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Fondest Memory of playing Pokemon


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I think mine would have to be finding a shiny Wurmple in the grass just before entering the town that has the gym your dad is in for the first time in Pokemon Emerald. However I think the greatest nostalgia throwback was getting ORAS and in the same grass area I found a shiny poochyena in the very beginning of the game. Those are the only two random shinies I have happened upon and I am very proud of them. <3

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Can we just stop and talk about Kyogre vs Groudon in Pokemon Emerald? That was so intense for 7 year old me.


That was the game that brought me into Pokemon, and that whole Groudon vs. Kyogre moment with Rayquaza coming to stop them was one of the huge selling points.

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Me and a childhood friend would stay up all night playing Ruby and Sapphire and pretend we were adventuring together. We'd go gym to gym, and even take a break from that to train at the same time. Nothing else really compares to that for me. The thing I remember most is when we caught our Lati twin of choice, mine being Latias. We spent all night training them in Victory Road, and we had a blast doing it.

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In Reborn: That moment when i successfully Horn Drill'd 3 of Noel's pokemon with my Seaking and having the other of his pokemon suffer to Azumarill's Rollout.

In XY: That moment when my Delphox and Blastoise finally reached Level 100. It was awesome!!!

Those two were my fondest memories. :)

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Well my most memorable in playing pokemon was my lvl 78 Torterra in pokmn diamond

I really leveled it up early in the game so it was no surprise I SWEPT Cynthia's team XD XD


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Finally catching Mewtwo after several tries when I was a kid, to have it all go do the drain when my brother threw my gameboy in the bathtub. Broke my little heart...

Also feeling all the emotions at the end of all the PMD games. My heart wasn't ready then, it won't be ready now.

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^Hopefully my kid enjoys games and pokemon, cause I'd totally play with them. Dead serious.

I remember in 4th grade, me and my friend both bought our gen 2 games(me silver, him gold) along with our link cables and GBCs, This was back during the apex of the pokemon phenomena and it was a free day in class, so like nearly the entire class watched our battle, like half on each side trying to backseat battle and telling what the other was going to do and cheering and whatnot, I think we even used the box legends too in our battle just to make it extra epic.. It was pretty awesome and the kids were getting really hype too, just totally fun. I ended up winning due to my Feraligtr making his flinch with bite as he opted for slash instead. I remember he had Gligar too, and I had Ampharos who rocked the house as usual. It was fun for both of us but i'm not going to lie, that win felt good since we'd been itching for that fight for a while.

For Reborn? Beating Shade and Charlotte for the first time in my first run, because those two were like the biggest roadblocks for me and forced me to revise my entire team and SO. MUCH. GRINDING. Now on my current playthrough I did have a total WHATJUSTHAPPENED moment where fighting serra I got her down to her last mon(this is like the 4th or 5th attempt) which was that dreadful frosslass and my electric terrain just ran out during hail so I'm like :[ when it gets two evasion boosts. She takes out Ampharos immediately and I'm left with a yellow health Magneton who's too freakin slow to hit her.before she can off him. I'm like WHELP, she uses shadow ball

and it misses.

I'm just like 0_0 NO WAY THAT JUST HAPPENED. Mageton wasn't holding anything either, I just got really, really REALLY lucky. Even better? Flash cannon actually hits her because of field effects and one shots her completely, winning me the battle. By far my luckiest win yet.

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My fondest memory was beating fire red with my charizard(I was young, I didn't bother with a six Mon team). After so many frustrating tries getting through lance I thought I had won. Of course not. Gary oak was there. Cue more frustration until I finally beat the jerk. God felt so happy. Thank you charizard!

In case of PMD it must be when I beat primal dialga. I had no healing items and my nds battery was low and with that theme playing it truly gave the vibe of a showdown. And that ending....

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Oh glob yes yes the PMD 2 feels, I feel you all there.

I remember the shock I got when Dusknoir suddenly went bloop bloop and took us to the future with him.

I also remember those times when I first got my copy of Yellow.

Back then, I was still very new, and I didn't know lots about Pokemon, of course, so I didn't know the other areas in the game.

I just went until Cerulean I think? But, I suddenly went out and got to Lavender, and Celadon..

And I was so excited to see all those new areas that I spent that whole night roaming around and looking at all the new stuff I've never seen before.

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My fondest memory of Pokemon was completing the National Pokedex on Ruby, playing FireRed and the Genius Sonority Gamecube games Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness to do so mostly single-handedly. I did need to rely on a friend with Sapphire and LeafGreen.

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When Charmeleon first evolved into Charizard back in my very first Pokemon Blue run. I was like, 6 or something, there was no Bulbapedia at the time, and I knew nothing about the game mechanics, so I was literally discovering stuff as I went. And the trepidant wait for my starter to reach its fully evolved form, and the joy when it finally did, and it was a badass DRAGON and I felt so awesome because I had managed to train it to that point despite it being said that the Charmender line is the hardest to train in RBY (which is true btw). I have played more Pokemon games than I can count since then, but the genuine, unspoiled thrill of not knowing when and/or into what my starter was going to evolve, the emotion as I held my breath as it finally did, and the joy to see what an awesome Pokemon I finally had in my hands, those are emotions I have never felt again, because every other Pokemon game I have played, I have done so while knowing in advance what I was gonna do, what Pokemon I was gonna catch, which moves I was gonna teach them.

It was the quest to once again eel that thrill that lead me to embark in numerous failed fangame project, then to come to Reborn, and finally to get Se7en started...

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My friend used to dominate competitively at my school in 6v6 OU singles. I challenged him to a rotation battle and used a pretty gimmicky strat and I won.

Then he challenged me again and destroyed my life.

Didn't you say this before?

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