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Move tutor/relearner?..


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I know the tutor got moved.. but is there anywhere that you can reteach a pokemon old moves as of now? It'd come in really handy as opposed to getting reverse candies and leveling the pokemon all the way back up...

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No, unfortunately until after the Kristilline Help center, there is no other way.

Hmm that's a shame.. Ohh well, time to buy a ton of reverse candies...

Edit: UGGHH Jan whyyyyy ;-; I assumed all of the pokemon's movesets were changed to the ORAS version because one of my pokemon learned a move it learns from ORAS but not in X/Y, so I assumed they all did.. But apparently some aren't fixed to ORAS so I just leveled a pokemon down like 18 more than I needed to and already saved.... sigh .-.

Edited by superlucario603
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