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A pokemon with sturdy or prankster and some kind of status move (preferably paralysis) or accuracy debuff is the simplest method for being able to beat him if your current team won't suffice for it. I'd normally suggest getting a magnemite with thunder wave but if you don't already have one I'm not sure it's actually possible to catch one until you're able to return to Reborn City - I think Cottonee is available somewhere after Agate though (not completely sure)? Cottonee can get stun spore and leech seed, with a bit of savescumming you can really easily stun spore turn 1 leech seed turn 2 with the mewtwo getting paralyze haxed on turn 1, at which point you can really easily beat him as long as you have any kind of remotely competent team (truthfully the leech seed shouldn't even be necessary with 5 high leveled pokemon against a paralyzed mewtwo).

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My team right now is, Mamoswine lvl 62 earthquake, blizzard,ancient power, thrash, Empoleon lvl 69,Brick break, surf, hydro pump, drill peck, Drapion lvl 62 Dark Pulse Cross Poison,Rain Dance,Toxic spike, Pyroar lvl 71,flamethrower,endeavor,overheat,crunch. Meowstic(female) Lvl 68, Signal beam, Psychic, Flash, Shadow Ball. And Finally, Torterra level 70, Earthquake Giga drain, crunch Grass Pledge. That's my team right now.

Truth fully, my team isn't the highest level, but as a team in itself, its an amazing team, it just doesn't cover Mewtwo.

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wonder guard troll is the way to beat mewtwo without taking damage (unless someone change mewtwo moveset)

Bring along a Flash Fire Pokemon with Shedinja and keep switching till it struggles, good idea.

If your Torterra have Grass Pledge, make Empoleon have Water Pledge too. Cause why not abuse the field effect?

Remove Dark Pulse with something like Crunch or Knock Off since Drapion is more to a physical, and I think one fire type move for a Pyroar is enough to make space for Hyper Voice which can be learned naturally by leveling up. (With the cost of some spare Heart Scales, of course.)

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