth considering. Final point is that I don't see how handicapping your self makes the game dull or takes away from the challenge. I can only see how aded said constraints would do the exact opposite of that in both regards. I can't understand ther logic in that statement. Anyways, vote on it, or it's just absolute bullpoopy.

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  On 5/29/2015 at 12:02 AM, Howin said:

I'm not saying there's any right or wrong to play and that you should do it that way. But that's why it can be looked down by others. It's not beating the game, it's getting through it and there's a difference is all. Just a difference, not right or wrong.

That sounds like a contradiction.

There is no -one- way to beat the game. There's many ways. You are making it sounds like there's only one way to beat the game, and that should be done without using items.

I...honestly don't think players' opinions should matters, because all of us can play a certain way we want to play. We can actually -choose-. And we should be able to -choose-. That's the part of the challenge.

What bothers me that, as a causal player, we are having that choice taken away.

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