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E15 EV Challenge


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I've always wanted to do a challenging run in Reborn. Unfortunately it's NOT going to be a Nuzlocke (because I'm probably not skilled enough to do one lol). I came up with rules of my own, and here there are:


1. Members of the 'main team' are chosen via RNG. The starter Pokemon is also decided via this method.

2. Each member is designated an EV spread in three stats only.

3. The 'main team' members can only defeat a trainer's Pokemon if that Pokemon gives out an EV in a stat which the member is designated to have. This also applies to double battles. If this rule is not followed by mistake, soft-reset the game. This rule continues even if all the main team members have received max EVs.

4. If more than one member qualifies for a particular stat EV, the member with the lowest level has to be the one that defeats the opponent's Pokemon. If the members are at the same level, either of the Pokemon can defeat the Pokemon.

5. Until the team of full six members are assembled, up to 3 'dummy' Pokemon can be used. These Pokemon can be used in battles when the opponent sends out a Pokemon which gives out an EV stat that is not applicable to any of the current main team members. Except for the first dummy Pokemon, the rest of the dummy Pokemon has to be shiny. Dummy Pokemon can be replaced at any time.

6. No grinding of the main team is allowed, but dummy Pokemon can undergo grinding.

I'm terrible at explaining things... so I'll try to clear it up by giving an example. Say my starter Pokemon is a Mudkip, and I have given Mudkip an EV spread of 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe. The only Pokemon my Mudkip can defeat are those that give out EVs in Attack, Defense or Speed (e.g Ekans, Shinx etc.). It can still participate in a battle with a Pokemon that doesn't give out EVs in those stats, but it cannot earn any experience from it (ie it has to faint).

To defeat Pokemon that gives out EVs in Special Attack, HP and Special Defense (e.g Roserade, Bidoof etc.), a dummy Pokemon has to be used.

Additionally, if my Mudkip has earned 4 EVs in defense by defeating 4 Geodudes for example, my Mudkip cannot earn any more EVs in defense.

Lastly, if I have a Level 14 Mudkip and a Level 13 Shinx as my main team members, and they both have designated EVs in attack, my Shinx has to be the one that claims the EV when I come across a Pokemon that gives out EVs in attack.

I hope that makes it clear! Wish me luck!

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It's nice to see someone else try and commit this -- I've done this throughout all of my playthroughs, although if it comes to your starter Pokemon, you stick with a fixed +1 Attack and HP EV against Cain and Victoria.

Good luck!

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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Alright then. Since E15 was formally introduced to the community, I guess I'll start my run. The RNG has spoken and all six of my main party members have been decided - but I won't reveal them all just now.

...I had a proper intro up but my computer just decided to behave weirdly and my text has all disappeared - so I'll just pick up from the battle with Fern.

ENTRY #1: The Beginning... sorta


The first main team member is going to be Totodile, nicknamed Jan (don't ask for reasons). Impish isn't the best nature for him, but I'll rock with it for a while. It's got IVs of 30 and 28 for Attack and Speed respectively so that's a nice surprise!

Target EVs: 252 Atk / 228 Spe / 28 HP (+2 Extra)

I've also picked up my second team member as well!


I never really used Poison types in all of my Pokemon game plays, so I'm pretty excited to have Grimer, nicknamed Squelch, on board. It's got a neutral nature (Hardy) and her IVs aren't that great (30 in Attack is impressive though!)

Target EVs: 252 Atk / 224 HP / 32 SpD (+2 Extra)


And finally, our first dummy Pokemon! I never got to test the 'usefulness' of Kricketune in the early game - so this is my ideal opportunity to do so it seems!

A green-haired boy was apparently growing impatient at the fact that whoever he was waiting for wasn't turning up. I heard him realizing that perhaps the location of their meeting place was not this one - and he continued on that it was 'their' fault for not specifying details properly. He then noticed me, and greeted me in an unfriendly way - which was not surprising as most people in this ward tended to behave that way. He introduced himself as Fern the 'top dog', and suddenly challenged me to a battle:


He lead off with Lotad (EV in SpD), so I had to send Squelch in. It's a pity that Squelch hasn't learnt any Poison type attacking moves yet. I proceeded to poison Lotad with Poison Gas, then defeated the Lotad with 2 Pounds while the Lotad retaliated with Astonish and Absorb - both attacks having almost no effect against Squelch.

Snivy (EV in Spe) came along next, so Jan hit the field. This was going to be difficult because I clearly have a type disadvantage! Thankfully, the green snake didn't go for a grass move, so Jan was able to take Snivy out with 2 Bites.

His final Pokemon was Budew (EV in SpA). None of my Pokemon really wanted that Special Attack EV, so Kricketune was sent out to destroy the Budew with Fury Cutter.

After the battle, Fern shrugged off his loss as me being lucky (that f**ing douche!). After mocking me a bit, he left for his meeting. Having finished exploring the whole ward, I wandered back down south - and ran into Julia in front of her gym, who mentioned a sinister team named 'Team Meteor'. She was quite furious that they were planning to bomb her gym and said that she was off to go teach them a lesson. Before running off, she invited me to join them too. Well... I don't have anything better to do... so I guess our next destination is going to be Mosswater Factory...

Current Team:


Jan (Totodile) Lv. 15

- Rage

- Water Gun

- Bite

- Scratch


Squelch (Grimer) Lv. 13

- Mud Slap

- Harden

- Pound

- Poison Gas


Kricketune (Dummy) Lv. 13

- Growl

- Bide

- Struggle Bug

- Fury Cutter

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ENTRY #2: Factory Trouble

Julia was waiting for me in front of the factory. She looked at the closed entrance for a second, and then the next, she smiled as she blew up the entrance (how the hell did she not take any damage from that??). Two people approached us - one being the annoying brat we faced earlier, and the other being a green-haired lady who seemed very serious - judging from her manner of speaking. Julia introduced her as Florinia - and they apparently graduated together. The douchebag referred to her as Flobot - and I could tell why.

The four of us ventured inside - and were shocked to discover toxic water, which according to Florinia, was over 90% in toxicity. Julia suggested we stop the factory from destroying Azurine Lake, and Florinia further suggested that the four of us split into two groups since there are two pathways. I prayed that I wouldn't end up as a team with Fern, but luck never stays on my side at all...

After defeating a handful of grunts, the four of us met up in front of a large steel gate. Florinia insisted that this was the headquarters, and proceeded to decode the security system. Julia was getting impatient - and wanted me to search for explosives to just blow the gate straight away. To my disappointment, Fern seemed to agree with her, so I reluctantly proceeded (along with Fern, urgh) down south to obtain the explosives - guarded by a grunt couple. Julia was extremely eager to use those explosives right away - but as soon as she was about to let them off, Florinia managed to unlock the security system successfully and the steel door opened. Calmly, Florinia entered while Julia followed, upset that she wasn't able to set off the 'booms'. Fern and I followed her.

Upon entering the 'headquarters', I could see a man in black wearing an eye-patch. Realizing that he was the one in-charge, Julia raged at him while the man merely smirked at us. He mocked that he deliberately let us enter the area, and was even disappointed that we took so long to get here. He then ordered the two grunts that were standing by to battle me and Fern, while he will attend to the gym leaders (Oh, Florinia is also a Gym Leader?). The battle was quite easy - with Jan being the MVP (The opposing Magby had fun taking down all three of Fern's Pokemon... talk about useless!). Jan also evolved into a Croconaw in this process - which was a pleasing moment for me.

The eye-patch man's Seviper was combating Julia's Electrode and Florinia's Cradily at once. The man seemed disappointed that his underlings were defeated so quickly. Realizing that he was at a disadvantage, he, along with his juniors disappeared. While everyone was trying to figure out what they have just witnessed, Julia suddenly told everyone to rush out. Fern asked what she has done, and she replied with a 'Kaaaaaaaaa'. Did she really have to do that?? We barely exited the factory while the explosion was triggered. Florinia was glad that the problem was solved, and she told us she will be returning to Obsidia to deal with the crisis that was happening there. As she left, Julia mentioned that Florinia has never been the same...

Fern also left the scene - by mocking me in the process. TOP DOG MY ASS. Julia thanked me for assisting them, and said she will be returning to her gym and she'll be expecting me soon. Naturally, I headed there too. After being greeted by Ame over the phone and battling gym trainers, I reached where Julia was waiting for me. She welcomed me enthusiastically, and our match began:


All of Julia's Pokemon gave speed EVs... which meant JAN HAS TO DEFEAT ALL OF THEM! (This is going to be extremely difficult...)

Julia's first Pokemon was Helioptile, which was OHKOed by Jan's Bite. Emolga was next - which also fell to 2 Bites (luckily, Emolga went for Acrobatics instead of an electric move). Voltorb also faced the same fate - although it was able to deal some damage to Jan with a Sonicboom + Aftermath combo.

Julia's second Voltorb was up next. While I healed Jan with a Super Potion, the Voltorb went for a Rollout. Looks like I have to get rid of this thing quickly! A Bite took out three quarters of Voltorb's health and luckily for me, the second Rollout missed! Fearing another Aftermath effect, I ordered Jan to go for Water Gun to finish the Voltorb off without any physical contact. Blitzle was up next - which was 2HKOed by Bite - but it was able to take away half of Jan's health with Charge Beam before falling.

Julia's last Pokemon, was Electrode - as expected. I didn't want Jan to faint so I switched in Kricketune. While the Electrode went for a Sonicboom, I healed Jan with a Potion. Charge Beam's stat increase was negated by Kricketune's Struggle Bug on the next turn, and unfortunately Kricketune went down to a second Sonicboom. As Jan returned to the field, the Electrode immediately shot a Sonicboom at me, which Jan replied with a Bite. Bite seemed like a 3HKO - so I went for another one, while the Electrode set up a Charge. I didn't want to take any Aftermath damage so the increase in Special Defense was a problem for me, but nevertheless the final Water Gun got a lucky crit, and Julia's ace was defeated!

Julia seemed disappointed with the loss, and suddenly seemed really sleepy (kinda freaky if you ask me). Before drifting off to sleep, she handed me the Volt Badge and TM57 containing Charge Beam! As I went out of the gym, I ran into Victoria, who told me about plants wreaking havoc in Obsidia Ward - and she was rushing there to give help. Florinia was talking about the destruction too earlier... so my curiosity got the best of me, and I decided it was best if I head for Obsidia Ward myself...

Current Team:


Jan (Croconaw) Lv. 20

- Rage

- Water Gun

- Bite

- Scratch


Squelch (Grimer) Lv. 15

- Mud Slap

- Sludge

- Pound

- Poison Gas


Kricketune (Dummy) Lv. 17

- Leech Life

- Bide

- Struggle Bug

- Fury Cutter

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ENTRY #3: Plants, Boxes and Cain

Guards were blocking my progress into Obsidia Ward - deeming that it was dangerous for me to proceed. Just as I was about to argue, Florinia appeared behind me, and assured the guards that I could be of use, and the guards let me through rather obediently. She hurried away afterwards, without giving me the chance to say thanks.

Obsidia Ward looked awful... earthquakes have damaged the place and created cracks, random bushes and plants were emerging from the ground and people seemed to be confused and panicking about the whole situation. In the middle of the city, a giant fissure was present - and vicious plants were blocking people from moving to the other side. Unfortunately, I needed to get to the other side because the park, where Florinia thinks the source of the destruction is, was there. As I wandered around the fissure, trying to figure out what to do, a man nearby suggested that I go through the Slums. It certainly didn't sound like a pleasing idea... but I guess I had no other choice. As I headed south, I ran into Victoria again - who tried to go through the slums herself, but was vastly intimidated by the crazy men and apparently 'alive debris' inside, so she backed out. She asked if I intended to pass through, which I replied with a strong nod. Despite my approval, she was still unsure about my skills - so she asked for a battle to test my skills:


She lead off with Ralts (EV in SpA), who was instantly knocked out by Kricketune's Fury Cutter. Next came, Pignite (EV in Atk) who was about to face Squelch. I was glad Squelch was getting some battle time as she really needed to catch up on levels. Pignite packed powerful moves such as Arm Thrust and Flame Charge. Too bad he mostly went for the former move which was not very effective against Squelch (although the Flame Charge had to make me use up a Potion). A combination of Poison Gas and Sludge spam eventually took down the fire pig. Her last Pokemon, Makuhita (EV in HP) basically faced the same fate as Pignite. It only used fighting moves such as Arm Thrust and Force Palm, which Squelch ate up quite happily. Sludge 2HKOed the fighting Pokemon, and Victoria was defeated!

Victoria still seemed uneasy about me proceeding, but she wished me luck and darted away back north. I progressed onward - and I could see what Victoria meant by the creepy men and moving debris. Several times, a box just magically moved across the floor by itself. Just as I was beginning to wonder if I was turning mental and seeing hallucinations, I spotted a lone Scraggy sneaking up on a small metal box, it hopped inside, and began to move inside it! As I began to chase the box, frustrated by thinking that I was trolled by that blasted Scraggy, I ran into a really rude kid who seemed to recognize me, and challenged me to a battle. After being defeated, the kid hastily confessed that he was the one who snagged the rare Pokemon I bought from the Grand Hall! I demanded my Pokemon to be returned to me but he groggily told me that he sold the Pokemon to a gang member in North Obsidia Ward. Retrieving this Pokemon seemed like it is going to be a lot harder than I thought...

As I reached near the end of the slums, I unexpectedly ran into a gang of Scraggy and Scrafty! I guess these Scraggy were responsible for causing the mystery of the moving boxes. Once the four Pokemon were defeated by Squelch and Kricketune, Scrafty opened the iron gate behind him and allowed me to pass. I had a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time I'll be meeting the gang...

I finally reached sunlight - but these friggin policemen were being extremely stubborn! They refused to allow me to pass since the situation in Obsidia was so dangerous, and they asked me to wait in Coral Ward until the situation was somewhat resolved. I GOT PERMISSION FOR GOD'S SAKE! Irritated, I made my way back down to a small, misty ward - which seemed extremely quiet apart from the thumping sound coming from what seemed like warehouse buildings.

As I reached the pier which faced the murky water, I saw a blue-haired girl watching a lone Oshawott who seemed to be stranded on a small island. She told me she was a water-type trainer, but due to the toxicity of the lake, it was impossible for her Pokemon to surf out and rescue the poor Pokemon. Then, a familiar voice echoed in my ear - and I saw Cain casually walking towards me. Cain couldn't believe that I was beside Amaria, a high-ranking leader - but Amaria cut in and said they should be concerned about Oshawott first. Cain shrugged her remark off and began to sing while Amaria and I remained dumbfounded. He sent out his Grimer who jumped into the toxic water, swam across and rescued the little otter. Once he saw that the Pokemon was safe, Cain said he had to run off - but Oshawott seemed to have second thoughts. Cain noticed that the little Pokemon was following him, but apologized that he only took Poison types into his party. Amaria asked if he could make a tiny exception, and Cain began to ponder. Oshawott began to express his desire through his cute eyes, which Cain eventually managed to accept. Amaria suggested that Cain and I have a battle (why do I suddenly have to be involved with this??) to allow Oshawott to settle in, and our rematch began rather hastily:


Cain lead off with Grimer (EV in HP) and I sent out Squelch. A Grimer vs Grimer battle is always interesting right? The only difference was that my Grimer had Mud Bomb while his Grimer only had Mud Slap - so Squelch naturally squished his Grimer with 2 Mud Bombs - making Cain waste a Potion.

Next-up was Venonat (EV in SpD), so Squelch had to remain in the field. Mud Bomb didn't really do much damage because I'm an idiot and I didn't realize that Mud Bomb was a special move... I'm such a bad trainer xD. Pound seemed to do a lot more damage to the insect - and 3 Pounds managed to take the thing out. Luckily, Confusion from Venonat didn't hit as hard despite being super-effective.

Nidorino barged in (EV in Atk), and attacked Squelch with a Double Kick which CRITTED BOTH TIMES. Luckily, Squelch was able to survive and retaliate with a Mud Bomb. Just as she was about to launch another Mud Bomb, Cain realized that his Nidorino was in danger, so he switched in his newest member, Oshawott (EV in SpA). This was bad - since I didn't want Squelch to eat up that Special Attack EV. I decided to use Poison Gas on him which turned the misty field into a corrosive mist field. Squelch went down to two Water Guns - but the poison damage also made Oshawott faint in the process too.

The Nidorino showed itself again - and Jan's critical Bite sent the Nidorino packing.

Amaria was upset that Oshawott ended up losing, but Cain was pretty chilled about it - and told us that he had to get going to meet her sister out in the Wasteland. Once he headed off, Amaria realized that she has left Florinia alone in Obsidia Ward for too long. I told her I knew the girl - and Amaria seemed pretty surprised by that. She invited me to assist them in solving the crisis, and told me to come as soon as possible....

Current Team:


Jan (Croconaw) Lv. 22

- Ice Fang

- Bite

- Water Gun

- Scratch


Squelch (Grimer) Lv. 20

- Mud Bomb

- Sludge

- Pound

- Poison Gas


Kricketune (Dummy) Lv. 21

- Leech Life

- Sing

- Fury Cutter

- Struggle Bug

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ENTRY #4: Mutant Pokemon

Guards weren't present in South Obsidia anymore - so I quickly rushed north and joined Amaria and Florinia, who were waiting for me in front of Obsidia Park. Amaria told me that their pathway is blocked by some shrubs that can be taken down via the HM/TM Cut, and readily handed me the item. I guess I'm supposed to be clearing the obstacle? (Why couldn't either of you do it in the first place??)

I taught Cut to Kricketune and ordered him to cut the bush down. Once the bush fell down, Amaria and Florinia rushed ahead. Just as I was about to follow, I heard Amaria's deafening scream. Shocked, I ran to the middle of the park and found that the girls were hanging mid-air, being strangled by vines! A grey machine with a Tangrowth hooked on it was present - and a man in black was standing in front of it. I demanded to know what he did to the girls - but the man... was quite weird. It seemed that there were three different people fused into one body... which really didn't make any sense. He introduced himself as ZEL, and was 'made up' of Zero, Eve and Lumi. Eve explained that the machine behind her is responsible for the havoc caused in Obsidia, and Zero taunted me to try and stop them.

ZEL sent out Tangrowth (EV in Def) and I sent Kricketune out to fight. Just as I was about to order a Fury Cutter, the machine somehow transformed Tangrowth into an ugly, plant-like creature with metallic arms and long, dark green vines emerging from the Tangrowth's body. What have they done to this thing?? It seemed that the Tangrowth has gained a secondary Poison typing - so my Fury Cutter didn't do as much damage. Luckily, the only move the mutant creature went for was Mega Drain - which was not very effective against Kricketune - but still inflicted a large chunk of damage. Successive Fury Cutters were able to take down the monster, and ZEL was made speechless.

After giving remorse remarks, ZEL left the scene. Amaria and Florinia became free from the vines - and was delighted that they were able to breathe again. After thanking me for my help (a.k.a me doing all the work!) Amaria left for the Grand Hall to inform Ame of what happened. Florinia told me that she'll be returning to her gym in Onyx Ward and expected me to be there shortly. Sounded good to me because a certain Pokemon I needed to get was waiting for me in that very ward....

Current Team:


Jan (Croconaw) Lv. 22

- Ice Fang

- Bite

- Water Gun

- Scratch


Squelch (Grimer) Lv. 21

- Mud Bomb

- Sludge

- Pound

- Poison Gas


Kricketune (Dummy) Lv. 22

- Leech Life

- Sing

- Fury Cutter

- Struggle Bug

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ENTRY #5: The Desert Rose

Onyx Ward was a lot smaller than the previous wards I've visited... oh wait there was Coral Ward, never mind. This ward seems to have faced the least amount of destruction - all the houses were intact, and there was even an arcade operating! I also passed by a girl who seemed to have lost her keys to her home... I wish I could've helped! There were several schoolkids in this ward - which was explained by the fact that the Onyx Trainers School was in this ward. I also learnt that Amaria, Florinia, Julia and Titania (whom I haven't met yet) all graduated from this school together. No wonder they were so close to each other (well... Florinia doesn't really show her emotions at all but the others seemed to care for her a lot)

I also learnt that the Gym was also located inside the School. As I entered, a green-haired snob was waiting for me. I really didn't expect to meet him so soon... He told me I was unworthy to challenge her sister (WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE), and ordered one of his followers to lock the gate. An iron gate appeared in front of me and Fern, and Fern walked away. Furious at this ass's attitude again, I entered the school from the eastern entrance and began searching for him angrily. Lots of students there (who called Fern 'top dog', 'boss' etc... poor things) wanted to battle and my three Pokemon bashed through them. There were lots of quiz monitors in the last room - which an elderly man in the room advised me to answer them all correctly if I wanted to advance.

After answering all the questions, I eventually reached Fern. He was not pleased that his followers have failed to stop me (I mean, YOU can't even defeat me, so what makes you think that your underlings will defeat me?) and started to badger me that he is doing me a favor for saving me embarrassment from losing. ALRIGHT THAT DOES IT. I immediately challenged him to a battle and the battle began:






Lombre was a pushover. Absorb and Fury Attack did really little to Squelch, while Squelch was able to continuously spam Sludge (Lombre was actually good at tanking Sludge attacks surprisingly)

Servine was a much difficult challenge. Leaf Tornado was a scary move that almost took out Jan. Jan was able to inflict a reasonably same amount of damage via Ice Fang, but Servine was faster - so if it went for another Leaf Tornado or Mega Drain, Jan was defeated. However, the green snake decided to go for a Leech Seed, which even missed - and hence Jan was able to deliver another Ice Fang and made the Pokemon faint.

Roselia was actually the easiest to defeat - as 2 Fury Cutters from Kricketune sent it packing.

Fern was pretty sour at the fact that I defeated him (which really shouldn't be surprising). He accused me of thinking that I'm better than him (which is TRUE), and suddenly dashed out by saying that he will also participate in the Reborn League Challenge - because since I can do it, he can do it too. Well whatever. Just don't appear in front of me again please... I don't know what I'll be doing the next time I see you asshole.

Before challenging Florinia, I returned to one of the houses in Onyx Ward. Skye, one of Fern's underlings, was there. He recognized me, and apologized for how he acted. As a token of apology, he let me up to the Rooftop Garden, where I scooped up a third valuable team member:


Please welcome our third member of the main team, Donar the Venonat! A Lonely nature is pretty useless on Venonat, but we'll change that later on.

Target EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD


Additionally, a new dummy Pokemon has joined the team!

Now that a new team member was acquired, it was time to explore some areas which I haven't got to before - including the North Obsidia alleyway and the Day Care. The Day Care couple seemed really strange though. They seemed to recognize who I was, and told me to leave as soon as possible. It turned out that they were Team Meteor grunts all along who were just stealing Pokemon! They teased that they locked up the real couple somewhere far away, and challenged me to find them before running off. Well... I did notice there was a Warehouse Key in one of the houses near the park... so they were pretty bad at hiding things. The real couple turned out they were hidden in a locked warehouse in Coral Ward. They were delighted to see me, and returned to work straight away.

Alright, that's that. It's time to face Florinia herself!









Maractus was a pain in the butt to deal with. Needle Arm and Pin Missile weren't too threatening for Donar but this thing got 5 crits while attacking, which is totally fair urgh. Leech Life was super-effective against this thing, but it did so little that Florinia used up all her potions and the Maractus was able to set-up three layers of spikes. Eventually, with about 10 Leech Lifes, Donar was able to defeat the cactus.

Ferroseed was 3HKOed by Struggle Bug (I didn't want to take Iron Barbs damage... especially after Spikes damage, hence I didn't use Fury Cutter), after being put to sleep by Sing. Kricketune sure was having easy victories lately...

Breloom was easily 2HKOed by Sludge - while it attacked with Mega Drain and Mach Punch - which Squelch was able to absorb with relative ease.

Cacnea was basically a less defensive, more offensive version of Maractus. Leech Life did a tad bit more to this cactus, but its Pin Missiles were definitely stronger! However, a critical Pin Missile miss made the Cacnea lose momentum and Donar seized the chance to defeat it with 3 Leech Lifes.

Cottonee probably laughed at Jan, thinking it can knock it out without using any grass moves. It proceeded to poison Jan with Poisonpowder and strike a Sand Tomb via Nature Power. Pity it didn't go for Mega Drain or something like that - because 2 Ice Fangs made the little cottonball burst into tears.

Florinia's last Pokemon was Cradily - as expected. Now, I had to heal-stall a little because I didn't really have anything to hit this thing with. Cradily set up the Sandstorm while Squelch released a Poison Gas. A Smack Down from the Cradily followed - dealing about 20HP. After around 3 Potion heals, Squelch reached a point where Smack Down will knock her out. I had to use Kricketune as a sacrifice, and to get Cradily's health down as much as possible with Struggle Bug. It worked as once Kricketune was down and Squelch took his place, the final poison damage took out Cradily and Florinia was finally defeated!

P.S This took like a MILLION of tries for me - particularly because of that Maractus and Cacnea combo

After the battle, Florinia handed me the Canopy Badge and TM96 containing Nature Power. She then asked me what I planned to do next. She suggested to me to venture off to Jasper and Beryl Wards where similar floral damage was caused, and since I was fully aware of what was going on, I should go and assist in those matters....

Current Team:


Jan (Croconaw) Lv. 25

- Ice Fang

- Bite

- Water Gun

- Scratch


Squelch (Grimer) Lv. 26

- Mud Bomb

- Sludge

- Pound

- Poison Gas


Donar (Venonat) Lv. 24

- Leech Life

- Confusion

- Stun Spore

- Poisonpowder


Kricketune (Dummy) Lv. 25

- Sing

- Fury Cutter

- Struggle Bug

- Cut


Glameow (Dummy) Lv. 20

- Fury Swipes

- Feint Attack

- Hypnosis

- Growl

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ENTRY #6: Destruction and Havoc

Wow... Jasper Ward was in a more sorry state than I thought it would be. Like the guard at the entrance has told me, the ward was completely destroyed - wild Pokemon rampaged through the area, and just like in Obsidia, wild plants were emerging from the ground. No citizens could be found in the streets - although some people were still trapped in their homes.

A police station was in the ward with only the Chief inside. He was worried about his officers who have been missing since the whole disaster. Just as he was about to go on, a police officer showed up at the doorstep. It was the same policemen that allowed me passage into Obsidia Ward! The policeman praised me for my actions for saving Obsidia Ward, which made the Chief raise an eyebrow at that remark. He didn't realize that I was a pretty confident trainer, and politely asked me to search for his missing officers, which I gladly agreed to... because I needed to do that to obtain a certain Pokemon...

I continued to explore the barren ward... and the pathway eventually took me to Malchous Forest. This place was too sinister for my taste. A couple of Meteor grunts could be found, which I took down - including a grunt that was threatening a police officer. At the end of the forest, a familiar machine with a Tangrowth was visible. But this time, ZEL wasn't here - but a man with yellow-brown hair was there, who greeted me. He introduced himself as Taka and properly introduced me to the brutal machine that was causing so much destruction - the PULSE. Unlike ZEL, Taka seemed to be pretty relaxed about the whole thing. He wasn't trying to aggravate me or anything like that - something was up with this guy for sure. He challenged me to a battle because he was ordered to eliminate me. Alright, I'm good with that. Totally.






...I know you have Confuse Ray, Lileep, why not use it instead of going for Poison-type moves on my Grimer?? A combination of Acid+Constrict isn't going to freak Squelch out you know... but Poison Gas + Sludge Spam will! (Personally, this was my easiest attempt to beat this Lileep without raging about confusion hax!)

The PULSE Tangrowth was a lot harder this time - particularly because Mega Drain gets a boost from the forest field. Kricketune's 3 Fury Cutters weren't enough to take the Tangrowth down, and due to 2 Acid Sprays lowering Kricketune's Special Defense to -4, made him vulnerable and a Mega Drain took him out. Fortunately, Glameow was able to handle the rest by performing a Hypnosis + Fury Swipes combo which defeated the vine monster.

OH MY GOD IT'S A CHATOT KILL ME NOW. Nah, but Ice Fang should do... WHY ON EARTH ISN'T IT NOT SUPER EFFECTIVE??? Jan was able to take 2 Chatters - but the confusion hax wasn't really worth risking. As Jan lived on a shiver of health, I sacked off Glameow and Kricketune to restore Jan's health. The final Chatter got Jan down to the red zone again, but luckily he broke through confusion and connected the second Ice Fang which KOed the monstrous bird!

Taka didn't seem too fussed about his loss (unlike someone I know). The machine stopped functioning, and all the bushes from the ground slivered back down. Taka reminded me that there was another PULSE machine up in Beryl Ward, and told me it might be a good idea to check it out. Well... I guess we know what we have to do next!

Just as I was about to leave the forest, a girl with pink hair was glaring at me rather intimidatingly. She wasn't impressed by how I defeated Team Meteor here - stating that she wanted to do the job. She then muttered something about her father... something about escaping from him because he didn't allow her to beat up bad guys? She warned me that the machine in Beryl Ward was hers and told me to stay out of it. Without waiting for my reply, she flew off towards Beryl Ward on her Salamence.... WAIT WHAT? A SALAMENCE? WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT?? Maybe it is a good idea to let her handle things over there...

As I headed towards Beryl Ward, I ventured into a seemingly empty house. It probably wasn't a smart idea - but I took the elevator up and stumbled across a girl who told me she was trapped because the elevator was malfunctioning... and then she noticed that I got here using the elevator. She thanked me for rescuing her, and said that she will be returning to Peridot Ward. Alright then...

I found a second police officer too, just before the exit to Beryl Ward. He told me that the vines have trapped him there, and thanked me for saving him.

Beryl Ward seemed equally destroyed as Jasper Ward. Again, malignant floral life was easily noticed - and lots of fissures and cracks were present. I proceeded west - to Rhodocrine Jungle. Tall trees were blocking the sunlight - so it was really hard for me to proceed carefully... which was the reason why I fell into a pitfall trap! As I opened my eyes, I was inside some sort of wooden cage, and 2 Nuzleafs were about to shut the gate! I shouted for them to stop - but they simply giggled and rushed off after closing the gate. YOU TWO ARE GOING TO FACE MY RAGE IF I SEE YOU AGAIN!

...But I had to get out of here first. The switch that opened the gate was too far for me to reach. As I stood helpless, I heard footsteps, and Fern the moron was coming towards me. Great, out of ALL the possible people that could have come to rescue me, it HAD to be him. He laughed at the fact that I was trapped in a cage, and blabbed that it suited me well. He then went on to brag about how he already got 2 gym badges and it was so easy... YEAH RIGHT. YOU PROBABLY BRIBED THEM OR SOMETHING B*TCH. He told me to worry no more about being locked up - as he will open the cage for me, if I get on my knees and beg. THAT'S THE LAST THING I'LL BE DOING, YOU F**KING LOSER! He seemed annoyed that I was refusing to do what he asked me to do - and just stormed off angrily. Hmph I'd rather kneel down to that rude pink-haired girl I met earlier than to you.

I was trying my hardest to figure out what I had to do. The only option available for me was to just use my Pokemon's attack to set myself free. Just as I was about to send out Jan, a familiar Chatot appeared out of nowhere, muttered the phrase 'release', and opened the gate for me! The second the door was open, the bird flew off, without giving me the chance to say thanks. That Chatot... wasn't it Taka's?

I was free to explore the rest of the jungle now. I came across a small cavern that lead me to a policeman who was stuck behind a cage - just like I was about ten minutes ago. He thanked me for rescuing him, and strolled off - presumably back to the Police Station in Jasper Ward. There was another cavern to the right, and that was where I met my fourth team member:


Meet Paruto the Diggersbytho Diggersby. Jolly Nature is fantastic (although I will be changing its nature to Adamant once I get the chance). I'm having high expectations from this bunny xD

Target EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP

Another police officer was being threatened by a Meteor Grunt, whom I defeated with ease. Once that policeman was rescued, I searched around the Beryl Library and came across a lone Growlithe staring at what seems like a pitfall trap. The Growlithe noticed my presence, and moved away to let me see what he was staring at... and it wasn't a pretty sight. The Growlithe took one more glance down the hole, and rushed off - presumably back to the police station. I followed it - and informed the Chief of what I have witnessed. He was left in disbelief - and sadly asked me to take ownership of the Growlithe that the fallen soldier has left behind. As I thanked him and prepared to leave, one of the officers I rescued called me. He wanted to help his colleague who have lost his Growlithe to a Meteor Grunt, so he was wondering if I find a Growlithe egg and trade it to him - and that's exactly what I did.... 20 minutes later.

The officer was delighted that I fulfilled his request - and gave me a brown, striped egg in return - which hatched into...


And here is my fifth team member! It's my first time to gather this many members of the main team so soon (although the final member is quite a while away to obtain). I never used a Phantump in my team before - so this is pretty exciting for me.

Target EVs: 252 Atk / 174 HP / 82 SpD

At the end of the long road, a PULSE Tangrowth machine and three people - ZEL, Taka and a hooded figure was waiting for me. The hooded man wanted to know who I was - and ZEL and Taka both stated that I was responsible for stopping the PULSE in Obsidia and Jasper Wards. The hooded man glared at me - accusing me for being sneaky. He was about to challenge me to a battle until a shout was heard from the other side. A pink-haired girl showed up on her Salamence - and I recognized her as the rude girl that was annoyed at me for stopping the PULSE at Jasper. Eve stated that her name was Heather, and was the daughter to the Beryl Ward Gym Leader. The hooded man demanded why she was here, and Heather angrily replied that she was there to stop the bad people a.k.a himself. The two quarreled for a bit - and the man ordered ZEL and Taka to deal with me, while he will deal with Heather himself. Lumi apologized that they had to do this, while ZEL was delighted that they got the opportunity to get revenge:








Glaceon and Lileep was sent out, while I countered with Donar and Glameow. Glameow's role was to put the opposing Pokemon to sleep - which worked pretty well. Once the two Pokemon were put to sleep, Psybeam + Cut combo from my Pokemon quickly brought the Glaceon down. I was planning to KO ZEL's team first, before dealing with the Lileep - because Taka's two other Pokemon were no pushovers.

Espeon was taken down more easily than Glaceon - as Leech Life and Faint Attack were super-effective against it. It was able to get a Future Sight off though. Hopefully, it was targeted towards Donar because Donar has done his job in this battle.

Donar went down after taking a Future Sight and a Faint Attack from Umbreon. However, along with Glameow, Donar took away half of Umbreon's HP, so that's a plus. Glameow was really coming through in this match! Hypnosis never missed - and she was fast, so she put everything straight back to sleep when they woke up. Umbreon went down to 2 Sludge + Cut combos after being put to sleep. Okay ZEL was gone.

The Lileep by itself was a joke really. Glameow put it to sleep, then spammed Faint Attack while Squelch was busy throwing sludge at the fossil Pokemon. Just as the final blow was about to strike however, Taka had a Super Potion up his sleeve and healed his Pokemon! Well... at least ZEL didn't have any Potions. But anyhow, the strategy did seem to work, as Lileep went down eventually - without inflicting too much damage to my Pokemon. I was so proud of my Pokemon as I didn't have to use a single Potion in this match yet!

Tangrowth was a problem. He gave Defense EVs, so I needed to beat it with only Glameow or I have to use up the two extra EVs I'm allowed to invest in any of my main Pokemon. I decided to just use up the 2 EVs for Squelch, seeing as she was pretty much at full health - and taking a risk like this might have meant my Glameow had to go down. The mutant Pokemon liked to stay asleep - so it was an easy defeat which surprised me. Continuous Sludge + Cut combos were turning out really good here!

The Chatot showed up as the duo's last Pokemon. This thing was giving me headaches. Glameow went down to the monstrous bird's Chatter, while Squelch missed her Sludge. Frustrated, I sent out Paruto - and I ordered a Take Down and surprisingly, he OUTSPED the Chatot! Wow, Jolly nature coming through! The victory arrived really unexpectedly because I always needed more than one go to defeat these two.

After the battle, Eve told the hooded man that the PULSE has been deactivated. Taka shrugged and if that was the case, he'll be dashing off and invited ZEL to come along, which Lumi agreed to. The hooded man, who was still battling Heather's Salamence with his Crobat, was disappointed that his minions have ditched him. He suddenly withdrew his Crobat, told Heather that they will settle this later, and headed towards north. Heather was irritated that her opponent has just walked away, and began to chase after him. I followed suit - and discovered that the Chief from the Police Station and the four policemen I rescued earlier was surrounding the hooded man. Annoyed that he has fallen for an ambush, the hooded man wondered why the officers were here, despite the orders he gave to the grunts to detain them. The Chief laughed at his comment - and told him that I was the one who rescued all of them. Enraged, the man shot a sharp glare at me - and the Chief took this chance to sneak up behind the hooded man, and pulled his hood back to reveal who he is.

Heather seemed to be the most shocked to see who the hooded man really was - as she recognized that the man was her father all along. The man sighed, gritting his teeth to the police and me for revealing his identity in front of his daughter. Heather seemed confused and lost for words - so she sent out her Salamence, and began to fly off. The Chief called the man, 'Corey' and was shocked himself to discover that the Beryl Ward Gym Leader was sharing an alliance with an evil organization. Corey smirked at the remark - and called the Chief stupid for thinking that Gym Leaders cannot be part of Team Meteor. The Chief has heard enough - and ordered his men to seize Corey. Corey smirked again - and told everyone that he'll be waiting in his gym. A second later, he vanished. The Chief knew that this was some kind of a trap - but he also realized that they had no other choice. He ordered his men to move out, and the five men dashed out towards the Beryl Gym...

Current Team:


Jan (Croconaw) Lv. 28

- Ice Fang

- Bite

- Water Gun

- Scratch


Squelch (Grimer) Lv. 28

- Mud Bomb

- Sludge

- Pound

- Poison Gas


Donar (Venonat) Lv. 27

- Leech Life

- Psybeam

- Stun Spore

- Poisonpowder


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 27

- Mud Shot

- Nature Power

- Take Down

- Double Kick


Root (Phantump) Lv. 26

- Confuse Ray

- Leech Seed

- Faint Attack

- Growth


Glameow (Dummy) Lv. 27

- Charm

- Feint Attack

- Hypnosis

- Cut

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ENTRY #7: 101 Reasons to hate Fern

Citizens have returned to the streets of Beryl Ward - most being surprised that the police force has charged towards Beryl Gym. While on my way there, a woman informed me that what the police is doing was not really a smart move. When I asked why, she told me to go find out myself, which is exactly what I did.

As I entered the Gym, the Chief was panicking. He urgently told me that the glowing reactors in the room has released some sort of toxic gas which has hypnotized all his men. They sure seemed to act funny as when I tried talking to them, they acted like zombies and challenged me to a battle. They did thankfully come back to their senses when I defeated them. Corey was nowhere to be found however... and something about the reactors made me grow suspicious. They changed color when I touched them - so I was guessing that I had to turn them into the same color? And I was right! When all the reactors turned blue, a small door materialized behind the back row of reactors.

Corey was waiting for me inside, and cursed me for what I did. He told me he'll be waiting for me in the arena - which is where I headed for straight away. He was clearly angry at me, and blamed me for the fact that I revealed his identity in front of his daughter. I tried to protest, but he wouldn't hear anything from me. He snapped his fingers, and noxious gas started to leak from the reactors. Corey coldly said for me to suffer - and the battle began:

(I forgot to take a snapshot of vs Corey....)








Root had a poor match-up, but Confuse Ray + Leech Seed + Faint Attack combo really came through! Its Acid hit pretty hard - but it was only able to successfully hit once - due to the confusion hax, and I hoped that this luck would stay with me throughout the whole battle.

Skuntank was a bigger problem. Squelch did pack Mud Bomb - but it was 4HKO at best. Incinerate and Pursuit was the moves that hit Squelch - but they thankfully didn't do as much as I expected. However, an Acid Spray made me cringe because his attacks will hit me harder! Fortunately, the third Mud Bomb got a lucky critical hit, and Skuntank went down.

Croagunk was easy bait for Paruto... or that's what I thought anyway. The little bugger managed to land a Sucker Punch which took about half of Paruto's health - before going down to a Take Down.

Nidorina was up next, and Squelch hit the field again. Nidorina went for a BIte - which inflicted quite a bit of damage to Squelch - although Mud Bomb did basically the same. Another Bite was going to take Squelch out though - so I healed her with a Super Potion while Nidorina.... was switched out for Grimer? Okay, I'm fine with that. 2 Mud Bombs were enough to take the Grimer out anyway. A lucky crit Mud Bomb sent Nidorina packing when it returned to the field again - so that switch was quite helpful for me.

Finally, Corey's ace, his Crobat showed up. I didn't have the confidence that Donar was able to take down the Crobat by himself. I planned to sacrifice Glameow - and deal as much damage as it could to the bat. Unfortunately, it didn't work out too nicely because Crobat woke up as soon as Hypnosis hit - and a Nasty Plot boosted Venoshock took my Glameow out in one hit. I guess I had to make another sacrifice even though I didn't want to...

I sent out Paruto - and ordered a Take Down - which brought Crobat down to the red zone. Crobat retaliated with Venoshock again - which my Diggersby fell to. Okay, since it was in the red now, Donar should be able to take the bat out! Donar miraculously survived a +2 Air Cutter with 4 HP - so I took this chance for Donar to go for Stun Spore. Okay, a Psybeam should be enoug... NO IT LIVED WITH LIKE 2 HP! CRAP I PROBABLY HAVE TO START THE WHOLE BATTLE AGAIN...... YESSS IT GOT FULLY PARALYZED!! So a lucky para hax was enough for Donar to go for another Psybeam to knock the bat out - resulting in my victory!

Corey seemed shocked that he lost. With a smirk, he asked me if I was planning to hand him over to the police. I nodded, but Corey shook his head - saying that he has a better idea. He told me to come to Beryl Bridge where he will answer most of my questions...

After telling the Chief about my victory (who seems to be delighted), I left the Gym. As I left the gym, an Absol was looking at me from the top of the gym building. After our eyes met contact, the Absol slowly turned away and dashed off. Something wasn't right here...

Upon my arrival, I saw Corey releasing all his Pokemon! Once his last Pokemon (his Crobat) departed, he threw his Poke Balls over the bridge, and turned towards me. He asked if I wanted to know why he was part of Team Meteor, and went on to explain that it was because of a certain piece of jewelry called the Ruby Ring. He also asked me to look after Heather for him, as she will be hunted by Team Meteor because she has the ring now. Then before I had the chance to stop him, he ran towards the edge of the bridge, and threw himself over the bridge! I watched in shock as his body disappeared to the ward below.

Just then, a familiar annoying voice was heard - and it was Fern the loser (why do you show up everywhere I go??). He called Corey a moron, and he was actually disappointed that his efforts to obtain a badge has gone to waste. I stared at him in disbelief - I mean, how LOW can this loser go? Fern seemed to catch my look, and started to deny that he was heartless. He told me to go to Lapis ward, which was where he fell down to if I was really concerned. Just as he was about to continue, a sound of something exploding rang in my ears. Fern exclaimed that there was smoke rising over North Obsidia Ward near the Grand Stairway and he was rushing there to see what's going on. Guess I have no choice but to follow him....

Current Team:


Jan (Croconaw) Lv. 28

- Ice Fang

- Bite

- Water Gun

- Scratch


Squelch (Grimer) Lv. 29

- Mud Bomb

- Sludge Bomb

- Pound

- Poison Gas


Donar (Venonat) Lv. 28

- Leech Life

- Psybeam

- Stun Spore

- Poisonpowder


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 28

- Mud Shot

- Nature Power

- Take Down

- Double Kick


Root (Phantump) Lv. 27

- Confuse Ray

- Leech Seed

- Faint Attack

- Growth


Glameow (Dummy) Lv. 28

- Charm

- Feint Attack

- Hypnosis

- Cut

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ENTRY #8: The Secret of the Stairway

There was a large commotion in North Obsidia Ward - where curious people were trying to observe the destruction of the stairway. A large fissure was visible in the middle of a large staircase. Why would someone want to explode this stairway? Reborn was turning out to be a more malevolent place than I thought...

There wasn't anything else for me to do in this ward... except for joining a street gang called Team Magma! ...Yeah, I won't go into details. To the west of North Obsidia lied Lapis Ward - where citizens were shocked to witness a death in the ward. The ward generally had more citizens of the upper class - compared to other wards I have visited. There was a large building in the middle of the ward - and a purple-haired woman was standing in front of the front door. She was muttering something about 'escape' and 'revenge' before noticing my presence. She walked away afterwards... and I had a feeling that I'll be meeting her again very shortly...

It seemed that Corey has fallen near Lapis Ward's Gym. Lots of people surrounded the body - and the closest was Victoria and Shelly, a girl that helped me obtain Kricketot in Peridot Ward. Shelly began to cry from the horrific scene that was in front of her, and Victoria tried to comfort her. Just then, two Meteor grunts, named Aster and Eclipse, appeared on top of a tall building beside the gym. They were apparently reporting to someone that Agent Beryl has been confirmed deceased. Victoria was shocked to see that Team Meteor was behind this death. Aster began to protest that her thoughts were wrong but Eclipse shushed him. She then warned Victoria to keep her nose out of their business and urged Aster that they get going. Aster snickered that they were required at the stairway, and Victoria let out a second gasp of realization that Team Meteor was behind the bombing of the staircase! Aster naively stated that her prediction was correct - but Eclipse pulled him away, telling him to stop giving us information. The two of them walked away.

Victoria was about to get Shelly inside, but she let out a scream as she pointed at the wall beside us. A shady person was materializing in the wall before us, and Shelly recognized 'it' as Shade. Without a word, Shade began to take Corey's body away - and it vanished as fast as it came. The three of us were dazzled by what just happened - but we made our way into Shelly's room inside her gym. Victoria said that she was interested in what Team Meteor was up to in the stairway, and asked if I was willing to join her. I nodded my head, and once Victoria has asked Shelly if it was alright to leave her alone for a while, she headed off before me.

As I climbed the ladder that lead underground, Aster and Eclipse has already captured Victoria and was keeping her hostage! Victoria noticed me and asked for help - but the duo taunted me and said to follow them if I wanted to rescue her. They darted off with the squealing Victoria - and I had no choice but to follow them. I ventured deeper - and I eventually reached a large chamber which contained a large gate. Standing in front of the gate was a man in a trench coat, who asked me if I knew such place existed beneath the city. I replied that I had no idea... and he continued to explain the history of the apparently sacred place - referring to the four 'seals' named after four pieces of jewelry. The mysterious man told me that Victoria was being held up ahead, and he said to do whatever I wished to the grunts that are keeping her there. He walked away afterwards - leaving me to wonder why he has told me all of this.

Aster and Eclipse couldn't believe their boss just let me through this easily. Frustrated, the duo challenged me to a battle. Fortunately, they were guarding Victoria pretty loosely... so she was able to offer a helping hand. The four Pokemon the duo had were tough, but we were tougher. After defeating them, the duo turned sour, and vanished as soon as they cursed me. Victoria thanked me for saving her - but nothing serious has happened other than a man in a trench coat telling her about Reborn's history. She was also wondering why he has told us those things, and just as we were about to discuss further, Victoria suddenly remembered that Shelly was waiting for us, and the two of us hurried back to Lapis Ward.

Shelly still seemed distraught after the whole suicide incident. Victoria was getting worried - so she asked me to visit the local psychiatrist, called Dr. Connal, who lived in the huge building in the middle of the ward. I proceeded to the huge building, which oddly seemed quite intimidating. As I was about to enter, I bumped into a pink-haired girl in green clothing. She seemed glad that she was 'finally getting out of the place' and I wondered what she meant by that. I opened the front door and I was greeted by a black-haired girl in pigtails. She seemed quite friendly... but she apparently thought I was glowing. A black-haired boy nearby sighed that I wasn't glowing. The girl seemed confused at the remark - and wondered why she was the one that was seeing these things. She introduced herself as Anna, and she also introduced her brother, Noel, who was the black-haired boy. Anna then proceeded to introduce her friend, Charlotte, a pink-haired girl in pigtails that was nearby. Anna described her as pretty but I had to see through her 'scars'. Charlotte sighed that for the last time, she did not have any scars - but Anna recklessly whispered quite audibly that she forgot that Charlotte doesn't like talking about her scars.

Charlotte asked me if I ran into another pink-haired girl while entering. I nodded - and Charlotte proudly stated that the girl was her sister, Laura, who was also part of the Elite Four. Noel was about to mention something about Anna at that moment, but Anna cut in and stated that Noel and Charlotte were also Reborn Gym Leaders! Wow, is this place like a house for talented young Pokemon trainers? Charlotte continued to explain that Laura was able to get out of this place because she has turned 18. Anna noticed my confused expression - and went on to explain that this was an orphanage - and children here weren't allowed to leave the orphanage until the 'good doctor' let them free or they turn into legal adults. Noel shivered at the mention of the doctor - clearly scared of him... whoever he is. Anna comforted her brother - and said that the doctor has scary electric type Pokemon which he uses them in his therapy sessions.

Anna finally asked me why I visited this place. I replied that someone I know might need some help from the doctor - but Anna's cheery expression suddenly changed. She insisted that this was not the place to ask for help - and guaranteed that bringing the person here will make matters worse. She suddenly jolted - and stated Nostra, her Jirachi doll, was sensing the doctor approaching. Indeed, a blonde man, possibly in his forties, appeared, and calmly introduced himself as Dr. Sigmund Connal. He asked me how he can help, and at that moment, Anna cut in and replied that I was here because he was interested in challenging gym leaders for their badges. The Doctor, remaining calm, assumed that I was a skilled battler in that case - and ordered one of his orderly to have an examination battle with me!

The doctor seemed impressed that I managed to beat his orderly - but unfortunately, he cannot allow me to face any of his 'patients' in battle because it will interfere with their emotional development, and he cannot let them leave the premises because they are highly volatile individuals - so I will have to wait until they are of age. Anna quickly agreed to the doctor's comment, and ushered me out. As she pushed me out rather boldly, she insisted that the doctor wasn't the person I was looking for. She said that Nostra has also sensed the sorrow my friend is feeling, and told me to tell my friend to tell her to look out for the one who is really hurt by by this, and then she won't have time to be sad. The doctor wondered what we were whispering about. Startled, Anna said it was nothing and pushed me out, and locked the door while she was at it.

Back at her gym, Shelly was surprised that I had a message for her. I told exactly what Anna told to forward, and she told me that she has to go find Heather in that case. Victoria opposed, and said that now as the time for her to rest. Shelly insisted that she was alright, and she must go find Heather right away. But Shelly remembered that Victoria came for a gym battle, and maybe they should proceed with that first. Victoria said not to worry, but maybe I was interested in the battle. Shelly said that was fine too, and she went off to the arena, telling me to come when I'm ready. Victoria seemed quite worried that the poor girl was going through so much, and began to wonder if telling Shelly that I was interested in battling her was a good idea after all...

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 30

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Water Gun

- Agility


Squelch (Grimer) Lv. 30

- Mud Bomb

- Sludge Bomb

- Pound

- Poison Gas


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 32

- Leech Life

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Stun Spore


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 30

- Mud Shot

- Nature Power

- Take Down

- Double Kick


Root (Phantump) Lv. 30

- Confuse Ray

- Curse

- Leech Seed

- Feint Attack


Glameow (Dummy) Lv. 30

- Charm

- Feint Attack

- Hypnosis

- Cut

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ENTRY #9: Fury of the Insects

As I was about to enter the main entrance to the library (which was part of the gym), Victoria urgently called after me. She asked me if I really had to fight Shelly in the state she was in right now (weren't YOU the one that suggested we have a battle?), because she could end up being stressed even further. She told me she was going to try and stop me from doing that by battling me... (how does this work...?)







2 Water Pledges (the first one being a crit) knocked out the Scraggy, but Scraggy was no pushover. Its Payback knocked off a third of Jan's HP. Pignite faced the same fate by being defeated by 2 Water Pledges (I wish I had a physical Water move). Take Down took out another third of Jan's HP - so Jan was pretty weakened by now.

Donar vs Kirlia was a poor matchup in my side - especially since Kirlia had Psychic - which 2HKOed Donar. Leech Life wasn't doing anything - so I guess I had to sacrifice Glameow again. Hypnosis + 3 Cuts brought Kirlia down to almost nil HP - so once Psychic took out Glameow, Donar was able to revenge kill via Leech Life.

Finally, Squelch poisoned Hariyama and a crit Force Palm was waiting for her. URGH! I was an idiot because I forgot Hariyama sometimes had Guts... and this was the time it did! Smellingsalt took away half of Squelch's HP. Thinking that this was going to turn into a long battle, I proceeded to heal Squelch... and Hariyama decided to go for... a Belly Drum...? Uh... it was barely at half health - and the residual poison damage took the Hariyama out. Uhm okay. That was easy.

Victoria sighed and was disappointed that she couldn't beat me. She told me to be gentle with Shelly and wished me luck. With that, Victoria left the gym. Shelly's gym was in the form of a library - where bookcases that could be shifted up and down levels were keys to reaching Shelly. After pressing a lot of switches, and moving back and forth, I managed to reach Shelly, who was anxiously waiting for me. She asked me if I liked her gym design, and shyly admitted that she was a bookworm. She told me she spent a lot of time reading so she could be good enough for her brother, a Gym Leader in Johto - who seemed to treat her really poorly. She then apologized for going off-topic and wished me luck:







Double battles are extremely tricky to pull off well in EV Challenges because the freedom to switch is heavily restricted. The battle started off with Shelly sending out Masquerain and Illumise - while I sent out Paruto and Glameow. The Intimidate drop from the Masquerain was annoying - but 2 Take Downs were enough to KO the Illumise, which only attacked with Dazzling Gleam. The Masquerain was put to sleep by Glameow, and got lowered down to -2 in Special Attack via Captivate.

Shelly sent out her Wormadam... which really was impossible to take down with only Glameow. I decided to deal as much damage I could with Paruto, but I'll have to have Paruto faint and not take any experience from defeating the Wormadam. There was a LOT of repetition involving Hypnosis, Captivate, Double Kick from my side and the opponent just constantly waking up and falling back to sleep again. Masquerain was pretty much useless because it was at -6 Special Attack, but Wormadam surprisingly hit hard. Eventually, the Wormadam knocked Paruto out and I sent in Root. I KNOW Root wasn't supposed to earn an EV in Defense, but we'll use one of the 2 EVs we can use for extras. The Wormadam was eventually defeated with Leech Seed + Hypnosis + Feint Attack combo - while the Masquerain remained helpless as ever.

Heather the Yanmega was the most vicious threat on Shelly's team. It was FAST (and it got faster thanks to Speed Boost), and hit extremely hard. Fortunately, it attacked Glameow with Ancientpower - allowing the little cat to survive, but it got the terrible boost in all stats! Glameow quickly put it to sleep, while Root set off a Leech Seed. After waking up 2 turns later, the Yanmega knocked Root and Glameow out with Air Cutter - and this thing was ready to savage my team. Fortunately, the combination of Squelch and Jan pulled through with Ice Fang and Sludge Bomb, along with Root's Leech Seed memento taking the dragonfly down. Shelly's next Pokemon, Anorith was OHKOed by Jan's Water Pledge - and Masquerain was down to less than half its health.

Bugsy the Volbeat was Shelly's final Pokemon. The thing began to set up with Tail Glow as soon as it stepped onto the field - which was extremely scary indeed. Sludge Bomb from Squelch thankfully managed to poison the firefly, while Jan's Crunch inflicted a large chunk of damage. I was getting worried because the next combo of attacks will defeat the Volbeat - but Squelch wasn't allowed to receive any Speed EVs. Shelly was obviously laughing at my thoughts because a +3 Struggle Bug actually took both of my Pokemon out!

I was only left with Donar to defeat both Volbeat and Masquerain. Thankfully, even with a +3 boost and a boost from the field, Struggle Bug didn't do much to Donar at all. So I had to poison-stall the Volbeat until it fainted from the poison (I don't normally like doing this, but I had no choice). Then, Masquerain was a joke to take down as it was weakened to the max. Donar was pretty weak too due to the constant Struggle Bugs it had to endure. But a crit Psybeam hit the intimidating moth, and the battle was finally over (I swear this took like four hours...)

Shelly was feeling sorrowful for her loss - stating that she will never live up to her brother's expectations. She handed me the Cocoon Badge and also gave me TM76 (Struggle Bug). Afterwards, she thanked me for helping her deal with the whole traumatic incident. I replied that it was nothing - and I was about to leave her gym until Shelly called me. She asked if I could go inform Ame that Heather's dad has died, so that the reserve gym leader could be informed to take his place. I wished for nothing else... since I was feeling pretty sorry that I defeated her. So off we go to the Grand Hall...

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 31

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Agility


Squelch (Grimer) Lv. 31

- Mud Bomb

- Sludge Bomb

- Pound

- Poison Gas


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 34

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Struggle Bug

- Stun Spore


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 31

- Mud Shot

- Nature Power

- Take Down

- Double Kick


Root (Phantump) Lv. 31

- Curse

- Leech Seed

- Will-O-Wisp

- Feint Attack


Glameow (Dummy) Lv. 32

- Captivate

- Charm

- Feint Attack

- Hypnosis

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ENTRY #10: The Escape

I went off to the Grand Hall and found that Fern was having a conversation with Ame. Didn't this loser said he was going to come to the Stairway? Fern snickered that I was late 'as usual' and he already told Ame about the incident we witnessed. Ame sighed that she was worried about this, but Fern rudely interrupted her and told her to get the reserve Poison gym leader ready to battle him when he gets there. Ame said that she will call the reserve leader now, exchanged a quick greeting with me, and headed upstairs. Fern looked at my expression and realized that I was confused. He explained about the Reborn Reserve League system, and told me that the reserve Poison gym leader is a girl that lived somewhere called the 'Wasteland'. He laughed that a key is needed to reach the place, and he teased me that he has already got it. He then continued to brag about how many badges he has won already, and I almost punched him in the face when he started to mock Shelly. Holding my rage, I asked him where he got the key from (if he stole it, I was going to take it BY FORCE). He looked at me quite stupidly and wondered why he has to tell me, but he has second thoughts and said he will tell me if I beat him in a battle...







I had to sacrifice Paruto for Glameow to gain full experience from defeating the Ferroseed. I made Fern waste both of his potions, and let Paruto fall down to the Iron Barbs recoil damage. Ferroseed was only left with a sliver of health - and Glameow was able to revenge-kill the Ferroseed with Feint Attack.

Root's opponent was Ludicolo. Mega Drain did negligible damage - so Root was able to use Curse, and inflict heavy residual damage to the grass/water Pokemon. Zen Headbutt damaged a bit more... and almost took out Root, but Root was then able to launch a Will-O-Wisp - which weakened the Ludicolo's next Zen Headbutt - leaving Root to finish the dancing Pokemon with a Feint Attack.

Roserade was a problem because it packed HP Fire AND Extrasensory - both being lethal to Donar. I decided to sacrifice Glameow. Extrasensory was just short of being a OHKO (if it went for Giga Drain, Glameow would have been KOed instantly), so Glameow took the opportunity to use Hypnosis, and lower Roserade's monstrous special attack via Captivate. Unfortunately, Roserade woke up the next turn, and finished Glameow off with HP Fire. With Roserade at -2 Special Attack however, Donar came in and got 4 Struggle Bugs off - then stroke the final blow with Psybeam. Struggle Bug was coming through!

The grasshole's last Pokemon was Servine. Jan received a ton of damage from Servine's Leaf Tornado, but a crit Ice Fang one shotted the grass snake Pokemon! Oh Jan, I'm so proud of you.

Fern called me a 'noob' despite beating him (he seriously needs to get a life). He blabbed on saying that he received the key from the new Poison Leader's brother, who he described as a real 'fruity' lookin' guy dressed in purple. I asked him if it was Cain, and Fern snorted that he should've expected we knew each other (what the hell does that imply b*tch). Before leaving off, he mentioned that Cain was going up to the Beryl Cemetery, which was where I headed next.

Cain seemed surprised to see me in the cemetery. He told me that he was here because he heard what happened to Corey, and was growing worried about the daughter he left behind. He said he knew the feeling of being left all alone, so he wanted to comfort her to some extent. He then asked me what I was doing all the way up here, and I told him I wanted the key to the Wasteland. Cain seemed slightly disappointed that the reason wasn't entirely linked to himself. Joking aside, Cain didn't seem to be too pleased with her sister. Weren't they getting along well? He told me that it wasn't going to be fun just giving it to me straight away, and he challenged me to a battle...







Dewott was easy to beat with Donar. After falling asleep, Dewott couldn't do anything but take 2 Struggle Bugs before being defeated.

Venomoth vs Venomoth was an interesting match. 2 Psybeams took the moth out, while Cain's Venomoth retaliated with Gust, which got a boost from the field - leaving Donar at around half his HP.

Jan had an easy match-up in this battle - as Water Pledge 2HKOed the Nidoking - although Thrash inflicted a decent amount.

Grimer vs Grimer was probably the most intense match-up. Cain's Grimer was a tad bit higher in level than mine - so it attacked first with Sludge Bomb, which hardly did anything. Squelch began to spam Mud Bombs - all coincidentally causing an accuracy drop. Cain seemed to have noticed that Mud Bomb dealt a lot more damage - so he began to follow suit. Unfortunately for him, the accuracy drops had a huge effect, and his Mud Bomb kept missing - while mine scored a direct hit - winning me the battle.

Cain laughed about the battle - saying that it was fun. He was about to hand me the key, but he noticed a pink-haired girl watching us from a cliff right above us. Heather didn't like the way Cain was looking at her - and Cain asked once more if she was indeed Heather. Heather wondered how he knows her, and Cain began to introduce himself. He then went on to say he was searching for her because he was getting worried. Heather rudely snorted at the comment - and asked him if he wants to place rules on her too. Cain seemed taken back at the comment - and began to try and persuade her that he was trying to befriend her, but Heather cut in again saying that she doesn't want anything from him. I felt sorry for Cain because he was enduring all these harsh, rude comments.

Heather snapped that she has a friend already, and doesn't need anymore. Cain wondered who she was referring to, and Heather angrily replied that she is a Gym Leader and unlike him, doesn't ask many questions. Cain apologized again, and suggested that she go visit her friend because she may be growing worried. Heather sighed and harshly replied that she will, and asked us not to follow her. With that, she released her Salamence from her Poke Ball and began to take off towards the Lapis Ward. Cain told me he was going to follow her, and told me the key would have to wait as he didn't want to lose track of Heather. Whelp, I guess I better follow them too...

I found Cain, Heather and Shelly in Shelly's room in her gym. Heather was irritated that the two of us followed her here. Cain protested that he didn't think it was a good idea to leave her alone, especially at a time like this. Shelly began to agree but Heather angrily snapped at her - commanding her to not take Cain's side. Shelly seemed intimidated by Heather's words. Cain continued on to explain that she is scared and confused, and he knows how she is feeling right now. Heather shouted that he doesn't know anything. She angrily stated that she did what he asked her to do - which was to go and see a worried friend, and in that case, Cain and I will leave the two of them alone. Heather sorta 'commanded' Shelly to tell us to go away, which Shelly began to do not so willingly. Cain, in a more serious tone, told Heather that most friends do not boss each other around. Heather got ticked off again - and told him to stop giving her orders. Cain denied that statement - and was just pointing out that Shelly seemed scared when she was being yelled at. Cain asked Shelly if she would like Heather to be a little nicer. Just as Shelly was about to answer, Heather apparently had enough. She stormed downstairs, and the sound of the front door closing slammed at our ears. Cain let out a sigh, and urgently asked me and Shelly to help him stop Heather as she is going to be hurting herself more if she continues on. Shelly and I agreed - and the three of us quickly went outside.

We spotted Heather confronting Dr. Connal, who seemed to be blocking the way with his orderlies. Heather angrily asked Sigmund to move away - which the doctor pointed out as being rude. Heather turned her back, and found the three of us standing in her way as well. Realizing that she was trapped, Heather let out a grunt. The doctor wondered if Heather's parents haven't taught her any manners, which seemed to make Heather flinch a little. Cain told the doctor to back off, and asked Heather again where her parents are. Heather snapped at him and demanded that he doesn't ask such a thing. At that moment, Shelly stepped in, and told the doctor that Heather's parents are not here anymore. Realizing that Heather doesn't have any primary caregivers either, the doctor began to explain about his orphanage - where he gives homes to orphaned children of Reborn. He asked Heather if she was interested - but Heather strongly denied. The doctor was taken back - and asked her why, in which Heather replied that he was a creep. The doctor sighed, and told us that Heather doesn't have a choice - because under strict laws, he was responsible for all the orphans found in the city. He ordered his orderlies to seize Heather, and take her away. As the orderlies grabbed onto Heather, she began to struggle. We were about to help - but the doctor glanced at us, and suggested we do not interfere as that will lead to disciplinary action. The orderlies began to walk away with Heather - and the doctor followed suit, after wishing us a good day.

Shelly seemed shocked at the sudden turnout of events and began to run off towards her gym. Cain and I called after her - and followed her back. Shelly was crying - and blaming herself that if she hasn't said anything, Heather would not have been taken away. Cain tried to cheer her up, and admitted that he has responsibility too because he was the one that told Heather to come and visit her. Shelly was scared that Heather was going to be mad at her, but Cain assured her that she will not because she was there for Heather. Cain suggested we infiltrate the orphanage and try to rescue Heather. Shelly was worried that if that happened, we would all get in trouble - but Cain sternly stated that Heather is already in trouble - so we have to risk that.

Just then, a flash of lightning blinded my eyes, and a deafening scream could be heard from outside. Shelly noticed that scream was Heather's, and Cain urged us - saying that we should hurry. The three of us ran towards the orphanage - but found that it was locked. Cain was extremely frustrated by this - but at that moment, a sound was heard from inside - and the door opened! We were greeted by Anna, Noel and Charlotte again. Cain was surprised that the door suddenly opened and Anna happily stated that she saw my 'glowiness' through the wall - which is why she unlocked it. While Cain was trying to understand what she meant, Anna began to introduce herself to Cain and Shelly. Charlotte assumed that we were here because of the girl that was brought in just now - who was constantly screaming and kicking. Shelly nervously told her that we were here to save her - and Cain asked the three of them if they want to join them in our little 'prison break'. Charlotte replied that the answer is obvious, but Shelly stated that we have to get Heather first. Charlotte mentioned that it wasn't going to be easy because orderlies will notice us soon and will try to kick us out. Noel added that their Pokemon has been confiscated so we are going to be terribly outnumbered. Charlotte said that she had a plan though, and headed upstairs. Anna asked her what she was doing - and she replied that she was creating a diversion.

We heard Charlotte demanding her cigarettes (okay...) to some of the orderlies. The orderlies tried to calm Charlotte down - but her behavior got more vigorous as she continued to demand her cigarettes. The orderlies began to threaten Charlotte - that if she continues to behave this way, she will be going to the 'Circuit', which Anna explained was a place where they put the 'very' bad kids. Charlotte seemed to be taken away to the Circuit - but just then, three orderlies noticed our presence. They asked us to leave as it was outside of visiting hours - to which Cain replied that they will have to decline - and a 3 on 3 battle between us started.

All three of us won our duel with the orderlies. One of the orderlies noticed that they were not in a good position - and ran off to warn the doctor. Anna seemed impressed by Shelly's battling style and enthusiastically asked her if she wants to become friends. Noel stated that we don't have much time since the orderlies that went to lock Charlotte up will be returning soon. Cain said that he won't allow that, and Noel suggested that he stand in the doorway so none of the others can get to us. Cain agreed to him, praised him (which Noel grinned to), and tossed out his Nidoking. Suddenly, two orderlies approached Noel from the middle door - so quickly that I hadn't got the time to stop them. Noel screamed for help - but it was too late. The orderlies already seized him and took him upstairs. Anna shrieked that we have to hurry and catch them, and Shelly and I both agreed.

We explored the whole orphanage, defeating annoying orderlies throughout our way. We eventually grabbed the kids' Pokemon and all of us barged up to the Doctor's room, which was located on the top floor of the building. Noel and his Clefable were holding down an orderly while Cain and his Nidoking was doing the same. Heather was pinned down onto an operating table by Electivire - which presumably belonged to the Doctor. The Doctor himself was cornered by Charlotte, Anna and their Pokemon - Ninetales and Gothitelle. Upon the late arrival of Shelly and I, Charlotte taunted Doctor about his current situation. The doctor remained calm from all of this - and stated to Charlotte that she is interrupting Heather's private session. Charlotte was surprised that the doctor hasn't realized the disadvantage he was at, and demanded him to release Heather. Shelly confronted him as well - nervously shouting to let Heather free. Cain teased Sigmund - pointing out that he was clearly outnumbered. The doctor refused to do what he asked though - which made Charlotte furious. She approached the doctor and quickly pushed something in his cheek - which Cain recognized as a cigarette. He was surprised that Charlotte made such a nasty move - and Charlotte admitted that she wanted to do that for a long time. She noticed me and Cain's shocked expression - and warned us not to feel sorry for the doctor as he has done far worse things to her and her sisters. Grunting, the doctor reluctantly told Electivire to release Heather. Shelly immediately approached her, and asked her if she was alright - but Heather remained quiet, without saying a word. Getting back on his feet, the Doctor informed us that he has already contacted the authorities about this incident - and we are all going to get arrested shortly. Bolting, Cain suggested that we run off - as we achieved our goal of rescuing Heather. Anna agreed - and the seven of us all exited the premises rather quickly.

Noel was wondering where they have to go to be safe. None of us had good ideas, but Anna suggested we discuss this somewhere more covered - such as underneath the Opal Bridge, to the Railway. Once we were there, we began to discuss a plan. Charlotte pointed out that we need to stay hidden since the police are going to be on the lookout for us. She pointed out that this tunnel we were in right now leads to the Chrysolia region - where her sisters' house is. She suggested we stay there until things have settled down a bit - and the rest of us agreed. Noel and Anna seemed excited that they were free, while Shelly and Cain was trying to talk to Heather - who remained speechless. We continued on until we hit a dead end. Our pathway has been shut by a giant metal door. Charlotte spotted a computer nearby and tried to turn it on - assuming that this was the key to the way forward. However, to our demise, the computer remained frozen, and frustration was looming on us...

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 36

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Agility


Squelch (Grimer) Lv. 36

- Mud Bomb

- Sludge Wave

- Pound

- Poison Gas


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 39

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Signal Beam

- Stun Spore


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 36

- Mud Shot

- Nature Power

- Take Down

- Double Kick


Root (Trevenant) Lv. 36

- Curse

- Leech Seed

- Will-O-Wisp

- Feint Attack


Glameow (Dummy) Lv. 36

- Captivate

- Charm

- Feint Attack

- Hypnosis

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ENTRY #11: The Entity

Noel stated that the reason why the door remained shut is because it is still hooked on to the old Power Plant. Anna realized that he was referring to the old Power Plant - and exclaimed that it was where 'Mr. Shadow' lives. I wondered who she meant, and Shelly realized that she was talking about Shade - who we saw taking Corey's corpse away earlier in Lapis Ward. Anna began to get excited - and was sure that if someone went up to him and asked to open the gate, he would. She suddenly looked at me - and said that I should go up because Shade was also a Reborn Gym Leader - and I should get my badge while I'm at it. Everyone was looking at me with rather keenly - and I guess I had no choice. Cain patted me on the back as I started to head off - and reminded me that the gym was located across the Beryl Bridge.

The atmosphere around here was scary as ever. The place was deserted - and I began to shiver slightly. Just as I was about to enter the gym, I noticed that an Absol was watching me from a cliff right beside the gym. As we met each other's gaze, the Absol turned its head - and ran off. Was that the same Absol I ran into after defeating Corey? I hope it didn't mean any bad omens like it did last time...

The interior of the gym was pitch-black - apart from rare flashes that appeared from time to time. The pathway to the north was blocked by several iron gates - so I proceeded to the room to the left. I noticed there were some screens in the room - which turned on when I touched the monitor right in front of it. They contained horrific scenes - one being Amaria seeming to be stabbed by a red-haired girl, and the other being a woman being slashed viciously by a Garchomp. Feeling uneasy, I realized that there was nothing more to do here - so I returned to the main room. I noticed that some of the gates have disappeared - so I assumed that they have some relation to those scenes I have witnessed. There was a room to the right - so I headed in. Two more screens were waiting for me - one hosting a scene of Corey's suicide and the other showing a green-haired woman exploding. I was shocked to see Corey's scene - so were these all depicting scenes from the past? I was starting to feel more sick...

I went back to the main room - and found that all the iron gates have now been opened. I walked slowly towards what seemed to be the main control room - and got a shock to see Shade just chilling right in front of me. Without a word, he floated to the air, and showed a malevolent grin to trigger off the battle...









Shade lead off with a Gengar who was coincidentally named Corey. I HOPE this wasn't what I think this is. Anyway, a field-boosted Shadow Claw hit Donar - which took away 2/3 of Donar's health. Donar flapped his wings and let out a Sleep Powder - and hit the Gengar with 2 Psybeams before making it retreat back into its Poke Ball. I hoped again that this Corey wasn't the Corey I knew...

Paruto defeated Banette in a very interesting way. Nature Power turned into Discharge - short-circuiting the field, and taking down Banette's HP to just over half. Banette attacked Paruto with a Knock Off - which inflicted about the same amount of damage. The second Nature Power turned into Gear Grind - which Paruto utilized better as it was a physical attack - and the Banette was gone.

WHY THE HELL IS THAT DOUBLADE SO LARGE?? This was the most annoying part of the battle - since it heavily relied on luck. I sent in Squelch. Doublade outsped me and set up using Swords Dance. I would be horrified - but I had a plan for this creature. A Mud Bomb took away about a quarter of Doublade's HP - and a +2 Shadow Claw took Squelch out. Purugly hit the field next - and put the ghost to sleep via Hypnosis - followed by a Swagger. After 2 Feint Attacks, the Doublade woke up but unfortunately for Shade, it hit itself - knocking itself out (+4 in stats inflicts a HUGE recoil damage in case you didn't know)

Trevenant was less of a threat than I thought it would be. Jan's Crunch almost brought the ghost tree down to the red zone - which its Horn Leech did the same to Jan. A second Crunch was enough to take the Trevenant out.

Rotom... was another douche. This thing was bulkier than it looked - so I had to slowly wear it down. Root got knocked out, after inflicting a Curse, to a Shadow Ball. I called upon Purugly next - with the hope of wearing it down. To my shock however, Hypnosis missed for the first time (seriously), and Discharge OHKOed Purugly! Slightly panicking, I put all my hopes on Donar. Curse did bring the Rotom down to yellow - so hopefully a Psybeam after putting it to sleep will work... and it did!

Reminder to myself: ALWAYS have MORE than one specially offensive Pokemon. Chandelure vs Venomoth was probably the most horrible matchup to my side - and I had to rely on Jan to do the hard work for Donar. 2 Water Pledges brought Chandelure down to the red - while the floating candle attacked with Shadow Ball followed by an Energy Ball - knocking Jan out. Fortunately, Chandelure was in the range for a Psybeam to faint it, and the battle was (finally) over.

With a flicker of his hands, an Omen Badge and TM65 materialized in front of me. I grabbed the badge - and Shade activated the power. The whole place has lightened up - and Shade told me to observe the screen ahead of us. The screen was portraying the kids waiting for me in the Railway - and the door has opened up! Anna was rejoicing that I had succeeded - but just as she was about to go on, the eye-patched man whom I encountered in the Mosswater Factory came out of the door - chuckling that this could not have been more convenient. Charlotte demanded who he was - but the man simply told her that it was none of her business. He stepped forward and ordered someone to seize all of the kids. Then, a large number of Meteor grunts appeared from the door - and started to seize the children one by one. Cain was panicking as he desperately tried to brush away a Grunt that was targeting him. He sent out his Nidoking - ordered an Earthquake - which caused a huge fissure to appear between him and the Grunt - blocking the grunt from catching him. Cain ran away to the left afterwards. The grunt patiently asked the eye-patched man what he should do with the one that escaped - and the man replied not to worry - as he was not part of the Doctor's deal.

I was shocked at what just happened - and I felt uneasy, since I had no idea what to do. Shade remained silent - but stated to not let dying souls suffer to the poison in vain. Just as I was about to question him on what he meant, he vanished - and no trace of Shade could be found....

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 37

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Shadow Claw


Squelch (Grimer) Lv. 36

- Mud Bomb

- Sludge Wave

- Pound

- Poison Gas


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 40

- Signal Beam

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Stun Spore


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 36

- Mud Shot

- Nature Power

- Take Down

- Double Kick


Root (Trevenant) Lv. 36

- Curse

- Leech Seed

- Will-O-Wisp

- Shadow Claw


Purugly (Dummy) Lv. 38

- Shadow Claw

- Swagger

- Hypnosis

- Slash

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ENTRY #12: The Second Factory

I hastily made my way back to the Railnet - but as I saw on the screen, a giant fissure was preventing me from proceeding onward to the now fully open gate. There was another pathway I could take - but that path was also blocked by a boulder. Just then, I heard a voice calling my name behind me - and I saw Victoria, who was glad to see me. She told me that she ran into Cain - who informed her of Team Meteor kidnapping the children. Frustrated, I told her the situation we were in - and she stated that the boulder could be moved with the HM Strength. She then went on that her sensei, Kiki, in Apophyll has that HM with her - but you need a Venom Badge to activate it. Apparently, she also told Cain this - and he dashed off to Apophyll right away.

Victoria suggested we go after Cain - as the new Poison Gym Leader, who gives out the Venom Badge when defeated, is Aya - who is also Cain's sister. Since Cain has the key to the Wasteland, where Aya lives, it would be best to go after him. To reach Apophyll, I needed to cross Azurine Lake from Coral Ward - so I dashed off right away.

Cain was facing the lake from a pier. I approached him - and he faintly smiled, assuming that I already know what has happened. He blamed himself for not thinking straight and blowing up the passage. But he was determined to rescue everyone, and he was going to retrieve the HM from Kiki. I asked him how he was going to get there because the toxic water clearly prevented us from surfing. Cain told me not to worry and sent out his Muk. Muk landed on the toxic water - and Cain hopped on its back. Before ordering his Muk to take off, Cain looked at me with a determined expression - and told me not to worry since he can handle this. With that, he took off.

As I stood there, watching Cain venture off - I noticed someone was tapping me on the shoulders. It was Amaria - and she noticed that I seemed lost. I told her I need to cross Azurine Lake to get to Apophyll - and she also seemed lost on giving a solution. I asked her what she was up to - and Amaria told me that she has been doing some research - and found that the source of the pollution is coming from Blacksteam Factory in West Peridot Ward. She was on her way there to see if she can put a stop to the madness - and she noticed me on the pier. She asked if I would like to help as well - and I nodded my head.

I noticed that the factory we were heading to was the same factory I first met Fern. The front door was tightly shut however - and as I wondered what to do, Amaria was one step ahead of me. She called upon Deliverance, her Lapras out of her Poke Ball - and ordered a Waterfall, followed by an Ice Beam. A large ice staircase appeared that connected the ground to the top of the building! I was extremely flabbergasted by this - while Amaria didn't seem too surprised at all. She returned her Lapras to her Poke Ball, and suggested we head on.

We stumbled across 2 Meteor Grunts as we proceeded - and Amaria sighed that she should have known that they were behind this. The Grunts challenged us to a Double Battle - and to be honest, Deliverance did all of the work (it was way more powerful than any of my Pokemon...). After being thrashed, one of the grunts set off to warn their associates. Amaria suggested we hurry - before the word gets through. I agreed - and we hastily went on. However, we seemed to be too late. As we stepped into the next room, myriads of Grunts were approaching us from all directions. Amaria asked if I trust her - and I replied with a 'yes'. Amaria whispered that she was going to make a clearing for me to get past the grunts. I wondered how exactly she was going to do that - but without any more talking, she swiftly sent out Deliverance and ordered an Ice Shard forward. The grunts in the trajectory swiftly moved to the sides to dodge the attack - and Amaria shouted that this was my chance. She pushed me towards the gap - and I hesitantly ran towards the other side.

The grunts snickered that it was a foolish move - since Amaria was left alone. But Amaria grinned and had different thoughts. She called out Atlantica the Kingdra - and prepared for combat. Amaria noticed that I haven't gone away yet - and shouted that not to worry about her and instead, look for a way to shut the factory down.

Grunts were still chasing after me - so I had to run away most of the time. I stumbled across a small opening - and was shocked to see a man in a trenchcoat waiting for me. It was the same man I met down underneath the Grand Stairway! He wasn't expecting me to see me again either - and said there will be no need for them to meet any more. A sound of a button clicking was heard - and a second later, the ground beneath me opened and I fell down to the unknown.

As I regained consciousness, I seemed to have been in a large cage - with Pokemon that were imprisoned in their own cages. The grunt guarding me laughed that I was trapped in here - and teased that the Pokemon stolen from Obsidia's Day Care spam was going to be receiving some company. Luckily, I was smart - and gained support from these Pokemon...

With Cyndaquil's Flamethrower, Vanillite's Ice Beam and Roggenrola's Rock Blast (as well as Loudred's Screech and Jigglypuff's Sing), the metal bars of the cage broke apart - and I was free to escape, and explore the rest of this malicious factory. They must be quite aware of how threatening I was to their team - as so-called 'knights' and 'dames' began to battle me. They were tougher than usual grunts - but nevertheless I defeated all of them with ease. After disengaging locks, I entered the control room.

ZEL was the first one to notice me - and Lumi stuttered that I shouldn't be here. Right beside ZEL was the man in the trenchcoat - obviously annoyed by my presence. He seemed impressed that I managed to get past his subordinates - so he offered me to observe what they were doing in this room. I could see a PULSE machine up ahead - and this time, instead of a Tangrowth, they hooked a Muk up to the machine. Eve explained to the man that I was already aware of the PULSE system, and said that I was responsible for the failure of the PULSE Tangrowth attacks. The man cut her off - saying that he already knew, and told me to watch the Muk as the machine attached to it drains the lifeforce and suffocates its spirit. As I continued to watch disgusted at the actions these evil people have done, I heard the man release Garchomp out of its Poke Ball and he ordered it to attack me with Dragon Rush!

Knowing it was too late, I shut my eyes tightly. Just then, Amaria's voice resonated through the area - as she ordered Atlantica to attack with Ice Beam. I opened my eyes very slowly, and turned to the back. The Garchomp was frozen tightly on the spot, and Amaria's Kingdra was right next to it. The man clicked his tongue - saddened that he lost the opportunity to end me for good. OKAY MR. TRENCHCOAT YOU JUST CROSSED THE LINE. Amaria joined the scene properly and asked if I was alright - saying that she doesn't want to imagine what could have happened if she was late.

Amaria turned towards the man - and asked him why he was doing all these things. She didn't seem to understand why he was destroying the beautiful nature of Reborn - and the man snickered that they need the people to leave the City. Hence, they are doing whatever they can to pollute everything - to drive people away. He raged that the city should have been a vacant place from the very beginning - and the two of us criticized how awful his plan was. The man shrugged our comment off - by saying if we don't agree to their ordeals - we are considered an enemy.

His tone changed all of a sudden as he was staring at Amaria's wrist. He recognized it as the 'Sapphire Bracelets' and Amaria warned him that it was a gift from 'Tania', so he shouldn't even think about stealing them. She began to get prepared for her battle with the man - while she told me to find a way to deactivate the PULSE. Zero exclaimed that he wasn't going to let that happen, and our third rematch began







Glaceon (which FYI is my favorite Pokemon) was easily knocked out by being put to sleep, and being hit with 2 Signal Beams from Donar. Donar was starting to get a little overpowered at this point... so I probably needed some Common Candies very soon...

Espeon basically met the same fate as Glaceon. I thought a Signal Beam would OHKO it, but it survived with a sliver of health. However, the confusion hax stroke - and Espeon brought its own demise.

I wasn't confident that Root would be able to take down the Muk by herself. I called upon Squelch - and ordered her to spam Screech until it fainted to Muk's Protean-boosted attacks, such as Muddy Water, Sludge Wave and Mud Bomb. Now that its defense was at -4, Root's Shadow Claw OHKOed the Muk. This battle was going pretty smooth for me!

ZEL's last Pokemon was Umbreon. I basically had to heal-stall this thing because Feint Attack dealt quite a lot of damage to Root. I did manage to get off a Leech Seed though - so the thing went down within about 5 turns.

Lumi squealed to Solaris, who was the man in the trenchcoat, that they have failed him. Solaris, who was using Tyranitar to fight Amaria's Lapras, laughed maniacally that everything was useless. He taunted that we might have stopped the PULSE but the lake was already poisoned beyond the limit. He concluded that there was no reason for them to be here anymore, but told us that he has a parting gift for us. I wondered what he meant - and he simply ordered his Tyranitar to attack with Superpower on Amaria!

I tried to stop it from happening - but it was too late. Amaria was stroke with a full blow (although she managed to narrowly avoid a direct hit), and Team Meteor took this chance to escape the facility. I quickly rushed up to the injured Amaria, who weakly smiled and congratulated me for defeating the PULSE. I told her to stay still - but Amaria didn't listen, and tried to move. She said she was fine - other than the fact that she was a little winded. She continued to despair that they were too late to stop the lake's pollution - but assured that the Water Treatment Center under the city will clean it out in time.

Amaria then remembered that I had to cross the lake. As a token of appreciation, she lent me the Harbor Key - which opened the dock in Coral Ward which hosted her boat, which I could use to go across. I asked if the boat would not corrode during the process, but Amaria told me that this was the time when the boat would be of the most use. I asked her what she planned to do next - and she replied that she was going to take a rest at her home in the Aventurine Region. With that, we exchanged parting words and I headed off to the Coral Ward...

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 38

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Shadow Claw


Squelch (Muk) Lv. 38

- Mud Bomb

- Sludge Wave

- Pound

- Screech


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 42

- Signal Beam

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Stun Spore


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 37

- Dig

- Nature Power

- Take Down

- Double Kick


Root (Trevenant) Lv. 37

- Curse

- Leech Seed

- Will-O-Wisp

- Shadow Claw


Purugly (Dummy) Lv. 40

- Shadow Claw

- Swagger

- Hypnosis

- Slash

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ENTRY #13: Peace among Chaos

I hit Apophyll Beach. What a peaceful place this was... compared to the City, this place was extremely relaxing! As I walked along the beach, I came across a large building - and judging from the sign, this was the Apophyll Academy. I mingled with some of the students here - and all they basically did was to praise Kiki - who seemed to be the teacher here. I needed to see her as well for my HM - and one of the students told me that she was preparing to give a lecture in the Training Grounds.

I found Kiki surrounded by a group of students and visitors in the Training Grounds. She was giving a lecture on 'voids'. After the lecture (which was actually pretty compromising), I approached Kiki who was packing up her stuff and asked her if she had the HM for Strength. Kiki seemed slightly confused that I came to seek the item, and told me she does have it, but only graduates of the academy are given the item. I pleaded if there is a way to be exempt from that - and Kiki said it might be better to discuss this in her private room.

As we made our way back to Kiki's room, we met Victoria again - who was glad she finally caught up to me. Victoria seemed to be just as popular as Kiki around here - as her fame of being the 'top student of Apophyll' wasn't a lie. Victoria told Kiki all about the kidnap incident, and the reason why we were seeking the HM for Strength. Victoria introduced me to Kiki formally - and told her that we are working together to save the kids. Kiki seemed like she wasn't in a good position - as while she regards our situation as being urgent, she simply cannot give the HM to those that haven't properly graduated from the Academy. Victoria remained silent for a moment - and announced to Kiki firmly that she would like to apply for graduation.

Kiki affirmed her decision - and mumbled to herself about how she was glad to hear that, since her condition was worsening. I wondered what she meant by that - but Kiki said that it was nothing to worry about right now. She turned to Victoria and asked if she was successful in defeating the Reborn League. Victoria admitted shamefully that she wasn't (shouldn't Kiki know this anyway because Victoria would have to beat her to even qualify to participate in the League?), and she wasn't able to obtain a single badge because of all the tragic accidents that happened. Kiki sighed that a certain badge was required for the usage of the HM, so that wasn't a really helpful answer. She turned towards me, and asked the same thing. Victoria answered instead of me - saying that I already acquired a handful of badges, and one more won't be a problem.

Kiki was deep in thought - and announced that a proper examination is in order. She stated that Victoria will remain for her test in the Academy, while I climb Pyrous Mountain, find Kiki's student up on the summit and defeat him in a battle. Victoria gasped at what Kiki was suggesting - but Kiki remained calm, and told her to have faith in me. She concluded that if we succeed in our own tests, we shall be granted the HM. Time was ticking, so I had to hurry. There was something bothering me though... but I wasn't sure what it was...

I was about to depart for Pyrous Mountain until I heard Victoria call my name from behind. She said she wanted to wish me luck, and told me that the student at the summit was a guy called Cal - who was apparently the old Fire type Gym Leader of Reborn. I could tell that Victoria having some affection towards him (even though she tried to hide it... rather badly). Embarrassed, she told me that I had to drain some lava from the upper floors to proceed to the summit, and give Cal her regards. She ran off back to the Academy afterwards.

Pyrous Mountain was a pretty complicated maze. After draining the lava (and running into a hungry Heatmor), I eventually made my way to the summit. It was quiet - but from a distance, I noticed that a red-haired man was looking at the view of Apophyll - which was quite marvelous I should add. He noticed my presence - and asked if he could help me. I told him that Kiki sent me here to battle him - and he seemed to oblige. He added that he hasn't had a serious battle since he resigned, and also added the reason he came here - to try and become better than his brother. This sounded like a story of someone else I know, and Cal actually read my mind. He asked if I knew a gym leader named Shelly - which I replied with a 'yes'. He asked me how she was doing - and added that Shelly and him connected on some things - but he ended up hurting her, and that is something he has regretted the most in his life.

Cal apologized for droning on with his story - and suggested that we proceed with our battle...









Round 1 begins with me requiring luck. My kitty was fast - but so was the Infernape. The Infernape went for a Swords Dance, which gave me the chance to use Hypnosis. Purugly didn't have Keen Eye anymore - so Hypnosis missed quite a lot. As it stayed asleep, I went for a Swagger. This was a similar situation to Shade's Doublade. The Infernape woke up the next turn, hurt itself, and took damage from Slash. Cal heals - and the process repeats - but this time, the Infernape got knocked out.

Oh god, Donar has to handle 4 of Cal's Pokemon - which ALL have a type advantage over him. I had no choice but to sacrifice a Pokemon (except Paruto as he needed to take care of the Blaziken) for each of Cal's threats - bring it just enough for Donar to come and revenge-kill.

Magmortar (which was I believe Cal's ace) was up. Jan hit the field on my side. A Lava Plume from Magmortar combusted the field and Jan's Water Pledge was not weakened - and it almost OHKOed the Magmortar! Yikes, this wasn't good. Jan kept shooting Water Pledges as Cal healed his Magmortar - and afterwards Magmortar shot various attacks such as Focus Blast, Thunderbolt and Flamethrower - most missing due to Jan's Water Pledge lowering accuracy for both our Pokemon. Frustrated, Cal switched out to Delphox - and its Shadow Ball took out Jan.

It was Purugly's turn to shine. After a successful Hypnosis, a Slash dealt just under half damage. I had to stall the Delphox out a bit because its attacks (Shadow Ball, Mystical Fire) didn't do much to Purugly at all. As the final Mystical Fire fainted my cat, Donar came in and revenge-killed the magician fox with a Signal Beam.

Next was Charizard, which was heavily weakened by Squelch. Charizard's first two attacks, Thunder Punch and Dragon Claw, was absorbed rather well by Squelch - and 2 Sludge Waves managed to bring down Charizard to very little HP. A field-boosted Fire Fang instantly took Squelch down, however - and Donar came back - and Psybeam took it out.

Blaziken was a joke - as a Dig OHKOed it as it went for a Blaze Kick. Speed Boost surely wasn't a good ability to have in this situation - so Paruto got an easy win - without being hurt at all. So I decided to use Paruto as a sacrifice for the Typhlosion. Solarbeam took Paruto out instantly - but Take Down wasn't quite enough for a safe revenge kill. I decided to risk it though - but to my shock, Sleep Powder missed! Fortunately, Typhlosion went for a Sunny Day, which gave Donar the time to successfully pull off a second Sleep Powder - and Psybeam 2HKOed the badger Pokemon. Finally, a weakened Magmortar hit the field - which immediately retreated after taking a Psybeam from Donar.

Cal smiled weakly - stating that he might have lost his fire after all. He said that he began to train Fire types to combat his brother's Ice types. Cal seemed to be going back to his meditating - and before settling his position, he allowed me to tell Kiki that I beat him.

I returned back to Kiki's room - and found Victoria attending to a semi-unconscious Kiki, who was kneeling on the floor. Victoria exclaimed that Kiki was pushing herself too hard - and this was going to worsen her condition. Kiki brushed her off - stating that willpower is a muscle, and she got back up on her feet. She stated that she will fight her chaos within her - and told Victoria not to worry. Finally noticing my presence, Kiki asked me to ignore what I have just seen right now (it looked pretty goddamn serious though...). Victoria asked me how Cal was, and I raised an eyebrow. Realizing her wording was slightly ambiguous, Victoria stuttered that she was meant to ask if I defeated him. I nodded - and Kiki said that Victoria, too has been informed of what she must do. Kiki then asked me to challenge her to an official Reborn League match - and if I emerge victorious, I will be receiving the HM.

I made my way to the courtyard - but Victoria suddenly called upon me. She told me that while I was at Pyrous Mountain, she was being informed of how to run things around the Academy. She squealed that Kiki is dying... and her illness, which has no cure, is worsening. She then challenged me to a battle - because she just can't let me fight someone so injured like this...








Scraggy could've been a huge threat... if it hadn't missed its High Jump Kick. Thanks to that, 2 Water Pledges were enough for the KO.

Jan was pretty lucky in this battle - a crit Ice Fang, followed by a Water Pledge KOed the Heracross - but Jan lost a lot of health to a Close Combat.

I guess her Kirlia evolved into a Gallade (where did you find that Dawn Stone??). Root's Shadow Claw OHKOed him though. Too bad he isn't going to make use of the +2 Attack boost from Swords Dance...

Emboar was 3HKOed by Water Pledge (I wish I had a physical water move on Jan...) - and Emboar's attacks weren't too great (Heat Crash and Arm Thrust), so Jan was really coming through in this battle!

I thought Root had a nice last matchup against Hariyama... but that thing packed Knock Off! I managed to burn him though with Will-O-Wisp... so it didn't do as much - but another one will kill Root! As I healed, I expected another Knock Off... but Victoria got greedy and went for Belly Drum. I swear you made the same mistake when you were trying to stop me from battling Shelly, Victoria... A Shadow Claw fainted the Hariyama and the battle ended rather frantically.

Victoria remained speechless at her loss, but realized that I was doing this for the kids. Victoria seemed to be holding back her tears as she ran past me - towards the Courtyard...

The Courtyard was made into a small stadium. On one side stood Kiki and there were student spectators around the exterior of the courtyard. Victoria stood in the middle - acting as the referee. Kiki told me to get ready on the other side, and our match began...









I wish Squelch was a tad bit faster... but oh well. She FINALLY learned a physical Poison STAB move - Gunk Shot - which was going to be perform with perfect synergy with Screech... and it did! A Rock Slide followed by a Meditate was all the Machamp did - while Squelch OHKOed it with Gunk Shot after Screech.

I thought Root would have quite an advantage over the Gallade... but it packed Night Slash... GODDAMNIT. Thankfully, it didn't one shot Root - and she was able to burn Gallade with Will-O-Wisp. I forgot to stock up on Potions, so I was worried that Root will go down - but the Gallade attacked with Rock Slide - which wasn't STAB and due to the burn, it only inflicted about 20HP. Shadow Claw OHKOed it afterwards.

Toxicroak vs Paruto. Dig. OHKO. Good bye Toxicroak.

Hitmonlee vs Squelch. Gunk Shot. OHKO. Good bye Hitmonlee (thank god that Gunk Shot hit - because +3 Attack Hitmonlee could've just swept my team)

Lucario was probably the toughest Pokemon on her team. I had to make 2 sacrifices for the first time. I sent out Donar and paralyzed Lucario with Stun Spore while he set up with Calm Mind. Calm Mind gets a boost from the field - so this thing was already quite deadly. Psybeam dealt pitiful damage to Lucario, and it OHKOed Donar with Psychic. I then sent out Purugly - but immediately switched out to Root - predicting a fighting move, and Kiki fell right in my trap. The Aura Sphere didn't hit Root at all, and Root used Destiny Bond - which made her bring Lucario with her as she fainted to a Hidden Power. Result? Purugly got all the experience!

Medicham could have been a real threat... but the AI messed it up a little. It went for an Ice Punch on Jan for some very weird reason - which made it easy for Jan to 2HKO with Shadow Claw.

Kiki appreciated my skills after my defeat - and was about to hand me my badge... but suddenly collapsed to the ground! Shocked, Victoria and I rushed up to her quickly and escorted her back to her room. Shortly, Kiki came back to her senses, and Victoria told her to relax and focus on her breathing. She assured Kiki that she is going to be fine - but Kiki denied it. She was upset that her glass reputation has shattered by collapsing in front of other people like that. Victoria tried to calm her down, but Kiki seemed to have already lost control - and began to shout at Victoria - saying that it was no good thinking of positive things - as it doesn't change the fact that her body is killing her. Victoria seemed to be upset by her words too, and quickly rushed past me - out of the room. Kiki realized what she has said, and tried to stop her, but it was too late. She told me she wanted to be alone right now, and asked me to leave.

Victoria was just outside Kiki's room. She said she never saw Kiki grow so mad like that, and decided it was best for us to leave her alone for now. She assured she will grab the HM and the badge for me - and she will stay here for a while to look after Kiki. She then mentioned something was bothering her - as Cain was also on his way here - but he is nowhere to be found. I now realized what was bothering me so much today... and it was the fact that Cain wasn't here - despite him leaving way before me. Victoria wondered if he got lost on the way - but Apophyll wasn't easy to miss as it was since so large. She said that there was an island between the city and Apophyll - called Azurine Island. She asked if I could go look for him - in case something has gone wrong. With a nod, I headed back to Amaria's boat, and started to head off towards Azurine Island...

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 40

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Shadow Claw


Squelch (Muk) Lv. 40

- Gunk Shot

- Mud Bomb

- Pound

- Screech


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 44

- Signal Beam

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Stun Spore


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 40

- Dig

- Nature Power

- Take Down

- Double Kick


Root (Trevenant) Lv. 40

- Destiny Bond

- Leech Seed

- Will-O-Wisp

- Shadow Claw


Purugly (Dummy) Lv. 41

- Shadow Claw

- Swagger

- Hypnosis

- Slash

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ENTRY #14: Tragedy

Azurine Island was pretty much uninhabited. Nothing but lost items, Foongus... and Foongus. GODDAMNIT how many Foongus are in this place?? I saw something sparkle on the ground - and I realized it was one of Cain's earrings. I made through the natural maze and came across a lone house... and found Aster and Eclipse, who challenged me to a battle... oh dear...

After about a few attempts, I did manage to beat the duo. Before trotting off, Aster practically gave away that Cain was hidden here somewhere - so I began to do some searching. As I interacted with some machinery, the machinery slid past - revealing a hidden staircase, which eventually lead to... Taka?

Taka was talking to someone via the phone. To the left was Cain - imprisoned, while to the right was a Camerupt behind some metal bars too. Taka and Cain both noticed my presence - the former surprised to see me here and the latter excited that I have come to the rescue. Taka realized that I came for Cain - and apologized since he was ordered to capture him. Cain shrieked that they are planning to attack Apophyll with a PULSE Camerupt - and Taka confirmed that it was true. Before that though, he added that he was also ordered to capture me too, so a battle started:







Klefki was basically knocked out with Hypnosis + Swagger + Shadow Claw spam. He thankfully didn't have any physical moves (apart from Foul Play), so it was an easy round for me. Gligar met the same fate - although Purugly attacked with Slash instead of Shadow Claw.

Root's Will-O-Wisp, followed by 2 Shadow Claws destroyed the Cradily. The Cradily couldn't really touch Root at all - as Root ate up a Giga Drain and Ancientpower from the barnacle Pokemon.

Chatot went down pretty easily too. The Chatot set up using Nasty Plot - as Squelch shot a Gunk Shot - which brought the bird down to yellow health. A Heat Wave then connected - taking away half of Squelch's HP. The second Gunk Shot was enough to KO the Chatot - winning me the battle.

Taka shrugged that he has at least tried. You know, something tells me that this guy doesn't really want to work for Team Meteor... or is it just my impression? He expected me to show up on Pyrous Mountain, and with that, the Camerupt and Team Meteor vanished from here. I unlocked Cain's cell and thanked me for rescuing. He said we should hurry though - as Team Meteor will destroy Apophyll if we don't.

Back in Apophyll, Victoria was glad to see that I brought Cain with me. She hurried us inside as Kiki wanted to talk to us all. Kiki looked paler than ever - but went on quickly to say they haven't got much time - as the Meteors already began to climb the mountain. Cain explained that they plan to hook a Camerupt to a PULSE machine and destroy Apophyll. Victoria gasped that everyone in Apophyll will perish - but Kiki stated that Apophyll wasn't going to be the only region that will be receiving damage - since the City and Apophyll are part of the same world.

Kiki said that their only hope was for Cal to hold them off long enough until we reach the summit to assit him. As she attempted to stand up, Kiki grunted in pain - and Victoria quickly came to her aid. Kiki said they must hurry - but Victoria hushed her, telling her to leave everything to us. Victoria then turned to me and Cain - saying that she will stay behind to take care of Kiki, so she asked us to go assist Cal and stop Team Meteor.

Grunts without Pokemon were blocking our pathway to the summit - and Cain just simply pushed them off the cliff with Nidoking... and that was pretty hilarious. Cain rushed ahead - and as I was about to follow him, I heard Victoria call my name. I thought she was going to stay behind and take care of Kiki?

Victoria read my mind - and said that Kiki made her leave because there was nothing she could do for her. In that case, we decided to team up and go together as a duo.

Together, we defeated Grunts who were stationed throughout the pathway to the summit. As we proceeded, Victoria let out all sorts of praise about Cal - and she seemed to be preparing to confess to him after this is all over.... haha cute. We spotted Solaris, Taka, Cain and Cal in the distance. Victoria was shocked to see Cal defeated already while Cain was grunting that he couldn't take both of them at once. Trying to understand the situation, Victoria praised Cal that he has done his job - and now it was our turn. Victoria exclaimed to Solaris and Taka that she will not let them touch Apophyll or Cal - and Solaris simply chuckled evilly that it was amusing. He shot a disgusted look at me (HOW DARE YOU LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT??) - and Cain pointed to us the PULSE machine which was stationed in the middle of the volcano. The machine was building up energy - and if it reaches a certain point, the whole place was gonna blow. Solaris said Cain was absolutely correct - and we will not meddle in their business. He ordered Taka to deal with Victoria, while he will handle me himself... and he will only require a single Pokemon to do so...




Well... I can now see why everyone loves Destiny Bond so much! Soft-reset until Garchomp misses his first attack (usually Dragon Rush or Stone Edge) and boop! Destiny Bond! Guaranteed victory!

Solaris told me my efforts were futile, and there was no point in continuing. Cain argued what he meant by that because he clearly lost in a battle. Alongside Solaris was Taka's Chatot combating Victoria's Emboar. Just then, a voice was heard from behind Cain to stand aside. It was Kiki, who weakly stepped up towards Solaris and his Garchomp... who was miraculously standing despite being beaten.

Victoria exclaimed to Kiki that she should be resting at the Academy. Kiki moved past me too - and she told me to stand back because she can take care of things from now on. Without giving me time, she pushed me back and sent out her Medicham. Solaris taunted that our numbers can increase but we cannot stop the PULSE as it is going to activate any minute now. Kiki agreed - and ordered her Medicham to destroy the machine with High Jump Kick! Alerted, Solaris ordered Cal to stop her - and Cal called upon his Magmortar to catch the Medicham who was dashing towards the machine.

Victoria was shocked and demanded to know what Cal was doing. Cal avoided her gaze - and apologized to her that this probably wasn't what she expected of him - and he has a habit of not being what people wanted him to be. Victoria seemed to be lost for words at the fact Cal was betraying us, and Solaris ordered Cal to dispose of the Medicham. Cal hesitated but Solaris sternly stated to fulfill his orders. Cal reluctantly ordered his Magmortar to throw Medicham into the burning lava, while apologizing to Kiki about it. Just as Victoria and I were about to shout angry words, Solaris ordered his Garchomp to use Dragon Rush. On what, I wasn't sure... until the next second.

The Garchomp dashed towards Kiki, who was unprotected without her Pokemon. It delivered a huge slash - and Kiki's body tore into two. Cal screamed 'No!', and Victoria rushed towards Kiki's body with shaking hands. Cal shouted to Solaris that this was not part of the plan - but Solaris shrugged him off - saying that she would have perished in the flames regardless, and he has no reason to be saddened. Cal was fuming with rage - and said he was done. Solaris taunted that he was just like his brother said - a weak individual. Cal seemed angry that Solaris was mentioning his brother - but quickly admitted that he was. He continued on to say Kiki helped him realize and accept that fact, and she was his savior.

Cal looked directly at Solaris, and announced that he is going to stop things instead of Kiki. He ordered his Magmortar to destroy the PULSE with a Blast Burn attack, and the PULSE Camerupt was instantly destroyed by the burning flames. Solaris seemed amused at what Cal has just done - calling him reckless. He laughed that in the end, Cal ended up killing his own teacher. As Cal was about to rage at him, Solaris told his son to retreat as the operation has failed - and the two of them vanished.

Victoria remained silent as she shed tears next to Kiki's body. Cal approached her slowly - and apologized that he didn't mean for this to happen. Victoria, with tears in her eyes, looked directly at Cal, and asked him then if he wanted all of Apophyll to perish. Cal began to deny but Victoria angrily snapped at him - and asked if he wanted her dead too. She was furious that he was lying all this time, and he never cared for anyone here. Cal tried to calm her down, but Victoria angrily shouted at him to go away as she didn't even want to look at him right now. With a word of apology, Cal left the volcano.

Cain approached Victoria and asked if she was alright. Tears were running down Victoria's face as she watched Kiki's body lie on the floor. Cain stated that Apophyll is safe thanks to her - and Victoria sadly agreed that Kiki died protecting the place she loved. Cain suggested we take Victoria back to the Academy, and the two of us escorted her back to Kiki's room.

After a while, Victoria seemed to calm down a little. She said she has something to give me, and it was the HM for Strength. She told me however, she cannot give me the Fury Badge as Kiki is no longer a leader - and the badge has been invalidated. She informed me that she will tell Ame about this, and she will be in contact with the reserve Fighting Gym Leader. She also added that she will be remaining in the Academy as that was Kiki's last wish. Since she cannot travel anymore, she made me and Cain promise her that we will beat the Reborn League. Cain reminded me that we still have to save the kids first - and I will need to beat Aya to use Strength. He told me he will be waiting in front of the Byxbysion Gate to open it for me, and he trotted off. As I set off on Amaria's boat, I watched Apophyll behind me... and closed my eyes to remember Kiki and her efforts to save this beautiful place...

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 42

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Cut


Squelch (Muk) Lv. 42

- Gunk Shot

- Mud Bomb

- Pound

- Screech


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 44

- Signal Beam

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Stun Spore


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 42

- Bounce

- Dig

- Nature Power

- Double Kick


Root (Trevenant) Lv. 42

- Destiny Bond

- Leech Seed

- Will-O-Wisp

- Shadow Claw


Purugly (Dummy) Lv. 44

- Body Slam

- Shadow Claw

- Swagger

- Hypnosis

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ENTRY #15: Big, Barren... and Purple

On my way to see Cain in front of the Byxbysion Gate, I ran into Cal - who I was not really pleased to see so soon. Cal noticed my facial expression has changed - and pleaded me to listen to him. He assured me that he never meant for any of this to happen - including Kiki. He joined Team Meteor because he wanted to change. While he achieved that goal, he had to pay the price of being useful for the organization. He continued that he got sick of being treated like that - so he had sabotaged the PULSE machine in the first place because he didn't want anyone to get hurt. Cal asked me to believe him... and I dunno. This guy seemed still a little bit fishy to me. He sighed that he knew I wouldn't believe him straight away - but people at Apophyll, especially Victoria, will not either. He told me that I will believe that he was being truthful - and began to walk away, saying that Team Meteor will be after him as well as he has betrayed them.

Cain was anxiously waiting for me in front of the large gate. I joked that a lot of things have happened since I first asked him for the key at the Beryl Cemetery - and Cain laughed shyly. He wanted one more battle before giving me the key, and I happily obliged:








By now, everybody and their grandma should know that my Venomoth is far more serperior than Cain's Venomoth! ...well in terms of levels anyway. After putting it to sleep, 2 Psybeams did the trick - and Donar remained on the field, unharmed.

Huh? Haunter? Oh you should be easy to beat. Just go to sle... aww it missed. Oh well, I'll just make you fall asleep the next turn... no don't put ME to sleep with your Hypnosis!! Meh, I don't think you can OHKO me anyw... fudge Dream Eater -_-

Attempt 2! Sleep Powder did work this time - and a crit Psybeam OHKOed Haunter. Get out of my face ya dork

Sleep Powder + Signal 3HKO = Bye Samurott! (Sleep Powder does seem a little OP now...)

I never thought Nidoking would outspeed Jan. Jan took 2 Thrash attacks - leaving him with 1/4 of its HP, but was able to 2HKO with Water Pledge. That was close

I don't think I had a Muk vs Muk battle yet, so this was going to be quite interesting. Our Mud Bombs was only slightly efficient - despite being super-effective - so I proceeded to dramatically lower Cain's Muk's defense with Screech... until that bugger decided to spam Minimize -_-. But Squelch came through with her Gunk Shot - even at +4 Evasion! Oh I'm really proud of you Squelch.

Cain accepted his loss in his usual fruitful way - and opened the gate for me. He wished me luck for challenging his sister - and said he'll be waiting at the Railnet.

The Wasteland was a huge place - and I meant REALLY huge. It was full of weird debris - from broken statues to random signposts. Lots of Poison Pokemon lived in the small patches of grass found here and there throughout the Wasteland. Why did Cain's family choose to live in a place like this? I wouldn't understand...

I stumbled across a lone house near the end of the Wasteland - and a purple-haired woman greeted me rather benignly. She must have read my mind - since she apologized for portraying a bad attitude - since she has to get used to strangers entering her house to challenge the Gym - which her living room got turned into. I asked if she was Aya - but she stated that she was Aya's mother - and introduced herself as Lana. She called out to Aya, who seemed to be in the left room, that she had another visitor. Aya shouted back saying that she was busy at the moment, and Lana informed that she was battling another trainer. She suggested I go and watch the battle, and I agreed.

As I entered the living room/arena, Aya seemed to have been defeated... and I was shocked to see Fern gracefully walking towards her to retrieve the badge. Like WTF dude, you left for the Wasteland like days ago, and you've just defeated her now? Did you get lost in the Wasteland or something? What a loser. Fern cackled that I don't have to worry about the battle since Aya was a 'total noob'. Aya seemed ticked off at the comment - stating that she beat him once before. Fern boasted that his previous strategy didn't work - but as he cleverly changed his battle style, the battle became 'easy-mode'. Fern then went on saying that the battle between 'noobs' (f**king hell) will be interesting, and I was about to hit him in the face - until I heard Lana call from the entrance saying that there is another visitor.

Aya seemed annoyed and surprised that so many trainers were coming in - and Fern shook his head, saying that she is so stupid for not seeing people wanting a free badge. Aya began to argue back - and then, a red-haired boy stepped into the room, wondering if he came at a bad time. Fern seemed to recognize who this guy was, and gave him an unfriendly greeting. The boy wondered what Fern was doing here - and Fern eagerly cackled that he was sweeping noobs (I swear, this guy is just mentally unwell). The red-haired boy said hat he came to welcome the new Gym Leader, and introduce her to a few things. He spotted Aya - and introduced himself as Hardy, Reborn's Rock Type Gym Leader. Hardy told Aya that he was planning to give a warm welcome, but it looked like she received a rather sour one from Fern. Fern was slightly annoyed by that comment - and Aya asked if the two of them knew each other. Hardy sighed that he had the misfortune of being stuck in the same class as Fern in the Onyx Trainers School - and Fern goofed that he was just being jealous. He added that their sisters got along together too - so they were dragged around to the same places in their childhood.

Aya went to heal her Pokemon in the other room, and as she left, Fern asked me if I was going to battle Aya straight away. He sighed that I was going to easily win - so he said that I deserved at least one good battle here, and he will help me out...








Urgh I hate Ferrothron so much. I decreased its defense down to -6 via Squelch's Screech - and continuous Gyro Ball spam from the Ferrothorn took Squelch out. But then, Shadow Claw from Purguly 2HKOed the iron thorn Pokemon.

Ice Fang OHKOed the Krokorok - despite the Intimidate drop. Hah, suck on that loser

Fern's Roserade is always a pain to deal with... because it packs Extrasensory which destroys Donar. I had to use Hypnosis + Swagger + Body Slam, to get Roserade's health down a bit - and Donar came in and finished it with Psybeam by miraculously surviving a Extrasensory.

Scyther was 2HKOed with Ice Fang. Technician-boosted Wing Attack was quite scary though. 2 more would have taken Jan out.

You know, if there is one thing I learnt from this run - it would definitely be utilizing Nature Power. Serperior's Giga Drain surprisingly didn't OHKO Paruto - so Paruto used last of its strength to attack with Bounce - taking away about half of Serperior's HP - and paralyzing it in the process! Now since Paruto outsped the grass snake, a Nature Power that turned into Gunk Shot was launched - dealing super effective damage and finishing the battle!

Fern frowned, and stated that he let me win. Ha! How sore can he get? Hardy laughed that seeing Fern defeated paid for the efforts to come here. Fern bluffed that he was going on easy on me, but I think both Hardy and I knew he tried his best - but just didn't accept that he was a worse trainer than me! Aya was back from healing her Pokemon - and asked if I was ready. Fern apparently wanted to watch this battle - so he went up to the spectator seat. Hardy volunteered to referee the match, and our battle began - despite Aya not being too enthusiastic about it.









This was one HELL of a battle to successfully pull off. First, I decided to be slightly lenient in this battle, and allowed myself to replace one of my main team members with another dummy Pokemon (Garbodor) because it just didn't work otherwise. Also, I let Donar defeat Venusaur, and gained 1 extra SpD EV (but this compensates for the 2 extra EVs allowed for every member)

Aya opened up with Tentacruel and Nidoqueen, and I tossed out Root and Purugly. Purugly put the Tentacruel to sleep with Hypnosis, and Root burnt Nidoqueen with Will-O-Wisp. The Nidoqueen retaliated with Stealth Rock - which behaves differently in this field - by inflicting damage directly at the Pokemon standing on the field. Purugly and Root then used Swagger and Leech Seed respectively on the Nidoqueen, and it hurt itself due to the confusion while the Tentacruel remained asleep. The residual Leech Seed + burn damage was wrecking Nidoqueen - and got KOed on the next turn by Purugly's Body Slam while Tentacruel met the same fate via a crit Shadow Claw from Root.

Aya sent out Gengar and Dragalge next - and this was quite intimidating. Fortunately, in my 1324th attempt at this battle, Gengar missed its Focus Blast (I THOUGHT THAT FOCUS BLAST HAD REALLY BAD ACCURACY!!), and Purugly was able to put it to sleep. Root managed to get a Shadow Claw off on the Dragalge - but went down to an Adaptability-boosted Dragon Pulse. Luckily, I brought some Cotton Candies from Obsidia before coming here (I don't use them in singles, and I don't try to use them in doubles - but I had to in this case).

Purugly went down to Dragalge's Dragon Pulse - but it was able to inflict a lot of damage with Body Slam - and even got the paralysis on Dragalge. Donar, who I sent out, went for a Psybeam on the Gengar, and almost took it out. Luckily, the Gengar was still fast asleep the next turn - so another Psybeam took it out. I sent out Garbodor, my temporary dummy Pokemon - and used a Cotton Candy to revive Root. Dragalge's Sludge Wave was ineffective against both of my Pokemon - but thanks to Adaptability, it hit pretty hard regardless.

Drapion was up next (to my demise.. I wanted Venusaur to show up), and I put it to sleep with Sleep Powder as soon as it entered. Dragalge was pretty lucky with the para hax - and defeated Donar with another Dragon Pulse. I had Garbodor set up with Amnesia, and I sent out Root again. I ordered Root to go for a Shadow Claw on the Dragalge, and the weakened dragon finally fell. I used another Cotton Candy on Purugly - so I can use him when Drapion was the only Pokemon left on Aya's side of the field.

Aya's last Pokemon was Venusaur, who knocked Root out with a Power Whip. I used another Cotton Candy on Donar, while Drapion snored away. It woke up the next turn though - and attacked Garbodor with Aqua Tail - which Garbodor took very well. The Venusaur was hit with a Psybeam while it tried to hit Donar with another Power Whip but missed! A combination of Signal Beam and Sludge Bomb took the Venusaur out - leaving only Drapion on the field! Helpless, the Drapion attempted to hit Donar with Aqua Tail, but to Aya's disappointment, attacked the air instead of my moth Pokemon.

Now, I needed Donar to faint - so I can send in Purugly (it would've been better if Garbodor ate up the experience himself - but he only had Sludge Bomb as his attacking move, so it was impossible to KO the Drapion). Donar launched a Signal Beam to get Drapion's health down to yellow - and I reluctantly ordered Garbodor to attack Donar with Sludge Bomb. I saw Donar look at me with disbelief, but it's all for your own good, little guy. Garbodor's Sludge Bomb and Drapion's Aqua Tail connected - making my Donar faint once more. I finished the battle by sending Purugly - and attacking the Drapion with a Body Slam, the final blow.

Aya admitted that she has lost - but was glad she did because she wouldn't have to see any of us again. Fern yawned that he would have preferred if I lost after all (I probably put on a better show than you, b*tch), and strolled off in a goofing fashion. Hardy was trying to cheer Aya up - saying that losses happen. Aya said she didn't care, and just as Hardy was about to say more words of comfort, Aya burst into rage - shouting that she didn't want this job in the first place, and it was supposed to be her baby brother's. Aya looked directly at me (which frightened me a bit) and asked if I knew Cain, which I nodded to. Aya ranted that she was left with all the responsibility because her brother left home without saying a word. Their mother wouldn't talk about him - and she was left alone to handle the mess her brother has made. Aya was nearly in tears now - and Hardy tried to calm her down, offering to stay a little bit longer to assist with some things. Aya wondered why he was being so generous - and Hardy replied that it was natural. He suggested that firstly, she gives me the Venom Badge (about time!).

Aya walked over to me and handed me the Venom Badge along with TM34 containing Sludge Wave. Aya then dismissed me, and Hardy said farewell to me too - saying that he will be expecting me at his gym in Agate City one day. I promised we will have a marvelous battle, and I left their home - heading towards the Railnet, where Cain and the kids were waiting for me...

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 43

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Rock Smash


Squelch (Muk) Lv. 42

- Gunk Shot

- Mud Bomb

- Pound

- Screech


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 44

- Signal Beam

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Stun Spore


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 42

- Bounce

- Dig

- Nature Power

- Double Kick


Root (Trevenant) Lv. 42

- Destiny Bond

- Leech Seed

- Will-O-Wisp

- Shadow Claw


Purugly (Dummy) Lv. 45

- Body Slam

- Shadow Claw

- Swagger

- Hypnosis

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ENTRY #16: The Connection

Cain was waiting for me in the Railnet - and was excited to see me with the badge. I mentioned that Aya said something about him running away, and Cain sheepishly admitted that he did. He needed to get away from his mom - because she was upset by some of Cain's 'choices' a.k.a who he has fun with (oh dear...). Eventually, Cain couldn't handle her old-fashioned way of thinking, and he left home. I asked if he is fine with it and he replied that he at least learned what it is like to be out by himself, and how freedom could be intimidating at a young age. I asked him if that was the reason why he was so intact on protecting Heather, and Cain nodded with a grin. As we talked, we reached the room that was previously inaccessible due to the metal gate. There was another door to the right - but it was locked, so we had no choice but to head outside via a set of stairs.

We ended up in North Obsidia Ward - and noticed that the pathway lead to the old Yureyu building. We hesitantly headed inside - and was wondering why it was functioning despite being destroyed by the earthquakes a few months ago. We slowly headed up each floor - and found that Meteor grunts were stationed in them! These people are just everywhere, aren't they...We defeated a handful of grunts and proceed on to the fourth floor - where we saw Shelly being held hostage by two grunts. They threatened that if we attempt to rescue her, they will cut Shelly's throat with a knife. Shelly was in tears - obviously scared, but we had no choice but to move on...

We came across Charlotte, who was also with two grunts on the next floor. She was impatient, and scolded us for taking too long. Cain excused us that we had some big happenings that prevented us from getting here sooner - and the grunt next to Charlotte snarled at us to back off or they'll cut her throat.

Charlotte stared at him in disbelief that they were still 'playing that game', and the grunt stupidly stuttered that it was what their boss told them to do. Charlotte scoffed to ignore Sirius's orders for now, and said she'll introduce them to us. She introduced me and Cain to the grunts, whose names were Simon and Tara. Simon and Tara already knew who I was (I obviously didn't) because I beat them multiple times already. Cain was shocked that Charlotte made friends with Team Meteor - but Charlotte shrugged that they were people too, but they just happened to have different perspectives. Cain urged that we must hurry - but Simon stopped us, saying that he can't just let us go. Without any choice, me and Cain battled these two hooligans... and with no surprise, we beat them again.

Tara was annoyed that they were defeated again, and Cain wondered why they joined Team Meteor in the first place. Simon admitted that their doings are not normal, but when it is completed, he will be living a better life. Tara exclaimed that Team Meteor is going to rebuild the world - and they will earn a place at the top later by contributing to their progress. Cain asked what is going to happen with the current world - and Simon coldly replied that it is going to be erased forever. Charlotte wished them luck, and told us we have to move on and save the others. Simon and Tara looked helpless as they weren't supposed to let Charlotte go like that. Charlotte asked us if we had rescued Shelly, but I replied that we couldn't because the guards down there was threatening us. Charlotte grunted, and headed downstairs. We followed.

Charlotte was facing the grunts, who were threatening to hurt Shelly again. Charlotte remained calm - and told them to do as they wished, which left Shelly in shock. Charlotte coldly stated that Shelly was not her sister - and she only came down to flick a switch that granted us passage to the next floor. The grunts seemed to be quite confused too - and shouted that they really will hurt her - but Charlotte's expression didn't change at all. She calmly flicked on the switch - and in a flash, quickly grabbed Shelly and ran backwards when the grunts weren't focusing. Shelly was in tears again - thinking that Charlotte really wanted her dead. Charlotte replied that was nonsense - and she respected Shelly for assisting her escape from the orphanage. She apologized for pulling a risky trick like this - but that was the only option to safely rescue her. With that, we left the dumbfounded grunts behind - and made our way to the next floor.

On the next floor, Noel was imprisoned inside a cage - and Charlotte taunted the guards that it was one classy method. She wondered what kind of corporate building has these metallic cages and the guards laughed that this wasn't a corporate building for a long time. He continued to explain that Yureyu wasn't destroyed by earthquakes but Team Meteor infiltrated the company slowly over time - and they shut them down for good. Noel exclaimed from inside the cage if that meant Meteor destroyed Reborn City by shutting the Power Plant. The guards confirmed his theory and they were about to do it again by shutting down Julia's Power Plant, but someone (a.k.a me) got in the way, and they were seeking revenge.

Yeah, keep dreaming about your revenge, because I beat you again! Noel told us that Anna and Heather were taken upstairs along with the Doctor and the other scary guy - probably referring to 'Sirius'. Charlotte assured that me and Cain could take care of them (what?), and she told us in the meantime, she will try to figure out how to unlock Noel from his cell. Noel mentioned that they took something called the Amethyst Pendant from Anna - and it was a priceless piece of treasure which their real father gave her. I wondered if the jewelry had any connection with the Ruby Ring Corey told me about earlier.

On the next floor, I found Sigmund and Heather. Sigmund still remained calm - confessing that he was lucky to have met Team Meteor, as they captured his patients for him again. In return, he had to retrieve a Ruby Ring from Heather (which made me gasp), and he was holding her hostage for questioning later, although it is going to be futile because she has lost the will to speak. Cain shouted that the person that made her that way shouldn't talk - and the doctor denied that Heather has only lost her will to speak, not the power to. He asked if we were intending to fight him, and while Cain accepted, I shook my head. Cain seemed puzzled at my actions, but the doctor stepped away - and he allowed us to move on.

On the top floor was Anna and Sirius. Sirius was sneering that he has obtained the Ruby and the Amethyst, and Anna was desperately trying to get her pendant back since it was the only thing her father left behind. Sirius continued to sneer to her that her father was always a fool, and Anna was shocked to realize that Sirius knew her father. Cain shouted that he has done enough, and the eye-patched man was unimpressed that the doctor has failed to prevent us from proceeding. He accused us for not knowing the true power of these jewelry items, and he will not allow such items to be relinquished for mere sentimentality...









The battle began as Sirius sent out his Hitmontop and Chandelure. The two Pokemon ganged up on Cain's Nidoking with Mach Punch and Psychic, while we also did the same to the Hitmontop with Root's Will-O-Wisp and Nidoking's Thrash. Fortunately for us, the teamwork on Sirius's team was extremely poor. Another Psychic took out Nidoking - but High Jump Kick failed to hit Root because of her ghost-typing! The Hitmontop fell to a Shadow Claw, and Sirius angrily tossed out Manectric.

Manectric's Ice Fang-Fire Fang combo took Root out, while Chandelure confused Cain's Samurott, and followed up with Heat Wave. Samurott did manage to break through and get a Night Slash off on the Chandelure, which damaged about half of Chandelure's HP, and Revenge on Manectric - which hardly did anything. Donar came in, and put Chandelure to sleep - while Samurott finished it off via Night Slash - simultaneously taking Manectric's Ice Fang. Honchkrow was next - and proceeded to KO Donar with Brave Bird as it dodged his Sleep Powder. Samurott also went down to Manectric's Thunder Fang. This was a tough battle for us, it seems. We had to stay on guard though...

Paruto hit the field, and so did Cain's Venomoth - who almost got OHKOed by Manectric's Fire Fang. Cain's Venomoth successfully pulled off a Sleep Powder on the Honchkrow while Paruto prepared for a Dig attack. Venomoth fainted on the next turn via another Fire Fang, while Manectric finally disappeared back into its Poke Ball as Paruto hit it from underground. Despite the ruckus, the Honchkrow remained fast asleep. Seviper was Sirius's next Pokemon while Cain tossed out his Muk. Unfortunately, the combination of Double Kick and Sludge Bomb from our side of the field failed to knock out the Honchkrow - who woke up, and fired off a Foul Play on Paruto. Paruto did survive - but Seviper's Aqua Tail fainted my giant bunny.

All three of us had a few Pokemon remaining. I called upon Jan, and ordered an Ice Fang on the Honckrow, knocking it out. Cain's Muk shrunk itself as it launched Minimize, and it successfully dodged an Aqua Tail from Seviper. Sirius's final Pokemon was Probopass - which was EXTREMELY bulky. Thinking that the evasion increase made Cain a more difficult target to take down, Sirius ordered his Pokemon to direct their attacks to Jan - and a combination of Aqua Tail and a crit Magnet Bomb made Jan retreat - much to my displeasure.

Purugly was called out - and I ordered a Body Slam on the Seviper. It lived with a sliver of health - but Muk's Mud Bomb took its remaining health away, and the snake lay defeated on the ground. Probopass was the only one remaining on Sirius's side of the field, and the man snarled in annoyance. Eventually, the giant nose Pokemon met the same fate as Seviper - as it couldn't handle the constant Shadow Claw and Mud Bomb combo spam, and our long battle finally reached its conclusion.

Sirius grunted that this loss meant nothing - as he already retrieved what he came for. Without giving us time to catch him, he vanished instantly. Anna seemed to be trembling - and she cried that the man ran away with her father's pendant. She seemed upset that the man knew her father, who even she didn't know the identity of, and Cain assured that it was alright. Anna squealed that she is going to go after him, but Cain caught her just before she dashed out - assuring her again that it is going to be alright, and we are bound to see him again soon - but not now, since we have no idea where he ran off to. The three of us then decided we should get out of the building first. Before leaving though, I noticed a key beside the large table in the room. I picked it up and we made our way downstairs - being joined by Heather, Shelly, Charlotte and Noel in the process.

I inserted the key to unlock the giant door that was blocking our way to Charlotte's house. Charlotte was glad they could continue our journey again, but Anna suddenly whimpered - saying that we should hurry, as her Jirachi doll, Nostra wasn't feeling well. Noel turned his head, and said that he actually thought she was the one that was sick - as she looked quite pale. Anna denied this, and said it was definitely Nostra, which made Noel sigh. Nevertheless we hurried, but we came across another obstacle. Another gate as in our way - and Cain screamed that he couldn't believe something else was blocking our path. Shelly seemed to know how to solve this puzzle though, and I moved hastily - trying to set all the railway tracks in the correct way...

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 44

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Rock Smash


Squelch (Muk) Lv. 44

- Gunk Shot

- Mud Bomb

- Pound

- Screech


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 46

- Bug Buzz

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Quiver Dance


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 43

- Bounce

- Dig

- Hammer Arm

- Nature Power


Root (Trevenant) Lv. 44

- Destiny Bond

- Horn Leech

- Shadow Claw

- Will-O-Wisp


Purugly (Dummy) Lv. 50

- Body Slam

- Shadow Claw

- Swagger

- Hypnosis

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ENTRY #17: Vanishing Objects

With our combined efforts, Shelly and I successfully solved the Railnet Puzzle - and the gate opened to let us outside. As soon as we stepped outside, Heather sent her Salamence out of her Poke Ball, hopped on and flew off. Shelly was dumbfounded that she just left without saying goodbye - and Cain offered to go after her, as he still felt uneasy leaving her alone. With that, he left towards the east.

Noel reminded us that Anna was still unwell - which Anna denied for the umpteenth time and said it was Nostra that was sick, not her. Either way, Charlotte decided that they should go to her house as soon as possible - so she lead the way. We had to traverse through Tanzan Mountain to get to Charlotte's house - and we soon realized that there were earthquakes occurring inside and outside of the mountain! Metal junk was also visible throughout the interior of the mountain, which Charlotte said it was something new.

At the end of the pathway was a lush floral plain - and a beautifully azure lake was in the middle. I couldn't help but beam at the sight of such beautiful scenery - but the earthquakes disturbed me from appreciating its beauty for long. A house was coming into view - and Charlotte noticed that eight rings made of flowers were present at the front lawn. She sighed that Laura has been busy again, and I asked her what she meant. She replied it was nothing - and we headed into the house.

Charlotte rang the bell, and a pink-haired girl greeted us. She seemed to recognize Anna and Noel, and was shocked to see all of us here, when the kids are supposed to be at the Orphanage. Charlotte shrugged that they had enough of prison life, and was on the run. Charlotte proceeded to introduce her sister, Laura to me and Shelly, and told her that we helped them escape from the Doctor. She added that we'll be hanging around here for a while too since it probably wasn't safe for us to return to the City as well. Noel cut in - and said that Anna has to lie down. Laura seemed to finally notice how pale Anna looked like - and ushered the twins upstairs.

While they were gone, Charlotte explained to me and Shelly about Laura - how she turned 18 very recently so she was free to leave the orphanage, and it looked like she was busy redecorating their parents' house. Shelly asked Charlotte about what happened to her parents. Charlotte remained silent for a second, and told Shelly that she would rather not talk about it. Realizing her mistake, Shelly hastily apologized, and Laura came back downstairs at that moment - worried about Anna as she seemed to be running an awful fever. Charlotte asked if any medication was available - but Laura shook her head sadly. She stated that the PokeMart in Spinel Town should be selling some though - and Charlotte asked me to get some medicine for Anna (why me??). I guess I had no choice again, so I headed off.

I headed down south, and back towards the Railnet entrance. I turned left though - and entered Chrysolia Forest. Something was wrong in this forest though. It looked like a normal forest - but objects, such as trees and wood seemed to vanish all of a sudden! They didn't seem to completely disappear though - as they reappeared elsewhere in the forest. After circling around a few times, I managed to safely reach Spinel Town - but the vanishing mechanism continued to occur here too - as signposts, bushes and even furniture from someone's house just magically disappeared.

I saw the Poke Mart in the distant - and tried to approach it, but the entire Poke Mart disappeared in front of my very own eyes! The woman near me sighed that even large buildings are starting to vanish now, and wondered what was going on in this town. I looked around - knowing that it won't have gone too far. And to my bewilderment, the Mart was now relocated on top of a giant estate - which also happened to be a gym. Seriously though, WTF is going on here?

I was about to knock on the front door of the large estate, until the door opened right in front of me - and a boy in glasses bumped into me. He called me 'Luna' for some reason. He probably was expecting this 'Luna' because he seemed disappointed that I wasn't 'Luna'. He rudely pushed past me as he was asked to see what the sudden noise was. He looked to see that the Poke Mart ended up on their roof - and shouted to his mother inside that fact. A shocked woman, with blue and violet hair rushed out of the door to see herself, and she realized that was the reason why their balcony door won't open.

She noticed my presence, and introduced herself as Serra, the Gym Leader of this town. She invited me inside, and asked Bennett, her son, to close the door behind us. I told Serra that I had some business in the town's Poke Mart - and Serra wore an uneasy expression - as even she had no idea what to do in this situation. Strange things have been happening in the past few days, and she said all we could do was to hope and pray that it will re-appear somewhere more accessible. She smiled and said I was welcome to stay here until things were smooth. She noticed my badges inside my jacket - and asked if I was a Reborn League challenger. I replied with a yes, and Serra told me that she was the Ice-type Leader. Bennett exclaimed that 'Luna' was also a gym leader - but Serra hushed him - as this 'Luna' wasn't the main theme of their conversation. Bennett ignored her and asked me if I have seen a young girl with pretty blonde hair wearing a fancy black and white dress. I shook my head - and Serra told him, a bit more firmly this time, to stop talking about her.

Serra noticed my puzzled expression - and explained that Luna is her adopted daughter. Apparently she suddenly appeared out of nowhere at her front door - and claimed that Serra was her mother, which is obviously strange because she clearly had only one child - who was with us in the room. I got curious - and asked her where Luna went - and Serra shook her head, saying that she had no clue. She added that everything seemed to slip away from her, and her smile looked extremely lonely. At that moment, the doorbell rung. Bennett went to greet the visitor - who was a man in white hair. He seemed very religious - mentioning 'Lord Arceus' (WHAT?). He introduced himself as El, a servant of the Lord Arceus (I couldn't help resist turning my head for a laugh).

Serra welcomed El - and asked if he was here to query about the Poke Mart too. He denied this, and corrected her by saying he was here to search for his daughter. Bennett seemed shocked, and asked if he meant El, and he conceded. El explained that Luna is a child who has 'lost the Lord's light', and is walking a path of darkness. Because of this, she has denied the fact that he was her father, and hence he was searching for her. Serra's uneasy expression returned - and sighed that unfortunately, Luna wasn't here. El asked if she had any idea where Luna might have gone (don't steal my question!), and Serra gave the same response as she gave to me. Bennett seemed to be quite uncomfortable - and Serra seemed to have noticed this too. She asked if he had any idea where Luna might have gone - and he replied that he doesn't - but he was suspiciously stuttering.

El asked Serra if he could stay in the estate for a while - and Serra replied that it wasn't a problem. In fact, she told him he arrived at a really good time and she pointed towards me, saying that I was looking to challenge her for a badge. Serra asked Bennett to show El to the spectators' seat, and told me that she will be waiting in the arena behind her, also wishing me luck.

Serra's gym had a very unique design - testing me to figure out symmetry problems. I was doing my best to reach Serra, but in the third room, I ran into Bennett and El, and Bennett asked to battle me. He added to not take it offensively - as he requests battles from challengers who tend to battle his mother.









I ordered Paruto to attack with Bounce. Paruto sprang up as the Larvesta charged towards him with Zen Headbutt. The little bug obviously missed his attack - and ended up hitting a mirror instead. Paruto landed on top of the bug - hitting with a massive force - fainting Larvesta. 1 Down.

Urgh that Dustox has Brightpowder. How do I know? Because Root has the 'Frisk' ability! Anyway, Dustox was faster than Root - and he attacked her with a field-boosted Signal Beam - dealing severe damage. Root proceeded to attack with Will-O-Wisp, following with a Phantom Force - as she took another powerful Signal Beam. Both battlers healed our Pokemon - but Root's second Phantom Force was enough to take the Dustox out, although she had to take another Signal Beam in the process.

Purugly was extremely lucky in this match. After missing a Hypnosis, Vivillon's Signal Beam almost OHKOed Purugly! However, Purugly was then blessed by the hax god - as she landed successful Hypnosis and Swagger attacks, followed by a Body Slam. The confused butterfly woke up that turn - but ended up hurting itself, and lowering its evasion! Bennett sensed that the situation wasn't good - so he decided to heal up his Vivillon - but it returned to its Poke Ball after taking 2 Body Slam attacks - the first one scoring a paralysis.

Sorry, Root but I have to sack you off to avoid getting the Intimidate drop on Purugly :(....

Purugly's strategy is pretty much the same for every opponent. Hypnosis-Swagger-Body Slam/Shadow Claw spam. The Masquerain wasn't an exception, and it went down to 3 Body Slams. The same went for Butterfree - although it woke up during the middle, and attempted to put my cat to sleep with Sleep Powder, but it missed haha shame xD (sorry I feel really childish today)

Finally, the battle reached its climax with a Venomoth vs Venomoth situation. His Venomoth was 2 levels above mine... but I had confidence we would prevail! Bennett's Venomoth attacked first with Signal Beam - and it took away about a quarter of Donar's HP. Donar launched a Sleep Powder to put the opposing moth to slumber, and proceeded with 2 Quiver Dances - before launching a +2 Psybeam - which OHKOed the opponent!

El seemed impressed by our battle, and praised us for being gifted by Arceus's light. Pssh old man, I got here with my own skills - not some dumb Pokemon you regard as a God. Bennett seemed to share the same opinion as me - as he denied there being a God. El respected his opinion - but stated that he was dreaming too small. Bennett wondered what he meant by that, and El calmly replied that he recalled Bennett wanting to become a Gym Leader. But, he apparently saw potential in him - and he assured Bennett that with his determination, he could surely rise up to the ranks of the Elite Four. Bennett seemed bewildered by this comment (I wasn't), but stuttered that he still has a long way to go. El said he was correct - but if he trained under him, he will reach those positions in no time. He suggested that they discuss the details elsewhere, and leave me to challenge Serra in peace. El wished me luck as he walked out of the room with the excited Bennett. I have a bad feeling about this...

Serra was waiting for me in the next room, which was a large arena full of mirrors. Just as we were about to begin our battle, El and Bennett appeared in the spectators' seat...

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 46

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Rock Smash


Squelch (Muk) Lv. 46

- Gunk Shot

- Mud Bomb

- Strength

- Screech


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 46

- Bug Buzz

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Quiver Dance


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 45

- Bounce

- Dig

- Hammer Arm

- Nature Power


Root (Trevenant) Lv. 46

- Destiny Bond

- Horn Leech

- Shadow Claw

- Will-O-Wisp


Purugly (Dummy) Lv. 50

- Body Slam

- Shadow Claw

- Swagger

- Hypnosis

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ENTRY #18: The Elegant Beauty Queen


(in spoilers - as it is new E15 content)








Cryogonal was actually easy to take down with Root. Frost Breath almost OHKOed Root, but Root retaliated with Horn Leech - restoring her HP to a little more than mid-way, while Cryogonal was almost OHKOed. Serra proceeded to heal Cryogonal, but another Horn Leech restored the situation - as well as bringing Root back to full HP! Realizing that her healing attempts are futile, Serra ordered another Frost Breath - which almost knocked Root out - but another Horn Leech finished off the giant snowflake Pokemon.

Jynx was an issue... because it outsped Donar, and OHKOes with Psyshock! Hence, I had to sack Purugly off - and get a Body Slam paralysis on this thing - because that was the only way Donar outsped it (I needed a few attempts). After like 5 tries, the Jynx finally became paralyzed. It knocked Purugly out with a Frost Breath - but Donar's Bug Buzz defeated it elegantly.

Glaceon was up next - and this was my perfect chance to set up! If I can just pit to sle... damn it evasion boost. NOO FROST BREATH ACTUALLY KILLED ME F**K... okay back to the drawing board.

Okay, it only took me 2 attempts to kill that Jynx again. Phew.

So, Glaceon was back - and this time, Sleep Powder struck on the first turn! Donar got up 3 Quiver Dances while the Glaceon enjoyed its dream of being the best Eevelution (FYI Glaceon is my favorite Pokemon... but I can't deny that there are better Eevelutions in battle...). I ordered Donar to attack with Bug Buzz... but the attack missed, and Glaceon woke up! But it turned out that was actually good for me, as the Glaceon went for a Mirror Coat! As I found out on the next turn, Bug Buzz wasn't enough to OHKO Glaceon - so Donar would've fainted if that Mirror Coat hit. Fortunately, Glaceon just went for a Signal Beam this turn, which dealt about 20 HP damage. Donar's next Bug Buzz finally took Glaceon out.

Alright, Ice Cream Cone. Urgh, this thing was just as bulky as Glaceon, which probably means a +3 Bug Buzz won't OHK... oh god it missed... that suc... WOW! The attack got reflected in the mirror, and got a critical hit - knocking Vanilluxe out! Whoohoo!

Hi Aurorus! Say hello to Paruto's Hammer Arm! Bye Aurorus!

I could see why Froslass was Serra's ace. It gained +2 Evasion as soon as it hit the field due to its ability and held item, so it was incredibly difficult to hit it. I sacked off Squelch here - so I could get a -4 Defense drop with Screech. Froslass's Frost Breaths hit really hard thanks to the hail boost - so Squelch was taken down in 3 turns. I sent out Jan with the hope of OHKOing the Froslass with Crunch... but THIS DEMON HAS DOUBLE TEAM!! Fortunately, the hax god was with me - so Crunch successfully hit, and the battle was over. Man, if the Froslass used Double Team when Squelch was out... *Shudders*

Serra walked over to me to hand me the Rime Badge and TM79 containing Frost Breath. A sudden rumbling was heard as she finished explaining the badge's function - and Serra seemed to sarcastically comment that the Poke Center probably landed on her roof now. Serra left the room to check what was going on. I followed her - and she has informed me that the Mart has vanished from the roof. She also added that Bennett seemed to have gone also. He has informed her that he has embarked on a journey to become one of the Elite Four. She wore a sad smile, and she assured that she was happy for her son, which seemed quite ironic. I felt pretty bad for leaving Serra alone, because she really seemed lonely - but I had an errand to run, and that was to grab the medicine for Anna.

It seemed that the Poke Mart ended up right outside Tanzan Mountain - which was convenient for me, as I had to pass here to reach Charlotte's house again. I grabbed the Medicine from the shelf, and exited the mart (of course I paid for it), and biked back to the Belrose House.

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 47

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Rock Smash


Squelch (Muk) Lv. 46

- Gunk Shot

- Mud Bomb

- Strength

- Screech


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 48

- Bug Buzz

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Quiver Dance


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 46

- Bounce

- Dig

- Hammer Arm

- Nature Power


Root (Trevenant) Lv. 47

- Destiny Bond

- Horn Leech

- Shadow Claw

- Will-O-Wisp


Purugly (Dummy) Lv. 50

- Body Slam

- Shadow Claw

- Swagger

- Hypnosis

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ENTRY #19: Ambush

Everyone was beside Anna's bed when I returned. I quickly delivered the medicine to Anna. Anna seemed paler than when I left her, so I urged her to drink it. However, she started to pour all the medicine onto her Jirachi doll! Laura exclaimed at what she was doing, while Noel said to Anna rather calmly that she was wasting medicine. Anna replied that it was nonsense - as Nostra has to drink the medicine or she won't feel better. Dumbfounded, the rest of us watched her pour all of the medicine (which I had to go and get...) over Nostra.

Seconds later, Anna cheerfully got out of her bed - overjoyed that Nostra has gone better. Thankfully, Anna seemed better too, so I guess that was all it mattered. Anna turned to me, and thanked me for getting the medicine for Nostra. She wanted to thank me somehow - and said to Noel that he should offer me a gym battle. It certainly was quite an unexpected thing to do, but Anna assured that it was important for me to collect more gym badges. Charlotte told me that I wasn't up to her level yet (really??), so I will have to wait a little longer. Noel seemed unsure - and said that even Nomos thinks that this wasn't the best time. Anna disagreed - saying that Nomos said it was a perfect time for a gym battle (I decided to remain silent). With that, Anna sped off towards the front door - and the rest of us followed rather slowly.

Anna already set up a mini-arena in the front lawn, and I guess I had no choice but to battle Noel. Just as Charlotte (who volunteered to be the referee) was about to commence the match, she noticed something in the air, and called out. I turned my head towards the sky and noticed a woman flying on a Dragonite. This woman, who Charlotte referred to as 'Saphira' seemed to recognize Charlotte and the twins, and noticed that they have escaped from the orphanage. Charlotte added that they escaped thanks to me and Shelly's help, and hence they were able to escape from the Doctor twice. Saphira grunted that it was about to be three times as the Doctor was on his way here along with his orderlies and a team dressed in black - which was obviously Team Meteor. Noel seemed to spot them too in the distance - trying to cross the lake.

Laura was rolling her feet - asking us what we should do in this bleak situation. Saphira replied that she hasn't got a smart plan, but running was clearly not an option for us. She ordered Charlotte, the twins and Shelly to hurry and hide in the house - while she told me and Laura to defend the house, and secure the protection on the kids. She seemed determined to not let anyone touch her family, and fiercely stated that she is going to take down as many Meteors as possible on the water's surface. With that, she flew off on her Dragonite - which started to shoot Hyper Beam towards the Meteor's raft, just visible on the water's surface ahead.

Back inside the house, Noel suggested that they split up into two groups and hide. Charlotte agreed, and she told the others not to worry as Laura and I will handle things well (I thought you were slightly higher in ranking than me, Charlotte? Why can't you protect yourself??). The kids hurried off - with Anna and Noel heading upstairs while Charlotte and Shelly went to the kitchen. Laura advised me to guard downstairs while she will form a defense-line upstairs.

Minutes later, someone broke through the front door. It was the doctor - who wasn't too pleased to see me again. He warned that he will not show mercy like last time, and ordered his orderlies to search the upper floor while he will deal with me.









Paruto was caught off-guard by Jolteon's HP Ice (presumably) - but was able to OHKO it with Dig. I would love to have a Eevelution (apart from Glaceon since I already have it) on my team someday... yeah anyway back to the battle.

Electivire proved to be tough - as its Fire Punch and Ice Punch almost took Squelch down to the red zone. However, a Screech followed by a Gunk Shot was able to OHKO the Electivire! Whoohoo

Luxray was easier than Jolteon - as it was slower than Paruto. Dig OHKOed it - even with the Intimidate drop! Wow my team was putting in the finest today!

Lanturn was quite easy with Root's type advantage. 2 Horn Leeches were enough to faint the bulky water Pokemon - but the Lanturn was able to paralyze Root with Discharge.

Rotom was actually bulkier than I thought. Donar faced some trouble with this plasma thing, but with 2 Quiver Dances up, it... still faced trouble - because I forgot ghost resists bug so Bug Buzz wasn't as effective - but Psybeam wasn't too good either... GODDAMNIT. But eventually, we took the Rotom down as its Discharge and Ominous Winds weren't doing much to Donar who had a +2 SpD boost.

Eelektross was definitely the toughest to take down. It took me several tries - but Root managed to burn the eel, and it significantly lowered the power of its powerful Crunch attack, which almost OHKOed Root. I had to heal stall a little, which was unfortunate, but after a few turns of healing, Horn Leech finally defeated the Eelektross - guaranteeing me victory.

As soon as our battle finished, Sirius stormed in through the front door. Sigmund turned towards him - and asked where all his men were. Sirius angrily grunted that they are probably dead as a witch on a Dragonite shot them down while they were crossing the lake. He seemed extremely furious - and shouted that he will not leave empty-handed. Sigmund suggested that they go searching for the children themselves - and Sirius cunningly smiled - saying that is a good idea - since I can't stop two people at once. Urgh I guess Laura was on the top floor - so I had to leave Sirius to her while I hold Sigmund.

Sirius headed upstairs, and a few minutes later, Saphira burst the front door open. The doctor and Saphira seemed to know each other (obviously), and the two seemed to hate each other pretty well. Sigmund taunted her - saying that her presence indicates that the kids are definitely here - and started calling out for Charlotte. Saphira stated by calling his name that he was wrong, and the doctor wished to be addressed properly as 'Doctor'. Saphira scoffed at the remark - and he suited 'criminal' better. She began to take move towards him, and the doctor backed away - clearly intimidated. I could sense Saphira's rage building up - and when the doctor was facing the front wall, she swiftly released her Dragonite from its Poke Ball and ordered a Hyper Beam!

The doctor was blasted through the wall - and was out of sight. I stared at the massive hole that appeared on the wall, and Saphira chuckled at what she has done. At that moment however, a voice commanding Poison Fang was heard, and just as I was about to figure out what it was, a Seviper was right beside a fallen Saphira. It was Sirius - and I guess Laura was able to hold him off after all. He was still enraged - and said that he is going to promise his words of not leaving empty-handed. Before I could stop him, he took off somewhere with Saphira - and told me to come to his territory if I want to retrieve her.

Laura came rushing downstairs, and was shocked to hear... or see that the wall has been destroyed. I told her that Saphira has been taken, and a voice stated that it was a terrible mistake. Charlotte and Shelly appeared from the kitchen, and grinned that Saphira was probably going to destroy their hideout from the inside-out. But obviously we had to go there to rescue her properly, and Charlotte seemed ready to go. Laura, however had second thoughts - and sternly stated that Charlotte will remain here. Charlotte began to argue - but Laura assured that she doesn't get involved anymore as she is a target to them. So together with Laura, I headed towards Tanzan Mountain, where Laura witnessed Team Meteor installing machinery - indicating that the place was their hideout...

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 47

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Rock Smash


Squelch (Muk) Lv. 47

- Gunk Shot

- Mud Bomb

- Strength

- Screech


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 48

- Bug Buzz

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Quiver Dance


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 47

- Bounce

- Dig

- Hammer Arm

- Nature Power


Root (Trevenant) Lv. 47

- Destiny Bond

- Horn Leech

- Shadow Claw

- Will-O-Wisp


Purugly (Dummy) Lv. 50

- Body Slam

- Shadow Claw

- Swagger

- Hypnosis

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ENTRY #20: Infiltration

A metal gate was blocking our way towards the interior of Meteor's hideout in Tanzan Mountain. Laura began to search around - positive that a switch was present somewhere. Suddenly though, she tripped over some rocks, and the door... magically opened. Laura was going frantic about getting dirty - but I dragged her forward.

We sneaked on - and noticed two grunts were guarding the main entrance. Laura said she will handle this, and she proceeded to release her Lilligant from its Poke Ball. Laura whispered the command, 'Sleep Powder' - and green powders flew towards the grunts, slowly drifting them off to sleep. With the way clear, we progressed inside. We defeated myriads of grunts along the way - and we came across an empty cellar... which seemed to have a massive hole. Laura guessed that Saphira already managed to escape from her imprisonment, and urged me to search for her quicker.

We split up - and I found Saphira in some sort of a control room. She scolded me for coming - as she could have handled the situation herself. I informed her that Laura was here too, and she grunted in frustration. I asked her what she was doing - and she told me she was trying to disable the security system, to open the central gate. At that moment however, two Meteor grunts stormed in, and I defeated them gracefully.

As the two grunts fell in defeat, Saphira managed to successfully disengage the atrium lock. The grunts cried that they have failed - and Saphira grinned rather intimidatingly, confirming this. She actually scared these two away (she probably has built quite a reputation amongst the Meteors by now...), and the two of us proceeded, while Laura joined us in front of a rather important-looking room.

Inside the room was Sigmund and ZEL, with a PULSE Abra machine. Saphira gritted her teeth at the sight of the evil doctor. The two began to quarrel - and the doctor actually lost his temper as Saphira taunted him by using the word 'caring'. It was the first time I saw him lose his calm like this - so that was pretty interesting. Then, a voice was heard near the entrance, asking the doctor if something was the matter. Sirius slided in, and was not pleased to see us, especially Saphira. But he said there were more important matters, and rudely shoved me to the side to talk to ZEL, and he informed the person that 'Lin' was arriving shortly to monitor their progress. Both the doctor and Saphira seemed to be familiar with the name, and Sirius humphed that Lin was the true leader of Team Meteor, and even Solaris answers to her. So someone who was worse than Solaris... who killed Kiki, was in this organization?

Lumi started to stutter - saying that the Abra still won't listen to their commands. Laura demanded to know what they were doing with Abra, and Lumi replied that they are trying to enter a sealed place, so they were trying to utilize Abra's teleportation powers to achieve their goal. Zero angrily complained, however that the sleeping Pokemon was refusing to listen to a single command, but instead has been constantly causing trouble. Laura and I exclaimed that the teleporting mechanism observed in Spinel Town must be due to this Abra, and Eve confirmed our theory to be correct. Sirius hushed her - saying that is enough information, and ordered to focus on taming the Pokemon, or Lin is going to be extremely displeased with all of them. Saphira halted them - saying that we weren't hear to spectate. Sirius laughed, saying that if she really wants to, she could be their 'test subject'. We were wondering what he meant by that, but in a flash, I lost consciousness.

As I opened my eyes, unpleasant smells infiltrated my nostrils. I woke up in what seemed to be a dark, cavern - filled with containers that were leaking green chemicals, which seemed to be corrosive. The earthquakes seemed to be a lot more vigorous in this area - so I proceeded with caution, on the lookout for Laura and Saphira. I found Laura in the next chamber, also lying unconsciously. I woke her up (with a Wake-Up Slap), and the first thing she said was how disappointed she was with her dirty clothing (...). She then asked me where we were, and I replied that I had no clue. She also seemed to notice the foul smell of acid resonating in the area, and she also recognized that these containers look similar to that present inside the Meteor base. She counted that there were seven containers, and shivered slightly, saying that she hates the number. I asked her why, and she hesitantly replied, since she didn't know it was okay to tell me all of this, that odd numbers strangely bother her - and the number eight has always had some significance on her, as it offered her a sense of relaxation and perfection. She continued that the reason why she particularly dislikes the number seven is that back at the orphanage, there was a girl called 'Lin', who was even younger than Anna. She told me that Lin was pretty sadistic, and her hobby was to expose other peoples' secrets and disturbing other people. Lin knew that Laura was fond of the number eight, so Lin would do things that stopped Laura from having eight objects.

I asked if she knew what happened to Lin afterwards, but Laura shook her head. She replied that Lin pulled a trick on Lin one day, and the doctor was extremely mad about that. The last moment Laura witnessed of her was the doctor taking her upstairs while she and the others were locked up in their respective cells. Some says she has escaped while some say the doctor has killed her. I asked if this 'Lin' was somehow related to Team Meteor, as Sirius did mention the person with the same name. Laura said that it was impossible - as she was too young to be involved in such a large organization, despite being pretty malevolent. An earthquake disturbed our conversation - and Laura suggested that we get a move on, and try to search for Saphira.

A brighter opening was awaiting us, as we stepped out of the dark cave. However, we came across a dead end, and Laura was getting worried about Saphira. Just then, a booming voice from below echoed to our ears, and Laura recognized the voice as Saphira's. Saphira shouted that she became stuck at the bottom of the chasm. Laura asked her if she was hurt - and Saphira replied she isn't, but she isn't so lucky in discovering a way up. Just then, an enormous earthquake struck, causing me to tumble to the floor, as I lost my balance. Laura helped me back up, and said that the sources of these earthquakes are somewhere near here. Saphira said that she will try to find a way up, and told us to see if we can find anything related to the earthquakes.

As we backtracked, we were shocked to see a new passage has formed on its own! Saphira wondered what we were surprised about from below, and Laura told her about the new tunnel - as if something really big has just dug through the stones completely. Saphira implied that something extremely big and strong must have caused that to happen, and was extremely close-by. Yet another passage appeared as we backtracked to discover what was going on. Saphira notified us by confirming the containers at the bottom, that was leaking acid, are identical to the ones from the base. Laura wondered how those could have ended up down there, and Saphira guessed that they appeared in the same way as we did. Based on that, Saphira theorized that we weren't far from the Meteor Base, and we're probably somewhere in the depths of Tanzan Mountain. She also added that the sudden injection of the poison probably upset the Pokemon that lived down here - which would explain all the earthquakes, and the source of the earthquakes was probably just trying to retaliate against the Meteors for this toxicity.

Laura said she'll look for another passage - and backtracked. But just then, Laura's scream was heard, and both Saphira and I became alarmed. I was shocked to see Laura lying unconscious on the floor again - and Saphira warned me that something was moving very fast, and it was headed towards our direction! A gigantic Steelix materialized out of the bottom of the chasm within seconds - and let out a deafening roar. Saphira screamed that this Steelix was probably responsible for all the earthquakes, and if we can defeat it, the earthquakes will be subdued...

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 49

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Rock Smash


Squelch (Muk) Lv. 49

- Gunk Shot

- Mud Bomb

- Strength

- Screech


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 52

- Bug Buzz

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Quiver Dance


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 49

- Bounce

- Dig

- Hammer Arm

- Nature Power


Root (Trevenant) Lv. 48

- Destiny Bond

- Horn Leech

- Shadow Claw

- Will-O-Wisp


Purugly (Dummy) Lv. 54

- Body Slam

- Shadow Claw

- Swagger

- Hypnosis

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ENTRY #21: Armored Enemies



Well... this was harder than I thought. Paruto's Nature Power (Rock Smash) and Jan's Rock Smash lowered Steelix's defense by 2 in total. Then, Squelch came in and went for a Screech. Unfortunately, all three of my team members were 2HKOed by the Steelix's Iron Head... which made sense cuz that thing is Level 75 urgh. But then, Purugly came in - put it to sleep, and after a Swagger and Steelix hurting itself a couple of times with its tail, Purugly delivered the final Shadow Claw which defeated the giant creature.

The giant steel snake retreated towards the bottom, shrieking in pain. But strangely, the beast was ascending up towards us again! Thinking that it recovered its strength, I got ready for battle - but I noticed that Saphira was standing on top of its crevice head! She told me to grab Laura and hop-on - and we'll go on a joy-ride. Eventually, we ended up back at the Meteor base main entrance. Saphira firmly stated that Team Meteor has to be stopped, while Laura must make herself back home. Laura began to protest - but Saphira was serious. She turned to me instead, and said she will leave dealing with the PULSE-Abra to me while she will take Laura back home (Laura was whining that she could do it herself, but Saphira shut her up) and join me as soon as possible.

I made my way back to the chamber which hosted the PULSE-Abra. Zero was demanding the Abra to behave itself - while Lumi took a different approach and tried to ask the Abra nicely. In the next second, the Abra teleported ZEL to another tile in the room, and Sigmund sighed that he could guess what the Abra's reply was. Zero was about to throw a tantrum at the psychic Pokemon until he noticed me, and was surprised to see I made my way back. Sigmund suggested that they abandon this project before 'Lin' arrives as she does sound quite menacing. Eve agreed - and if Lin sees that they have failed in maintaining control in Abra, she will be furious. Zero grunted that they can't do a thing right now as they can't even get close to deactivating the machine. Eve suggested to me that I should defeat this PULSE if I wanted to spare the people of Spinel Town with all the confusing teleportation mechanics (wow she wasn't giving me a choice was she?). Zero shouted that he agrees, and was going on about how annoying this thing was, until he disappeared all of a sudden. It turns out that the Abra has teleported him outside of the room - as an angry-looking ZEL stormed through the door again. Zero pleaded me to stop the Pokemon, and I guess I had no choice...



Basically like the Steelix fight - wear the Abra down with other Pokemon (Root's Phantom Force and Jan's Crunch was enough) by using the recharging turn Abra gets from Hyper Beam. Put the Abra to sleep with Sleep Powder, and 2HKO with Bug Buzz!

Sigmund was glad that the Abra was finally silent. He asked Eve if the regions that were affected by Abra's mischief would be restored, and she replied with a nod. Suddenly, Sirius burst through the front door - alerted at the fact that Lin has arrived. He wasn't pleased to see me back here - and Lumi informed him that I helped calm Abra. For the first time, Sirius looked worried - as according to him, Lin will be furious if she knows that there is an enemy amongst them. He shot me a cold look, and told me to pretend that I was one of them. I frowned, asking why I should do that - but he replied that he doesn't like the idea himself, but if he wanted to avoid being ripped to shreds, this was the only way.

Shortly, a green haired woman walked in to the room. She seemed quite familiar, although I couldn't remember where I have seen her before. She coldly ordered to report their progress, and Sirius calmly, although in a intimidated voice that their experimentation with PULSE Abra was not successful. Lin stated he was incompetent, and asked why 'these' were here. Sirius then explained that I was a new recruit - and was a big asset to the PULSE Abra project. I really didn't like the fact that I was referred to as 'these', but Lin stated that he was lying, which shocked all three of us. She asked to explain who the 'other one' is, and Sigmund stepped up to introduce himself formally with Sirius praising him for his achieving the Ruby and Amethyst keys.

Sigmund apologetically asked Lin if they have met before, which Lin replied to be impossible. The reply was so cold that Sigmund stuttered his words. Sirius continued to explain that the other keys are being tracked as well - with Solaris reporting a lead on Sapphire and Elias hunting down Emerald. The name Elias sounded rather familiar too... who was this person? My brain wasn't working too well...

Just then, a giant earthquake shook the whole base, getting Sigmund, ZEL, Sirius and I to lose balance. Lin seemed rather emotionless about the sudden attack. A Meteor grunt hurriedly stormed through the door - reporting that a giant Steelix is tearing the side of the base! Sirius seemed baffled, while I noticed that Lin was looking directly at my eyes. Okay... she was intimidating. She asked me if I happened to know anything about this, and I almost replied that I did. Thankfully, before hearing my reply, she proceeded to exit the room, and said she'll deal with this. Sirius suddenly turned towards me, and urged me to leave right now - since it was better for everyone involved - and I hurriedly shot out of the room, and back to Belrose Mansion.

Everyone was gathered around the table in the living room - all worried about Saphira. Laura seemed to be sighing a lot - and Charlotte told her Saphira is probably the least to be worried about in terms of danger (I kinda had to agree...). Anna agreed, saying that she looked so cool riding the giant Steelix, and wondered if she would give her a ride if she comes back. Noel sighed that she fell off the Steelix at the top of Tanzan Mountain, and while he hates to admit it, she probably won't come back ever. Anna slapped him in the back to stop being silly, but Noel stated that he was being serious and even Nomos agrees with him. Charlotte still seemed untouched about the situation - as she assured that Saphira doesn't go down so easily, and that applies to all of her family members.

Then, Shelly asked a rather rude question of what happened to her parents. Charlotte's smile suddenly faded, and quietly whispered that nothing has happened. A moment of silence was heard, and Charlotte tried to change the subject by asking who the woman with the Hydreigon was. I assumed that she was referring to Lin. Anna apparently didn't see this woman too, as Noel explained to her that wild (if there was one) Hydreigons don't just randomly attack people. I told everyone that her name was Lin - and Charlotte scratched her head, stating that the name sounded extremely familiar.

Anna asked me if I didn't happen to get her Amethyst pendant back, and I replied that I couldn't, but I found that they were using it as a some sort of key. Anna asked what she meant by that, and Shelly suddenly jolted in shock - which left everyone with question marks. Shelly explained to us she just remembered an old story she has read - which described an ancient city which was built around the crash site of a fallen meteor. The temple that housed the meteor was sealed by four crystal keys - ruby, sapphire, emerald and amethyst. But eventually, the city fell into ruin, and it was thought to be lost. Shelly exclaimed that it was possible that Team Meteor was predicting that Anna's pendant was actually the Amethyst Key to the ruin. Noel seemed shocked - as that would mean that the ancient city became Reborn. Shelly also exclaimed that explains the reason why the organization blew up the Grand Stairway - as a huge cavern (confirmed by me) with a ruin at its base was discovered.

Anna stated that Heather's Ruby Ring must be one of those keys too - and Laura said that only left Emerald and Sapphire. Anna determinedly stated that they must stop Team Meteor - as whatever they were wishing to achieve with those keys wouldn't be good. Charlotte seemed to be lost in thought - mumbling that if those 'keys' were disguised as jewelry, she might have seen the Sapphire counterpart. She asked Laura if she remembers the Sapphire Bracelet their father gave her as a present for her birthday. Laura nodded - saying that she remembers, but she sadly said she lost it when their parents have died. She added that the jewelry probably didn't survive the burning flames too, and Anna wondered what fire she meant. Laura began to explain that during their youth, Charlotte did something - but Charlotte seemed offended by that remark, and ran out of the house. Laura called out to her, and followed the red-haired girl out.

The four of us were left with an awkward silence, and Anna broke the ice by saying that we should finish up what we were going to do before. I asked what she meant by that - and she slapped me in the back, saying that I was about to have a Gym Battle with Noel before Saphira showed up. Noel sighed, and he supposed they should if it was necessary, and all of us proceeded out to the front lawn...

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 49

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Rock Smash


Squelch (Muk) Lv. 49

- Gunk Shot

- Mud Bomb

- Strength

- Screech


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 52

- Bug Buzz

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Quiver Dance


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 49

- Bounce

- Dig

- Hammer Arm

- Nature Power


Root (Trevenant) Lv. 48

- Destiny Bond

- Horn Leech

- Shadow Claw

- Will-O-Wisp


Purugly (Dummy) Lv. 54

- Body Slam

- Shadow Claw

- Swagger

- Hypnosis

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ENTRY #22: The Prodigy








Noel lead off with Wigglytuff which launched a Dazzling Gleam towards Squelch, dealing pretty much negligible damage. It was gifted with a Gunk Shot as a reply from Squelch, fainting the balloon Pokemon.

Porygon-Z was a tough challenge. It attacked Donar with a Tri Attack - which was lucky for me as a Psychic from this thing would have OHKOed Donar. After taking a LOT of damage, Donar performed his usual trick of Sleep Powder-Quiver Dance combos. Unfortunately, after 2 Quiver Dances, Porygon-Z woke up and fired off a Psychic - but thanks to the boost gained from Quiver Dance, Donar survived! He was now faster too - enabling him to send green slumber-inducing powders towards Porygon-Z again, putting it to sleep once more. Bug Buzz 2HKOed Porygon-Z afterwards. By now, Donar recovered nearly all of his health thanks to the field and Black Sludge, and we were doing well! 4 more to go!

I had to sacrifice Root for Cinccino - as Skill Link-Bullet Seed from this speedy little creature was too much for both Jan and Paruto to take without getting one shotted. Cinccino also packed HP Fire - which it launched towards Root - but it only took away less than half of Root's HP. Will-O-Wisp connected on the Cinccino - and this thing was less threatening. I felt sorry for Root - as her Horn Leech would 2HKOed Cinccino... but rules were rules. She went down to a combination of HP Fire-Rock Blast and Bullet Seed, and I sent out Paruto to deal with the rest. For some reason, the Cinccino attacked Paruto with HP Fire dealing about 40 HP, while Paruto delivered the final blow with Hammer Arm.

Swellow... urgh. This thing has a Flame Orb to activate its Guts, which is deadly. I sent out Jan and I was preparing for a deadly attack which was.... Steel Wing? Really? That didn't even scratch Jan! Meanwhile, Jan dug through Swellow's body with fangs that radiated frosts of cold air which took two-thirds of the bird's HP. And as I predicted, the Swellow became burned thanks to its held-item. The Swellow's eyes suddenly turned sharp - and it shot a Facade - which left Jan with just 7 HP! Okay, I'm sorry for taunting you earlier :(!! Luckily, Jan's second Ice Fang connected - and the bird was knocked out. That was close!

Girafarig would have been easy... if Sleep Powder hadn't missed. GODDAMNIT - Donar fainted to a Psychic from Girafarig, and I was forced to use my Cotton Candy while I sent Purugly out to stall for time. I ordered Purugly to deliver a Body Slam, which paralyzed the normal-psychic Pokemon - and Noel ordered the Girafarig to deliver consecutive Thunderbolts - which eventually took down Purugly. I sent the revived Donar out, and a Bug Buzz was enough to finish this round.

Clefable, which was Noel's ace, was taken down easily with Squelch - who was clearly at an advantage. Hidden Power did score a super-effective hit on Squelch though - so I'm guessing it was HP Ground. Noel attempted to recover the enormous amount of health lost to a Gunk Shot with Ultra Potions and Softboiled, but healing had limits, and the fairy Pokemon eventually succumbed to the toxic power of my Pokemon.

Noel praised me for my efforts in this match, and he gave me a Standard Badge and TM10 (Hidden Power). Just as I was putting the newly acquired badge in my badge case, Laura showed up - asking if she has missed anything. Anna excitedly stated that I just won a match against Noel, while Shelly asked how Charlotte was. Laura replied that she was fine, but it would be best to leave her alone right now. Anna asked if it was alright if she could continue with the story she started but hadn't finished - and Laura reluctantly told us that there was an accident when Charlotte was very young. Five people lived in this house - Laura and her sisters, and their parents. Charlotte liked to sneak out of the house late every night - to play in the garden or stare out at the lake. But one night, she was playing with her Vulpix, and a sudden fire spread quickly. Fortunately for Laura, Saphira woke her up and rushed her out just in time - but her parents weren't so lucky. Ever since then, Saphira has taken over the role of looking after Laura and Charlotte - making sacrifices to protect her family at all costs. Laura was in tears by this point - stating that she wouldn't know what to do if Saphira was gone. She then began to apologize that she shouldn't cry since she was an adult now, but Anna walked up to her, and patted her on the back - saying that crying is not a childish thing to do - and tears are people's way of getting the sadness out of one's body. She suggested that we all go inside, and have a small break to relax a little. We agreed, and headed inside...

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 49

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Rock Smash


Squelch (Muk) Lv. 49

- Gunk Shot

- Mud Bomb

- Strength

- Screech


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 52

- Bug Buzz

- Sleep Powder

- Psybeam

- Quiver Dance


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 49

- Bounce

- Dig

- Hammer Arm

- Nature Power


Root (Trevenant) Lv. 48

- Destiny Bond

- Horn Leech

- Shadow Claw

- Will-O-Wisp


Purugly (Dummy) Lv. 54

- Body Slam

- Shadow Claw

- Swagger

- Hypnosis

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  • 2 weeks later...

ENTRY #23: Lush Paradise

While Anna and Shelly were comforting Laura, Noel tapped me by the shoulders - and asked if he could have a word with me in the other room. I followed him upstairs, and asked what's up. He took a deep breath - and told me that we can't sit here and wait for Saphira to come back home, since there is a high chance that she didn't survive the fall from Tanzan Mountain. I asked him if he was suggesting that we all go and look for her, but he shook his head. He said that Anna will never let him go and do such a thing, so he firmly asked me to go look for Saphira. It's always me that has to do the hard work eh...

Just as I was about to agree, a sound of an explosion was heard far away. From downstairs, Anna was exclaiming at the fact that the top of Tanzan Mountain just exploded, and Noel whispered to me that I should hurry with my task. I bid farewell to the three girls who were still in awe, and left once again to Tanzan Mountain.

Oddly enough, the left metallic gate, which has been sealed was torn apart. Seeing that this was the only section of the mountain that I haven't explored yet, and there were no sign of Saphira anywhere else - I decided to proceed. As I continued, a loud noise was heard from the right wall - and within a second, a large hole appeared, and a purple-haired woman burst out. It was Saphira!

She seemed to have noticed my expression - and grinned that she wouldn't go down so easily. Her grin turned into a bitter smile as she admitted that Lin caught her off-guard, and wondered how she knew about her sisters and herself. I asked her what else she has done - and she smiled that she snuck back in and terminated the Meteor base. She added that she had something to give me - and she presented me with the Ruby Ring and the Amethyst Pendant. I was confused at why she was handing me these objects as I thought she knew that the pendant belonged to Anna. Saphira nodded that she already knows that the pendant is Anna's - but if she would give it back to her, it will paint a target on her back again. Since the Meteors will be desperate to seize these objects again, Saphira asked me to take the jewelry pieces and leave, while she will take the others to the North - where Charlotte and her gym lies. She asked me to take care, assuring me that we'll meet again soon. With that, she made her leave.

Upon exiting the mountain, a lush, green forest welcomed me. It was nice to see more natural scenery - and the atmosphere here seemed rather calm. As I proceeded to Route 1, I saw some Heracross flying by, and as I was gazing at the beetle Pokemon gracefully landing, I bumped into... urgh this asshole.

Fern bragged that he already has eight badges now, and he laughed that how he already overtook me. I snickered that having more badges doesn't mean that he was better than me, and he taunted me to prove it in a battle...









I was going to burn the Fraxure... but that thing used Taunt! OMG I got pro-played by Fern!

Fraxure began to then set-up with Dragon Dance - and the following Dragon Claw took two-thirds of Root's HP. However, Root retaliated with Horn Leech, followed by Phantom Force - and the combination of those attacks knocked the dragon Pokemon out.

I REALLY don't like battling Fern's Roserade with Donar because its bloody HP Fire and Extrasensory perfectly counters him extremely well. I had to sack Purugly here - as I put the menacing grass Pokemon to sleep and confusion with Hypnosis and Swagger. As Purugly went down to 2 Extrasensory attacks from the awakened Roserade, Donar stepped in - and a Psybeam was enough to faint the thorn Pokemon. Unfortunately, Donar had to take an Extrasensory attack from Roserade too - leaving him only with 5 HP.

Paruto use Hammer Arm! Squish that crocodile that looks like its wearing sunglasses! Oops its a crit-OHKO

Purugly stalled the Ferrothorn to death. Hypnosis + Swagger + Flash is an extremely annoying combo to pull off - and with Power Whip having a low accuracy in the first place, none of Ferrothorn's attacks contacted Purugly - and the confusion damage from 3 Swaggers made Ferrothorn knock itself out.

Scyther was quite easy to defeat with Jan. 2 Ice Fangs clipped the prime mantis's wing - but it was able to manage to get off an X-Scissor and Slash attack before going down.

Serperior wasn't as intimidating (THANKFULLY!). A Bug Buzz following a Quiver Dance OHKOed the Serperior. Dragon Pulse thankfully did negligible damage, so the final match was pretty dull compared to the rest of the battle.

Fern seemed annoyed that he lost - but he tried to brush it off as if it was nothing. I really should be getting used to this toad's attitude. Top Dog HA more like Top Hog. Fern informed me that a city called Agate is not accessible as guards who let people through were asleep. He left - and said as left that he is going to track down the Normal Gym Leader - whom I already beaten. I HOPE NOEL CRUSHES YOU FOR GOOD!

I tried to reach the castle Fern was talking about earlier, and while I was exploring Aventurine Woods, I came across a red-haired woman talking with a Meteor Grunt! They seemed to be having a deep conversation. The grunt seemed to be excited about something, as he dashed off to the other side of the forest. The red-haired girl noticed my presence as she watched the grunt run off. In a warning tone, she told me not to assume I know exactly what's going on, and keep my nose out of her business. With that, she followed the grunt - deeper into the forest.

Eventually, in the eastern side of the forest, I came across a garden labyrinth. After some time navigating my way around, I reached a castle called Vanhanen Castle - indicated by the sign at the entrance. Upon entering, a blonde girl greeted me at the door who welcomed me and ushered me through. Before following her, I used the healing machine near the entrance to restore my Pokemon's health.

The blonde girl lead me to a large living room - and told me that her 'master' will join us shortly. Just then, a man with yellow curls and a Gardevoir entered the room through a near door. The man asked if a new challenger has arrived, and to my surprise, the Gardevoir introduced herself to me with perfect English! She seemed to notice my astonished expression, and giggled that I must have never seen a communicating Pokemon. The man chuckled also - and explained further that this Gardevoir is very unique as she is able to project her thoughts in English superbly.

The man introduced himself as Radomus - and he was the 'lord' of this castle. He re-introduced his Gardevoir again, as 'Gossip Gardevoir', who seemed to be very popular in the broadcasting industry, and finally introduced me to his daughter, Luna - who was the blonde girl who escorted me inside. Luna thanked her father for the warm words, and assured me that as the castle's maid, she will do her best to make my stay as comfortable as possible.

I opened my mouth to introduce myself, but Radomus already seemed to who I was. As I gasped in surprise, Gardevoir giggled that as Gossip Gardevoir, it was her job to know things however minor they are. She continued to recount my stories with the Meteors, my victory over several gym leaders and the little prison break from the orphanage. I was dazzled at how much she knew about me - but Radomus and Gossip Gardevoir grinned and told me not to worry. I told Radomus that I was hear for a Gym Battle, and Radomus nodded that he assumed it to be so. Before accepting my challenge though, he wanted a private word with me, so he asked Luna and his Gardevoir to excuse us for a bit. Luna left at once, while Gardevoir tried her best to see if she can also be left behind - but as Radomus remained quite stern, Gardevoir left the room, looking slightly disappointed.

I watched the talking Pokemon trot along - and Radomus told me that I don't have to worry about her as she is mostly harmless. I asked him what he wanted to discuss about - and Radomus replied that he wanted to know if I have met Luna's father, called El. I recalled the white-haired man whom I met back in Spinel Town - and I suddenly remembered that him asking Serra if his daughter was here. Confused, I asked Radomus if Luna was really El's daughter, and Radomus nodded. He explained that Luna appeared one day at the foot of the castle, and claimed him to be her father. She directly moved herself right in - without waiting for Radomus's approval, but Radomus didn't seem to mind this as his own family has been gone for a while, and he really didn't mind some company.

Radomus continued to explain that Luna was a very strange girl - as she fancies herself a maid, and thereby acts like one. He added that Luna and Gardevoir became fast friends - and it was impossible for him to dismiss Luna now. He turned to me and asked what impression I got from meeting El, who has been calling more than once to reclaim Luna - which Radomus dismissed. He suspects that there must have been a hint of abuse in her past or else, she would not have fled from her birth-father. He said he was determined to protect Luna from El.

Just then, Luna returned to the living room - informing us that another guest has arrived. Radomus told her to show them in - and wondered who the guest might be. To my surprise, it was Cain - and he seemed to be quite happy to see me. Radomus seemed amused - and asked if he came for a gym battle. Cain replied with an energetic 'yes' and told me he finally arrived after getting side-tracked by some other business. I asked if he did manage to catch up with Heather at the end - and he nodded. He told me that she ended up being adopted by someone called Blake in Ametrine City, which I had no clue where it was. I asked if that was alright - and Cain shrugged that she seemed happy about it, so he had no right to intervene.

Radomus sighed that there seemed to be lost girls all over the place, and Luna asked what he meant by that. Radomus grinned that it was nothing - and faced the two of us, saying that there were two challengers here but only one gym. Cain suggested to me that we have a battle, and the victor gets to challenge Radomus first. I agreed - and our battle started!



089MS.pngvs089MS.png(HP + Attack)

049MS.pngvs094MS.png(Special Attack)


049MS.pngvs503MS.png(Special Attack)



Okay. Round 1 - Muk vs Muk!

I ordered Squelch to unleash a Mud Bomb - but unfortunately it wasn't doing much damage. Cain's Muk retaliated with Sludge Wave - but that hardly did anything either. Reconsidering my strategy, I ordered Squelch to attack with Screech to harshly lower the opposing Muk's defense. Cain seemed to notice this trick however - and ordered his Muk to shrink itself with Minimize! Eventually though, after 2 Screech Attacks followed by a Strength attack - Cain's Muk returned to its Poke Ball - leaving Squelch as the winner!

Gengar was up next - and it attacked Donar with Focus Blast - which Donar laughed at. Donar rose to the air, performing a Quiver Dance - and he froze in mid-air. With all his focus, Donar unleashed a Psychic attack on the Gengar, who Donar outsped thanks to the Quiver Dance boost, and the phantom Pokemon was down in one hit.

Galvantula was a new addition to Cain's team - and I sent out Paruto to deal with this electric spider. Hidden Power dealt super-effective damage on Paruto - so I guessed it was Hidden Power Ice. I told Paruto to counter with Dig - but unfortunately, the attack wasn't enough to one shot the Galvantula. Cain used his Moomoo Milk to restore his Galvantula's health while Paruto prepared for another Dig attack. A critical hit resulted this time, and the electric spider was defeated!

Samurott was up next, which showed that the baby Oshawott Cain rescued at Coral Ward has reached its final stage. Donar elegantly flapped his wings to release Sleep Powder - putting the Samurott to slumber. While it was asleep, it managed to get another Quiver Dance up - and flapped his wings exuberantly to unleash a Bug Buzz. Samurott woke up this turn and landed a Night Slash onto my moth - but Donar shook it off, and attacked with another Bug Buzz - making Samurott faint.

Root burnt the Nidoking - which dealt heavy damage to Root prior to burning with a crit Poison Tail, and from then, Nidoking couldn't really hurt Root thanks to the sharp attack drop. After healing her with a Berry Ice Cream, I ordered Root to attack with Horn Leech - and after two turns, the Nidoking was down, and Root remained standing with a bit more than half of her health in tact.

Cain was obviously greedy with his last Pokemon, Absol - as he ordered it to perform a Swords Dance. Meanwhile, Paruto didn't like the way the disaster Pokemon boosted its attack - and attacked it with a Hammer Arm - making it return to its Poke Ball before it could launch a single attack.

Cain didn't seem to mind that he had to wait and wished me luck in the battle. As Radomus was about to speak, Luna re-entered the room, asking Radomus if Gardevoir was with him as she couldn't find where she has disappeared to. Radomus frowned - stating that he thought she was with Luna. Luna's expression grew worried as she informed us that she was in the foyer when Cain arrived. With that, Luna rushed out to the foyer while Radomus was mumbling something playing 'black' in this game. Luna returned shortly with a note in her hand - which she delivered to Radomus as it was addressed to him. Radomus wondered who the letter is from, and Luna told him that the person who delivered the letter was dressed in a light robe - but she failed to recognize him.

Radomus took the letter from the little girl's hands, and began to read through it. The letter started off strange with the title, 'To one Radomus Vanhanen'. Radomus seemed to be confused by this remark too as it implied there was another Radomus around. The letter turned out to be a threat letter - informing Radomus that the sender of the letter has captured Gardevoir and if he wants to see Gardevoir again, he will have to return his daughter to him. It was obvious that the letter was from El. Radomus didn't seem to be too taken back from the letter - as he simply tut tutted that no polite ending was added to the letter.

Luna hesitantly stated that El wasn't her father, and Radomus was. She begged Radomus to not send her away. Cain couldn't believe that she was captured in front of our eyes (to which I agreed to), and Radomus stated that whoever sent the letter must have waited for a diversion, such as our battle, to seize his chance of an unnoticed capture. Cain grunted in frustration - saying that we have to get Gardevoir back home. Luna agreed - turning to Radomus and asking him if he was willing to find her best friend. Surprisingly, Radomus didn't answer right away.

Cain, Luna and I began to discuss where the culprit could have taken Gardevoir to. Radomus interrupted Luna's words as he expressed his opinion stating that there was no need to do anything. All of us were shocked by this comment - and Cain angrily accused Radomus for not caring about his Pokemon. Radomus stated that was false, and he does care for his Pokemon, but that is the very reason why he doesn't need to act. Confused and frustrated, Cain burst out of the living room - shouting that he will find her if Radomus won't do anything, and Luna tried to follow him. However, Radomus ordered her to stop - saying that it will not be alright to put herself in danger as she is the one that the culprit ultimately wants. With that, Radomus twirled on the spot (SAILOR MOON?), and to my astonishment, Radomus was dressed in a completely different fashion - which imitated a detective. Leaving me dazzled and wondering how he managed to do that so quickly, Radomus left the room.

Current Team:


Jan (Feraligatr) Lv. 56

- Water Pledge

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Rock Smash


Squelch (Muk) Lv. 55

- Gunk Shot

- Mud Bomb

- Strength

- Screech


Donar (Venomoth) Lv. 57

- Bug Buzz

- Psychic

- Sleep Powder

- Quiver Dance


Paruto (Diggersby) Lv. 56

- Bounce

- Dig

- Hammer Arm

- Nature Power


Root (Trevenant) Lv. 55

- Destiny Bond

- Horn Leech

- Phantom Force

- Will-O-Wisp


Purugly (Dummy) Lv. 56

- Body Slam

- Shadow Claw

- Swagger

- Hypnosis

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