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How does Route 2 work?


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I don't understand what am I supposed to do here. Apparently I need to use a powder on some pokemon but I don't know how. Got the power from the plants but I've no idea how to use it. The only pkmn to interract with are the Crustles from nests but whenever I interract with one it just attacks me. So how do I use the powder???

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In that route there are two types of powders, the rage powder that comes from the red plant & sleep powder which comes from the green plant. You don't really need the rage powder unless you mess up so just focus on the sleep powder. All you need to do is collect some sleep powder, use it on the Crustles which will make them fall asleep, then push them around until you can put them in those little craters on the ground.

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Well it works now but previously even when I had the powder, the dialog to use it did not pop up - the Crustle just attacked.

Anyway now I messed up, used the rage powder to battle it and... the damn thing was shiny. :-D

EDIT: Oh I see now. The poweder wail can't hold both powders at once so previously I must have replaced the sleep powder with the other one and that's why it did not work.

Edited by baldr
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