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Breeding Question


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If you didnt know I took a break from pokemon after b and w 2 because i didnt have a 3ds and didnt know these games on the computer existed. So i forgot alot of stuff over like a year and a half of not touching pokemon so I forget about this. So on to the question: i have a kadabra but only 1 link stone. I wanna get energy ball for it by breeding but i dont know whether i need a alakazam to breed a abra with energy ball or if i can do it with kadabra cuz if i nee a alakazam i will need 2 link stones. So if anyone knows the answer let me know pls.

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You can't in either cases as the current version of Reborn has Breeding Mechanics up to Gen VI so that TM Moves can't be passed down from either the Father/Mother to the child if it can learn it.

So the only way for you to get Energy Ball on it would be to wait for the TM to come out or go to any Episode before Episode 13 to do so, where Breeding Mechanics are in Generation V.

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Pokemons of the same evolution line is able to breed with anything of their own egg group (minus genderless pokes), therefore there is no need to evolve your Kadabra if you need to breed. You do need a female one though, and female abras are 1/4 chance, 25% chance, bit easier than the starters though.

Male Cacnea (Learns energy ball by level up) + female Abra line -> abra with energy ball

Though since energy ball is a TM move, you might need to go back to episodes 11 or 12...

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And here's a link to whre you can find episode 12. All your breeding shenanigans can be done there~

Male Cacnea (Learns energy ball by level up) + female Abra line -> abra with energy ball

btw, this won't work in episode 12. Pokémons movesets were the X/Y ones, not the ORAS.

Although you could raise a cacnea in the current episode, and then go back to 12...

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You could also ask me.. I already have one and could probably trade it to you.. Plus I believe it is shiny.. And has a Timid Nature.. And has all IVs 31 except attack and HP.. Attack is 29 and HP 23..

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