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What Does Your Name Mean?

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...And right now I'm Poptart because Hilda apparently like Poptarts and that makes me one. I guess.

It still amuses me how your names fit together to make a tasty treat.

seeingas my previous answer relied on my profile page, which I changed, I'll put it here.

I'm a skinny little fuck who once looked like the Elf himself (ha, rhyme). So, being the hipster I am, I pulled a Tyrion Lannister before it was cool and made my weakness into my armour. Or, something like that.

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King comes from my first ever username, Supreme King of Awesomeness, which sounded cool and funny to 12 year old me.

Murdoc comes from the Gorillaz character. Later I found out that the name "Murdoch" comes from a Gaelic word/name meaning "lord."

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^ rofl

Eh, I didn't really have any inspiration for my nickname on here, just a past name I used for Gaming back when I was playing TF2 alot that evolved from an even older game that I used to play when I was a child. it was Pirates of the Carribean Online.

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Rosesong is the name I got when I used a name generator for the Warriors series by Erin Hunter (it's a series about cats in the wild).

My server name, LidaRose, combines my like of the alias 'Rose' and my love of music (LidaRose is a song from The Music Man, sung by a barbershop quartet)

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When I was signing up, I tried thinking of a good name I wouldn't get sick of after a few years. I just looked around my desk thinking, 'usernameusernameusernameusernameusername' until my eyes landed on my drawing book. The how to draw book was "Fantasy Characters" by Dragonart. I took out the fantasy part and tried to think of a magical word to combine it with. I got stuck on warlock and there's my name: Fantasy Warlock. It's magically delicious~

Edited by Fantasy Warlock
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My name is from Fire Emblem: The Sacred stones, Nagalfar (Naglfar in english, but i found that ugly without the extra "a") is the most powerful dark tome in this game, and my favorite, along with his owner.

This is also a reference to norse myhtology, like a lot of weapons in that license. :mellow:

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The DragonMaster part comes from the dragon being my favorite mythical animal and I was playing the Tellius Fire Emblem games at the time, where my favorite character was in the Dragon Master class. (That character being Haar). The Krim part came from my Minecraft account name a friend gave me a few years ago. Neither of us remembers what it really means, but it grew on me enough to use it everywhere in some way.

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Usually, when I register enywhere, I use the name from the alias. It's just a combination of words "honoured" and "fire" that I took from some random fantasy language.

Here however I decided to use my real name. It's unusual enough to work as a nickname in english sites, so I guess it works.

Edited by Jaromir
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Quite frankly, I've used Lost Lore as an alias for a while now, to escape from the old silly usernames I used to use. There's not really much to it besides liking the ring to it, and... I do occasionally get a bit lost myself. In a number of ways. (I'll sometimes look into the lore of things I'm particularly interested in, so I can't say the other half is unfitting, either.)

Shadow420 was about my oldest name (with a number of unfortunate #blaze it jokes on account of the number, which is part of the reason I strayed away from it), Shadow being the name of one of my characters, and 420 being a number she was associated with.

And then when I was still a huge Bleach nerd I went by Espada426. Ah, the good old days. Except that wasn't really all that long ago. The number also really doesn't work with that reference because there are only ten Espada. But, oh well.

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didn't Ark already make this thread

zephyr = a gentle breeze; Greek god of the West Wind

enyalios = derivative of the Greek goddess of war Enyo TIL "Enyalius" is actually the child of Ares and Enyo and is the god of soldiers... or so Wikipedia says anyway. Alternatively, it's another name to call Ares. not that I have a fascination with Ares or the goddess Enyo, actually, the inspiration first came from the mascot of PFH on DeviantArt (a big Pikachu named Enyo)

so I guess it means something like gentle wind god soldier guy thing I dunno lol

Back then I never really did have a set alias. what I did have were multiple accounts on this one website... oops I was just drawing this fictional dark-looking girl with long hair, a chainsaw, a cute star shirt with a turtleneck and no sleeves, and a single wing made out of swirls (if I feel like it, I might upload the drawing some time). After a while, that girl was all I drew, and a bit later I thought: "Hey Zephyr's actually a pretty neat name" and, disregarding the fact that I already had a Centaur OC named Zephyr, named the girl so. To those who don't know, this girl is the same girl who often shows up in my avatar, as well as my current... persona? Whatever the heck people call OCs nowadays, I guess ._.

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huh well i guess i started as user: bvjvbjvbjv because i went to my old comp and saw that that was the first name po had registered. i got jelly bc i was hanging out w/ a few people in a back channel (think the predecessor to AO) and i decided i had a name people could actually recognize. so, i changed to JellyMan. then i dropped the "man" and just went by jelly bc that's what everyone called me by anyway lol. i do kinda regret using this name bc it's not v creative and it's always taken everywhere else, so i've started using my real last name or v shitty names instead (memegod42, dogluvr62, fatstacks80, etc.)

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Well my real name (Kamryn) means crooked nose (even though my mother chose my name from a somewhat famous person but I can't remember their name) however I in fact do not have a crooked nose so don't worry.

My username however was made back when I was a young chitlen only of like 10 years old. I signed up for an account on deviantart under my Warrior name Mossclaw (found on the warrior cats website) however the name was taken so I slapped on a 123 and here I am now. I would change it but my other names all seem very emo like xXMsHeroXx and xXAmericanTrashXx. I would do The-Otter-Queen but I like to keep my tumblr names separate from my other usernames since they could change like any moment.

Not to mention I have awful long term memory so just sticking with one old username is way easier for me.

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My original name AKA the name I came to Reborn with, Xiphera, was just something I made up when I was 13. It doesn't really mean anything, or at least I don't think it does... I mean I guess it might actually exist somewhere, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't. It's not an OC or anything, but originally I did intend that. I just never fell through with making more details other than the name, and the fact "Xiphera" was going to be an Uchiha from the series Naruto.

My next main name was Evans. Which was a reference to Soul Eater Evans, one of the main characters in Soul Eater, and my favorite one at that. I really enjoyed his chill personality, and I'm a rather chill guy myself, and since I was growing tired of my former name, I wanted a change. I wanted something I could hopefully stick with. It didn't last as you can see.

I had a few names after that and even switched back to my first, but the next main name I chose, and the one you see today, Renzo is what I'm sticking with from now on. I chose this name late 2012 IIRC, and I switched to Eren for a while, but no matter what I always came back to Renzo. So, it's my main name. If you couldn't tell I choose all my names based on anime I really like. I'm not a creative person by nature, so it's my only option. Renzo is a side character in Blue Exorcist, and my personal favorite anime character ever. I don't know why, I just really like the guy lol.

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Well my name is exceptionally long and uncommon(Greek Name) Κοκκιμίδης=Kokkimidis. Because of that my little sister coudn't pronounce it so she used Kokis or Koki. Kokis to Kookis to Kookies is just 2 letters away.My highschool teacher didn't like Kokis so he invented Kookies.So there you have it. My name sounds sweet though :P. Trust me I am!!!

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Really it was just random, except for the ending. It's a silent tradition on my mother's side for girls to have "a" at the end, so I copied that tradition into my online name as well. :3

I've been using this name ever since, for years and years. :P

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first of all i have never played skyrim

my name comes from around when that game came out and all the memes came with it

me and my frends were making fun of the "therefor dragonborn" meme by adding that sentence after every statement we made

once while playing a vech super hostile minecraft map we found a sign that said "tacos they are in fact delicious" and i said "therefor dragonborn" as a joke

but we all found the idea of a dragonborntaco to be funny so i made a picture of one in GIMP

so dragonborntacoz became my new username for most things

i changed it to dragoniteborntacoz for this site because its a pokemon

but the picture i made already had dragonite wings

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-> coming from Hestia, a greek goddess. She's the patron of family and kitchen

-> I do like to eat :3

-> In Golden Sun 2 there is a weapon called "Arm of Hestia"

Since I love GS und Hesitias sounds smoother (and more male) than Hestia, I took this name

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